Training Opportunity: 2nd Edition of the Course for CRAS Operators and Volunteers

We are pleased to announce the opportunity to participate in the second edition of the course dedicated to operators and volunteers of Wildlife Rescue Centers (Centri di Recupero Animali Selvatici...


Scheduled closures infopoint | Civitavecchia’s headquarters

Please be advised that the Civitavecchia Infopoint will be closed on the following dates:March 27th April 17th, 22th, and 24th May 6th and...


Bioconnect: costruisce il tuo futuro nel Biotech

SAVE THE DATE Vi aspettiamo sabato 12 aprile presso l'Università degli Studi di Verona per l'evento "BioConnect: costruisci il tuo futuro nel biotech". Sarà una giornata dedicata a...


Security and Human Rights: Visiting Lecture | Adam Mickiewicz University

The University of Tuscia recently welcomed two distinguished scholars from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. Prof. Bartosz Hordecki and Dr. Anna Sakson-Boulet were invited to deliver...


Security and Human Rights : Visiting Lecture

On Wednesday 12 March, the International Master’s Programme in Security and Human Rights at the DIKE Department will host two guest lectures, held by Professor Bartosz Hordecki (Faculty of...


New opening infopoint DEB – Civitavecchia’s headquarters

Starting from Thursday, March 13th, 2025, a front office desk will be available in the Civitavecchia University Campus.Our tutor Sara will provide support for:Entrance Guidance (for...


University Corridors for Refugees – Call for applications

Call for applications for 2 study grants and welcome services for refugee students registering for Second Cycle Degree Programmes taught in English at the University of Tuscia for the Academic Years...


Scholarship opportunity for International students

The new call for applications for scholarships for the 2025/2026 academic year is out!Students admitted to an International Master’s degree course by 16 May 2025 who meet the eligibility...


The governance of water and water services. State of the art and prospects 30 years after the Galli law

At the Aula Magna of the Rectorate of the University, this Friday, March 21, at 3:00 p.m., a public meeting will take place in the presence of university professors, directors and experts, who will...


Theater performances at a discounted price for Unitus students

The Teatro dell’Unione di Viterbo offers a special selection of performances at a discounted rate of over 60% for the students of our University:LA GIOIA | Sunday, February 23, 6:00...


Erasmus Calls for Study and Traineeship

The following Calls for Applications are published at this link:Erasmus+ Call for Study Mobility – Academic Year 2025/2026A total of 114 Erasmus mobility grants, each lasting 6 months, are...


Job opportunity for graduates in Marine Biology and Ecology at the “Parco Sommerso di Gaiola” Marine Protected Area.

The "Parco Sommerso di Gaiola" Marine Protected Area has announced a selection for the assignment of a professional freelance position for monitoring, research, and scientific outreach activities...


#DipendidaTE: cicle of educational seminars against drug abuse and illegal trafficking

During January and February, the #Dipendidate seminar series, organized by the Laboratory of Drug Analysis (LAS) of the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences at the University of Tuscia,...


Erasmus+ DiFree Project Inspires Participants Through the “Becoming a Freelancer” Forum

The “Becoming a Freelancer” Multiplier Event, hosted by the Accounting and Business School at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, gathered partners of the Erasmus+ DiFree community – “Digital...


Erasmus+ GREENO2 project receives high praise from INDIRE

The year began positively for participants of the international Erasmus+ GREENO2 Project – “Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation,...


Start of the advanced course in Phytotherapy and Medicinal Plants

The Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB) at the University of Tuscia, in collaboration with Sintesi – Center for Studies and Research, is pleased to announce the launch of the...


Project “Riciclo Aperto”: Opportunity for Undergraduate and Graduate Students in Natural and Environmental Sciences

The Italian Association of Environmental Sciences (AISA), in collaboration with the COMIECO Consortium, the National Consortium for the recovery and recycling of cellulosic packaging, offers a unique...


Students of Kyoto Club visit DAFNE

The Department of Agriculture and Forest Sciences hosted, on January 23 2025, about 130 students from the Sereni, Garibaldi, Domizia Lucilla Institutes of Rome and the Laporta Institute of Fabro. The...


