General info


First Semester 8SPS/07ITA

Learning objectives

The course sets out to provide basic knowledge in the sociological perspective to understand the processes of social life from the earliest processes of industrialization and modernization to contemporary globalization.
Specifically, with reference to
- Knowledge and understanding, students will have the opportunity to learn the fundamental concepts and theories used by sociology to analyze the processes of socio-economic life.
- Applying knowledge and understanding, students will be able to apply basic methodologies of social research.
-Making Judgments, students will be able to autonomously proceed with the analysis of the economic and social phenomena of the reality that surrounds them.
- Communication skills, students will have developed the ability to process and transfer the knowledge they have acquired.
- Learning skills, students will have developed the ability to analyze the complex problems of the socio-economic reality.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The teaching provides the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the evolution of media and journalism in the contemporary age.
The learning outcomes for the course ‘History and Culture of Journalism’ are as follows:
1) Knowledge and Understanding:
The candidate is expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of the main stages in the evolution of journalism and the characteristics that define them.
2) Applied Knowledge and Understanding:
The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the analysis of journalistic techniques and language.
3) Autonomy of Judgment (Making Judgments):
The candidate should demonstrate the ability to critically elaborate on the content introduced and discussed in class, developing topics from the course and analyzing current news critically and independently.

4) Communication Skills:
The candidate should possess the ability to communicate effectively in oral form regarding the topics covered during the lectures.
5) Learning Skills:
The candidate should demonstrate the ability to rework, classify, schematize, summarize, and integrate the content acquired during the course into a personal learning path.


First Semester 4ita

Learning objectives

The Further Language Knowledge course is intended for students who possess basic knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary and aims to consolidate the same and develop pre-intermediate level (B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR) language and communication skills and competencies.
In the terms of the Dublin descriptors:
1) Knowledge and ability to comprehend written and oral English at the B1 level and knowledge of the fundamentals of communicative grammar;
2) Knowledge and comprehension skills applied to texts, such as the course syllabus and exam arrangements in Italian and English, theoretical lectures given in English, grammar reference texts in English, instructions and assignments of tasks and activities on the Moodle platform, understanding of the teacher's evaluative comments;
3) Autonomy of judgment, i.e., the ability to navigate the choice between language options that are semantically equivalent but differ in cultural context and communicative situation;
4) Communication skills, i.e., written production skills at the B1 level in English and the ability to relate to the rest of the group and cooperate with others;
5) Learning skills, i.e., the development of digital skills to support online learning and cross-curricular skills of metacognitive, metalinguistic, and source-seeking, including online.

17448 -

First Semester 8ita

First Semester 8SECS-P/02ita

Learning objectives

The course will provide the basic theoretical concepts related to individual choices and to their impact on the market process. In particular, the course will provide the tools for the analysis of market equilibrium, i.e. consumers’ choice, demand and supply analysis, market mechanisms and consequences of government intervention on prices, the working of the firm within different market structures – competition, oligopoly, monopoly – as well as come basis of game theory. A particular focus will with the relationship between information and competition.
More in the detail, the course aims at achieving the following objectives.
Knowledge and understanding: The student will have developed the ability to understand markets dynamics as well as policies, in a rapidly changing scenario as contemporary economics. Moreover, the student will understand the role of communication and advertising, also with reference to markets which are currently at the forefront of the public economic debate at the international level, such as digital markets.
Applying knowledge and understanding: The student – acquiring the correct tools and method – will be able to interpret and critically evaluate main economic problems and policies, also with respect to the role of communication and advertising, as well as to assess whether the policies’ goals actually correspond to their predictable effects on the basis of the main economic theories, also with reference to very innovative markets.
Making judgements: The student, through the use of the methodologies acquired during the course, will have acquired analysis skills and the ability to interpret main economic problems, with a focus on communication and advertising, also with reference to the institutional framework at the international level.
Communication skills: At the end of the course the students will strengthen their communication skills as well as their ability to present the results of their analysis, also in relation to ‘problem solving’ activities.
Learning skills: The technical-economic knowledge acquired during the course will allow the student to autonomously understand and interpret complex economic problems. These skills will be developed also through ‘Questions and Answers’ as well as through exercise sessions and presentations.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The course is dedicated to the study of the relationship between the juridical sphere and the religious phenomenon, and aims to focus and analyze the identity elements, cultural and religious, characterizing the structure of contemporary state political systems.
The course also aims to examine the relationships between the great world religions, also in light of the processes of globalization of law.


