General Info


First Semester 8SECS-P/07ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the student with the theoretical and practical notions aimed at:
- Understand the definition and analysis models of the internal control and risk management system of companies;
- Know corporate governance rules regarding the internal control and risk management system.
- Know international standards of the internal auditing profession
- Develop critical analytical skills to improve corporate control processes.


First Semester 8ita
MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The course will cover the basic rules governing bankruptcy law.
The course aims to provide students with the tools necessary for a correct interpretation of the rules accompanied by an investigation of the reality to which rules must adapt or at least take into due account.

Knowlodge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student must have acquired full knowledge and understanding of the institutions covered by the course.

Applying knowledge and understanding.
At the end of the course the student must have acquired the fundamental tools to be able to develop the ability to interpret sources, doctrinal and jurisprudential orientations as well as the various application consequences of the latter.

Making judgements
The student must also be able to develop a critical approach to the discipline and the ability to orient himself even in the face of the change in the positive discipline in force.

Communication skills
The student must be able to simply illustrate the basic notions of bankruptcy law and the law of extraordinary business operations, as if addressing people who are not experts in the field; he must also be able to summarize in a precise but concise way the in-depth concepts, in any case using an appropriate technical-legal lexicon. The student is also encouraged to convey personal interpretations of the most debated topics studied with clarity and rigor.

Learning skills
The student must be able to update and broaden their knowledge, independently drawing on regulatory texts, scientific articles and jurisprudential rulings. They must also gradually acquire the ability to actively participate in specialized seminars, conferences and masters in the areas of interest of bankruptcy law and the law of extraordinary business operations.


First Semester 8SECS-P/07ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide adequate and up-to-date preparation on the valuation of companies and extraordinary operations. In particular, it aims to illustrate the main methods of evaluating companies and to make people understand which method is best suited to the different company realities and extraordinary operations that the company may find itself facing.

Knowledge and Understanding: Students will gain a solid understanding of the main business valuation methods, developing the ability to differentiate between various techniques and their theoretical foundations.

Applied Knowledge and Understanding: Students will be able to apply valuation methods to different business realities and extraordinary operations, assessing which method is most suitable for each specific context.

Autonomy in Judgment: The course promotes autonomy in judgment, enabling students to critically analyze valuation methods and make informed decisions on the most appropriate approach for each situation.

Communication Skills: Students will develop the ability to effectively and clearly communicate business valuation results, adapting technical language to the intended audience.

Learning Ability: Students will acquire skills for independent learning, allowing them to continuously update themselves on evolving business valuation methods and practices in extraordinary operations.

MODULE II - -- -

First Semester 8SECS-P/07ita

Learning objectives

"The course aims to illustrate to the student the general characteristics of the “universal” company and the public administration. It is proposed, in particular, to identify the organizational and management logics of public administration, analyzing the main change processes that have involved the whole public administration in recent years.
Dublin Descriptors:
a) KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: knowledge and understanding of the concept of ""universal"" company and public company.
b) APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: ability to apply the knowledge acquired and to understand and solve problems relating to the management and accounting and budget information system of companies and public administrations (with particular reference to local authorities).
c) MAKING JUDGEMENTS: ability to use the acquired knowledge on a conceptual and operational level with autonomous assessment skills and skills in the various application contexts.
d) COMMUNICATION SKILLS: acquire clear and effective communication skills, thanks to technical language typical of the discipline
e) LEARNING SKILLS: acquire adequate learning skills that allow you to independently address and deepen the main issues of the discipline. This ability will be developed through the active involvement of students through discussions in the classroom and exercises on specific topics related to the course.


Second Semester 8SECS-P/07ITA

Learning objectives

The course aims to lead the student to a significant knowledge of financial reporting regulated by international accounting standards and aims to make appreciate specificities and elements of distinction compared to other accounting regulations. By understanding the concepts that characterise financial reporting and analysing their regulation in terms of accounting standards, at the end of the course the student will have acquired an adequate level of knowledge of the criteria for forming financial reporting and its interpretation.
Knowledge and understanding - At the end of the learning process the student will have the necessary knowledge to understand financial reporting prepared in compliance with accounting standards.
Applied knowledge and understanding - The student should be able to understand accounting standards and to correctly interpret financial reporting prepared according to these standards.
Autonomy of judgment - The student must be able to develop his own autonomy of judgment on the correctness of the assessments made on the basis of different accounting regulations.


