General Info

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge of critical literature that refers to the selected texts and authors.
2. Ability to read, comment, interpret texts and authors


Learning objectives

Der Gesellschaftsroman als Roman par excellence.

Novel analysis skills.
Skills in the history of literary hermeneutics.
Knowledge of the history of the novel between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Knowledge of genre theory.
Knowledge of key figures of nineteenth and twentieth century literature.
Literary essay writing competences: the Kommentar.


Learning objectives

The discipline aims to raise awareness of the different aspects of the cultural and literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the aspects of uniformity and differentiation in the Portuguese-speaking area. The literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries is closely connected with historical-political dynamics. Interdisciplinary dialogue is therefore fundamental.
Students who have attended this course and studied the proposed materials know the literary forms and the most important figures of Portuguese literature; they know numerous aspects and problems of these literatures in their relationship with History; I am able to analyze texts referring them to the historical and socio-cultural context.


Learning objectives

The objective of the course is to provide students with a good understanding of the literary history of the Spanish-speaking countries of South and Central America, and at the same time encourage them to develop an autonomous vision of the reality of the territories analysed. Special attention will be given to Paraguayan literature. At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate that they know how to explain the course topics with competence and independent judgment, and that they know how to describe and contextualize Spanish-American historical-literary issues; have a clear knowledge of Paraguayan fiction.


Learning objectives

The French literature course for Master's students aims to deepen the knowledge and refine the analytical (i. e. stylistic, philological, rhetorical and hermeneutic) tools acquired during the Licence. The monographic programme focuses on the reading and in-depth study of a particular genre, author or work. The aim is to deepen the theoretical knowledge and notions of literary history previously assimilated, with a view to putting them to active use. Through an in-depth reading of the texts, students will be encouraged to make increasingly effective use of their ability to work independently and to form critical judgements about seventeenth- and eighteenth-century texts, while learning to master the tools of the discipline and to use secondary bibliography effectively and question it dialectically. The course also aims to introduce students to the methodology of scientific research and the preparation of a research project.
The course will therefore provide students:
1. with solid theoretical knowledge (1: knowledge and understanding);
2. with the hermeneutic tools to understand the texts addressed (2: applying knowledge and understanding);
3. with the expressive tools to form, nourish, nuance and discuss their judgment on questions of literary history through a meticulous reading of the texts (3: making judgements);
4. with the theoretical and expressive tools to communicate clearly and effectively on these themes in front of a heterogeneous audience (4: communication skills);
5. with the knowledge and the tools to extend the reflection in an autonomous through the acquisition of the skills that will allow them to undertake the subsequent course of study (5: learning skills).


Learning objectives

The teaching of English Literature (livello magistrale) is part of the magistral literary education.

The educational objectives to which the teaching of English Literature I (livello magistrale) aims to contribute are

1) To acquire a specialised knowledge of the cultural and literary traditions of Great Britain.

2) To improve the students' English language skills.

3) To deepen the necessary knowledge of the history of Britain between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

4) To learn how to communicate the ideas they have learnt.

5) To develop 'problem solving' skills and independent thinking.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Historicization of a tradition and practice of critical reading; problematization of critical reading of literary text.
1) Improvement of knowledge and understanding of critical writing (with reference to militant criticism and academic criticism)
2) Improvement of knowledge and understanding applied to the student's learning of a good awareness of critical writing (also in view of the writing of the thesis) starting from major models of italian tradition
3) Increased autonomy of judgment through an orientation to the use of the main tools of critical-literary research on paper and digital support
4) Enhancement of communicative skills through the opening of a discussion during the lessons on critical issues addressed with the teacher


Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
To have learnt the fundamental moments in the history of literary Italian and the most relevant linguistic phenomena by literary genre and era.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
Being able to apply the historical-linguistic notions and linguistic phenomena learnt to the analysis of literary texts of different ages and genres.
Making judgement:
To be able to critically identify the most linguistically relevant aspects and phenomena of a literary text, a type of text, and a historical period.
Communication skills:
To be able to illustrate the fundamental themes of the history of literary Italian with oral and written language properties, in terms of argumentation and terminology.
Learning skills:
knowing how to analyse a literary text or phenomenon in relation to terminology and basic notions

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione: Saper riconoscere le caratteristiche di una
lingua di specialità; conoscere la linguistica dei corpora e i suoi ambiti di utilizzo (didattica
delle lingue [Data-driven learning], traduttologia e traduzione); Conoscere i più moderni
strumenti per la traduzione assistita da pc (CAT tools).
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione applicate: saper analizzare la lingua di specialità
anche attraverso l’uso dei corpora linguistici; collezionare un corpus linguistico ad hoc per
utilizzarlo a fini traduttivi; saper utilizzare programmi di concordanze e memorie di
Autonomia di giudizio: saper riflettere sull’uso linguistico in modo autonomo così pure sul
proprio processo di apprendimento; saper riconoscere le differenze fra francese e italiano
nelle varie lingue di specialità.
Abilità comunicative: Saper realizzare un progetto di traduzione da e verso il francese.
Capacità di apprendere: Saper usare i corpora testuali per la traduzione; Conoscere i più
moderni strumenti per la traduzione assistita da pc (CAT tools).

Connaissances et capacités de compréhension : savoir reconnaître les caractéristiques
d'une langue spécialisée ; connaître la linguistique de corpus et ses domaines
d'application (didactique des langues [Data-driven learning], traductologie et traduction) ;
connaître les outils les plus modernes de traduction assistée par ordinateur (outils TAO).
Connaissances appliquées et capacités de compréhension : être capable d'analyser les
langues spécialisées à l'aide des corpus linguistiques ; collecter un corpus linguistique ad
hoc afin de l’utiliser à des fins de traduction ; être capable d’utiliser des programmes de
concordance et des mémoires de traduction.
Autonomie de jugement : être capable de réfléchir de manière autonome sur l’usage des
langues ainsi que sur son propre processus d’apprentissage ; être capable de reconnaître
les différences entre le français et l’italien dans les différentes langues de spécialité.
Compétences de communication : savoir mener à bien un projet de traduction du français
vers l’italien et de l’italien vers le français.
Compétences d'apprentissage : savoir utiliser des corpus de textes pour la traduction ;
connaître les outils les plus modernes pour la traduction assistée par ordinateur (outils


Knowledge and ability to understand: Knowing how to recognise the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; knowing corpus linguistics and its areas of application
(language learning [data-driven learning], translation studies and translating);
knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to analyse the language for specific purposes also using corpora; collecting a DIY corpus for translation purposes;
knowing how to use concordancers and translation memories.
Autonomy of judgement: being able to think about linguistic use autonomously as well as about one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French and Italian in the various languages for specific purposes.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and from Italian to French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).


Learning objectives

Adaptation and transcodification in present fiction
The course aims to develop students’ competence at a master’s level in the linguistic/discoursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as a privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused - with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model; b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations: particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aim at a full understanding of the texts analysed in the course, of those listed in the course bibliography, and of the notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the above-mentioned issues.


Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the Spanish language and to put into practice the various theories of translation, applied to the cross-cultural dimension of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the guided translation of literary and non-fiction texts that are typologically and diachronically differentiated, the course aims to refine their ability to analyze and interpret texts with their linguistic and cultural implications.
At the end of the course, students will have to:
- demonstrate a good knowledge of the variants of American Spanish (also relating to uses, customs and social codes)
- have developed good translation skills.


Learning objectives

The discipline aims to provide students with technical and practical knowledge of the fundamental principles of translation. Furthermore, it provides the support of courses held by linguistic collaborators whose mother tongue is Portuguese, divided into several levels, aimed at practical learning of the language.
The study of the linguistic history of Portugal will be accompanied by translation exercises of historical, theoretical and literary texts aimed at expanding the basic vocabulary, dealing with problems of understanding and rendering the text and putting the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: Knowing how to recognise the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; knowing corpus linguistics and its areas of application
(language learning [data-driven learning], translation studies and translating); knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to analyse the language for specific purposes also using corpora; collecting a DIY corpus for translation purposes;
knowing how to use concordancers and translation memories.
Autonomy of judgement: being able to think about linguistic use autonomously as well as about one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French and Italian in the various languages for specific purposes.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and from Italian to French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).


Learning objectives

Adaptation and transcodification in present fiction
The course aims to develop students' competence at a Master’s level in the linguistic/discursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a Master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused – with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model, b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series, and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues.

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations, particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aimed at the entire understanding of the texts analyzed in the course, of those listed in the bibliography of the course, of notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the issues mentioned above.


Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the Spanish language and to put into practice the various theories of translation, applied to the cross-cultural dimension of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the guided translation of literary and non-fiction texts that are typologically and diachronically differentiated, the course aims to refine their ability to analyze and interpret texts with their linguistic and cultural implications.
At the end of the course, students will have to:
demonstrate a good knowledge of the variants of American Spanish (also relating to uses, customs and social codes)
- have developed good translation skills


Learning objectives

The discipline aims to provide students with technical and practical knowledge of the fundamental principles of translation. Furthermore, it provides the support of courses held by linguistic collaborators whose mother tongue is Portuguese, divided into several levels, aimed at practical learning of the language.
The study of the linguistic history of Portugal will be accompanied by translation exercises of historical, theoretical and literary texts aimed at expanding the basic vocabulary, dealing with problems of understanding and rendering the text and putting the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice.


Learning objectives

The course is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and linguistic skills previously acquired through the deepening of the morphosyntactic structures and linguistic registers, and the expansion of the lexicon, functional to the comprehension and oral and written production of texts of medium / high difficulty, and to enrich cultural knowledge and literary theory with particular reference to XX century literature.
1) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand text and context in a micro-analytical perspective of literary products
2) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand applied to the textual analysis of some excerpts from the production of XIX and XX century literature, in a philological and historical-critical perspective
3) Increase of autonomy of judgment following an acquired autonomy of investigation in the panorama of bibliographic tools (paper and electronic) related to the historical-literary disciplines
4) Enhancement of written and oral communication skills
5) Development of the ability to learn through the consideration of texts in function of the history and art technique of their written tradition.


Learning objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding: consolidate the previously acquired linguistic knowledge and skills through the study of morphosyntactic structures and the expansion of the vocabulary, aimed at the oral and written comprehension and production of medium/high difficulty texts.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to analyze works, texts and sites, in the original language, related to the Chinese business and tourism language and culture, and to the main authors, genres and currents characterizing contemporary Chinese literary production.
3) Making judgments: ability to self-assess, critically discuss the topics of the program, and analyze the texts covered in class.
4) Communication skills: be able to communicate in Chinese at an advanced level in economic-commercial and tourism contexts, to argue and discuss a given topic in a clear and pertinent way.
5) Learning skills: acquire strategies and techniques for learning the Chinese language specifically in relation to business and tourism Chinese, using both traditional and IT and digital resources and teaching tools, useful for deepening the study of the discipline.
The lessons will deal with the study of various economic-commercial and tourism texts, such as letters or commercial emails, press articles, official documents of the Chinese government, promotional texts. We will address the reading, translation, analysis, paying particular attention to the stylistic, grammatical and lexical characteristics, as well as the intercultural aspects to be taken into consideration for a fruitful dialogue with China.

MODULE II - -- -
GLOTTOLOGYFirst Semester8L-LIN/01ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and comprehension skills:
having learnt the fundamental concepts of historical linguistics and to understand their scientific nature; knowing and understanding advanced notions on Indo-European linguistic comparison and reconstruction, as well as notions on the origin, history and description of the ancient and medieval languages of Europe on the basis of their textual tradition.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
Being able to apply the notions learnt to the technical analysis and historical understanding of linguistic phenomena, with particular reference to Indo-European linguistic comparison and reconstruction and to the origin, history and description of the ancient and medieval languages of Europe on the basis of their textual tradition.

Autonomy of judgement:
Being able to make a well-founded choice between the various possible analyses of the phenomena of linguistic evolution presented during the course.

Communication skills:
Being able to present topics related to historical linguistics in an effective and terminologically correct manner, with particular reference to Indo-European linguistics and the genealogy and history of the ancient and medieval languages of Europe.


Learning objectives

The course deals with the study of linguistic diversity and its documentation

At the end of the course the students will be able to and will have acquired sufficient skills for:
1) Understanding, discussing and appreciating linguistic diversity
2) Recognise, analyse and comment on different typological linguistic structures
3) Reflect and comment on the correlation between language, culture and society
4) Planning a research fieldwork project, eliciting linguistic data and glossing a text, (socio)linguistic analysis of a text using the main software for linguistic analysis such as Elan, FLEx. Transcriber.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione: Saper riconoscere le caratteristiche di una
lingua di specialità; conoscere la linguistica dei corpora e i suoi ambiti di utilizzo (didattica
delle lingue [Data-driven learning], traduttologia e traduzione); Conoscere i più moderni
strumenti per la traduzione assistita da pc (CAT tools).
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione applicate: saper analizzare la lingua di specialità
anche attraverso l’uso dei corpora linguistici; collezionare un corpus linguistico ad hoc per
utilizzarlo a fini traduttivi; saper utilizzare programmi di concordanze e memorie di
Autonomia di giudizio: saper riflettere sull’uso linguistico in modo autonomo così pure sul
proprio processo di apprendimento; saper riconoscere le differenze fra francese e italiano
nelle varie lingue di specialità.
Abilità comunicative: Saper realizzare un progetto di traduzione da e verso il francese.
Capacità di apprendere: Saper usare i corpora testuali per la traduzione; Conoscere i più
moderni strumenti per la traduzione assistita da pc (CAT tools).

Connaissances et capacités de compréhension : savoir reconnaître les caractéristiques
d'une langue spécialisée ; connaître la linguistique de corpus et ses domaines
d'application (didactique des langues [Data-driven learning], traductologie et traduction) ;
connaître les outils les plus modernes de traduction assistée par ordinateur (outils TAO).
Connaissances appliquées et capacités de compréhension : être capable d'analyser les
langues spécialisées à l'aide des corpus linguistiques ; collecter un corpus linguistique ad
hoc afin de l’utiliser à des fins de traduction ; être capable d’utiliser des programmes de
concordance et des mémoires de traduction.
Autonomie de jugement : être capable de réfléchir de manière autonome sur l’usage des
langues ainsi que sur son propre processus d’apprentissage ; être capable de reconnaître
les différences entre le français et l’italien dans les différentes langues de spécialité.
Compétences de communication : savoir mener à bien un projet de traduction du français
vers l’italien et de l’italien vers le français.
Compétences d'apprentissage : savoir utiliser des corpus de textes pour la traduction ;
connaître les outils les plus modernes pour la traduction assistée par ordinateur (outils


Knowledge and ability to understand: Knowing how to recognise the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; knowing corpus linguistics and its areas of application
(language learning [data-driven learning], translation studies and translating);
knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to analyse the language for specific purposes also using corpora; collecting a DIY corpus for translation purposes;
knowing how to use concordancers and translation memories.
Autonomy of judgement: being able to think about linguistic use autonomously as well as about one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French and Italian in the various languages for specific purposes.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and from Italian to French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).


Learning objectives

Adaptation and transcodification in present fiction
The course aims to develop students’ competence at a master’s level in the linguistic/discoursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as a privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused - with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model; b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations: particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aim at a full understanding of the texts analysed in the course, of those listed in the course bibliography, and of the notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the above-mentioned issues.


Learning objectives

The course offers the possibility to improve and consolidate the linguistic knowledge acquired during the bachelor and to gain specific competences in the following areas: linguistic-stylistic analysis of textual and grammatical phenomena; stylistic variation; diamesic variation and in contrastive linguistics.
The student has to demonstrate that he has gained knowledge on how to analyses literary texts from a linguistic point of view.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: Knowing how to recognise the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; knowing corpus linguistics and its areas of application
(language learning [data-driven learning], translation studies and translating); knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to analyse the language for specific purposes also using corpora; collecting a DIY corpus for translation purposes;
knowing how to use concordancers and translation memories.
Autonomy of judgement: being able to think about linguistic use autonomously as well as about one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French and Italian in the various languages for specific purposes.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and from Italian to French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).


Learning objectives

Adaptation and transcodification in present fiction
The course aims to develop students' competence at a Master’s level in the linguistic/discursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a Master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused – with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model, b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series, and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues.

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations, particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aimed at the entire understanding of the texts analyzed in the course, of those listed in the bibliography of the course, of notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the issues mentioned above.


Learning objectives

The course offers the possibility to improve and consolidate the linguistic knowledge acquired during the bachelor and to gain specific competences in the following areas: linguistic-stylistic analysis of textual and grammatical phenomena; stylistic variation; diamesic variation and in contrastive linguistics.
The student has to demonstrate that he has gained knowledge on how to analyses literary texts from a linguistic point of view.


Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: developing and improving the student’s previously acquired knowledge and language skills through the study of more complex grammatical structures and vocabulary, in order to understand and produce oral and written texts corresponding to the advanced level.