1) Knowledge and understanding
Analysis of the relationship between law and religion in its essential profiles, with the aim of introducing the student to a basic knowledge of the dynamics characterizing the phenomenon in the contemporary age.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Development of the ability to read and study legal norms, and in particular the constitutional provisions, in order to be able to apply them to the concrete cases of religious phenomenology.

3) Making judgments
Stimulus to the critical evaluation of the contents of the law in force in religious matters in order to grasp, with autonomy of judgment, its peculiarities, also in the perspective of the relationships existing between the different confessional legal systems and contemporary state systems.

4) Communication skills;
Development of communicative and linguistic skills related to legal issues inherent to the religious social phenomenon.

5) Ability to learn (learning skills)
Personal study of religious problems of particular legal importance, aimed at deepening their knowledge and their possible solutions, also in light of the systematic identification of the fundamental rules in force on the subject.


Second Semester 10L-LIN/12ITA

Learning objectives

The English Language for Media and Communication course (class L-20) aims to train professionals capable of interacting with the world of contemporary communication, with particular attention to the visual, performative and media intertexts in English. . The course aims to provide students with an appropriate cultural education which will help them deal with the world of the creative industry, from advertising, film and video, and the visual and performing arts in general.
General objectives of this course is the development of the practical communicative competence of the English language towards a level B1+ (see CEFR) while enhancing students' metalinguistic awareness.
Following Dublin’s descriptors:
1) Knowledge and understanding of oral and written English lev. B1+; basic knowledge of the communicative grammar; how to format a digital text.
2) Knowledge and understanding applied to textualities like: the programme of the course and the exam requirements in both Italian and English; theoretical lectures hold in oral English; reference grammar books in English; instructions for tasks, activities and exercises on the UniTusMoodle course; the evaluation comments from the teacher.
3) Making judgements: capacity to decide among the many semantically equivalent options according to the cultural context and the communicative situation.
4) Communication skills: oral and written production in English lev. B1+; relational abilities with the rest of the group and of working in pairs and teams.
5) Learning skills: transversal competences at a metacognitive and metalinguistic level; information research particularly through on-line resources; digital skills to sustain online learning; self-evaluation.


Second Semester 8SPS/04ITA

Learning objectives

1) Knowledge and understanding of the main concepts and theoretical frameworks;
2) Applying knowledge and understanding, using simulations and/or examples;
3) Learning skills to elaborate independent judgements;
4) Communication skills.

120069 -

Second Semester 8ING-INF/05ita

Learning objectives

The course deals with problems relating to the design, analysis and implementation of usable interactive systems, from a methodological point of view. In particular, the following topics will be considered:
• a general overview of the issues that influence the interaction between humans and computers;
• the importance of the user interface;
• the existence of different classes of users and applications, and their impact on user interface design;
• the need for group work and the collaboration of figures with different skills in the design of interactive systems;
• a model-driven interface design approach;
• the relevance of evaluating the usability of the system,
• rules for accessibility;
• prototyping and graphic design environments (a graphics system will be used)


First Semester 8ING-INF/05ita

Learning objectives

Theory and practice of client-side Web Languages & Technologies

b1) knowledge and understanding
Learn about client-side Web Languages & Technologies (coherent with the course title).

b2) applying knowledge and understanding
Building simple client-side Web sites with HTML5, with several presentations using CSS, and with a dynamic part programmed in Javascript

b3) making judgements
Ability to evaluate client-side Web sites developed by others.

b4) communication skills
Acquire the correct terminology to communicate with professional Web programmers

b5) learning skills
Autonomously search (either in the Internet or in textbooks) the right language constructs (HTML5, CSS, or Javascript) to obtain a desired result on each one's Web site.