Second Semester 4L-LIN/12ita

Learning objectives

This course aims to prepare to know and use the English language with the aim of progressively achieving a level B eligibility. The comprehension and expression of oral language is privileged, without neglecting the linguistic competence required for a clear and correct written expression. For this purpose, the adopted text allows students to personalize what is highlighted in the classroom through further revision and self-learning systems. The technical linguistic area of exercise will concern marketing and administration, with appropriate formal lexical insights and drafting of special glossaries useful to the profession. Presentations of scientific topics, conversations, debates, analysis of experiences and personal research: all this converges to form and stimulate creative skills, inspired by the most current issues.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

"LEARNING OBJECTIVES: In line with the objectives of the degree program in Administration, Finance, and Control, the laboratory aims to guide students in measuring the knowledge acquired in their previous studies, with particular reference to business administration in startup contexts. A collaborative program is presently in progress in conjunction with Joule—Eni’s School for Business, an institution dedicated to overseeing a specialized excellence initiative tailored for the nurturing and advancement of startup enterprises (https://www.eni.com/joule/it-IT/home.html).
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The workshop will enable learners to focus on the dynamics of financing needs definition, strategic planning, cost analysis, and management support that companies live from their establishment phase. The collaboration with Joule will allow students to attend events/testimonials of prominent national and international company managers on administration, finance, and control issues. The discussion of the content of the events with the lecturer will lead to finalizing the analysis of critical factors related to projects for the development of new business ideas.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Through their active participation in the 'problem-solution fit' meetings with startup selections, students will be able to apply the knowledge they've acquired and identify reasonable technical solutions.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: At the end of the laboratory activities, the student can consider critical and operational aspects of the choices inherent in creating an enterprise.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Students will acquire the expertise needed to evaluate a ""business idea's"" technical and economic viability and appraise it.
LEARNING SKILLS: At the end of the laboratory activities, the student will be empowered to undertake, independently, subsequent studies on the topics addressed, further enhancing their understanding and skills.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives


The provision of the basic analytical tools to understand, at macro, meso and micro level, the functioning of economic development and human development, according to the social and environmental sustainability, considering the economic science as a social science with a plurality of points of views.


1.Knowledge and understanding ability: the knowledge of theories and policies of development useful to understand the main issues of contemporary economy.

2.Capability to apply knowledge and understanding: the knowledge of concepts and methods to judge the main criticalities and opportunities of economic development.

3.Capability to approach the subject in a critical manner: the capability to identify the main relationships of the economic system to grasp its logic and explain it according to the different theoretical approaches and with a critical capacity.

4.Communication abilities: to knowledge of the analytical rigor through the use of formulas and graphs and with the illustration of logical links.

5.Learning ability: successful condition in learning is the ability to reconstruct autonomously and critically the introductory notions of development economics."


Learning objectives

Educational objectives: The course aims to provide advanced knowledge on economic and financial issues relating to the monetary and international economics.
1) Knowledge and understanding; at the end of the course the student will have to demonstrate that they have understood the main issues of international monetary economics (money, exchange rates, crises, innovations and policy and regulatory measures).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding; The student must be able to read and interpret papers and books on advanced financial economics, as well as evaluate their empirical and methodological contents.
3) Autonomy of judgment (making judgments); At the end of the course, the student will be able to independently read papers and books on advanced financial economics, implementing critical analysis in research.
4) Communication skills; Knowledge of the general part and of the special topics of the course will allow the student to acquire the technical language of the subject allowing them to effectively deal with the discussion of the topics covered
5) Ability to learn (learning skills). At the end of the course, the student will be able to undertake, even independently, subsequent in-depth studies regarding the topics addressed.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the role of accounting information in the perspective of its preparation and use by stakeholders. In particular, it is intended to provide the student with knowledge of two thematic areas: group formation and consolidated account and financial statements analysis to make different economic decisions.
Learning Objectives
1) Knowledge and understanding Knowing the tools of analysis, about groups accounts and financial statements analysis both in their theoretical construction and in their implementation. Civil code regulation, national and international financial reporting standards.
2) Applied knowledge and understanding Learning of group analysis tools and interpreting financial statements. Analysis of case studies.
3) Autonomy of judgment To be able to apply instruments for analyzing business groups and financial statements in a critical and independent way in order to be able to write a report on financial position and performance of operations of a business entity.
4) Communication skills To be able to express the results of a financial statements analysis by preparing a report and accounting documents.
5) Ability to learn Reading published accounting information of business entities in order to express an assessment of the financial positions and performance evaluation


First Semester 8SECS-P/07ita

Learning objectives

"1. Knowledge and understanding of the financial statement analysis methodologies applied to management control in companies;
2. Knowledge and understanding of the techniques specific to financial statement analysis as tools for management control and functional to the construction of business plans;
3. Autonomy of judgment regarding the reliability of the information derived from the financial statement analysis and those used for the preparation of business plans;
4. Communication skills in the main terms and techniques of management control, particularly referring to the preparation and reading of business plans;
5. Ability to learn financial statement analysis techniques also supporting the preparation of business plans."

