The Umbrian Association for the Fight Against Cancer (AUCC) announces a degree award in memory of Gianmichele Laccetti, intended for graduates in Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Chemical and...
ContinuaStudents are informed that five experimental master's thesis projects are available at the red biotechnology laboratory of Enea-Casaccia in rome, located at via anguillarese 301. Effects of neutron...
ContinuaWe are pleased to announce the opportunity to participate in the second edition of the course dedicated to operators and volunteers of Wildlife Rescue Centers (Centri di Recupero Animali Selvatici...
ContinuaPlease be advised that the Civitavecchia Infopoint will be closed on the following dates:March 27th April 17th, 22th, and 24th May 6th and...
ContinuaStarting from Thursday, March 13th, 2025, a front office desk will be available in the Civitavecchia University Campus.Our tutor Sara will provide support for:Entrance Guidance (for...
ContinuaSecond semester Italian L2 course schedules for foreign students are available...
ContinuaIn accordance with the closures of University offices and facilities for Christmas holidays, we inform you that the front office desk will be closed from December 23th to January 6th.Our...
ContinuaGiven the unavoidable commitments of Prof. Andrea CHIOCCHIO that prevent his participation in the graduation session for the academic year 2023/24 on December 17, 2024, at the Viterbo campus, the...
ContinuaI just wanted to let you know that a call for applications has been published on the UNITUS Official Register for allocating 4 grants for tutoring and orientation activities at the Department of...
ContinuaCheck here for the convocation details of the graduation session on December 16th and 17th, 2024, for the Department of Ecological and Biological...
ContinuaStudents are informed of the new public opening hours for the DEB Infopoint:Monday and Thursday | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PMOn Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, assistance will be available at...
ContinuaOn Monday, November 25th, Professor Wolf Dietrich Geppert, Director of the Center for Astrobiology at Stockholm University, will visit the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences.On this...
ContinuaAll students interested are hereby notified that the online Mathematics course, taught by Professor Alessio Barbieri in Viterbo (Block B), will begin on November 7th.Classrooms 3 (on Tuesdays)...
ContinuaWe inform students enrolled in our Master's degree programs that a new experimental thesis is available in the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology, starting in December 2024/January...
ContinuaThe Bioinformatics 2 course, taught by Professor Tiziana Castrignanò, is suspended until further notice due to the instructor's unavailability.A substitute will be appointed as soon as possible...
ContinuaWe inform students of our Master’s degree programs that an experimental thesis is available at the Chemistry Laboratory coordinated by Dr. Giordano Poneti, starting from November 2024. The thesis...
ContinuaStudents enrolled in our Master's degree courses are informed that an experimental thesis is available at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Raffaele Saladino. The...
ContinuaStudents enrolled in our Master's degree courses are informed that an experimental thesis is available at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Raffaele Saladino. The...
ContinuaIt is announced that on October 24, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, an event titled "The Time of the Forest: A Dialogue between Science and Art to Promote Scientific Culture" will be held in the Aula...
ContinuaConsidering that the graduation sessions in October 2024 (for the 2023-2024 academic year) will take place on the 14th, 15th, and 16th, and that the next admission interview for the Master's Degree...
ContinuaGraduation session notice October 14 and 15, 2024, Viterbo's siteBiological Sciences session IBiological Sciences sessuion IINatural and Environmanetal SciencesExperimental Biology...
ContinuaA new experimental thesis opportunity is available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology starting from December 2024. The experimental thesis, focusing on the topic "Multi-omic...
ContinuaStudents are informed of the new public opening hours for the DEB Infopoint:Monday and Tuesday | 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Thursday | 2:00 PM – 4:30 PMOn Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,...
ContinuaStudents of our Master's Degree courses are informed that 2 experimental theses are available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology, starting from October 2024.The experimental...
ContinuaMaster’s students are informed that a new experimental thesis is available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology starting from October 2024.The thesis work will focus on the topic...
ContinuaStudents of our Master's Degree programs are informed that two new experimental thesis are available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology.The experimental thesis work will focus on...
ContinuaClick here to download the updated calendar as of September 18, 2024, for the start of classes in the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year of the Department of Ecological and Biological...
ContinuaTo facilitate the consultation of the "Lesson Calendar" section of the website, a brief guide is provided below. Timetable Platform The timetable platform or web agenda, in the context of our...
ContinuaClick here to download the calendar for the start of classes in the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year for the Department of Ecological and Biological...