DAFNE and Texas Water Resources Institute: synergies and future collaborations

Dr. Giovanni Piccinni, CEO and Director of the Texas Water Resources Institute, together with Associate Directors Dr. Allen Berthold and Dr. Lucas Gregory, held a seminar yesterday, 15...


Middle school students discovering SOILLESS systems

DAFNE department supports the L. Fantappiè Secondary School by opening the Nello Lupori didactic-experimental Farm and the Laboratory of Vegetable Crops to students of the first and second classes...


MYPLACE: Exploration of antarctic microbiota and mycoviruses associated with Colobanthus quitensis

The MYPLACE project, funded by the National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA), aims to deepen the understanding of interactions between the microbiota and the Antarctic plant Colobanthus quitensis,...


The website dedicated to “Progetto Astici” is now online: progettoastici-cismar.it

The website dedicated to "Progetto Astici" of the University of Tuscia is now online, on December 23rd. On the site, you can find all the news about this ambitious project, which supports lobster...


In Antarctica for science: two DEB researchers on a mission to study climate change’s Impact on microbial communities

Two DEB Researchers on a Mission to Antarctica to Study Microbial Communities and Climate ChangeDr. Fabiana Canini and Dr. Giorgia Cavallini, researchers at the Department of Ecological and...


Viterbo Seminars in Philosophy of Law

The third meeting of the First Cycle of the “Viterbo Seminars in Philosophy of Law” was held on 2 December (15.00 - 17.00) with the lecture “The Art of Legal Writing” by Prof. Paolo Moro,...


On 18 December 2024, the DIKE Visiting Lectures Series kicked off, hosting international scholars throughout the academic year and offering opportunities for lively interaction with the Department,...


Infopoint DEB suspension – Christmas holidays

In accordance with the closures of University offices and facilities for Christmas holidays, we inform you that the front office desk will be closed from December 23th to January 6th.Our...


Integration of the SNA Degree Commission (DEB)

Given the unavoidable commitments of Prof. Andrea CHIOCCHIO that prevent his participation in the graduation session for the academic year 2023/24 on December 17, 2024, at the Viterbo campus, the...


Training period in China for Unitus students

Five Unitus students will have the opportunity to participate in a study visit to China from 22 to 31 May 2025 in the cities of Xi’an or Chengdu (tbc) and Beijing.To take part in the selection,...


Call for Tutoring and Orientation DEB 2024/2025

I just wanted to let you know that a call for applications has been published on the UNITUS Official Register for allocating 4 grants for tutoring and orientation activities at the Department of...


Seminar on Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: Training, Analysis, and Prevention (DEB)

On December 6th, 2024, starting at 2:00 PM, a public seminar titled Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was held at the N.C. "Nicandro Izzo" Correctional Facility in Viterbo. The event was...


First Annual Meeting of the NbS Italy Hub

From November 19 to 21, 2024, Palermo hosted the First Annual Meeting of the NbS Italy Hub, bringing together experts, academics, institutions, and professionals in the field of Nature-based...


Convocation of Graduation Session December 2024 (DEB)

Check here for the convocation details of the graduation session on December 16th and 17th, 2024, for the Department of Ecological and Biological...


Change in opening hours for DEB Infopoint (December 2024)

Students are informed of the new public opening hours for the DEB Infopoint:Monday and Thursday | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PMOn Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, assistance will be available at...


Reactive oxygen species and evolution… a matter of trade-offs!

Life on Earth is surprisingly rich. It comes in many forms, sizes, and colors, but also in countless molecular structures. Why is our planet so rich in life? What are the sources of this enormous...


Student Community Opinion Survey Week
6-14 may 2024

From May 6 2024, the student community is invited to complete the online questionnaires for the evaluation of the courses offered in the second semester of the academic year 2023/2024. Through the...


Notice for seminar of professor Wolf Dietrich Geppert
November 25th | 10:00 AM

On Monday, November 25th, Professor Wolf Dietrich Geppert, Director of the Center for Astrobiology at Stockholm University, will visit the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences.On this...