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

"1. Knowledge and understanding:

The course aims to teach and provide an understanding of the current state of positive law in Italy and Europe—specifically of criminal relevance—covering the fundamental themes of commercial and corporate criminal law, the study of Supervisory Authorities, and Market Protection, while also addressing the topic of “Corporate Liability” related to Legislative Decree 231/01 in all its aspects.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:

The dynamic and practical case-law approach addresses the cases of each topic covered with a view to the applied understanding of the law in relation to different factual realities that require interpretation by the jurist in all their roles.

3. Making judgments:

The exegesis-based analysis of the legal texts enables the development of critical autonomy from an interpretive perspective, which the “jurist” student develops in understanding the practical dynamics of the legal institutions being taught.

4. Communication skills:

Communication will also involve “real” seminars with live connections to financial markets to enhance applied knowledge and refine critical interpretation.

5. Learning skills:

Learning will be based on “facts,” an essential starting point in criminal matters, so that the subsumption of facts under the relevant legal provisions is comprehensive, taking into account applied dogmatics together with case law, including that provided at the European level."

CORPORATE TAX LAWSecond Semester8IUS/12ita

Learning objectives

"The course aims to achieve the following objectives:
Knowledge and understanding: Acquire in-depth knowledge of corporate tax law, including national and international tax regulations.
Applied knowledge and understanding: Use theoretical knowledge to analyze and resolve practical tax issues faced by businesses.
Autonomy of judgment: Critically evaluate and formulate independent judgments on tax strategies and tax decisions within a business context.
Communication skills: Effectively communicate tax issues, explaining the fiscal implications of business decisions to colleagues, clients, and consultants.
Learning ability: Develop a proactive approach to continuous learning in the field of tax law, enhancing understanding of tax laws and their practical application in a business context."


First Semester 8IUS/04ita

Learning objectives

"The course aims to achieve the following objectives:
Knowledge and understanding: Acquire in-depth knowledge of the law related to extraordinary operations, such as mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings.
Applied knowledge and understanding: Use theoretical knowledge to analyze and solve practical cases in the context of extraordinary operations.
Autonomy of judgment: Critically evaluate the legal and strategic implications of extraordinary operations and formulate independent judgments.
Communication skills: Effectively communicate legal strategies and details of extraordinary operations to clients, colleagues, and other stakeholders.
Learning ability: Develop a proactive approach to continuous learning and deepening of legal issues related to extraordinary operations."


First Semester 8SECS-S/03ita

Learning objectives

"The goal of the course is to provide students with the fundamental skills for data analysis in business contexts, such as marketing, customer satisfaction, and user profile analysis, using statistical techniques and programming in R applied in real-world contexts.
- Knowledge and Understanding: By the end of the course, students will be able to understand the fundamental data analysis techniques applied to business contexts, such as marketing, customer satisfaction, and user profile analysis. Additionally, they will have acquired practical knowledge of programming techniques in R necessary to implement these analyses.
- Applying Knowledge and Understanding: Students will be able to apply data analysis and programming techniques in R to real business situations, using statistical tools to solve concrete problems. They will be capable of developing practical data-based solutions to enhance business strategies and operational decisions.
- Making Judgements: Students will be able to critically evaluate the results obtained from data analyses, judging the quality, reliability, and relevance of the applied techniques. Moreover, they will be able to compare their solutions with those proposed by other researchers, developing a critical approach to seeking innovative solutions.
- Communication Skills: Through the presentation and discussion in class of the final paper, students will be able to effectively communicate the results of their analyses, using appropriate technical language and clearly and convincingly illustrating the methodologies and results.
- Learning Skills: Students will develop the ability to learn independently through research and critical comparison of different data analysis methodologies. They will be able to continuously update themselves on the latest techniques and adapt their knowledge to new problems and application contexts."

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The course addresses the topic of digital transformation of organisations, and the consequent impacts on the way modern organisations work and operate. The course invites students to reflect on the changes, opportunities, risks, and consequences on the use of digital technologies in organisational design and change processes, and on the implications for organisational decision making and operational processes.

The course aims at transferring to the students theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the role of digital technologies in organisations, and on the competences and the processes necessary by individuals and organisations to govern this process.

During the course the students will be engaged in learning activities, both theoretical and practical ones, as individuals and in groups. The participation to the course will stimulate in students the development of the following capabilities.

Knowledge and comprehension
Understand the nature and impact of organisational change produced by the introduction of digital technologies in individual and groups behaviour.
Know the main information systems used in organisations.
Know the tools to analyse processes and guide the transformation processes through digital technologies.
Know the tools and the processes for analysing the information needs and for the design of or data analysis and presentation.

Applied knowledge
Being able to identify potential areas of application of digital technologies to solve organisational problems.
Being able to understand and govern the analysis of business processes and their re-engineering in the digital transformation.
Know how to identify and analyse the information needs of an organisation and how to design data analytics tools to satisfy such needs.
Know how to manage a digital transformation process through planning activities and estimating the effort, and know how to control the process using project management tools and techniques

Judgement capabilities
Know the main variables influencing the digital transformation process, know how to analyse them, and be able to judge if and when digital technologies can be used for organisational innovation and change.