First Semester 8ita
MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: of the different television formats and genres, their history, and their audiences, through the acquisition of competences on the main models and reference theories within the field of television studies.
1.1. Students acquire this basic knowledge through attending lectures, studying the texts discussed in class, and analyzing the proposed examples.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: by analyzing forms of serialization, formats, and genres, and their connection to different historical periods and the corresponding social and audience configurations.
2.1. Competences are acquired through classroom exercises and the analysis of case studies assigned as homework.
3. Making judgment : critical reflection on the evolving dynamics of the television medium and its impact on digital society.
3.1. This judgment skill must be applied through classroom discussions with the professor and peers, during exercises, and in preparing for the final exam.
4. Communication skills: students are expected to interact in class through questions, exchanges with peers, and by drafting short presentations or texts during exercises. 4.1. These communication skills are practiced in class through organized discussions, exercises, and presentations.
5. Learning skills: students are required to adopt a critical learning method capable of connecting theoretical knowledge with empirical analysis, aimed at developing independent thinking.
5.1. These skills are strengthened through discussions with the professor and fellow students.


First Semester 8M-STO/04ITA

Learning objectives

The educational objectives of the Contemporary History Course for the academic year
2024/2025 are as follows.
1. Knowledge and understanding. Teaching aims to consolidate knowledge of the history
of the 19th and 20th centuries and the ability to understand the historical evolution of
European and non-European societies in the last two centuries.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding. The aim is to produce in students an adequate
observation of the reality of the contemporary world and a capacity for knowledge and
analysis of events contemporary to us.
3. Making judgements. Another objective is to educate students in autonomy of judgment
and the ability to form their own critical thinking.
4. Communication skills. Particular attention will be paid in the course of lectures to
methodologies for developing and improving students' communication and interpersonal
5. Learning skills. Their learning skills will be enhanced in students by advising them on
targeted readings.

17432 - PUBLIC LAW

Second Semester 8IUS/09ITA

Learning objectives

The course deals with the study of Italian public law in its essential profiles, addresses some legal issues of particular social relevance, and has the aim of introducing students to a basic understanding of the Italian Constitution.
The course also has the objective of stimulating and encouraging the acquisition of specific skills and competences in the analysis and interpretation of the rules and regulatory acts characterizing the area of ​​Italian public law.


1) Knowledge and understanding
Analysis of public law in its fundamental profiles, with the aim of introducing a basic personal knowledge of the Italian Constitution

2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Development of the ability to read and study legal norms, and in particular the constitutional provisions, in order to be able to apply them to concrete cases

3) Making judgments
Stimulus to the critical evaluation of the contents of the law in force in order to verify, with autonomy of judgment, the respective compliance with the constitutional provision

4) Communication skills
Development of communication and linguistic skills related to legal issues

5) Ability to learn (learning skills)
Personal study of legal problems of particular social importance aimed at deepening their knowledge and their possible solutions.


Second Semester 8SPS/08ita

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: being able to critically read the relationship between media and society in historical development and acquire the historical, technological and theoretical skills necessary to understand and interpret media forms, languages ​​and practices;
2. Applied knowledge and understanding: acquire the appropriate tools and languages ​​to analyze in depth the daily experience with the media and correctly interpret the social media scenarios of the past and emerging ones, in the cultural industry and in social practices;
3. Making judgements: apply the knowledge acquired during the course to critically analyze the transformations introduced by the media in the history of Western man, particularly in the context of contemporary society;
4. Communication skills: acquire an adequate specialized vocabulary and demonstrate mastery of the terminology and fundamental concepts of the course;
5. Ability to learn: acquire the autonomy necessary to continuously update the knowledge and skills acquired during the course to apply them to the analysis of the continuous evolutions that characterize the relationship between media technologies and social reality.