Francesco Cerini (DEB) has been awarded the 2024 “Giuseppe Borgia” Prize for his innovative publication on the collapse of natural populations.

Rome, November 7th, 2024 – In the historic setting of Palazzo Corsini, the Accademia dei Lincei held the ceremony for the presentation of the Lincei Prizes, one of the most prestigious recognitions...


ENI Award 2025

The 2025 Edition of the Eni Award – Young Researcher of the Year is open to those born from 1992 onwards, who defended their Doctoral Thesis at an Italian university in 2024 or 2023 on scientific...


Start of Mathematics online course lessons (DEB)

All students interested are hereby notified that the online Mathematics course, taught by Professor Alessio Barbieri in Viterbo (Block B), will begin on November 7th.Classrooms 3 (on Tuesdays)...


New Availability of Experimental Thesis DEB – Prof. Laura Zucconi

We inform students enrolled in our Master's degree programs that a new experimental thesis is available in the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology, starting in December 2024/January...


First Graduation Session for the Experimental Biology and Bioinformatics Program (DEB)

On October 14th, the first graduation session for students of the Experimental Biology and Bioinformatics programme, launched in the 2022/23 academic year, took place in Room 2 of the Department of...



 OCTOBER 23 | 15:00  Zoom Platform: https://unitus.zoom.us/j/84004080389The seminar aims to introduce the main techniques for managing environmental conflicts from the perspective of...


NOTICE TO ALL STUDENTS – Bioinformatics Course (DEB)

The Bioinformatics 2 course, taught by Professor Tiziana Castrignanò, is suspended until further notice due to the instructor's unavailability.A substitute will be appointed as soon as possible...


Seminari viterbesi di Filosofia del diritto

On 30 October 2024 (11 a.m. - 1 p.m), Room 6, San Carlo (Viterbo), the first Cycle of the “Viterbo Seminars in Philosophy of Law” will begin.The inaugural lecture, entitled “Le fonti del...


Availability of 1 experimental thesis DEB – Dr. Giordano Poneti.

We inform students of our Master’s degree programs that an experimental thesis is available at the Chemistry Laboratory coordinated by Dr. Giordano Poneti, starting from November 2024. The thesis...


The Antartic-ome project launches: a multidisciplinary team will investigate the human microbiome at Mario Zucchelli Station in Antarctica.

On November 1, 2024, the Antartic-ome project (Human microbiome transmission in the extreme confined built environment of Antarctica) will commence at the Mario Zucchelli Antarctic Station. The...


Another availability of one experimental thesis DEB – Dr. Bruno Mattia Bizzarri

Students enrolled in our Master's degree courses are informed that an experimental thesis is available at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Raffaele Saladino. The...


Availability of one experimental thesis DEB – Dr. Bruno Mattia Bizzarri

Students enrolled in our Master's degree courses are informed that an experimental thesis is available at the Organic Chemistry Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Raffaele Saladino. The...


“Brigida Palelli” Graduation Prize 2024: Award Ceremony on October 30

The Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB) at the University of Tuscia announces that on October 30, 2024, at 12:00 PM, in RClass 2 (ground floor, Block B, Largo dell'Università...


The first students of the Master’s Degree Program in Food Sciences and Human Nutrition graduate at Unitus.

Viterbo, October 15, 2024 – Today, the University of Tuscia celebrates a significant milestone with the graduation of the first ten students from the Master's Degree Program in Human Nutrition and...


The Time of the Forest: A Dialogue between Science and Art” | Reserved for SBA and SNA Students

It is announced that on October 24, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, an event titled "The Time of the Forest: A Dialogue between Science and Art to Promote Scientific Culture" will be held in the Aula...


Additional date for the BISBIO (DEB) admission interviews
18/10/2024 – 10:00 AM

Considering that the graduation sessions in October 2024 (for the 2023-2024 academic year) will take place on the 14th, 15th, and 16th, and that the next admission interview for the Master's Degree...