Communication capabilities
During the course the students will practice the capabilities of presenting and discussing their ideas on the role of digital technologies in the transformation process of organisations.

Know how to learn
Being able to learn in an autonomous and self-management way.

16428 - THESIS

Second Semester 12ita

Second Semester 8SECS-P/03ita

Learning objectives

Educational objectives
Learning expected: knowledge of the main international tax regulations in order to allow individual and group work skills.
The major problems of international taxation understanding.
The development of judgment capacity and critical spirit to share, compare and question one's own ideas and those of others on international taxation and related evasive phenomena.

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

The goal of the course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical tools that explain how the financial system works, as well as its interactions with the real economy, both at the macro- and micro-level, by focusing on the behavior of financial intermediaries in transferring funds from surplus units (savers) to deficit units (investors).

Acquire knowledge and tools, both theoretical and practical, that allow students to understand theories of financial economics. Such knowledge will be acquired through frontal lectures supported by advanced textbooks and journal articles reading, and participation to thematic seminars.

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and methodology to practical examples in a way to assess the main concerns and opportunities of the modern financial system. Such skills will be developed mainly through exercises and an active debate in the classroom.

Ability to identify and explain the relationships among the agents of the financial sector, as well as their interaction with the real side of the economy. Students will be able to identify, collect and interpret relevant data on the financial indicators, in connection with real variables, in order to i) provide a comparative analysis with respect to other economic indicators from a global perspective, and to ii) stimulate reflections on issues related to financial economics. Active discussions among students will be encouraged.

Students will acquire the ability to present the issues of the course with adequate language and appropriate analytical skills (formulae, graphics, and explanation of causal links). Such ability will be implemented through exercises. Students will be able to communicate with peers and supervisors about their understanding on basic topics of financial economics.
The student will have to develop the ability to independently and critically reconstruct the basic notions of financial economics, so as to be able to independently undertake any in-depth studies."

Learning objectives

The course will cover the basic rules governing bankruptcy law.
The course aims to provide students with the tools necessary for a correct interpretation of the rules accompanied by an investigation of the reality to which rules must adapt or at least take into due account.

Knowlodge and understanding:
At the end of the course the student must have acquired full knowledge and understanding of the institutions covered by the course.

Applying knowledge and understanding.
At the end of the course the student must have acquired the fundamental tools to be able to develop the ability to interpret sources, doctrinal and jurisprudential orientations as well as the various application consequences of the latter.

Making judgements
The student must also be able to develop a critical approach to the discipline and the ability to orient himself even in the face of the change in the positive discipline in force.

Communication skills
The student must be able to simply illustrate the basic notions of bankruptcy law and the law of extraordinary business operations, as if addressing people who are not experts in the field; he must also be able to summarize in a precise but concise way the in-depth concepts, in any case using an appropriate technical-legal lexicon. The student is also encouraged to convey personal interpretations of the most debated topics studied with clarity and rigor.

Learning skills
The student must be able to update and broaden their knowledge, independently drawing on regulatory texts, scientific articles and jurisprudential rulings. They must also gradually acquire the ability to actively participate in specialized seminars, conferences and masters in the areas of interest of bankruptcy law and the law of extraordinary business operations.

Learning objectives

"1. Knowledge and understanding:

The course aims to teach and provide an understanding of the current state of positive law in Italy and Europe—specifically of criminal relevance—covering the fundamental themes of commercial and corporate criminal law, the study of Supervisory Authorities, and Market Protection, while also addressing the topic of “Corporate Liability” related to Legislative Decree 231/01 in all its aspects.

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:

The dynamic and practical case-law approach addresses the cases of each topic covered with a view to the applied understanding of the law in relation to different factual realities that require interpretation by the jurist in all their roles.

3. Making judgments:

The exegesis-based analysis of the legal texts enables the development of critical autonomy from an interpretive perspective, which the “jurist” student develops in understanding the practical dynamics of the legal institutions being taught.

4. Communication skills:

Communication will also involve “real” seminars with live connections to financial markets to enhance applied knowledge and refine critical interpretation.

5. Learning skills:

Learning will be based on “facts,” an essential starting point in criminal matters, so that the subsumption of facts under the relevant legal provisions is comprehensive, taking into account applied dogmatics together with case law, including that provided at the European level."

Learning objectives

"The course aims to achieve the following objectives:
Knowledge and understanding: Acquire in-depth knowledge of corporate tax law, including national and international tax regulations.
Applied knowledge and understanding: Use theoretical knowledge to analyze and resolve practical tax issues faced by businesses.
Autonomy of judgment: Critically evaluate and formulate independent judgments on tax strategies and tax decisions within a business context.
Communication skills: Effectively communicate tax issues, explaining the fiscal implications of business decisions to colleagues, clients, and consultants.
Learning ability: Develop a proactive approach to continuous learning in the field of tax law, enhancing understanding of tax laws and their practical application in a business context."