Laboratory Activities: Laboratory activities are an integral part of teaching and will complement the frontal teaching. They will mainly be based on group work in which students will be involved in analyzes of media use practices.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

To acquire theoretical and operational skills in understanding the syntax of film language and to develop a critical reading ability of films and audiovisual content
b1) Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge related to the main narrative structures used by film storytelling understood in terms of scriptwriting, directing, editing (as per course title).
b2) Applying knowledge and understanding:
Students will learn methodologies of interpretation and application of the language of film, discussed in relation to contemporary modes of production.
b3) Making judgements:
Students will be led to reflect autonomously and critically on the main theories on audiovisual media.
b4) Communication skills:
Students will learn the specific vocabulary and techniques of audiovisual media.
b5) Learning skills:
Students will be able to interpret the peculiarities of audiovisual media, understanding meanings and means of realisation.

MODULE II - -- -
FURTHER JOB SKILLSSecond Semester8ita

Second Semester 8IUS/01ita

Learning objectives

The course will provide the basic theoretical concepts related to private law. In particular, the course is aimed at acquiring useful tools for understanding the main private law institutes, such as subjects, assets, entities, subjective rights, the contract, as well as liability in contractual and non-contractual matters.
More in the detail, the course aims at achieving the following objectives. Knowledge and understanding. Students will develop the ability to understand the mechanisms of the legal relationship in private law, in a context of rapid jurisprudential evolution, especially in light of the technological progress of communication tools.
Applied knowledge and understanding. After having acquired the correct tools and methods provided by the course, students will be able to interpret and critically evaluate the problems posed by civil doctrine and jurisprudence, at a national and supranational level, taking into account the interaction between the legal systems.
Making judgement. The student, through the use of the methodologies acquired during the course, will have acquired analysis skills and the ability to interpret main legal problems of a private nature.
Communication skill. At the end of the course, students will improve their ability to communicate and present the results of their analyses, thanks to "problem solving" activities, also carried out through the presentation of practical cases on which to reflect. Learning skills: The technical-legal knowledge acquired during the course will allow students to autonomously understand and interpret complex legal problems. These skills will also be developed through exercises and presentations on concrete cases, taken from sentences of the Italian Corte di Cassazione.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide a general framework of reference that allows to have a systemic vision of the organizational reality in its various levels of functioning, from the socio-structural aspects to the cultural and psychological ones. In particular, the course aims to provide a reading of the organization through the examination of the main organizational behaviors deriving from the interaction between psychological motivations and productive instances. (EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 1,2,3,4,5,)


Learning objectives

Geography is the science that studies the processes of humanisation of planet Earth and critically
examines the relationship between Culture and Nature. This interaction has a scientific as well as
educational value and therefore the teaching aims to present the complexity of geographical
knowledge, its epistemological objects and specific languages, with particular emphasis on
cartography and GIS (Geographical Information System).
specific languages, with particular emphasis on cartography and GIS (Geographical Information
The basic educational objectives, therefore, are as follows
to make students aware of the theoretical and methodological processes of the discipline
provide them with keys to understanding the main geographical themes;
The course aims to provide methodological critical acquisition of theoretical and methodological knowledge on the organization of geographical spaces and about the geographical paradigms, rethinking on the society-environment relationships
1) knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the geography
2) applying knowledge and understanding of geographic lexicon
3) communication skills and critical elaboration of the argumentation and the logical organization of the geographical discourse;
4) making judgements and critical reading of a geographical essay.
5) learning skills