International education on nature protection and restoration for the Erasmus+ BESTNATURE project in the Protected Areas of Southern Italy

The first BESTNATURE Field Week (BFW) of the Erasmus+ project “Boosting EU Biodiversity Strategy by empowering high education curricula and green skills for nature protection and restoration”,...


Graduation session notice DEB
October 14, 15, 16, 2024

Graduation session notice October 14 and 15, 2024, Viterbo's siteBiological Sciences session IBiological Sciences sessuion IINatural and Environmanetal SciencesExperimental Biology...


New availability for an experimental thesis at DEB – Dr. Claudia Coleine

A new experimental thesis opportunity is available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology starting from December 2024. The experimental thesis, focusing on the topic "Multi-omic...


New Career Coaching and Group Dynamics meeting
October 8, 2024

The Career Coaching seminar will be held on October 8th, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, at the Blue Room of the former Faculty of Agriculture.During the seminar, Dr. Silvia Ramirez Pizarro, Work...


Change in opening hours for DEB Infopoint (September 2024)

Students are informed of the new public opening hours for the DEB Infopoint:Monday and Tuesday | 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Thursday | 2:00 PM – 4:30 PMOn Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays,...


Opening of university cafeterias

Dear students,on September 16, the Riello university cafeteria (located here) reopened, and on September 23, the San Sisto cafeteria (located here) will also reopen. Both cafeterias are managed...


Notice of Availability of 2 Experimental Thesis DEB

Students of our Master's Degree courses are informed that 2 experimental theses are available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology, starting from October 2024.The experimental...


New availability of experimental thesis in DEB – Prof. Zucconi.

Master’s students are informed that a new experimental thesis is available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology starting from October 2024.The thesis work will focus on the topic...


New availability of experimental thesis in DEB – Prof. Selbmann

Students of our Master's Degree programs are informed that two new experimental thesis are available at the Laboratory of Systematic Botany and Mycology.The experimental thesis work will focus on...


Update on the start of classes for the 1st semester 2024/25 DEB

Click here to download the updated calendar as of September 18, 2024, for the start of classes in the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year of the Department of Ecological and Biological...


Methods for Consulting the Calendars

To facilitate the consultation of the "Lesson Calendar" section of the website, a brief guide is provided below. Timetable Platform The timetable platform or web agenda, in the context of our...


Start of DEB classes for the first semester 2024/25

Click here to download the calendar for the start of classes in the first semester of the 2024/25 academic year for the Department of Ecological and Biological...


Science and Research Festival september 23-30 and october 11

The Science and Research Festival is back!Organized by the University of Tuscia, in collaboration with the European Researchers' Night and the Net-SciencE Together project, it will take place...


Teaching Activities Modalities for the Academic Year 2024/2025

In accordance with the resolution of the DEB Department Council dated 18/10/2024, and considering the conventional nature of our University and the specific characteristics of the scientific degree...


THE WALKING DEB 3.0 – Get Ready for the Third Edition
September 30th 2024

On September 30th, at 11:00 AM, the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences organizes a day discovering Natural Sciences. The trail will be guided by professors of the Degree course in...


Announcement for the Pre-selection of 5 Students for the Advisory Board of the Rome Foundation

We inform students that a notice has been published for the selection of 5 outstanding students from the following areas, with the aim of creating an Advisory Committee called "Youth for the Rome...


Prof. Sergey Dobretsov seminar September 10th and 11th | 3:00 PM

Research at the Marine Science and Fisheries Department at Sultan Qaboos University September 10th | 3:00 PMSpeaker: Prof. Sergey Dobretsov, UNESCO Chair in Marine Biotechnology (Department of...


Prof. Aparna Banerjee seminar September 26th | 3:00 PM

Unveiling the bacterial secrets from the geothermal sites of Antarctic Deception Island, a potential Mars analogue September 26th | 3:00 PMSpeaker: Prof. Aparna Banerjee, Instituto de Ciencias...