Learning objectives

"LEARNING OBJECTIVES: In line with the objectives of the degree program in Administration, Finance, and Control, the laboratory aims to guide students in measuring the knowledge acquired in their previous studies, with particular reference to business administration in startup contexts. A collaborative program is presently in progress in conjunction with Joule—Eni’s School for Business, an institution dedicated to overseeing a specialized excellence initiative tailored for the nurturing and advancement of startup enterprises (https://www.eni.com/joule/it-IT/home.html).
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: The workshop will enable learners to focus on the dynamics of financing needs definition, strategic planning, cost analysis, and management support that companies live from their establishment phase. The collaboration with Joule will allow students to attend events/testimonials of prominent national and international company managers on administration, finance, and control issues. The discussion of the content of the events with the lecturer will lead to finalizing the analysis of critical factors related to projects for the development of new business ideas.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Through their active participation in the 'problem-solution fit' meetings with startup selections, students will be able to apply the knowledge they've acquired and identify reasonable technical solutions.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS: At the end of the laboratory activities, the student can consider critical and operational aspects of the choices inherent in creating an enterprise.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Students will acquire the expertise needed to evaluate a ""business idea's"" technical and economic viability and appraise it.
LEARNING SKILLS: At the end of the laboratory activities, the student will be empowered to undertake, independently, subsequent studies on the topics addressed, further enhancing their understanding and skills.

Learning objectives


The provision of the basic analytical tools to understand, at macro, meso and micro level, the functioning of economic development and human development, according to the social and environmental sustainability, considering the economic science as a social science with a plurality of points of views.


1.Knowledge and understanding ability: the knowledge of theories and policies of development useful to understand the main issues of contemporary economy.

2.Capability to apply knowledge and understanding: the knowledge of concepts and methods to judge the main criticalities and opportunities of economic development.

3.Capability to approach the subject in a critical manner: the capability to identify the main relationships of the economic system to grasp its logic and explain it according to the different theoretical approaches and with a critical capacity.

4.Communication abilities: to knowledge of the analytical rigor through the use of formulas and graphs and with the illustration of logical links.

5.Learning ability: successful condition in learning is the ability to reconstruct autonomously and critically the introductory notions of development economics."

Learning objectives

Educational objectives: The course aims to provide advanced knowledge on economic and financial issues relating to the monetary and international economics.
1) Knowledge and understanding; at the end of the course the student will have to demonstrate that they have understood the main issues of international monetary economics (money, exchange rates, crises, innovations and policy and regulatory measures).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding; The student must be able to read and interpret papers and books on advanced financial economics, as well as evaluate their empirical and methodological contents.
3) Autonomy of judgment (making judgments); At the end of the course, the student will be able to independently read papers and books on advanced financial economics, implementing critical analysis in research.
4) Communication skills; Knowledge of the general part and of the special topics of the course will allow the student to acquire the technical language of the subject allowing them to effectively deal with the discussion of the topics covered
5) Ability to learn (learning skills). At the end of the course, the student will be able to undertake, even independently, subsequent in-depth studies regarding the topics addressed.

Learning objectives

The goal of the course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical tools that explain how the financial system works, as well as its interactions with the real economy, both at the macro- and micro-level, by focusing on the behavior of financial intermediaries in transferring funds from surplus units (savers) to deficit units (investors).

Acquire knowledge and tools, both theoretical and practical, that allow students to understand theories of financial economics. Such knowledge will be acquired through frontal lectures supported by advanced textbooks and journal articles reading, and participation to thematic seminars.

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and methodology to practical examples in a way to assess the main concerns and opportunities of the modern financial system. Such skills will be developed mainly through exercises and an active debate in the classroom.

Ability to identify and explain the relationships among the agents of the financial sector, as well as their interaction with the real side of the economy. Students will be able to identify, collect and interpret relevant data on the financial indicators, in connection with real variables, in order to i) provide a comparative analysis with respect to other economic indicators from a global perspective, and to ii) stimulate reflections on issues related to financial economics. Active discussions among students will be encouraged.

Students will acquire the ability to present the issues of the course with adequate language and appropriate analytical skills (formulae, graphics, and explanation of causal links). Such ability will be implemented through exercises. Students will be able to communicate with peers and supervisors about their understanding on basic topics of financial economics.
The student will have to develop the ability to independently and critically reconstruct the basic notions of financial economics, so as to be able to independently undertake any in-depth studies."