Applying knowledge and understanding: analyzing literary works or texts – in the original language or in translation – of the most relevant authors, movements and genres of Arabic literature in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Making judgements: ability to self-assess and to critically discuss the topics of the program, and to analyze the texts dealt with in class.

Communication skills: ability to communicate in Arabic at the advanced level, and to describe and discuss on a given topic.

Learning skills: developing language learning strategies and techniques specifically for the contemporary literary Arabic, by using both traditional and digital teaching tools and resources, in order to further studying the subject.


Learning objectives

The course is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and linguistic skills previously acquired through the deepening of the morphosyntactic structures and linguistic registers, and the expansion of the lexicon, functional to the comprehension and oral and written production of texts of medium / high difficulty, and to enrich cultural knowledge and literary theory with particular reference to XX century literature.
1) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand text and context in a micro-analytical perspective of literary products
2) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand applied to the textual analysis of some excerpts from the production of XIX and XX century literature, in a philological and historical-critical perspective
3) Increase of autonomy of judgment following an acquired autonomy of investigation in the panorama of bibliographic tools (paper and electronic) related to the historical-literary disciplines
4) Enhancement of written and oral communication skills
5) Development of the ability to learn through the consideration of texts in function of the history and art technique of their written tradition.


Learning objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding: consolidate the previously acquired linguistic knowledge and skills through the study of morphosyntactic structures and the expansion of the vocabulary, aimed at the oral and written comprehension and production of medium/high difficulty texts.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to analyze works, texts and sites, in the original language, related to the Chinese business and tourism language and culture, and to the main authors, genres and currents characterizing contemporary Chinese literary production.
3) Making judgments: ability to self-assess, critically discuss the topics of the program, and analyze the texts covered in class.
4) Communication skills: be able to communicate in Chinese at an advanced level in economic-commercial and tourism contexts, to argue and discuss a given topic in a clear and pertinent way.
5) Learning skills: acquire strategies and techniques for learning the Chinese language specifically in relation to business and tourism Chinese, using both traditional and IT and digital resources and teaching tools, useful for deepening the study of the discipline.
The lessons will deal with the study of various economic-commercial and tourism texts, such as letters or commercial emails, press articles, official documents of the Chinese government, promotional texts. We will address the reading, translation, analysis, paying particular attention to the stylistic, grammatical and lexical characteristics, as well as the intercultural aspects to be taken into consideration for a fruitful dialogue with China.

18460 -

Second Semester 8L-LIN/02ita

Learning objectives

Course: Applied Linguistics

The purpose of this course is to provide students with advanced knowledge in the field of language teaching. In the first, more general module of the course, an introduction to applied linguistics and an overview of its fields of investigation will be provided. The second, more specific module, focuses on vocabulary learning and teaching; it will be shown how contemporary approaches to lexical semantics can help implement more effective methods of teaching lexical phenomena like polysemy, homonymy, metaphors, idioms.

The course will be held in Italian. International students are invited to contact the professor by sending an email to f.casadei@unitus.it to get more infos.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

- Become familiar with key aspects of US history and culture
- Understand American drama and theatre as significant parts of US culture and as literary and artistic productions through which American national identity has been constructed and deconstructed.
- Learn about the most influential twentieth- and twenty-first-century American playwrights and their work.
- Understand the conventions of dramatic literature and a range of different dramatic and performative styles (melodrama, realism, naturalism, expressionism, symbolism, Epic Theatre, postmodern theatre).
- Learn and use effective terminology for reading and analyzing dramatic texts.
- Analyze an American play by considering elements such as dramatic structure and action, dialogue, monologue, stage directions, textual and visual metaphors and symbols.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

5. Knowledge of critical literature that refers to the selected texts and authors.
6. Ability to read, comment, interpret texts and authors

GERMAN LITERATURESecond Semester8L-LIN/13ita

Learning objectives

Der Gesellschaftsroman als Roman par excellence.

Novel analysis skills.
Skills in the history of literary hermeneutics.
Knowledge of the history of the novel between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Knowledge of genre theory.
Knowledge of key figures of nineteenth and twentieth century literature.
Literary essay writing competences: the Kommentar.


Learning objectives

The discipline aims to raise awareness of the different aspects of the cultural and literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the aspects of uniformity and differentiation in the Portuguese-speaking area. The literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries is closely connected with historical-political dynamics. Interdisciplinary dialogue is therefore fundamental.
Students who have attended this course and studied the proposed materials know the literary forms and the most important figures of Portuguese literature; they know numerous aspects and problems of these literatures in their relationship with History; I am able to analyze texts referring them to the historical and socio-cultural context.


Learning objectives

The objective of the course is to provide students with a good understanding of the literary history of the Spanish-speaking countries of South and Central America, and at the same time encourage them to develop an autonomous vision of the reality of the territories analysed. Special attention will be given to Paraguayan literature. At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate that they know how to explain the course topics with competence and independent judgment, and that they know how to describe and contextualize Spanish-American historical-literary issues; have a clear knowledge of Paraguayan fiction.

FRENCH LITERATURESecond Semester8L-LIN/03ita

Learning objectives

The French literature course for Master's students aims to deepen the knowledge and refine the analytical (i. e. stylistic, philological, rhetorical and hermeneutic) tools acquired during the Licence. The monographic programme focuses on the reading and in-depth study of a particular genre, author or work. The aim is to deepen the theoretical knowledge and notions of literary history previously assimilated, with a view to putting them to active use. Through an in-depth reading of the texts, students will be encouraged to make increasingly effective use of their ability to work independently and to form critical judgements about seventeenth- and eighteenth-century texts, while learning to master the tools of the discipline and to use secondary bibliography effectively and question it dialectically. The course also aims to introduce students to the methodology of scientific research and the preparation of a research project.
The course will therefore provide students:
1. with solid theoretical knowledge (1: knowledge and understanding);
2. with the hermeneutic tools to understand the texts addressed (2: applying knowledge and understanding);
3. with the expressive tools to form, nourish, nuance and discuss their judgment on questions of literary history through a meticulous reading of the texts (3: making judgements);
4. with the theoretical and expressive tools to communicate clearly and effectively on these themes in front of a heterogeneous audience (4: communication skills);
5. with the knowledge and the tools to extend the reflection in an autonomous through the acquisition of the skills that will allow them to undertake the subsequent course of study (5: learning skills).


Learning objectives

The teaching of English Literature (livello magistrale) is part of the magistral literary education.

The educational objectives to which the teaching of English Literature I (livello magistrale) aims to contribute are

1) To acquire a specialised knowledge of the cultural and literary traditions of Great Britain.

2) To improve the students' English language skills.

3) To deepen the necessary knowledge of the history of Britain between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

4) To learn how to communicate the ideas they have learnt.

5) To develop 'problem solving' skills and independent thinking.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the Spanish language and to put into practice the various theories of translation, applied to the cross-cultural dimension of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the guided translation of literary and non-fiction texts that are typologically and diachronically differentiated, the course aims to refine their ability to analyze and interpret texts with their linguistic and cultural implications.
At the end of the course, students will have to:
- demonstrate a good knowledge of the variants of American Spanish (also relating to uses, customs and social codes)
- have developed good translation skills.


Learning objectives

The discipline aims to provide students with technical and practical knowledge of the fundamental principles of translation. Furthermore, it provides the support of courses held by linguistic collaborators whose mother tongue is Portuguese, divided into several levels, aimed at practical learning of the language.
The study of the linguistic history of Portugal will be accompanied by translation exercises of historical, theoretical and literary texts aimed at expanding the basic vocabulary, dealing with problems of understanding and rendering the text and putting the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student
1) (knowledge and understanding) possesses the critical tools to understand the structures and functions of narrative language (verbal and non-verbal);
2) (applying knowledge and understanding) is able to recognise the narrative or descriptive/informative function of empirical texts, based on the enunciative, semantic and
argumentative mechanisms they present;
3) (making judgements) is able to assess independently whether the characteristics of texts (enunciative, semantic, argumentative) enable the intended communicative goals to be achieved;
4) (communication skills) can elaborate or modify text structures in written or oral form according to different communicative goals (narrative-persuasive, descriptive-explicative);
5) (learning skills) can distinguish between generic and specific information and implement textual analytical observation procedures.

MODULE II - -- -
MEDIEVAL HISTORYSecond Semester8M-STO/01ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with an in-depth study of the main research topics related to the history of rural and urban settlements in the medieval mediterranean context, with particular reference to the Italian municipal experience, providing students with the methodological tools for a critical analysis of the sources.

