
Erasmus Calls for Study and Traineeship

The following Calls for Applications are published at this link:Erasmus+ Call for Study Mobility – Academic Year 2025/2026A total of 114 Erasmus mobility grants, each lasting 6 months, are...


Erasmus+ DiFree Project Inspires Participants Through the “Becoming a Freelancer” Forum

The “Becoming a Freelancer” Multiplier Event, hosted by the Accounting and Business School at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, gathered partners of the Erasmus+ DiFree community – “Digital...


Erasmus+ GREENO2 project receives high praise from INDIRE

The year began positively for participants of the international Erasmus+ GREENO2 Project – “Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation,...


Student Community Opinion Survey Week
6-14 may 2024

From May 6 2024, the student community is invited to complete the online questionnaires for the evaluation of the courses offered in the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024. Through the...


ENI Award 2025

The 2025 Edition of the Eni Award – Young Researcher of the Year is open to those born from 1992 onwards, who defended their Doctoral Thesis at an Italian university in 2024 or 2023 on scientific...


Science and Research Festival september 23-30 and october 11

The Science and Research Festival is back!Organized by the University of Tuscia, in collaboration with the European Researchers' Night and the Net-SciencE Together project, it will take place...


Summer School “Energy Transition on Farms”
July 29 – August 3, 2024

The last spots are available for the Summer School "Energy transition on farms: Renewable Sources and Electrification," which will take place from July 29 to August 3, 2024, at the Alpine...


Workshop PLF

DAFNE department partner of the third edition of the itinerant workshop dedicated to students on Precision Livestock Farming: a successful formula appreciated by students, teachers, and...


Phd Call open for 39th Cycle

We inform you that the call for applications for admission to the PhD courses for the XL cycle has been published on the web page of the PhD programs on the University...


ELLS Prize for Excellent Master

The call for applications for the ELLS Prize for Excellent Master theses has been published! The ELLS Prize honours excellent Master theses in the area of life sciences written in English language....


Seeding Talent in Research at the University of Tuscia

A cornerstone of the Talent Valorization and Attraction mission at UNITUS is the attraction and support of highly qualified and motivated people to perform to their full potential. ‘SeedTalent’...


Unitus Talent call

One of the strategic objectives of our University is to attract innovative researchers through the 'Talent Valorization and Attraction' program, in order to further enhance its reputation at both...


Scientific Student Conference
November 22th-23th, 2024

The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) and Wageningen University & Research invite all BSc, MSc and first-year PhD students to join the ELLS Scientific Student Conference. The aim of this...





UNITUS leaded ERASMUS+ GREENO2 project aims to promote renewable energy education and sustanaibility

The new approaches in teaching and research of renewable energy response to climate changes in the academic community has been discussed during GREENO2 Transnational Project Meeting that took place...


University Closures
april and may

The University and its facilities will be closed on April 25, 26, 27 and May 1, 2, 3 and 7.On April 26, May 2 and 3, staff will work in smart working mode. On April 29 and 30, activities will...


Master’s Degree Open Day
22, 23 and 24 april

On April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, the Master's Degree Open Day will take place, an orientation event for those who wish to continue their studies after obtaining their bachelor's degree. Unitus will...


Santa Maria in Gradi enters the future by rediscovering its past: this morning the presentation of the CREDI InGradi project

Art and objects must come out of museums and cultural digitization gives this possibility: universities and museums must network, I hope collaboration in this direction between universities...


New call for peer tutors

Call for the assignment of 14 student collaborations Deadline: April 23, 2024Call for Applications No. 9 is available at this...


45 years of Unitus Celebration

On April 11 at the Santa Maria in Gradi campus, celebrations will be held for the 45th year since the founding of the University of Tuscia.For the occasion, the opening ceremony will include a...


Food, landscapes and ecosystems to design sustainable future
Summer School

The international Summer School F_Lland 24, in compliance with the EU Green Deal and Farm-to-Fork strategies, aims at teaching how to apply a fully integrated and multi-disciplinary approach in...


Easter holiday closure

Please be informed that the University and its facilities will be closed from March 28th to April 2nd (inclusive).On March 28th, 29th, and April 2nd, staff will be working remotely.Regular...


The Spring of Inclusion at UNITUS

The ISENSE, UNITE projects, and testimonies on 360-degree inclusion Spring has returned, and with it, the second edition of "The Spring of Inclusion." The event, under the patronage of Rome...


Unitus students win the digital race

The Digital Race is a contest organized by the UNA Foundation (Human, Nature, and Environment) that aims to involve university students in the development of innovative project ideas for wildlife...


Conclusion of the ‘Dona Vita Dona Sangue’ Campaign

Today, at the Aula Magna of the University of Tuscia, in the presence of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, took place the concluding event of the national campaign for blood and plasma...


Mare aperto 2024

The Italian Navy has expressed the opportunity to allow 3 students from Unitus to participate in the "Mare Aperto" 2023 training event. Specifically, those selected will have the chance to embark...


March 12th Start of Digital Photography Lab

Open to the entire Unitus student community.This course will cover the historical aspect of photography while also providing basic knowledge on the use of digital cameras, both Full Frame and...


60 CFU Training Course

The National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System has approved the proposals submitted by the University of Tuscia for the activation of the new Initial Training and...


Didacta Italia 20-22 march 2024

From March 20th to 22nd, 2024, the Didacta Italy Fair will take place in Florence, one of the most important trade fairs on innovation in the education...


Two Unitus students awarded the “America Giovani Award”

Dr. Talìa Bianchi and Dr. Alessandra Gazzella Furfaro, graduates respectively in Law and Languages ​​at the University of Tuscia (a.y. 2022/2023), Department of Linguistic-Literary,...


Competition to Participate in the Literature and Law Festival held in Palmi (RC)

The Unified Degree Course in Law and European Studies at the DISTU, in collaboration with the Antonino Scopelliti Foundation and the Friends of Law Association, are announcing a selection process,...


AGESCI Zona Tuscia offers spaces for studying

The collaboration between the University of Tuscia and the AGESCI Zona Tuscia Association is being enriched, opening up new opportunities for students. The agreement,...


New Unitus Choir

The Unitus A cappella Choir is looking for new members passionate about music. If you have an interest in singing and meet the following requirements, you could be part of...


VQR 2020-2024

Program for Incentives for Fixed-Term Researchers to Promote High-Quality Research ProductsAs part of initiatives aimed at promoting high-quality scientific research, in anticipation of the...


G7 e G20 Youth Engagement Group

The Young Ambassadors Society is recruiting the Italian Delegates for the Y7 and Y20.In collaboration with the Sherpa Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Italian Ministry...


University Closure and Smart Working During the Holiday Season

The university, departments, and offices will be closed from December 22nd to January 7th (inclusive). Nevertheless, on December 27th, 28th, and 29th, the offices will remain accessible through smart...


Citizen Education: Unitus launches an unprecedented initiative in community and regional development training

With the start of the new academic year, the University of Tuscia has launched a groundbreaking and innovative initiative that will help address future challenges in education and social and economic...