First Semester 8ita

First Semester 8SPS/08ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to offer the tools necessary to analyze and design in traditional and digital mainstream media. The aim is to transmit the theories and techniques necessary to operate in the front end and in the back end, simultaneously evaluating the impacts of the strategies on the public / users. A second goal is to ensure the importance of
multidisciplinarity in the digital ecosystem and to train the learner in order to make him work in several areas: sociological, media, political - institutional, corporate.
The training objectives are:
Knowledge and understanding. Learners will gradually approach the processes of digital transformation of society with particular attention to the dynamics of modern
communication. Tools, strategies, languages ​​of the digital ecosystem, in-depth analysis of the theoretical complex of social sciences, will be the pillars of the training offer. The lessons will be interactive and debate will be encouraged, useful for the direct involvement of students.
Applying knowledge and understanding. A laboratory will be created, as in previous years, to plan together and enhance individual aptitudes according to the roles played in
the working group. The individual practices will therefore be compared with international models and a simulation - meeting/debate will be organized at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels.
Making judgements. Students will have to apply the knowledge acquired to develop communication strategies and also understand the effects of information on audiences.
Practical examples will be useful to build one's own ability to criticize and judge also in relation to the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and its current conditions of use.
Communication skills. At the end of the academic quarter, the students will have to know how to use and report on the use of social network site platforms and some information applications (WordPress, Spotify, etc.) to operate independently and easily integrate into the world of information and digital communication. The presentation of the project will be a further opportunity to talk, individually and in groups, about the processes faced to obtain
the desired result.
Learning skills. The development of a project, the event lessons with experts in the subject, the experience in realities such as the European Parliament represent the best
way to achieve practical and direct learning of the theories and techniques addressed during the course.


Second Semester 8M-STO/08ITA

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with: 1) (Knowledge and ability to understand) the theoretical and methodological tools for a better understanding of computer science and the computational tool, in particular with regard to the ability to model and disseminate digital information, especially in relation to the digitisation of cultural resources, together with an introduction to algorithmic thinking; 2) (Applied knowledge and ability to understand) a greater understanding in the use of the computational tool, both at the level of textual and graphical interfaces, and of generalist and cultural heritage-specific network environments, with an introduction to the functioning of algorithmic thinking; 3) (Autonomy of judgement) the critical tools for understanding the technological, social and cultural factors underlying the digital revolution and its influence on society; 4) (Communication skills) the ability to communicate the skills acquired in various forms and in different socio-cultural contexts; 5) (Ability to learn) the theoretical principles underlying digital information, in particular in its relationship with society, so as to be able to continually update one's skills in this regard.


Second Semester 6ita

Second Semester 8SPS/08ita

Learning objectives

1- Knowledge and understanding
Obtain an in-depth knowledge of the social nature and development of the advertising system, its evolution over time and the social implications that its practice brings into play.
Through the analysis of the historical evolution of advertising practice, communication styles, strategies, tools and effects on consumers, acquire a systematic competence of the value and social role, as well as marketing, of this particular communication vehicle such as advertising.
Acquire a theoretical and analytical capacity of each communication strategy aimed at the care and creation of the relationships that the company establishes with all its

2. Applying knowledge and understanding
Apply the knowledge acquired to understand and independently analyze advertising strategies and overall corporate communication plans.
Be able to propose, thanks to the skills acquired, original strategic perspectives and alternative forms of cognitive and emotional involvement of the target audience.

3. Making judgements
Be able to independently evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of communication plans and advertising strategies implemented in the market by brands and companies of different nature and size.
Evaluate short- and medium-term effects both on the market and in the context of social and relational dynamics to which advertising communication refers

Be able to critically identify the expected effects and the socially relevant side effects of strategic market objectives
Be able to identify the cognitive and emotional limits of an uncritical, identity-based and self-referential exposure to advertising and promotional flows.

4. Communication skills
Know how to effectively organize a critical argument regarding analyses and proposals on advertising and corporate communication strategy
Organize and propose exemplary and descriptive content through multimedia tools.

5.Learning skills
Develop autonomous understanding and critical skills of communication phenomena related to companies and the market
Cultivate the ability to always be a citizen and a consumer aware of the limits and distortions of a social and market system, continuing to reflect and critically learn the
increasingly rapid transformations of communication fields.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide students, through theoretical lessons, practical exercises and examples, with the tools needed in order to evaluate and understand the graphic design. The main topics of the course are the study of images and writing, their fruition and their design as part of a visual communication project.

Appliyng knowledge and understanding
During the course the students have deal with exercises on the topics covered by the course, the exercises concern the understanding of color, hierarchy, the principles of visual perception and the nature of writing as a form of visual communication.

