Unitus Academy

Unitus AcademySchool of Advanced Training of the University of Tuscia pursues the institutional purpose of providing and managing, within the University’s educational offer, post-graduate training through the establishment and activation of first and second level post-graduate
courses (The legal value of the qualification in the Italian framework is Master), advanced trainingcourses, professional training, and specialization schools. It was established by rectoral decree 260 on 06/05/2023 as a section of the Integrated University Center (CIA).”



The Unitus Academy – School of Advanced Training of the University of Tuscia is located at Via
Santa Maria in Gradi n.4, 01100 Viterbo.





  • Contacts

    Head of the Academic and Administrative office of Unitus Academy
    Dr Rosella Bruzzichini
    Telephone contact: 0761.357704
    Email contact: brosella@unitus.it

    Head of the Administrative and Accounting office of the Integrated University Center (CIA)
    Dr Giuseppe Rapiti
    Email contact: rapiti.giuseppe@unitus.it


Administrative bodies


  • Technical-Scientific Director

    Prof. Alessandro Sterpa, TS Director

    The Technical-Scientific Director is appointed by the Rector among the Faculty Body. The Director bears organizational responsibility for the school and oversees the functionality of the Section, assisting the President of the Integrated University Center (CIA) and submitting to the CIA Council the resolutions under the jurisdiction of the Section Council.


  • Section Council

    Section Council

    The Council is composed of the following faculty members:

    Prof. Alessandro Sterpa, TS Director

    Prof. Salvatore de Vincenzo

    Prof. Gian Maria Di Nocera

    Prof. Maria Nicolina Ripa

    Prof. Gianluca Piovesan

    Prof. Flavia Tauro

    Prof. Stefano Battini, Advisory Board President

    The Section Council consists of the TS Director and one faculty member representing each department of the University. The Directors of the first and second level post-graduate courses (Masters in the Italian legal framework), and of the specialization schools, attend the Section Council meetings with advisory functions.


  • Advisory Board

    President: Prof. Stefano Battini


    The Advisory Board has a consultative role, within the Unitus Academy Section, discussing the topics of training proposals, contributing to the definition of guidelines, content and training plans, and examining the training demand in the target market, both in terms of areas of expertise and development needs. It is chaired by a President appointed by the Rector among the tenured professors of the University