ContinuaIn accordance with the resolution of the DEB Department Council dated 18/10/2024, and considering the conventional nature of our University and the specific characteristics of the scientific degree...
ContinuaWe inform students that a notice has been published for the selection of 5 outstanding students from the following areas, with the aim of creating an Advisory Committee called "Youth for the Rome...
ContinuaUnveiling the bacterial secrets from the geothermal sites of Antarctic Deception Island, a potential Mars analogue September 26th | 3:00 PMSpeaker: Prof. Aparna Banerjee, Instituto de Ciencias...
ContinuaResearch at the Marine Science and Fisheries Department at Sultan Qaboos University September 10th | 3:00 PMSpeaker: Prof. Sergey Dobretsov, UNESCO Chair in Marine Biotechnology (Department of...
ContinuaThe kickoff meeting for the Horizon Europe project EUROLakes, "European Natural Lakes: Demonstration of Integrated Approaches for Protection and Restoration of Natural Lake Ecosystems and...
ContinuaFrom September 9th to 13th, 2024, the University of Tuscia will host the second edition of Summer School BIOTECH TRAINING, organized in partnership with Biotech Academy in Rome. The course will take...
ContinuaWe inform you that the front office desk (Infopoint + Career guidance service) will be closed from July 29th to August 25th.Our tutor will be available remotely at the following email...
ContinuaDAFNE department partner of the third edition of the itinerant workshop dedicated to students on Precision Livestock Farming: a successful formula appreciated by students, teachers, and...
ContinuaThe Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) and Wageningen University & Research invite all BSc, MSc and first-year PhD students to join the ELLS Scientific Student Conference. The aim of this...
ContinuaDear undergraduate, master's, and first-year PhD students, do you want to become members of ELSA (Euroleague Student Association)?Come and discover the opportunities that this membership can...
ContinuaWe inform students that the infopoint will be closed on Monday, May 20th, and Tuesday, May 21th.Our tutors can be reached via email at the following
ContinuaIn accordance with the closures of university facilities for the days April 26th and May 2nd, 3rd and 7th 2024, the face-to-face educational activities will be suspended for both Viterbo’s site and...
ContinuaWe inform you that, in occasion of Master’s degree Open Day, that take place on Tuesday April 23th, the educational activities of the third-year of all Bachelor’s degree courses have been...
ContinuaOn April 11 at the Santa Maria in Gradi campus, celebrations will be held for the 45th year since the founding of the University of Tuscia.For the occasion, the opening ceremony will include a...
ContinuaIn accordance with the closures of university facilities for Easter holidays, we inform you that the front office desk will be closed from March 28th to April 2nd.Our tutor will be available...
ContinuaSi comunica che le lezioni di Diritto della crisi d'impresa (prof. Domenico Porraro) inizieranno lunedì 25 marzo e seguiranno il seguente orario:Lunedì 13-15 Aula Magna Martedì 9-11 Aula...
ContinuaIt’s available a one-year research fellowship, at the Biophysics and Nanosciences Centre of the department, entitled “Study of the interaction mechanisms between human hemoglobin and bacteria...
ContinuaWe inform you that lessons timetable for the II semester of the a.y. 2023/24 is available online now.Click here to check out all the courses...
ContinuaWe remind you that April exam session is reserved only for out-of-course and graduants students, meaning for students enrolled at the last year of their course, too.We wish that all the student...
ContinuaWe inform the students of Environmental Biological Sciences that the PHYSICS SUPPORT COURSE will be held in presence, at classroom 4, by Prof. MASCIA MARTINO during the days: February 19th,...
ContinuaThe call for applying to n°1 6-month scholarship (renewable), funded by AIRC, has been published on the Tuscia University (UNITUS) official Register.Deadline: 2024, February 14th | 12:00...
ContinuaWe inform all the students that it has been published on UNITUS official Register a call for the assignment of 4 collaborations for tutoring and orientation activities, 3 reserved for senior...
ContinuaIn accordance with the closures of University offices and facilities for Christmas holidays, we inform you that the front office desk will be closed from December 22th to January...
ContinuaFree training courses on job security have been activated for UNITUS students who must carry out a curricular internship, both at department labs and public or private facilities. Courses are...
ContinuaStudents are informed that Italian language lectures will begin on Wednesday 15/11/2023. You can attend them either at the Riello campus or at the San Carlo (DISTU) campus. The timetable is as...
ContinuaWith the start of the new academic year, the University of Tuscia has launched a groundbreaking and innovative initiative that will help address future challenges in education and social and economic...