MODERN HISTORYSecond Semester8M-STO/02ita

Learning objectives

The purpose of the course is to master the history of Euro-American cultural development between the 15h and 20th centuries. Furthermore, during the course a seminar will be held for attending students on the re-elaboration and re-presentation of modern history, both during the modern centuries and in the following ones. At the end of the course, students must be able to: 1) be aware of what has happened over the centuries and in the areas addressed and understand why (Knowledge and understanding); 2) having developed an independent reflection on the topics covered (Applied knowledge and understanding); 3) analyze and discuss texts and documents, of various kinds, understanding how historiography as well as literature has already used them (Autonomy of judgment); 4) present their own independent research in the classroom (Communication skills); 5) understand and fill any previous gaps (Ability to learn). In this process it will be essential to respect the work of all students, in groups or individuals, and to respect deadlines to better coordinate specific insights


First Semester 8ita
MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

- Become familiar with key aspects of US history and culture
- Understand American drama and theatre as significant parts of US culture and as literary and artistic productions through which American national identity has been constructed and deconstructed.
- Learn about the most influential twentieth- and twenty-first-century American playwrights and their work.
- Understand the conventions of dramatic literature and a range of different dramatic and performative styles (melodrama, realism, naturalism, expressionism, symbolism, Epic Theatre, postmodern theatre).
- Learn and use effective terminology for reading and analyzing dramatic texts.
- Analyze an American play by considering elements such as dramatic structure and action, dialogue, monologue, stage directions, textual and visual metaphors and symbols.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: study of the relationship between philosophy and painting in the 16th and the 17th Centuries.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: reports to the classroom, on issues proposed by the professor.
3. Making judgements: interpretation skills and participation to classroom debates.
4. Communications skills: testing of skill in communicating personal interpretation and debating issues.
5. Learning skills: stimulating the skill in framing philosophical issues in the given historical context.

Second Semester8M-STO/04ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with an adequate knowledge of European colonialism between XIX and XX century, with a particular regard to the Italian colonial rule in Africa.
At the end of the course students should be able to present synthetically the contents of the course and demonstrate comprehension, autonomy of judgment and expositive skills.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: deepening knowledge of the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; case-study on the application of corpus linguistics in the
field of language teaching [Data-driven learning], translation studies and translation; having knowledge of the processes of tagging a corpus.
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to recognise and analyse a language for specific purposes using corpora; collecting an ad hoc corpus to use it for
translation purposes; using tags.
Autonomy of judgement: Being able to reflect on language use autonomously as well as on one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French
and Italian in the various speciality languages.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and to Italian into French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing how to tag a corpus.


Learning objectives

The course aims to develop students' competence at a Master’s level in the linguistic/discursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a Master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused – with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model, b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series, and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues.

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations, particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aimed at the entire understanding of the texts analyzed in the course, of those listed in the bibliography of the course, of notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the issues mentioned above.


Learning objectives

The course offers the possibility to improve and consolidate the linguistic knowledge acquired during the bachelor and to gain specific competences in the following areas: linguistic-stylistic analysis of textual and grammatical phenomena; stylistic variation; diamesic variation and in contrastive linguistics.
The student has to demonstrate that he has gained knowledge on how to analyses literary texts from a linguistic point of view.

18342 -

Second Semester 18ita
MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The course aims to analyze and deepen the role of geographic information in the light of the profound changes due to globalization.
Geographic information no longer concerns only the production and display of a cartography, but is becoming the solution to support the political decisions of a territory, thanks to the ability to integrate and analyze geographic data and data deriving from various other sources
1) knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the information geography
2) applying knowledge and understanding of geographic plan
3) communication skills and critical elaboration of the argumentation and the logical organization of the geographical discourse;
4) making judgements and critical reading of a geographical essay.
5) learning skills


Second Semester 8ita

Second Semester 6ita

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge of critical literature that refers to the selected texts and authors.
2. Ability to read, comment, interpret texts and authors

Learning objectives

Der Gesellschaftsroman als Roman par excellence.

Novel analysis skills.
Skills in the history of literary hermeneutics.
Knowledge of the history of the novel between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Knowledge of genre theory.
Knowledge of key figures of nineteenth and twentieth century literature.
Literary essay writing competences: the Kommentar.

Learning objectives

The discipline aims to raise awareness of the different aspects of the cultural and literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the aspects of uniformity and differentiation in the Portuguese-speaking area. The literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries is closely connected with historical-political dynamics. Interdisciplinary dialogue is therefore fundamental.
Students who have attended this course and studied the proposed materials know the literary forms and the most important figures of Portuguese literature; they know numerous aspects and problems of these literatures in their relationship with History; I am able to analyze texts referring them to the historical and socio-cultural context.

Learning objectives

The objective of the course is to provide students with a good understanding of the literary history of the Spanish-speaking countries of South and Central America, and at the same time encourage them to develop an autonomous vision of the reality of the territories analysed. Special attention will be given to Paraguayan literature. At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate that they know how to explain the course topics with competence and independent judgment, and that they know how to describe and contextualize Spanish-American historical-literary issues; have a clear knowledge of Paraguayan fiction.

Learning objectives

The French literature course for Master's students aims to deepen the knowledge and refine the analytical (i. e. stylistic, philological, rhetorical and hermeneutic) tools acquired during the Licence. The monographic programme focuses on the reading and in-depth study of a particular genre, author or work. The aim is to deepen the theoretical knowledge and notions of literary history previously assimilated, with a view to putting them to active use. Through an in-depth reading of the texts, students will be encouraged to make increasingly effective use of their ability to work independently and to form critical judgements about seventeenth- and eighteenth-century texts, while learning to master the tools of the discipline and to use secondary bibliography effectively and question it dialectically. The course also aims to introduce students to the methodology of scientific research and the preparation of a research project.
The course will therefore provide students:
1. with solid theoretical knowledge (1: knowledge and understanding);
2. with the hermeneutic tools to understand the texts addressed (2: applying knowledge and understanding);
3. with the expressive tools to form, nourish, nuance and discuss their judgment on questions of literary history through a meticulous reading of the texts (3: making judgements);
4. with the theoretical and expressive tools to communicate clearly and effectively on these themes in front of a heterogeneous audience (4: communication skills);
5. with the knowledge and the tools to extend the reflection in an autonomous through the acquisition of the skills that will allow them to undertake the subsequent course of study (5: learning skills).

Learning objectives

The teaching of English Literature (livello magistrale) is part of the magistral literary education.

The educational objectives to which the teaching of English Literature I (livello magistrale) aims to contribute are

1) To acquire a specialised knowledge of the cultural and literary traditions of Great Britain.

2) To improve the students' English language skills.

3) To deepen the necessary knowledge of the history of Britain between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

4) To learn how to communicate the ideas they have learnt.

5) To develop 'problem solving' skills and independent thinking.

Learning objectives

- Become familiar with key aspects of US history and culture
- Understand American drama and theatre as significant parts of US culture and as literary and artistic productions through which American national identity has been constructed and deconstructed.
- Learn about the most influential twentieth- and twenty-first-century American playwrights and their work.
- Understand the conventions of dramatic literature and a range of different dramatic and performative styles (melodrama, realism, naturalism, expressionism, symbolism, Epic Theatre, postmodern theatre).
- Learn and use effective terminology for reading and analyzing dramatic texts.
- Analyze an American play by considering elements such as dramatic structure and action, dialogue, monologue, stage directions, textual and visual metaphors and symbols.

Learning objectives

Historicization of a tradition and practice of critical reading; problematization of critical reading of literary text.
1) Improvement of knowledge and understanding of critical writing (with reference to militant criticism and academic criticism)
2) Improvement of knowledge and understanding applied to the student's learning of a good awareness of critical writing (also in view of the writing of the thesis) starting from major models of italian tradition
3) Increased autonomy of judgment through an orientation to the use of the main tools of critical-literary research on paper and digital support
4) Enhancement of communicative skills through the opening of a discussion during the lessons on critical issues addressed with the teacher

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:
To have learnt the fundamental moments in the history of literary Italian and the most relevant linguistic phenomena by literary genre and era.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
Being able to apply the historical-linguistic notions and linguistic phenomena learnt to the analysis of literary texts of different ages and genres.
Making judgement:
To be able to critically identify the most linguistically relevant aspects and phenomena of a literary text, a type of text, and a historical period.
Communication skills:
To be able to illustrate the fundamental themes of the history of literary Italian with oral and written language properties, in terms of argumentation and terminology.
Learning skills:
knowing how to analyse a literary text or phenomenon in relation to terminology and basic notions

Learning objectives

Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione: Saper riconoscere le caratteristiche di una
lingua di specialità; conoscere la linguistica dei corpora e i suoi ambiti di utilizzo (didattica
delle lingue [Data-driven learning], traduttologia e traduzione); Conoscere i più moderni
strumenti per la traduzione assistita da pc (CAT tools).
Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione applicate: saper analizzare la lingua di specialità
anche attraverso l’uso dei corpora linguistici; collezionare un corpus linguistico ad hoc per
utilizzarlo a fini traduttivi; saper utilizzare programmi di concordanze e memorie di
Autonomia di giudizio: saper riflettere sull’uso linguistico in modo autonomo così pure sul
proprio processo di apprendimento; saper riconoscere le differenze fra francese e italiano
nelle varie lingue di specialità.
Abilità comunicative: Saper realizzare un progetto di traduzione da e verso il francese.
Capacità di apprendere: Saper usare i corpora testuali per la traduzione; Conoscere i più
moderni strumenti per la traduzione assistita da pc (CAT tools).