Making judgment and communication skills
The discussions of exercises, in which students take part, are aimed at strengthening critical skills in order to evaluate avisual communication project and elicit the communication skills necessary to talk about visual communication.

Learning skills
By dealing with lectures, exercises and discussions students will face increasingly complex problems. In this way, students will gradually develop their skills by broadening the scope of learning and understanding problems.


Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and Understanding:
Acquire a deep understanding of the characteristics of technologies for knowledge reproduction, in
relation to education and educational processes.
Understand the dynamics and differences between oral, written, multimedia, and networked
cultures, and their influence on educational processes.
Develop the ability to critically analyze communicative practices and the processes of producing
and consuming informational content in educational contexts.
Gain solid knowledge of the role of media as fundamental tools for experience and knowledge, as
well as the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in managing knowledge.
Understand how various modes of communication, developed over time, have influenced the ways
in which knowledge and experience are transmitted to others, with significant impact on
educational practices.
Recognize the cultural and material influences of the dominant communication infrastructures in
each era, particularly in relation to the development of educational systems.
Understand the concept of "cultural software" and the role of digital platforms in managing and
distributing cultural and educational content.
Analyze the relationship between the spread of ICT technologies and the changes in educational
systems, assessing the implications for education and learning.

2. Applying Knowledge and Understanding:
Apply acquired knowledge to critically analyze the relationship between media and learning forms,
with particular attention to communication processes, education, identity construction, and the
dynamics of social behaviors mediated by digital technologies.
Manage the creation and organization of educational resources, with an awareness of the role of
different communication tools in structuring and presenting knowledge.
Effectively use and manage online learning platforms and educational tools, optimizing their
integration into educational pathways.
Develop and plan educational programs that leverage the characteristics of digital ecosystems,
applying theoretical knowledge to practical solutions.

3. Making Judgements:
Develop the ability to independently evaluate the impact of communication technologies and media
on educational processes, considering ethical, cultural, and social implications.
Cultivate a critical capacity to assess the effectiveness of various digital platforms and educational
resources, selecting the most appropriate tools based on educational goals.
Formulate informed judgments about how technological changes influence education and training,
reflecting on sustainability and educational innovation.

4. Communication Skills:

Acquire the ability to effectively communicate complex concepts related to the use of digital
technologies in educational contexts, both in written and oral form.
Be able to engage in dialogue with experts from various fields (technology, education,
communication) to design innovative solutions in the field of education.
Communicate critical analyses and reflections on media and educational technology using
accessible and context-appropriate language.

5. Learning Skills:
Develop an autonomous capacity for continuous updating in the field of educational technologies
and digital media, following the evolution of tools and educational paradigms.
Be able to independently learn new technological skills, integrating new knowledge and expertise
into one's professional practice.
Foster intellectual curiosity and adaptability to the changing educational and technological
landscape, maintaining a flexible approach to lifelong learning.


Learning objectives

The teaching provides the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to the evolution of media and journalism in the contemporary age.
The learning outcomes for the course ‘History and Culture of Journalism’ are as follows:
1) Knowledge and Understanding:
The candidate is expected to acquire knowledge and understanding of the main stages in the evolution of journalism and the characteristics that define them.
2) Applied Knowledge and Understanding:
The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the analysis of journalistic techniques and language.
3) Autonomy of Judgment (Making Judgments):
The candidate should demonstrate the ability to critically elaborate on the content introduced and discussed in class, developing topics from the course and analyzing current news critically and independently.

4) Communication Skills:
The candidate should possess the ability to communicate effectively in oral form regarding the topics covered during the lectures.
5) Learning Skills:
The candidate should demonstrate the ability to rework, classify, schematize, summarize, and integrate the content acquired during the course into a personal learning path.

Learning objectives

The course is dedicated to the study of the relationship between the juridical sphere and the religious phenomenon, and aims to focus and analyze the identity elements, cultural and religious, characterizing the structure of contemporary state political systems.
The course also aims to examine the relationships between the great world religions, also in light of the processes of globalization of law.