The kickoff meeting for the Horizon Europe project EUROLakes,

The kickoff meeting for the Horizon Europe project EUROLakes, "European Natural Lakes: Demonstration of Integrated Approaches for Protection and Restoration of Natural Lake Ecosystems and...



The workshop aims to provide transnational contributions to the ambitious goal of facing the challenges to global food security (environmental stresses, reduction of arable land and water...


Summer School Biotech Training
September 9th-13th 2024

From September 9th to 13th, 2024, the University of Tuscia will host the second edition of Summer School BIOTECH TRAINING, organized in partnership with Biotech Academy in Rome. The course will take...


The 3rd International Online Conference on Cells: Charming Micro-Insights into Health and Diseases
March 25th-27th, 2025

We inform all students about the opportunity to participate in this interesting international online conference on various aspects of cell biology.Prof. Sara Rinalducci, a lecturer in our...


from July 29th to August 25th

We inform you that the front office desk (Infopoint + Career guidance service) will be closed from July 29th to August 25th.Our tutor will be available remotely at the following email...


Degree award “Brigida Palelli”
deadline 15/09/2024 | 12.30 PM

We inform all the students that the "Brigida Palelli" Degree Award, valued at €1,000, has been established for the best master's thesis in Life Sciences.This annual...


Workshop PLF

DAFNE department partner of the third edition of the itinerant workshop dedicated to students on Precision Livestock Farming: a successful formula appreciated by students, teachers, and...


Summer School “Energy Transition on Farms”
July 29 – August 3, 2024

The last spots are available for the Summer School "Energy transition on farms: Renewable Sources and Electrification," which will take place from July 29 to August 3, 2024, at the Alpine...


Phd Call open for 39th Cycle

We inform you that the call for applications for admission to the PhD courses for the XL cycle has been published on the web page of the PhD programs on the University...


Application for the position of Chair of the Study Program Council in Environmental Biology

Cari colleghi,dopo lunga riflessione, anche nel rispetto degli altri impegni istituzionali di cui mi faccio carico, ho maturato la decisione di proporre la mia candidatura a Presidente del...


Webinar “Principles of Fundraising” – Porta Futuro Lazio
July 11th 2024 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

As part of the agreement with Porta Futuro Lazio, we would like to inform all graduating students about the following activity to support active job searching:Principles of Fundraising (online...


Algae and their nutritional potential – prof.ssa Marcella Pasqualetti
June 30th | 6:30 PM

We would like to inform all our students about the first of the summer events organized by Caffè Menerva, a cultural association aimed at promoting and enhancing the local area, which will take...


ELLS Prize for Excellent Master

The call for applications for the ELLS Prize for Excellent Master theses has been published! The ELLS Prize honours excellent Master theses in the area of life sciences written in English language....


Seeding Talent in Research at the University of Tuscia

A cornerstone of the Talent Valorization and Attraction mission at UNITUS is the attraction and support of highly qualified and motivated people to perform to their full potential. ‘SeedTalent’...


Unitus Talent call

One of the strategic objectives of our University is to attract innovative researchers through the 'Talent Valorization and Attraction' program, in order to further enhance its reputation at both...


The Walking DEB | Second edition

Scientific trekking with floro-faunistic and geological path. The trekking, guided by professors of the degree course in Natural and Environmental Sciences, will involve participants in discovering...


Rising Stars | Fourth edition

Cycle of scientific dissemination video made by PhD students of the XXXVII cycle of “Ecology and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources”, published starting from the first week of...


Scientific Student Conference
November 22th-23th, 2024

The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) and Wageningen University & Research invite all BSc, MSc and first-year PhD students to join the ELLS Scientific Student Conference. The aim of this...


ELLS – Meeting with the student Tereza Octovia
June 17th 2024 · 16:15

Dear undergraduate, master's, and first-year PhD students, do you want to become members of ELSA (Euroleague Student Association)?Come and discover the opportunities that this membership can...



7 June 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.14 June...


The conservator’s craft

MAY 31, 2024, 11 A.M. / BLOCK F (CULTURAL HERITAGE) - CLASSROOM 10 Mark Gittins (CBC—Conservazione Beni Culturali) The conservator's craftIn dialogue with Gian Lorenzo - new light...


