Didacta Italia 20-22 march 2024

From March 20th to 22nd, 2024, the Didacta Italy Fair will take place in Florence, one of the most important trade fairs on innovation in the education sector:

https://fieradidacta.indire.it/it/ .

At its debut, the new University Area of Didacta Italy, a space entirely dedicated to Italian universities with the participation of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MUR) and the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI).


Seminars, workshops, and discussions: the schedule of events offered by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MUR) in collaboration with CRUI is organized with the contribution of about thirty universities and CINECA. The entire scientific program can be consulted on the page: https://fieradidacta.indire.it/it/programma/.

The participation of university professors in the events promoted by universities within the Arsenale Pavilion is free, but it is mandatory to register online through the dedicated “Book” button on each event card: you will be redirected to the Didacta event ticketing platform, where you will need to create a personal profile and then proceed to register for each individual event.

During the initial registration, select “University” in the “Profession” field and “Professor” in the “Role” field to obtain free access. This procedure is valid for PhD students, research fellows, researchers, and professors: regardless of the role, the “Professor” option must always be selected.