Connaissances et capacités de compréhension : savoir reconnaître les caractéristiques
d'une langue spécialisée ; connaître la linguistique de corpus et ses domaines
d'application (didactique des langues [Data-driven learning], traductologie et traduction) ;
connaître les outils les plus modernes de traduction assistée par ordinateur (outils TAO).
Connaissances appliquées et capacités de compréhension : être capable d'analyser les
langues spécialisées à l'aide des corpus linguistiques ; collecter un corpus linguistique ad
hoc afin de l’utiliser à des fins de traduction ; être capable d’utiliser des programmes de
concordance et des mémoires de traduction.
Autonomie de jugement : être capable de réfléchir de manière autonome sur l’usage des
langues ainsi que sur son propre processus d’apprentissage ; être capable de reconnaître
les différences entre le français et l’italien dans les différentes langues de spécialité.
Compétences de communication : savoir mener à bien un projet de traduction du français
vers l’italien et de l’italien vers le français.
Compétences d'apprentissage : savoir utiliser des corpus de textes pour la traduction ;
connaître les outils les plus modernes pour la traduction assistée par ordinateur (outils


Knowledge and ability to understand: Knowing how to recognise the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; knowing corpus linguistics and its areas of application
(language learning [data-driven learning], translation studies and translating);
knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to analyse the language for specific purposes also using corpora; collecting a DIY corpus for translation purposes;
knowing how to use concordancers and translation memories.
Autonomy of judgement: being able to think about linguistic use autonomously as well as about one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French and Italian in the various languages for specific purposes.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and from Italian to French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).

Learning objectives

Adaptation and transcodification in present fiction
The course aims to develop students’ competence at a master’s level in the linguistic/discoursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as a privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused - with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model; b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations: particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aim at a full understanding of the texts analysed in the course, of those listed in the course bibliography, and of the notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the above-mentioned issues.

Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the Spanish language and to put into practice the various theories of translation, applied to the cross-cultural dimension of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the guided translation of literary and non-fiction texts that are typologically and diachronically differentiated, the course aims to refine their ability to analyze and interpret texts with their linguistic and cultural implications.
At the end of the course, students will have to:
- demonstrate a good knowledge of the variants of American Spanish (also relating to uses, customs and social codes)
- have developed good translation skills.

Learning objectives

The discipline aims to provide students with technical and practical knowledge of the fundamental principles of translation. Furthermore, it provides the support of courses held by linguistic collaborators whose mother tongue is Portuguese, divided into several levels, aimed at practical learning of the language.
The study of the linguistic history of Portugal will be accompanied by translation exercises of historical, theoretical and literary texts aimed at expanding the basic vocabulary, dealing with problems of understanding and rendering the text and putting the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice.

Learning objectives

The course offers the possibility to improve and consolidate the linguistic knowledge acquired during the bachelor and to gain specific competences in the following areas: linguistic-stylistic analysis of textual and grammatical phenomena; stylistic variation; diamesic variation and in contrastive linguistics.
The student has to demonstrate that he has gained knowledge on how to analyses literary texts from a linguistic point of view.

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: Knowing how to recognise the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; knowing corpus linguistics and its areas of application
(language learning [data-driven learning], translation studies and translating); knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to analyse the language for specific purposes also using corpora; collecting a DIY corpus for translation purposes;
knowing how to use concordancers and translation memories.
Autonomy of judgement: being able to think about linguistic use autonomously as well as about one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French and Italian in the various languages for specific purposes.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and from Italian to French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing the most modern computer-aided translation tools (CAT tools).

Learning objectives

Adaptation and transcodification in present fiction
The course aims to develop students' competence at a Master’s level in the linguistic/discursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a Master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused – with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model, b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series, and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues.

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations, particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aimed at the entire understanding of the texts analyzed in the course, of those listed in the bibliography of the course, of notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the issues mentioned above.

Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the Spanish language and to put into practice the various theories of translation, applied to the cross-cultural dimension of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the guided translation of literary and non-fiction texts that are typologically and diachronically differentiated, the course aims to refine their ability to analyze and interpret texts with their linguistic and cultural implications.
At the end of the course, students will have to:
demonstrate a good knowledge of the variants of American Spanish (also relating to uses, customs and social codes)
- have developed good translation skills

Learning objectives

The discipline aims to provide students with technical and practical knowledge of the fundamental principles of translation. Furthermore, it provides the support of courses held by linguistic collaborators whose mother tongue is Portuguese, divided into several levels, aimed at practical learning of the language.
The study of the linguistic history of Portugal will be accompanied by translation exercises of historical, theoretical and literary texts aimed at expanding the basic vocabulary, dealing with problems of understanding and rendering the text and putting the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice.

Learning objectives

The course is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and linguistic skills previously acquired through the deepening of the morphosyntactic structures and linguistic registers, and the expansion of the lexicon, functional to the comprehension and oral and written production of texts of medium / high difficulty, and to enrich cultural knowledge and literary theory with particular reference to XX century literature.
1) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand text and context in a micro-analytical perspective of literary products
2) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand applied to the textual analysis of some excerpts from the production of XIX and XX century literature, in a philological and historical-critical perspective
3) Increase of autonomy of judgment following an acquired autonomy of investigation in the panorama of bibliographic tools (paper and electronic) related to the historical-literary disciplines
4) Enhancement of written and oral communication skills
5) Development of the ability to learn through the consideration of texts in function of the history and art technique of their written tradition.

Learning objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding: consolidate the previously acquired linguistic knowledge and skills through the study of morphosyntactic structures and the expansion of the vocabulary, aimed at the oral and written comprehension and production of medium/high difficulty texts.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to analyze works, texts and sites, in the original language, related to the Chinese business and tourism language and culture, and to the main authors, genres and currents characterizing contemporary Chinese literary production.
3) Making judgments: ability to self-assess, critically discuss the topics of the program, and analyze the texts covered in class.
4) Communication skills: be able to communicate in Chinese at an advanced level in economic-commercial and tourism contexts, to argue and discuss a given topic in a clear and pertinent way.
5) Learning skills: acquire strategies and techniques for learning the Chinese language specifically in relation to business and tourism Chinese, using both traditional and IT and digital resources and teaching tools, useful for deepening the study of the discipline.
The lessons will deal with the study of various economic-commercial and tourism texts, such as letters or commercial emails, press articles, official documents of the Chinese government, promotional texts. We will address the reading, translation, analysis, paying particular attention to the stylistic, grammatical and lexical characteristics, as well as the intercultural aspects to be taken into consideration for a fruitful dialogue with China.

Learning objectives

The course offers the possibility to improve and consolidate the linguistic knowledge acquired during the bachelor and to gain specific competences in the following areas: linguistic-stylistic analysis of textual and grammatical phenomena; stylistic variation; diamesic variation and in contrastive linguistics.
The student has to demonstrate that he has gained knowledge on how to analyses literary texts from a linguistic point of view.

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: developing and improving the student’s previously acquired knowledge and language skills through the study of more complex grammatical structures and vocabulary, in order to understand and produce oral and written texts corresponding to the advanced level.

Applying knowledge and understanding: analyzing literary works or texts – in the original language or in translation – of the most relevant authors, movements and genres of Arabic literature in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Making judgements: ability to self-assess and to critically discuss the topics of the program, and to analyze the texts dealt with in class.

Communication skills: ability to communicate in Arabic at the advanced level, and to describe and discuss on a given topic.

Learning skills: developing language learning strategies and techniques specifically for the contemporary literary Arabic, by using both traditional and digital teaching tools and resources, in order to further studying the subject.