Spring DEBates | Third edition

DEB young researchers (RDT and research fellows) present their research activities in a cycle of seminars consisting of 10 online meetings organized between April and June, on Wednesday evening, from...


Scientific Student Conference 2024

22-23 November | Wageningen,...


Infopoint DEB suspension
May 20th-21th

We inform students that the infopoint will be closed on Monday, May 20th, and Tuesday, May 21th.Our tutors can be reached via email at the following addresses:tutordeb.vt@unitus.it...


Professional Degrees Presentation Day
17 may

Discover the New Frontiers of Education: UNITUS Professional Degrees Presentation DayThe University of Tuscia (UNITUS) is pleased to announce the Professional Degrees...





UNITUS leaded ERASMUS+ GREENO2 project aims to promote renewable energy education and sustanaibility

The new approaches in teaching and research of renewable energy response to climate changes in the academic community has been discussed during GREENO2 Transnational Project Meeting that took place...


Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 2024

Se sei uno studente, un ricercatore, un professore e stai lavorando a un progetto a forte contenuto innovativo, candidalo alla Call for Universities and Research Institutes per presentarlo alla 12ª...


One Health – Prevention and control of vector-borne diseases
17 may | Aula Magna

The roundtable, organized in collaboration with ASL Viterbo and IZS Lazio e Toscana, aims, through a One Health approach, to share knowledge regarding vector-borne diseases, such as mosquitoes,...


Inaugural Day of the Master’s Program in Preventive Archaeology (MAP)
10 may 2024

On Friday May 10 2024, from 10 a.m., at the Santa Maria in Gradi Aula Magna, the master's degree program in Preventive Archaeology and Archaeological Risk Management (MAP) will inaugurate its first...


Sustainability Day
15 may 2024

On Wednesday, May 15 2024, the University of Tuscia will organize the seventh edition of Sustainability Day.Speakers will include faculty from the University of Tuscia and external members...


Exhibition “Medea Ritrovata between Cappadocia and Tuscia with Pasolini and Maria Callas”

On May 9, 2024, the Exhibition “Medea Ritrovata between Cappadocia and Tuscia with Pasolini and Maria Callas” promoted and implemented by the University of Tuscia and the UNITUS-DIBAF Mission...


Fascination of Plants Day | related to 7th edition of international FoPD

In 2012 EPSO (European Plant Science Organisation) has launched the event “Fascination of Plants Day’’ to celebrate the wonders of the natural world through thematic events organized in May by...


Medea Ritrovata
9 may-6 september 2024

On May 9 2024, the Exhibition Medea Ritrovata tra la Cappadocia e la Tuscia con Pasolini e Maria Callas promoted and realized by the University of Tuscia and the UNITUS Mission "Research and...


GARR Annual Conference
29 – 31 may

You can now register to the GARR Annual Conference, a unique opportunity that brings together the network innovators' community committed to research, education, and cultural heritage to explore the...


Book presentation: It is not an easy thing to artfully create a garden

May 24 at 4 p.m. Botanical Garden of...


Landscapes of archaeology and storytelling Setting up an ephemeral garden in the Appia Antica Park

Ex Cartiera Latina nel Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica28.04.20249:30 a.m.-5:30...


Presentation of the book: LANDSCAPE INCLUSION

May 17, 2024, 4:30 p.m.Fiorentino Lecture Hall Faculty of Architecture, Sapienza University of...


University Closures
april and may

The University and its facilities will be closed on April 25, 26, 27 and May 1, 2, 3 and 7.On April 26, May 2 and 3, staff will work in smart working mode. On April 29 and 30, activities will...


Invest Your talent in Italy – “Giulia Cecchettin”
13 may 2024

For the past few years, the University of Tuscia has joined the national program "Invest Your Talent in Italy," aimed at young international talents specializing in the fields of Engineering/High...


