At the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University, this Friday, March 21, at 3:00 p.m., a public meeting will take place in the presence of university professors, directors and experts, who will...
ContinuaOCTOBER 23 | 15:00 Zoom Platform: seminar aims to introduce the main techniques for managing environmental conflicts from the perspective of...
ContinuaOn September 30th, at 11:00 AM, the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences organizes a day discovering Natural Sciences. The trail will be guided by professors of the Degree course in...
ContinuaThe kickoff meeting for the Horizon Europe project EUROLakes, "European Natural Lakes: Demonstration of Integrated Approaches for Protection and Restoration of Natural Lake Ecosystems and...
ContinuaScientific trekking with floro-faunistic and geological path. The trekking, guided by professors of the degree course in Natural and Environmental Sciences, will involve participants in discovering...
ContinuaCycle of scientific dissemination video made by PhD students of the XXXVII cycle of “Ecology and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources”, published starting from the first week of...
Continua7 June 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.14 June...
ContinuaMAY 31, 2024, 11 A.M. / BLOCK F (CULTURAL HERITAGE) - CLASSROOM 10 Mark Gittins (CBC—Conservazione Beni Culturali) The conservator's craftIn dialogue with Gian Lorenzo - new light...
ContinuaDEB young researchers (RDT and research fellows) present their research activities in a cycle of seminars consisting of 10 online meetings organized between April and June, on Wednesday evening, from...
ContinuaSe sei uno studente, un ricercatore, un professore e stai lavorando a un progetto a forte contenuto innovativo, candidalo alla Call for Universities and Research Institutes per presentarlo alla 12ª...
ContinuaThe roundtable, organized in collaboration with ASL Viterbo and IZS Lazio e Toscana, aims, through a One Health approach, to share knowledge regarding vector-borne diseases, such as mosquitoes,...
ContinuaOn May 9, 2024, the Exhibition “Medea Ritrovata between Cappadocia and Tuscia with Pasolini and Maria Callas” promoted and implemented by the University of Tuscia and the UNITUS-DIBAF Mission...
ContinuaIn 2012 EPSO (European Plant Science Organisation) has launched the event “Fascination of Plants Day’’ to celebrate the wonders of the natural world through thematic events organized in May by...
ContinuaOn May 9 2024, the Exhibition Medea Ritrovata tra la Cappadocia e la Tuscia con Pasolini e Maria Callas promoted and realized by the University of Tuscia and the UNITUS Mission "Research and...
ContinuaMay 24 at 4 p.m. Botanical Garden of...
ContinuaEx Cartiera Latina nel Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica28.04.20249:30 a.m.-5:30...
ContinuaMay 17, 2024, 4:30 p.m.Fiorentino Lecture Hall Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of...
ContinuaFor the past few years, the University of Tuscia has joined the national program "Invest Your Talent in Italy," aimed at young international talents specializing in the fields of Engineering/High...
ContinuaRenzo Motta, Luigi Torreggiani, Francesco Garofalo27.05.202410 a.m. FORMER LIBRARY ROOM DIAPPIAZZA BORGHESE,...
ContinuaMauro Agnoletti, Annibale Salsa e Jordi Bellmunt28.05.202410 a.m.FORMER LIBRARY DIAPPIAZZA BORGHESE,...
ContinuaAndrea Valcalda con Antonio Pascale, Alessandro Imbriaco e Antonio Canu07.05.20243 p.m.FORMER LIBRARY ROOM DIAPPIAZZA BORGHESE,...
ContinuaThe initiative "XXIX Day of Remembrance and Commitment in Memory of the Innocent Victims of the Mafia," recognized by Law No. 20 of March 8, 2017, promoted by the Association "Libera. Associations,...
ContinuaVisit Unitus!Class B9 - 09:30-12:30, B Block - Riello Campus, Largo dell'Università snc (Viterbo)Biological Sciences (L-13) Environmental Biological Sciences (L-13) Natural and...
ContinuaOn Tuesday January 16 a seminar will be offered by Professor Jorge Martin Garcia from the Department of Plant Production and Forest Resources of the Universidad de Valladolid in Spain The...
ContinuaAs part of the activities of ERASMUS+ KA171 project, on Thursday, December 14th, starting from 3:00 PM, at Classroom 3, B Block, Campus Riello, prof. Ketevan Lomsadze of University of Georgia...
ContinuaIl 30 novembre e il 1° dicembre si terrà a Viterbo un importante convegno scientifico dedicato allo sport e ai suoi archivi. I lavori, organizzati dall’Università della Tuscia e...
ContinuaPresentata ufficialmente la prima linea di merchandising a marchio Unitus. Una serie di prodotti contraddistinti dal logo e dal sigillo di ateneo pensata per lo studio, il lavoro, lo sport ed il...