Learning objectives

Knowledge and comprehension skills:
having learnt the fundamental concepts of historical linguistics and to understand their scientific nature; knowing and understanding advanced notions on Indo-European linguistic comparison and reconstruction, as well as notions on the origin, history and description of the ancient and medieval languages of Europe on the basis of their textual tradition.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
Being able to apply the notions learnt to the technical analysis and historical understanding of linguistic phenomena, with particular reference to Indo-European linguistic comparison and reconstruction and to the origin, history and description of the ancient and medieval languages of Europe on the basis of their textual tradition.

Autonomy of judgement:
Being able to make a well-founded choice between the various possible analyses of the phenomena of linguistic evolution presented during the course.

Communication skills:
Being able to present topics related to historical linguistics in an effective and terminologically correct manner, with particular reference to Indo-European linguistics and the genealogy and history of the ancient and medieval languages of Europe.

Learning objectives

The course deals with the study of linguistic diversity and its documentation

At the end of the course the students will be able to and will have acquired sufficient skills for:
1) Understanding, discussing and appreciating linguistic diversity
2) Recognise, analyse and comment on different typological linguistic structures
3) Reflect and comment on the correlation between language, culture and society
4) Planning a research fieldwork project, eliciting linguistic data and glossing a text, (socio)linguistic analysis of a text using the main software for linguistic analysis such as Elan, FLEx. Transcriber.

Learning objectives

5. Knowledge of critical literature that refers to the selected texts and authors.
6. Ability to read, comment, interpret texts and authors

Learning objectives

Der Gesellschaftsroman als Roman par excellence.

Novel analysis skills.
Skills in the history of literary hermeneutics.
Knowledge of the history of the novel between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Knowledge of genre theory.
Knowledge of key figures of nineteenth and twentieth century literature.
Literary essay writing competences: the Kommentar.

Learning objectives

The discipline aims to raise awareness of the different aspects of the cultural and literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries, highlighting the aspects of uniformity and differentiation in the Portuguese-speaking area. The literary history of Portuguese-speaking countries is closely connected with historical-political dynamics. Interdisciplinary dialogue is therefore fundamental.
Students who have attended this course and studied the proposed materials know the literary forms and the most important figures of Portuguese literature; they know numerous aspects and problems of these literatures in their relationship with History; I am able to analyze texts referring them to the historical and socio-cultural context.

Learning objectives

The objective of the course is to provide students with a good understanding of the literary history of the Spanish-speaking countries of South and Central America, and at the same time encourage them to develop an autonomous vision of the reality of the territories analysed. Special attention will be given to Paraguayan literature. At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate that they know how to explain the course topics with competence and independent judgment, and that they know how to describe and contextualize Spanish-American historical-literary issues; have a clear knowledge of Paraguayan fiction.

Learning objectives

The French literature course for Master's students aims to deepen the knowledge and refine the analytical (i. e. stylistic, philological, rhetorical and hermeneutic) tools acquired during the Licence. The monographic programme focuses on the reading and in-depth study of a particular genre, author or work. The aim is to deepen the theoretical knowledge and notions of literary history previously assimilated, with a view to putting them to active use. Through an in-depth reading of the texts, students will be encouraged to make increasingly effective use of their ability to work independently and to form critical judgements about seventeenth- and eighteenth-century texts, while learning to master the tools of the discipline and to use secondary bibliography effectively and question it dialectically. The course also aims to introduce students to the methodology of scientific research and the preparation of a research project.
The course will therefore provide students:
1. with solid theoretical knowledge (1: knowledge and understanding);
2. with the hermeneutic tools to understand the texts addressed (2: applying knowledge and understanding);
3. with the expressive tools to form, nourish, nuance and discuss their judgment on questions of literary history through a meticulous reading of the texts (3: making judgements);
4. with the theoretical and expressive tools to communicate clearly and effectively on these themes in front of a heterogeneous audience (4: communication skills);
5. with the knowledge and the tools to extend the reflection in an autonomous through the acquisition of the skills that will allow them to undertake the subsequent course of study (5: learning skills).

Learning objectives

The teaching of English Literature (livello magistrale) is part of the magistral literary education.

The educational objectives to which the teaching of English Literature I (livello magistrale) aims to contribute are

1) To acquire a specialised knowledge of the cultural and literary traditions of Great Britain.

2) To improve the students' English language skills.

3) To deepen the necessary knowledge of the history of Britain between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

4) To learn how to communicate the ideas they have learnt.

5) To develop 'problem solving' skills and independent thinking.

Learning objectives

- Become familiar with key aspects of US history and culture
- Understand American drama and theatre as significant parts of US culture and as literary and artistic productions through which American national identity has been constructed and deconstructed.
- Learn about the most influential twentieth- and twenty-first-century American playwrights and their work.
- Understand the conventions of dramatic literature and a range of different dramatic and performative styles (melodrama, realism, naturalism, expressionism, symbolism, Epic Theatre, postmodern theatre).
- Learn and use effective terminology for reading and analyzing dramatic texts.
- Analyze an American play by considering elements such as dramatic structure and action, dialogue, monologue, stage directions, textual and visual metaphors and symbols.

Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the Spanish language and to put into practice the various theories of translation, applied to the cross-cultural dimension of Spanish-speaking countries. Through the guided translation of literary and non-fiction texts that are typologically and diachronically differentiated, the course aims to refine their ability to analyze and interpret texts with their linguistic and cultural implications.
At the end of the course, students will have to:
- demonstrate a good knowledge of the variants of American Spanish (also relating to uses, customs and social codes)
- have developed good translation skills.

Learning objectives

The discipline aims to provide students with technical and practical knowledge of the fundamental principles of translation. Furthermore, it provides the support of courses held by linguistic collaborators whose mother tongue is Portuguese, divided into several levels, aimed at practical learning of the language.
The study of the linguistic history of Portugal will be accompanied by translation exercises of historical, theoretical and literary texts aimed at expanding the basic vocabulary, dealing with problems of understanding and rendering the text and putting the theoretical knowledge acquired into practice.

Learning objectives

Knowledge and ability to understand: deepening knowledge of the characteristics of a language for specific purposes; case-study on the application of corpus linguistics in the
field of language teaching [Data-driven learning], translation studies and translation; having knowledge of the processes of tagging a corpus.
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: knowing how to recognise and analyse a language for specific purposes using corpora; collecting an ad hoc corpus to use it for
translation purposes; using tags.
Autonomy of judgement: Being able to reflect on language use autonomously as well as on one's own learning process; being able to recognise the differences between French
and Italian in the various speciality languages.
Communication skills: Knowing how to carry out a translation project from French to Italian and to Italian into French.
Learning skills: Knowing how to use text corpora for translation; knowing how to tag a corpus.

Learning objectives

The course aims to develop students' competence at a Master’s level in the linguistic/discursive field of audio-visual contemporary narratives. The following issues will be specifically examined: a) evolution of Cinema and TV series language (comparative analysis of screening/broadcasting modalities within TV series and Cinema communication model, characters of contemporary forms, development peculiarities); b) adaptation as intersemiotic translation and as privileged expressive modality of contemporary TV and cinema narratives.
Furthermore, concerning the Dublin descriptors, the aim is to develop:

1) Knowledge and Understanding at a Master’s level of analytical and methodological research tools. In particular, the linguistic and discursive analysis will be focused – with a multidisciplinary approach – on a) the development of TV Fiction and Cinema linguistic and textual model, b) the adaptation of literary text in its TV series, and Cinema transpositions and analysis of the relative translation processes and issues.

2) Applying Knowledge and Understanding to linguistic-discursive analysis, translation studies (inter-semiotic translation in particular), and individual and/or group presentation within the above-mentioned research domains.
3) Making Judgements: developing skills to select and research relevant texts and processes (to verify their peculiarities and features) in the field of linguistic-discursive analysis and translation adaptations, particularly in the area of transposition from literary text to TV Series and Cinema, of related modalities of access as well as in the area of reception evaluation; developing skills to evaluate criticism on these issues, and to evaluate their analysis and research.
4) Communication Skills aimed at the entire understanding of the texts analyzed in the course, of those listed in the bibliography of the course, of notions and methodology needed for communicative interaction during individual/group presentations.
5) Learning Skills: acquisition of a specific competence in the field of a) the field of linguistic-discursive analysis in contemporary TV Series and Cinema; of TV and Cinema adaptations as intersemiotic translation practice. Developing skills in Public Speaking to present group and/or individual works on the issues mentioned above.

Learning objectives

The course offers the possibility to improve and consolidate the linguistic knowledge acquired during the bachelor and to gain specific competences in the following areas: linguistic-stylistic analysis of textual and grammatical phenomena; stylistic variation; diamesic variation and in contrastive linguistics.
The student has to demonstrate that he has gained knowledge on how to analyses literary texts from a linguistic point of view.

