Fascination of Plants Day | related to 7th edition of international FoPD

In 2012 EPSO (European Plant Science Organisation) has launched the event “Fascination of Plants Day’’ to celebrate the wonders of the natural world through thematic events organized in May by universities and research centres worldwide. For the seventh edition of the “Fascination of Plants Day’’, the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences, with the partnership of Botanical Garden “Angelo Rambelli”, will organize an educational-divulgative event to talk about plants and their interactions with ecosystems in which they live, the role they play for humans and environment and to promote the research progress concerning them.

Date: May 27th, 2024 · 9:00 AM

Location: Class 7, B Block, Riello Campus (Largo dell’Università snc) · Botanical Garden “Angelo Rambelli” (Strada Bullicame s.n.c.)

Coordinator: Silvia Proietti

Participation is open to everyone and reservation is required, by filling out the following Google form

Download here the brochure and here the program