1) Knowledge and understanding
Analysis of the relationship between law and religion in its essential profiles, with the aim of introducing the student to a basic knowledge of the dynamics characterizing the phenomenon in the contemporary age.

2) Applying knowledge and understanding
Development of the ability to read and study legal norms, and in particular the constitutional provisions, in order to be able to apply them to the concrete cases of religious phenomenology.

3) Making judgments
Stimulus to the critical evaluation of the contents of the law in force in religious matters in order to grasp, with autonomy of judgment, its peculiarities, also in the perspective of the relationships existing between the different confessional legal systems and contemporary state systems.

4) Communication skills;
Development of communicative and linguistic skills related to legal issues inherent to the religious social phenomenon.

5) Ability to learn (learning skills)
Personal study of religious problems of particular legal importance, aimed at deepening their knowledge and their possible solutions, also in light of the systematic identification of the fundamental rules in force on the subject.

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and understanding: of the different television formats and genres, their history, and their audiences, through the acquisition of competences on the main models and reference theories within the field of television studies.
1.1. Students acquire this basic knowledge through attending lectures, studying the texts discussed in class, and analyzing the proposed examples.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: by analyzing forms of serialization, formats, and genres, and their connection to different historical periods and the corresponding social and audience configurations.
2.1. Competences are acquired through classroom exercises and the analysis of case studies assigned as homework.
3. Making judgment : critical reflection on the evolving dynamics of the television medium and its impact on digital society.
3.1. This judgment skill must be applied through classroom discussions with the professor and peers, during exercises, and in preparing for the final exam.
4. Communication skills: students are expected to interact in class through questions, exchanges with peers, and by drafting short presentations or texts during exercises. 4.1. These communication skills are practiced in class through organized discussions, exercises, and presentations.
5. Learning skills: students are required to adopt a critical learning method capable of connecting theoretical knowledge with empirical analysis, aimed at developing independent thinking.
5.1. These skills are strengthened through discussions with the professor and fellow students.

Learning objectives

To acquire theoretical and operational skills in understanding the syntax of film language and to develop a critical reading ability of films and audiovisual content
b1) Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge related to the main narrative structures used by film storytelling understood in terms of scriptwriting, directing, editing (as per course title).
b2) Applying knowledge and understanding:
Students will learn methodologies of interpretation and application of the language of film, discussed in relation to contemporary modes of production.
b3) Making judgements:
Students will be led to reflect autonomously and critically on the main theories on audiovisual media.
b4) Communication skills:
Students will learn the specific vocabulary and techniques of audiovisual media.
b5) Learning skills:
Students will be able to interpret the peculiarities of audiovisual media, understanding meanings and means of realisation.

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide a general framework of reference that allows to have a systemic vision of the organizational reality in its various levels of functioning, from the socio-structural aspects to the cultural and psychological ones. In particular, the course aims to provide a reading of the organization through the examination of the main organizational behaviors deriving from the interaction between psychological motivations and productive instances. (EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 1,2,3,4,5,)

Learning objectives

Geography is the science that studies the processes of humanisation of planet Earth and critically
examines the relationship between Culture and Nature. This interaction has a scientific as well as
educational value and therefore the teaching aims to present the complexity of geographical
knowledge, its epistemological objects and specific languages, with particular emphasis on
cartography and GIS (Geographical Information System).
specific languages, with particular emphasis on cartography and GIS (Geographical Information
The basic educational objectives, therefore, are as follows
to make students aware of the theoretical and methodological processes of the discipline
provide them with keys to understanding the main geographical themes;
The course aims to provide methodological critical acquisition of theoretical and methodological knowledge on the organization of geographical spaces and about the geographical paradigms, rethinking on the society-environment relationships
1) knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of the geography
2) applying knowledge and understanding of geographic lexicon
3) communication skills and critical elaboration of the argumentation and the logical organization of the geographical discourse;
4) making judgements and critical reading of a geographical essay.
5) learning skills

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The course aims to provide students, through theoretical lessons, practical exercises and examples, with the tools needed in order to evaluate and understand the graphic design. The main topics of the course are the study of images and writing, their fruition and their design as part of a visual communication project.