Learning objectives

At the end of the course, the student
1) (knowledge and understanding) possesses the critical tools to understand the structures and functions of narrative language (verbal and non-verbal);
2) (applying knowledge and understanding) is able to recognise the narrative or descriptive/informative function of empirical texts, based on the enunciative, semantic and
argumentative mechanisms they present;
3) (making judgements) is able to assess independently whether the characteristics of texts (enunciative, semantic, argumentative) enable the intended communicative goals to be achieved;
4) (communication skills) can elaborate or modify text structures in written or oral form according to different communicative goals (narrative-persuasive, descriptive-explicative);
5) (learning skills) can distinguish between generic and specific information and implement textual analytical observation procedures.

Learning objectives

The course aims to analyze and deepen the role of geographic information in the light of the profound changes due to globalization.
Geographic information no longer concerns only the production and display of a cartography, but is becoming the solution to support the political decisions of a territory, thanks to the ability to integrate and analyze geographic data and data deriving from various other sources
1) knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the information geography
2) applying knowledge and understanding of geographic plan
3) communication skills and critical elaboration of the argumentation and the logical organization of the geographical discourse;
4) making judgements and critical reading of a geographical essay.
5) learning skills

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with an in-depth study of the main research topics related to the history of rural and urban settlements in the medieval mediterranean context, with particular reference to the Italian municipal experience, providing students with the methodological tools for a critical analysis of the sources.

Learning objectives

The purpose of the course is to master the history of Euro-American cultural development between the 15h and 20th centuries. Furthermore, during the course a seminar will be held for attending students on the re-elaboration and re-presentation of modern history, both during the modern centuries and in the following ones. At the end of the course, students must be able to: 1) be aware of what has happened over the centuries and in the areas addressed and understand why (Knowledge and understanding); 2) having developed an independent reflection on the topics covered (Applied knowledge and understanding); 3) analyze and discuss texts and documents, of various kinds, understanding how historiography as well as literature has already used them (Autonomy of judgment); 4) present their own independent research in the classroom (Communication skills); 5) understand and fill any previous gaps (Ability to learn). In this process it will be essential to respect the work of all students, in groups or individuals, and to respect deadlines to better coordinate specific insights

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: study of the relationship between philosophy and painting in the 16th and the 17th Centuries.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: reports to the classroom, on issues proposed by the professor.
3. Making judgements: interpretation skills and participation to classroom debates.
4. Communications skills: testing of skill in communicating personal interpretation and debating issues.
5. Learning skills: stimulating the skill in framing philosophical issues in the given historical context.

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with an adequate knowledge of European colonialism between XIX and XX century, with a particular regard to the Italian colonial rule in Africa.
At the end of the course students should be able to present synthetically the contents of the course and demonstrate comprehension, autonomy of judgment and expositive skills.

Learning objectives

The course is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and linguistic skills previously acquired through the deepening of the morphosyntactic structures and linguistic registers, and the expansion of the lexicon, functional to the comprehension and oral and written production of texts of medium / high difficulty, and to enrich cultural knowledge and literary theory with particular reference to XX century literature.
1) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand text and context in a micro-analytical perspective of literary products
2) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand applied to the textual analysis of some excerpts from the production of XIX and XX century literature, in a philological and historical-critical perspective
3) Increase of autonomy of judgment following an acquired autonomy of investigation in the panorama of bibliographic tools (paper and electronic) related to the historical-literary disciplines
4) Enhancement of written and oral communication skills
5) Development of the ability to learn through the consideration of texts in function of the history and art technique of their written tradition.

Learning objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding: consolidate the previously acquired linguistic knowledge and skills through the study of morphosyntactic structures and the expansion of the vocabulary, aimed at the oral and written comprehension and production of medium/high difficulty texts.
2) Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to analyze works, texts and sites, in the original language, related to the Chinese business and tourism language and culture, and to the main authors, genres and currents characterizing contemporary Chinese literary production.
3) Making judgments: ability to self-assess, critically discuss the topics of the program, and analyze the texts covered in class.
4) Communication skills: be able to communicate in Chinese at an advanced level in economic-commercial and tourism contexts, to argue and discuss a given topic in a clear and pertinent way.
5) Learning skills: acquire strategies and techniques for learning the Chinese language specifically in relation to business and tourism Chinese, using both traditional and IT and digital resources and teaching tools, useful for deepening the study of the discipline.
The lessons will deal with the study of various economic-commercial and tourism texts, such as letters or commercial emails, press articles, official documents of the Chinese government, promotional texts. We will address the reading, translation, analysis, paying particular attention to the stylistic, grammatical and lexical characteristics, as well as the intercultural aspects to be taken into consideration for a fruitful dialogue with China.

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: developing and improving the student’s previously acquired knowledge and language skills through the study of more complex grammatical structures and vocabulary, in order to understand and produce oral and written texts corresponding to the advanced level.

Applying knowledge and understanding: analyzing literary works or texts – in the original language or in translation – of the most relevant authors, movements and genres of Arabic literature in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Making judgements: ability to self-assess and to critically discuss the topics of the program, and to analyze the texts dealt with in class.

Communication skills: ability to communicate in Arabic at the advanced level, and to describe and discuss on a given topic.

Learning skills: developing language learning strategies and techniques specifically for the contemporary literary Arabic, by using both traditional and digital teaching tools and resources, in order to further studying the subject.

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: developing and improving the student’s previously acquired knowledge and language skills through the study of more complex grammatical structures and vocabulary, in order to understand and produce oral and written texts corresponding to the advanced level.

Applying knowledge and understanding: analyzing literary works or texts – in the original language or in translation – of the most relevant authors, movements and genres of Arabic literature in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Making judgements: ability to self-assess and to critically discuss the topics of the program, and to analyze the texts dealt with in class.

Communication skills: ability to communicate in Arabic at the advanced level, and to describe and discuss on a given topic.

Learning skills: developing language learning strategies and techniques specifically for the contemporary literary Arabic, by using both traditional and digital teaching tools and resources, in order to further studying the subject.

Learning objectives

The course aims to improve the knowledge of the Chinese language acquired by students during the first year of the master's degree and to enhance their communication skills in the business and tourism fields. Through some activities: guided translation of specialized texts and writing (collaborative and otherwise), the course aims to refine their ability to interact, analyze and interpret the sector-specific language.
At the end of the course, students must:
- demonstrate a good knowledge of the specialized language: business-commercial and tourism (also relating to habits, customs and social codes)
- have developed a good translation ability.

Learning objectives

The course is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and linguistic skills previously acquired through the deepening of the morphosyntactic structures and linguistic registers, and the expansion of the lexicon, functional to the comprehension and oral and written production of texts of medium / high difficulty, and to enrich cultural knowledge and literary theory with particular reference to XX century literature.
1) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand text and context in a micro-analytical perspective of literary products
2) Improvement of knowledge and ability to understand applied to the textual analysis of some excerpts from the production of XIX and XX century literature, in a philological and historical-critical perspective
3) Increase of autonomy of judgment following an acquired autonomy of investigation in the panorama of bibliographic tools (paper and electronic) related to the historical-literary disciplines
4) Enhancement of written and oral communication skills
5) Development of the ability to learn through the consideration of texts in function of the history and art technique of their written tradition.

Learning objectives

The course introduces the mechanisms of human communication "mediated" by technologies. During the course, communication products, their narrations and media configurations will be examined, analyzing the languages, the genres and the formats with which they manifest themselves.

1) Objectives in terms of "Knowledge and understanding": at the end of the course the students will have learned the fundamental dynamics of communication processes. In particular, they will know the different verbal and non-verbal expressive modes and their uses in communication contexts and, through the analysis of the different types and characteristics of the media, they will understand the variables necessary for the choice of the most functional media for the specific communication needs.

2) Objectives in terms of "Ability to apply knowledge and understanding": at the end of the course, students will be able to understand the technical terminology and the fundamental notions of effective communication and will be able to critically analyze the effectiveness of communication also in contexts of intermedia, cross-media and trans-media processes.

3) At the end of the course, students must have achieved the following results:
- recognize the dynamics of meaning of different media (knowledge and applied understanding skills);
- know the differences and the underlying logics behind the multiplicity of languages, genres and formats (autonomy of judgment and ability to learn);
- knowing how to present the acquired knowledge, using an appropriate language (communication skills);
- develop specific skills to understand, analyze and produce communication for old and new media (knowledge and applied understanding skills).

