The website dedicated to “Progetto Astici” is now online: progettoastici-cismar.it

The website dedicated to “Progetto Astici” of the University of Tuscia is now online, on December 23rd. On the site, you can find all the news about this ambitious project, which supports lobster populations in northern Lazio through marine restocking initiatives.

In the Mediterranean, lobster populations are declining due to overexploitation and climate change, making it increasingly difficult for these populations to sustain the coastal fishing sector, where lobsters are a vital resource.

“Progetto Astici” has developed a sustainable response to this issue by breeding and releasing young lobsters produced at the experimental aquaculture facilities of the Marine Experimental Hatchery Center (CISMAR) of the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB) at the Saline of Tarquinia. Research conducted here ensures that the lobsters have morphological, behavioral, and genetic characteristics similar to wild individuals, as they are destined for release into the sea, where they must survive predators, grow, and reproduce.

Within “Progetto Astici” framework lies the Third Mission initiative DivulgAstici: “The Restocking of European Lobster in the Seas of Northern Lazio as an Opportunity for Public Engagement.” Funded by the University through DM 737 and Rome Technopole funds, the initiative aims to evaluate the actions carried out between 2020 and 2024, focusing on the practical success of the releases and the dissemination and awareness activities conducted over the years.

Local fishers have been actively involved through a questionnaire, which revealed a high level of satisfaction and in-depth knowledge of the project among these key stakeholders. Fishers will also participate in lobster sampling to distinguish project-released individuals from wild ones using individual genetic fingerprinting, verifying how much the project has contributed to strengthening the natural populations of this species.

To learn more:

https://www.progettoastici-cismar.it/ (sito)
https://www.civonline.it/ (intervista)

For Christmas, we have prepared a special video about the Lobster Project as a gift for all our students: a way to wish you Happy Holidays and let you dive into the successes of this extraordinary scientific journey! 🦞