
Digital Management of Agriculture and Mountain Areas LM69

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  • Headquarter

    University center of Rieti

  • Department

    Agriculture and Forest Sciences

  • Language


  • Course lenght

    2 years

  • Admission

    Oral interview

The Master’s Degree course “Digital Management of Agriculture and Mountain Areas” (GEDAM) is aimed attraining agronomist or forestry professionals, with particular specific skills in the management of digitaldata, sensors applied to agriculture and forests, precision agriculture techniques, the management ofinformationsystems applied to the management of the mountain territory and agriculture. The graduate will be experienced in the introduction and management of technological innovations in agriculture and inthe mountain areas. The course is part of the LM69 (Agricultural Sciences and Technologies) and LM73 (Forestry and Environmental Sciences and Technologies) interclasses. The interclass MD allows it to differentiate itself from many national training offers as it does not focus only on the strictly agricultural or forestry field, but the vision present in the two MD classes is integrated providing the degree in GEDAM with a distinct character of uniqueness.

The Master’s Degree course aims to train technicians with skills in two major areas of intervention in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR): Green Transition and Digital Transformation. Graduates in GEDAM will be able to use digital tools for efficient agricultural production and proper management of the territory with particular reference to the mountain areas.

The proposed professional figure will be able to deal with the management of the territory more effectively
by adopting the most innovative technologies. Moreover, the professional figure, thanks to the strong innovative character and the strong skills in two of the six pillars of the PNRR, makes the graduate in GEDAM particularly in demand in the world of work, thanks also to his skills which are currently difficult to find. The functions that GEDAM graduates can perform will range from research and development in companies in the agricultural, agro-food, livestock and forestry sectors, to collaboration with companies producing technologies applied to agriculture and forests, to territorial planning and control bodies.

The setting of the MD and the topics covered lend themselves to the development of an international path: in this regard, a collaboration with the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania) is in progress, with which a specific agreement will be formalized, for the start of a master’s degree (dual degree) in collaboration with the forest science faculty of the same university.

Unlike other degree and master courses on precision agriculture, which are very oriented towards large farms, GEDAM addresses techniques and methodologies that are also applicable to small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs) and local realities, such as those characterizing the mountain environment.

The course offers teachings such as: information systems, fundamentals of digital engineering applied to agriculture, digital techniques in agriculture, drones and detection systems, innovation in the management of phytosanitary problems, and digital technologies applied to genetics. The course is currently divided into two curricula: the first concerning “Digital Agriculture”, the second concerning the “Digital management of the mountain territory”. In the “Digital Agriculture” curriculum there will be teachings regarding digital cartography of the territory and soils, digital management of water resources and digital applications in animal husbandry, machines and systems for precision agriculture. The curriculum “Management of the mountain territory” will instead have teachings oriented to the digital management of water resources and forest heritage, tourism, environmental monitoring and energy supplies.

The knowledge acquired in both curricula will also be developed through practical laboratory and field exercises, interdisciplinary exercises carried out off-site, seminars and internships at companies of the  sector. Students will have the opportunity to experience abroad, thanks to agreements with international universities already in place for DAFNE’s master’s degree courses.

The title of master’s degree acquired through the course of study will allow you to participate in the state exam for qualification to the profession of agronomist and forestry doctor and to participate in PhDschools