Learning objectives

The course intends to provide students with knowledge on the relationship between literature and journalism in the twentieth century based on the use of the critical method, as a method of reading society.
Through a very careful and close reading of the proposed texts, the student will have to develop a philological and hermeneutic reading ability such as to contextualize the text in its historical and political dimension, to then evaluate its effects in terms of public reception.
The course fully develops the individual interpretative, linguistic and critical capacity, at the foundation of the dynamics of action and exercise of every humanistic discipline. Among the objectives, the practical development of the communicative aspects also assumes particular importance due to the knowledge and critical method acquired.

Learning objectives

1. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. At the end of the course students will be able to:
- read and summarize scientific texts that analyze the concept of political culture and its multiple fields (leadership styles, political organizations, political communication, political participation, etc.)
- describe the main theoretical concepts and research methodologies attributable to the national and international panorama of studies on political cultures;
- identify the main authors who contributed to the definition of the concept of political culture and its evolution.

2. APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING. At the end of the course students will be able to:
- collocate authors and theories relating to the concept of political culture in a line of temporal evolution;
- summarize the main theoretical-scientific aspects related to the studies on political cultures;
- define its limits and identify the critical issues of the concept of political culture.

3. MAKING JUDGMENTS. At the end of the course students will be able to:
- describe in socio-political terms the characteristics of the political system and its complex interactions with the social system.
- identify and use socio-political variables in the evaluation of a complex political and social scenario;
- understand the multiple dimensions that intervene in the relations between the political system and the social system.

4. COMMUNICATION SKILLS. At the end of the course students will be able to:
- use the scientific lexicon of political sociology in an advanced way in oral exposure and writing;
- discuss in public concepts, theories and criticisms relating to studies on political cultures;
- work in a group, sharing and exchanging the knowledge acquired in the field of political sociology.

5. LEARNING SKILLS. At the end of the course students will be able to:
- find and deepen independently the new scientific orientations and the new contributions offered to the study and analysis of the relationship between the social system and the political system.
- recover and deepen acquired socio-political knowledge during the course of their scientific maturation process and along their professional path.

Learning objectives

Ability to argue on the issues which are examined in speaking and in writing.

At the end of the course the student must prove:

- Knowledge and comprehension: knowledge of the theoretical and conceptual foundations of the moral philosophy problems of the course and their critical re-examination;

- Ability to apply knowledge and comprehension: To be able to analyse with rigor and attention a complex text - To be able to apply a moral reasoning to particular cases.

Learning objectives

Expected learning outcomes.
At the end of the course, students must be able to:
1) Recognize the peculiar aspects of contemporary artistic culture with reference to the protagonists, the exhibitions, the critical theory and the languages used
2) Analyze the geo-cultural meanings and contexts of reference
3) Report on the identity characteristics of contemporary artistic practices in the presence of the relative critical and theoretical debate
4) Acquire skills in the approach and analyse of contemporary artworks in a framework of interdisciplinary and transcultural references.

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: study of the relationship between philosophy and painting in the 16th and the 17th Centuries.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: reports to the classroom, on issues proposed by the professor.
3. Making judgements: interpretation skills and participation to classroom debates.
4. Communications skills: testing of skill in communicating personal interpretation and debating issues.
5. Learning skills: stimulating the skill in framing philosophical issues in the given historical context.

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with an adequate knowledge of European colonialism between XIX and XX century, with a particular regard to the Italian colonial rule in Africa.
At the end of the course students should be able to present synthetically the contents of the course and demonstrate comprehension, autonomy of judgment and expositive skills.

Learning objectives

The purpose of the course is to master the history of Euro-American cultural development between the 15h and 20th centuries. Furthermore, during the course a seminar will be held for attending students on the re-elaboration and re-presentation of modern history, both during the modern centuries and in the following ones. At the end of the course, students must be able to: 1) be aware of what has happened over the centuries and in the areas addressed and understand why (Knowledge and understanding); 2) having developed an independent reflection on the topics covered (Applied knowledge and understanding); 3) analyze and discuss texts and documents, of various kinds, understanding how historiography as well as literature has already used them (Autonomy of judgment); 4) present their own independent research in the classroom (Communication skills); 5) understand and fill any previous gaps (Ability to learn). In this process it will be essential to respect the work of all students, in groups or individuals, and to respect deadlines to better coordinate specific insights

MODULE II -8 - -
13014 - SPANISH LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/05ita
13015 - GERMAN LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/13ita
13018 - HISPANO-AMERICAN LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/06ita
13010 - FRENCH LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/03ita
120486 - ENGLISH LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/10ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13036 - ITALIAN LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-FIL-LET/10ita
119892 - ITALIAN LITERARY HISTORYFirst Year / First Semester 8L-FIL-LET/12ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13002 - FRENCH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/04ita
13003 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/12ita
13006 - SPANISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/07ita
13007 - GERMAN LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IFirst Year / Second Semester 8L-LIN/14ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13023 - FRENCH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATIONFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/04ita
13024 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATIONFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/12ita
13027 - SPANISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATIONFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/07ita
14792 - RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/21ita
120316 - CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IFirst Year / First Semester 8L-OR/21ita
13028 - GERMAN LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATIONFirst Year / Second Semester 8L-LIN/14ita
14786 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IFirst Year / Second Semester 8L-OR/12ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13019 - GLOTTOLOGYFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/01ita
13020 - SOCIOLINGUISTICSFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/01ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13045 - SPANISH LITERATURESecond Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/05ita
13046 - GERMAN LITERATURESecond Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/13ita
13049 - HISPANO-AMERICAN LITERATURESecond Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/06ita
13041 - FRENCH LITERATURESecond Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/03ita
120488 - ENGLISH LITERATURE IISecond Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/10ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13060 - SPANISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IISecond Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/07ita
13055 - FRENCH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IISecond Year / Second Semester 8L-LIN/04ita
13056 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IISecond Year / Second Semester 8L-LIN/12ita
13061 - GERMAN LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION IISecond Year / Second Semester 8L-LIN/14ita
MODULE II -8 - -
119894 - PRAGMATICS AND ARGUMENTATIONSecond Year / First Semester 8M-FIL/05ita
119895 - US HISTORY AND INSTITUTIONSSecond Year / Second Semester 8SPS/05ita
119893 - TRADITION AND PERMANENCE OF CLASSICSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-FIL-LET/04ita
MODULE II -8 - -
13081 - MEDIEVAL HISTORYSecond Year / First Semester 8M-STO/01ita
119891 - MODERN HISTORYSecond Year / First Semester 8M-STO/02ita
17155 - HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHYSecond Year / Second Semester 8M-FIL/06ita
18465 - Second Year / Second Semester 8M-STO/04ita
MODULE II -8 - -
14792 - RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-LIN/21ita
120316 - CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IFirst Year / First Semester 8L-OR/21ita
14786 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IFirst Year / Second Semester 8L-OR/12ita
MODULE II -8 - -
14850 - ARABIC LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IISecond Year / First Semester 8L-OR/12ita
120317 - CHINESE LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IISecond Year / First Semester 8L-OR/21ita
14853 - RUSSIAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE IISecond Year / Second Semester 8L-LIN/21ita
MODULE II -8 - -
120329 - MEDIA LANGUAGESFirst Year / First Semester 8M-FIL/05ita
120336 - CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN LITERATUREFirst Year / First Semester 8L-FIL-LET/11ita
13080 - OPTIONAL SUBJECTSecond Year / First Semester 8ita
MODULE II -8 - -
120328 - IMAGE, BRAND, CONSUMPTIONS AND ADVERTISINGFirst Year / First Semester 8SPS/08ita
120352 - WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA FOR POLITICSFirst Year / First Semester 8SPS/04ita
120323 - CHANGING POLITICAL CULTURESFirst Year / Second Semester 8SPS/11ita
120330 - HISTORY OF CINEMAFirst Year / Second Semester 8L-ART/06ita
MODULE II -16 - -
120335 - ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGYSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ANT/07ita
120339 - ETRUSCOLOGYSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ANT/06ita
120340 - ROMANCE PHILOLOGY AND LINGUISTICSSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-FIL-LET/09ita
120341 - LATIN LITERATURESecond Year / Second Semester 8L-FIL-LET/04ita
120342 - EXHIBITIONS AND MUSEUMSSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ART/04ita
120343 - ROMAN HISTORYSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ANT/03ita
120344 - HISTORY OF CONTEMPORARY ARTSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ART/03ita
120345 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ARTSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ART/01ita
120346 - HISTORY OF MODERN ARTSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ART/02ita
17155 - HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHYSecond Year / Second Semester 8M-FIL/06ita
18465 - Second Year / Second Semester 8M-STO/04ita
120347 - HISTORY OF CENTRAL EUROPESecond Year / Second Semester 8M-STO/02ita
119891 - MODERN HISTORYSecond Year / Second Semester 8M-STO/02ita