Appliyng knowledge and understanding
During the course the students have deal with exercises on the topics covered by the course, the exercises concern the understanding of color, hierarchy, the principles of visual perception and the nature of writing as a form of visual communication.

Making judgment and communication skills
The discussions of exercises, in which students take part, are aimed at strengthening critical skills in order to evaluate avisual communication project and elicit the communication skills necessary to talk about visual communication.

Learning skills
By dealing with lectures, exercises and discussions students will face increasingly complex problems. In this way, students will gradually develop their skills by broadening the scope of learning and understanding problems.

Learning objectives

1. Knowledge and Understanding:
Acquire a deep understanding of the characteristics of technologies for knowledge reproduction, in
relation to education and educational processes.
Understand the dynamics and differences between oral, written, multimedia, and networked
cultures, and their influence on educational processes.
Develop the ability to critically analyze communicative practices and the processes of producing
and consuming informational content in educational contexts.
Gain solid knowledge of the role of media as fundamental tools for experience and knowledge, as
well as the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in managing knowledge.
Understand how various modes of communication, developed over time, have influenced the ways
in which knowledge and experience are transmitted to others, with significant impact on
educational practices.
Recognize the cultural and material influences of the dominant communication infrastructures in
each era, particularly in relation to the development of educational systems.
Understand the concept of "cultural software" and the role of digital platforms in managing and
distributing cultural and educational content.
Analyze the relationship between the spread of ICT technologies and the changes in educational
systems, assessing the implications for education and learning.

2. Applying Knowledge and Understanding:
Apply acquired knowledge to critically analyze the relationship between media and learning forms,
with particular attention to communication processes, education, identity construction, and the
dynamics of social behaviors mediated by digital technologies.
Manage the creation and organization of educational resources, with an awareness of the role of
different communication tools in structuring and presenting knowledge.
Effectively use and manage online learning platforms and educational tools, optimizing their
integration into educational pathways.
Develop and plan educational programs that leverage the characteristics of digital ecosystems,
applying theoretical knowledge to practical solutions.

3. Making Judgements:
Develop the ability to independently evaluate the impact of communication technologies and media
on educational processes, considering ethical, cultural, and social implications.
Cultivate a critical capacity to assess the effectiveness of various digital platforms and educational
resources, selecting the most appropriate tools based on educational goals.
Formulate informed judgments about how technological changes influence education and training,
reflecting on sustainability and educational innovation.

4. Communication Skills:

Acquire the ability to effectively communicate complex concepts related to the use of digital
technologies in educational contexts, both in written and oral form.
Be able to engage in dialogue with experts from various fields (technology, education,
communication) to design innovative solutions in the field of education.
Communicate critical analyses and reflections on media and educational technology using
accessible and context-appropriate language.

5. Learning Skills:
Develop an autonomous capacity for continuous updating in the field of educational technologies
and digital media, following the evolution of tools and educational paradigms.
Be able to independently learn new technological skills, integrating new knowledge and expertise
into one's professional practice.
Foster intellectual curiosity and adaptability to the changing educational and technological
landscape, maintaining a flexible approach to lifelong learning.

MODULE II -8 - -
17429 - HISTORY AND CULTURE OF JOURNALISMFirst Year / First Semester 8M-STO/04ITA
18504 - DIRITTO E RELIGIONEFirst Year / Second Semester 8IUS/11ita
MODULE II -8 - -
18133 - FILM THEORY AND ANALYSISSecond Year / Second Semester 8L-ART/06ita
MODULE II -8 - -
17445 - FURTHER JOB SKILLSSecond Year / Second Semester 8ita
MODULE II -16 - -
18307 - GEOGRAPHYThird Year / First Semester 8M-GGR/01ITA
17442 - GRAPHIC AND DIGITAL DESIGNThird Year / Second Semester 8ICAR/17ita
118841 - Third Year / Second Semester 8M-PED/03ita
119989 - Third Year / Second Semester 8L-ART/06ita