Learning objectives

The purpose of the course is to provide an overview of the role of accounting information in the perspective of its preparation and use by stakeholders. In particular, it is intended to provide the student with knowledge of two thematic areas: group formation and consolidated account and financial statements analysis to make different economic decisions.
Learning Objectives
1) Knowledge and understanding Knowing the tools of analysis, about groups accounts and financial statements analysis both in their theoretical construction and in their implementation. Civil code regulation, national and international financial reporting standards.
2) Applied knowledge and understanding Learning of group analysis tools and interpreting financial statements. Analysis of case studies.
3) Autonomy of judgment To be able to apply instruments for analyzing business groups and financial statements in a critical and independent way in order to be able to write a report on financial position and performance of operations of a business entity.
4) Communication skills To be able to express the results of a financial statements analysis by preparing a report and accounting documents.
5) Ability to learn Reading published accounting information of business entities in order to express an assessment of the financial positions and performance evaluation

Learning objectives

The course addresses the topic of digital transformation of organisations, and the consequent impacts on the way modern organisations work and operate. The course invites students to reflect on the changes, opportunities, risks, and consequences on the use of digital technologies in organisational design and change processes, and on the implications for organisational decision making and operational processes.

The course aims at transferring to the students theoretical knowledge and practical skills on the role of digital technologies in organisations, and on the competences and the processes necessary by individuals and organisations to govern this process.

During the course the students will be engaged in learning activities, both theoretical and practical ones, as individuals and in groups. The participation to the course will stimulate in students the development of the following capabilities.

Knowledge and comprehension
Understand the nature and impact of organisational change produced by the introduction of digital technologies in individual and groups behaviour.
Know the main information systems used in organisations.
Know the tools to analyse processes and guide the transformation processes through digital technologies.
Know the tools and the processes for analysing the information needs and for the design of or data analysis and presentation.

Applied knowledge
Being able to identify potential areas of application of digital technologies to solve organisational problems.
Being able to understand and govern the analysis of business processes and their re-engineering in the digital transformation.
Know how to identify and analyse the information needs of an organisation and how to design data analytics tools to satisfy such needs.
Know how to manage a digital transformation process through planning activities and estimating the effort, and know how to control the process using project management tools and techniques

Judgement capabilities
Know the main variables influencing the digital transformation process, know how to analyse them, and be able to judge if and when digital technologies can be used for organisational innovation and change.

Communication capabilities
During the course the students will practice the capabilities of presenting and discussing their ideas on the role of digital technologies in the transformation process of organisations.

Know how to learn
Being able to learn in an autonomous and self-management way.

Learning objectives

"This course is designed to introduce students to the applications of machine learning (ML) in finance and how fintech companies are using ML to create new financial products and services. The course will cover the fundamental concepts of ML, including supervised and unsupervised learning, neural networks, deep learning, and natural language processing.
The course provides the ability to apply and program functional machine learning models to financial analysis.
The student will learn to apply these concepts to financial data and build predictive models to support financial decision making.
The student will be able to critically evaluate the financial issue on which to apply the appropriate machine learning model
The student, through active participation in the course, will be encouraged to critically communicate the skills learned
The student through individual study and active participation in the classroom will learn the main techniques of machine learning and have the ability to apply them properly to financial cases."

Learning objectives

"The course introduces students tho the fundamentals of R language and of the data analysis environments for R. The laboratory is designed for students who have no, or limited, previous knowledge on R. During the laboratory the students will familiarise with the basic features of the R language, the R and RStudio working environment, and the basic operations for data management and manipulation.

Knowledge and understanding
Know the capabilities and the potential application domains of R
Know how to use R together with other data analysis software (Excel and Stata) for data import and export
Know the basic data objects managed by R and be able to manipulate them
Be able to perform basic math and logical operations on data in R, basic data manipulation activities, and basic descriptive statistics analysis
Know how to graphically represent data in R

Applying knowledge and understanding
Be able to recognise the application domain of the features of R
Starting from a dataset, be able to identify the possible analysis and data manipulation that can be performed on it

Making judgements
Be able to interpret the results of the main data manipulation and analysis activities
Be able to interpret the meaning of error messages provided by the R environment and be able to fix the problems autonomously

Communication skills
Be able to present data in the form of reports or presentations automatically generated by R scripts combining textual descriptive parts, data tables, charts, and results of data analysis