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  • Learning objectives

    Developments in sensor technology, artificial intelligence, automation, tracking and robotics are
    revolutionizing manufacturing systems and this revolution is expected to accelerate in the coming years by implementing digital management of agriculture and of mountain areas.
    The acquisition of data through sensors and digital technologies makes low-cost and high-detail analytical
    procedures available, increasing the data available and usable for the timely planning and improvement of agro-zootechnical activities in general and of the peculiar activities of management, preservation and conservation of mountain territories.
    The sustainability of agricultural production and, more generally, of activities in the mountain environment,
    is highly dependent on the correct contribution of inputs into the processes and, from this point of view, the introduction of digital tools to support decisions and associated modern technologies are becoming more and more essential. This concept is fully part of the setting of the first mission of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (which “aims to give a decisive boost to the relaunch of the competitiveness and productivity of the country system”) and of the second mission of the same (which aims at “a radical ecological transition towards complete climate neutrality and sustainable environmental development to mitigate threats to natural and human systems”).
    The availability of a large amount of data in the projection of time series (big data) will allow on the one
    hand the selection of more appropriate and effective measures to be introduced for the improvement of
    agricultural production in terms of quantity and / or quality, for the reduction of costs and environmental
    impact (soil, water, atmosphere), on livestock farms (improvement of animal welfare, increase in productive and reproductive efficiency) on humans (safety, attractiveness of work towards the agricultural sector and / or mountain territory); on the other hand the preparation of innovative tools suitable for an efficient, modern and sustainable management of the mountain territory capable of facing and solving future challenges.
    The figure to be trained is a technician who knows how to introduce and apply new technologies, especially digital, precision, “smart”, in the management of the farm or the territory (with particular reference to the mountain one), or a “data scientist and / or data analyst “who knows the machines and software available, the predictive and implementation models available and, based on the needs of the farm or mountain area, knows how to choose and implement them as efficiently as possible. Considering its inter-class character, the master’s degree program will aim to train not a traditional agronomist, but an agronomist who knows how to interface with the world of new digital technologies and with professionals who develop software, sensors, innovative startups and technological services for agriculture, etc. This professional figure will be able to provide the engineering professions with the agronomic and zootechnical information necessary for
    the design of new technologies for agriculture and livestock. To apply these technologies efficiently, the trained figure will have to know, in addition to the more purely digital-engineering bases, the aspects related to the physiology and needs of organisms, agricultural crops, livestock farms and agroecosystems in general. The professional figure to be trained will have, as a fundamental requirement, the ability to use digital tools that are increasingly widespread today.
    Graduates in Digital Management of Agriculture and Mountain Areas must know the functioning of the agroecosystem as a whole and interpret the data observed and obtained also through new technologies (from remote sensing, to proximal sensors, to sensors applied in farming, etc.). Students will follow a course aimed at deepening the study of natural and agricultural ecosystems through the application of modern digital technologies to ecophysiology and plant genetics as well as introducing the digitization of systems for environmental monitoring, energy sources and management of tourism.

    Graduates must be able to:

    • carry out a mapping of the technologies (intelligent, digital) available, also in terms of adoptability, effects, risks, etc.
    • assess digital transitions and drivers of change towards greater resilience that can deliver more public goods and ecosystem services, including the creation of jobs to improve social inclusion;
    • interpreting the data and relating them to the biological realities of natural and artificial ecosystems to better manage them and select the most productive and sustainable variants.
  • Career opportunities

    Freelance activity as an agronomist and forestry doctor; advanced consultancy for agriculture, forestry, tourism and innovative startups (e.g. use of drones, DSS, GIS, etc.); engineering companies aimed at the production of goods and services for agriculture, the territory and the environment; service companies and institutions for agriculture, the environment and / or the territory; software houses aimed at the production of software for agriculture, animal husbandry, the territory and the environment; mechanical industries for the production of machinery and equipment for precision agriculture and animal husbandry; electronic and mechatronic industries for the production of scientific equipment and equipment for monitoring and managing the environment with particular reference to forests and water resources; tourism industry; energy production companies; environmental management and remediation companies; public bodies (ministries, regional offices, municipalities, mountain communities, park authorities, etc.); agricultural trade associations; associations of touristic and environmental guides; professional studies; cooperatives and farms; farmhouses; teaching in schools and universities; research and innovation transfer institutions.

  • Further education

    The acquired skills allow access to higher university training levels (PhD, II level Masters, Postgraduate courses, etc.).

  • Further information

    By passing the State exam the graduate can enroll in the professional order of agronomists and forestry doctors.

    The Master’s Degree course aims to train technicians with skills in two major areas of intervention in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR): Green Transition and Digital Transformation. Graduates in GEDAM will be able to use digital tools for efficient agricultural production and proper management of the territory with particular reference to the mountain areas.

    The proposed professional figure will be able to deal with the management of the territory more effectively by adopting the most innovative technologies. Moreover, the professional figure, thanks to the strong innovative character and the strong skills in two of the six pillars of the PNRR, makes the graduate in GEDAM particularly in demand in the world of work, thanks also to his skills which are currently difficult to find. The functions that GEDAM graduates can perform will range from research and development in companies in the agricultural, agro-food, livestock and forestry sectors, to collaboration with companies producing technologies applied to agriculture and forests, to territorial planning and control bodies.

    The setting of the MD and the topics covered lend themselves to the development of an international path: in this regard, a collaboration with the Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania) is in progress, with which a specific agreement will be formalized, for the start of a master’s degree (dual degree) in collaboration with the forest science faculty of the same university.

  • Download the Brochure

    Click here to download.

  • Programme coordinators

    Prof. Massimo Cecchini, tel. 0761357353, cecchini@unitus.it

    Other contact persons:
    Prof. Valerio Cristofori [delegate for ERASMUS +]
    Prof. Angelo Mazzaglia [communication delegate]
    Prof. Mario Augusto Pagnotta
    Prof. Simone Priori [delegate for internationalization]

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