Learning skills
Be able to learn in an autonomous and self-managed way

Learning objectives

"The course offers an introductory and analytical treatment of the fundamentals of valuation within the context of bond, equity, and derivative products in the management of a securities portfolio. In the bond segment, the course analyzes fixed-rate and variable-rate instruments, structured products, and linear derivatives, as well as their pricing with and without credit spreads. Regarding the equity segment, starting from the framework of Modern Portfolio Theory, the course examines the main instruments and techniques used in the equity sector, focusing on both basic instruments and convex derivatives. The topics are primarily covered in an applied manner, using Excel and Matlab.
Learning Objectives
Active participation in the course and diligent study will enable the student to:
• Understand the institutional characteristics of the domestic and international bond and equity markets (knowledge and understanding).
• Comprehend the basic concepts of return and risk within the context of interest rate models and mean-variance models (knowledge and understanding).
• Calculate various measures of risk and return in the context of individual securities and portfolios (applying knowledge and understanding).
• Understand the purpose and functioning of yield curve models and concave and linear frontiers (knowledge and understanding).
• Understand the definition and use of both simple and complex derivatives (applying knowledge and understanding).
• Estimate the price of plain vanilla options using the Black-Scholes model, the binomial model, and Monte Carlo simulation (applying knowledge and understanding).
• Estimate the price of plain vanilla IRS (Interest Rate Swaps) (applying knowledge and understanding).
Students will participate in exercises and be assigned two project works (one on bonds and one on equities) that will allow them to develop the ability to research data and information for processing, to develop advanced quantitative models, and to draw conclusions regarding the risk-return evaluation of financial products (making judgments). They will also develop teamwork skills, learn to organize and manage a project (learning skills), and communicate with the instructor; they will enhance their ability to present results, highlighting critical points and analyzing outputs with independent judgment (communication skills), while managing Excel and any necessary programming languages (communication skills)."

Learning objectives

"The objective is to provide students with theoretical knowledge of applied linear algebra and data mining, with particular emphasis on the decomposition of prediction errors in economic and social phenomena. Fundamental statistical concepts (e.g., regression, classification, inference) will be reviewed and presented with a more detailed technical level to provide a deeper theoretical understanding of data analysis.
2. Based on the theoretical knowledge acquired, students will be required to apply what they have learned in analyzing datasets on real or simulated data. Particular emphasis is placed on comparing different methods that can be used to achieve the same data analysis objective, in order to identify the most appropriate one. To this end, students will be required to master the R programming software at an intermediate/advanced level.
3. Based on what they have learned in theory and verified in practice, students must make a judgment on the quality of the data analysis performed. Particular emphasis is placed on highlighting the limitations and critical points of the data analysis performed, always keeping in mind whether the data analysis objective has been effectively achieved (where possible).
4. Students are required to communicate what they have learned theoretically and discovered empirically through data analysis by giving an oral presentation of their results. The presentation should balance the technical content of the work with a more informative nature of the insights gained from the data.
5. The student’s learning ability is tested through the data analysis itself. The in-class analyses, where students will learn the theory and test it, will always be necessarily educational, for example, with pre-selected and pre-processed datasets. The analysis of real data that students are exposed to will necessarily put them in a position to apply what they have learned in an innovative way and to learn new techniques. In general, the course will provide students with all the necessary elements to learn new concepts independently."

Learning objectives

"The course aims to highlight typical features of corporate financial management, such as, above all, risk-return analysis and debt capital investment oriented to sustainability issues.

The student will come to know and understand with the innovative ways of analyzing financial management from the perspective of ESG issues.
The student will be able to interpret investment information with logic that integrates environmental, social, and governance factors into investment decision making.
By the end of the course, students will have acquired the skills to critically evaluate corporate financial management by including the perspective of sustainability
Students will be stimulated to communicate their skills through active participation in the course through practical exercises and project working.
At the end of the course, the student will acquire skills that will enable him/her to solve specific business cases."

Learning objectives

"The course introduces students tho the fundamentals of R language and of the data analysis environments for R. The laboratory is designed for students who have no, or limited, previous knowledge on R. During the laboratory the students will familiarise with the basic features of the R language, the R and RStudio working environment, and the basic operations for data management and manipulation.

Knowledge and understanding
Know the capabilities and the potential application domains of R
Know how to use R together with other data analysis software (Excel and Stata) for data import and export
Know the basic data objects managed by R and be able to manipulate them
Be able to perform basic math and logical operations on data in R, basic data manipulation activities, and basic descriptive statistics analysis
Know how to graphically represent data in R

Applying knowledge and understanding
Be able to recognise the application domain of the features of R
Starting from a dataset, be able to identify the possible analysis and data manipulation that can be performed on it

Making judgements
Be able to interpret the results of the main data manipulation and analysis activities
Be able to interpret the meaning of error messages provided by the R environment and be able to fix the problems autonomously

Communication skills
Be able to present data in the form of reports or presentations automatically generated by R scripts combining textual descriptive parts, data tables, charts, and results of data analysis

Learning skills
Be able to learn in an autonomous and self-managed way

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide advanced tools for the analysis of structured and unstructured data in application contexts related to economics, finance, and corporate control. The educational objectives and expected learning outcomes are as follows:
• Knowledge and Understanding: Acquisition of basic programming knowledge to enable the student to independently perform statistical analyses on shared databases.
• Applied Knowledge and Understanding: The student must be able to apply computer science and data analysis knowledge to solve problems related to new or unfamiliar topics, within broader contexts.
• Autonomy of Judgment: The student must be capable of critically analyzing the proposed algorithm for problem-solving, highlighting its weaknesses and strengths.
• Communication Skills: The student must acquire proficiency in the technical language of the computer science/statistics area.
• Learning Ability: The student must be able to tackle new topics not covered in the lessons, using the knowledge and skills acquired independently.

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide students with an overview of the Digital Economy, analyzing the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the contemporary economy and the main economic, social, political and organizational aspects related to digital innovation.

Knowledge and understanding: Understand the theoretical foundations of the Digital Economy and its impacts on society and culture. Understand the challenges and opportunities of the digital economy for business, work and innovation.

Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: Apply the acquired knowledge to analyze and evaluate the economic, social and political implications of digital technologies. Develop innovative solutions to face the challenges of the Digital Economy.

Making judgements: Develop critical and evaluation skills with respect to the different theories and practices of the Digital Economy. Understand the impacts of the Digital Economy on work, society and the environment.

Communication skills: Clearly and effectively communicate concepts and results of the analysis of the Digital Economy to different audiences.

Ability to learn: Continue to learn and update their subject knowledge and skills independently.

Learning objectives

The goal of the course is to provide students with knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and practical tools that explain how the financial system works, as well as its interactions with the real economy, both at the macro- and micro-level, by focusing on the behavior of financial intermediaries in transferring funds from surplus units (savers) to deficit units (investors).

Acquire knowledge and tools, both theoretical and practical, that allow students to understand theories of financial economics. Such knowledge will be acquired through frontal lectures supported by advanced textbooks and journal articles reading, and participation to thematic seminars.

Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge and methodology to practical examples in a way to assess the main concerns and opportunities of the modern financial system. Such skills will be developed mainly through exercises and an active debate in the classroom.

Ability to identify and explain the relationships among the agents of the financial sector, as well as their interaction with the real side of the economy. Students will be able to identify, collect and interpret relevant data on the financial indicators, in connection with real variables, in order to i) provide a comparative analysis with respect to other economic indicators from a global perspective, and to ii) stimulate reflections on issues related to financial economics. Active discussions among students will be encouraged.

Students will acquire the ability to present the issues of the course with adequate language and appropriate analytical skills (formulae, graphics, and explanation of causal links). Such ability will be implemented through exercises. Students will be able to communicate with peers and supervisors about their understanding on basic topics of financial economics.
The student will have to develop the ability to independently and critically reconstruct the basic notions of financial economics, so as to be able to independently undertake any in-depth studies."

MODULE II -8 - -
119029 - BUSINESS CRISIS AND INSOLVENCY LAWFirst Year / First Semester 8IUS/04ita
119990 - CORPORATE TAX LAWSecond Year / First Semester 8IUS/12ita
MODULE II -8 - -
16417 - PROFESSIONALIZING ACTIVITYFirst Year / First Semester 8ita
119045 - PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYFirst Year / First Semester 4ita
120411 - LABORATORY FOR BUSINESS CREATIONFirst Year / Second Semester 4SECS-P/07ita
MODULE II -8 - -
120454 - DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICSFirst Year / Second Semester 8SECS-P/01eng
120455 - FINANCIAL ECONOMICSSecond Year / Second Semester 8SECS-P/01eng
MODULE II -8 - -
119242 - BALANCE ANALYSISFirst Year / Second Semester 8SECS-P/07ita
120457 - MANAGEMNT OF INFORMATION SYSTEMSSecond Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/10eng
MODULE II -4 - -
119045 - PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYFirst Year / First Semester 4ita
120416 - MACHINE LEARNING LAB FOR FINANCESecond Year / First Semester 4ING-INF/05ita
120409 - DIGITAL SKILLS LAB: DATA ANALYTICS WITH RSecond Year / First Semester 4ING-INF/05ita
MODULE II -8 - -
120414 - FINANCIAL INVESTMENTSFirst Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/11ita
120415 - SUSTAINABLE CORPORATE FINANCESecond Year / Second Semester 8SECS-P/09eng
MODULE II -8 - -
119045 - PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYFirst Year / First Semester 4ita
16417 - PROFESSIONALIZING ACTIVITYFirst Year / First Semester 8ita
120409 - DIGITAL SKILLS LAB: DATA ANALYTICS WITH RFirst Year / First Semester 4ING-INF/05ita
120493 - STATISTICAL AND ECONOMETRIC ANALYSESFirst Year / First Semester 4SECS-S/03ita
MODULE II -8 - -
119278 - DIGITAL ECONOMYSecond Year / First Semester 8SECS-P/03ita
120455 - FINANCIAL ECONOMICSSecond Year / Second Semester 8SECS-P/01eng