The European Partnership for Research to Improve Animal Health and Welfare

On the occasion of the signing of the Grant Agreement by all our partners, we would like to publicly launch our partnership "European Partnership on Animal Health and Welfare," which includes 56...


Master Honoris Causa to Gen. C.A. Dott Andrea Rispoli
24 april

On April 24, the honoris causa master's degree "Governance delle Zone Montane Italiane" awarding ceremony to Gen. C.A. Andrea Rispoli, Commander of the Carabinieri's Forestry, Environmental and...


TRANSITIONS Hybrid spaces, disturbances and adaptations Study and Design Seminar.

Renzo Motta, Luigi Torreggiani, Francesco Garofalo27.05.202410 a.m. FORMER LIBRARY ROOM DIAPPIAZZA BORGHESE,...


TRANSITIONS Hybrid spaces, disturbances and adaptations Study and Design Seminar.

Mauro Agnoletti, Annibale Salsa e Jordi Bellmunt28.05.202410 a.m.FORMER LIBRARY DIAPPIAZZA BORGHESE,...


TRANSITIONS Hybrid spaces, disturbances and adaptations Study and Design Seminar.

Andrea Valcalda con Antonio Pascale, Alessandro Imbriaco e Antonio Canu07.05.20243 p.m.FORMER LIBRARY ROOM DIAPPIAZZA BORGHESE,...


Prof. Drauzio E.N. Rangel seminar |
April 22th • 10:30 AM

In the next few days, the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences will host, as visiting Professor, prof. Drauzio E.N. Rangel (Universidade Tecnológica Federalv do Paraná Dois Vizinhos,...


Suspension of educational activities and infopoint |
April 26th, May 2nd, 3rd and 7th

In accordance with the closures of university facilities for the days April 26th and May 2nd, 3rd and 7th 2024, the face-to-face educational activities will be suspended for both Viterbo’s site and...


Educational activities suspension third-year bachelor’s degree
April 23th | 9:00 – 11:00 AM

We inform you that, in occasion of Master’s degree Open Day, that take place on Tuesday April 23th, the educational activities of the third-year of all Bachelor’s degree courses have been...


Master’s Degree Open Day
22, 23 and 24 april

On April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, the Master's Degree Open Day will take place, an orientation event for those who wish to continue their studies after obtaining their bachelor's degree. Unitus will...


Occasioni farnesiane
april – june 2024

The latest tradition of studies at the Farnese Palace in CaprarolaFirst cycle of meetingsBeginning on the afternoon of Saturday, April 20, in the halls of the Palazzo Farnese in Caprarola...


Santa Maria in Gradi enters the future by rediscovering its past: this morning the presentation of the CREDI InGradi project

Art and objects must come out of museums and cultural digitization gives this possibility: universities and museums must network, I hope collaboration in this direction between universities...


New call for peer tutors

Call for the assignment of 14 student collaborations Deadline: April 23, 2024Call for Applications No. 9 is available at this...


45 years of Unitus Celebration

On April 11 at the Santa Maria in Gradi campus, celebrations will be held for the 45th year since the founding of the University of Tuscia.For the occasion, the opening ceremony will include a...


Famelab – Roma
8-april 2024

CNR Headquarters | Aula Convegni, P.zzle A. Moro 7 - RomeThe Roman pre-selection of FameLab Italia, a public speaking competition reserved for young researchers, Ph.D. and Ph.D. students who must...


Food, landscapes and ecosystems to design sustainable future
Summer School

The international Summer School F_Lland 24, in compliance with the EU Green Deal and Farm-to-Fork strategies, aims at teaching how to apply a fully integrated and multi-disciplinary approach in...


Easter holiday closure

Please be informed that the University and its facilities will be closed from March 28th to April 2nd (inclusive).On March 28th, 29th, and April 2nd, staff will be working remotely.Regular...


The Spring of Inclusion at UNITUS

The ISENSE, UNITE projects, and testimonies on 360-degree inclusion Spring has returned, and with it, the second edition of "The Spring of Inclusion." The event, under the patronage of Rome...


Infopoint DEB Suspension – Easter Holidays
March 28th, April 1st and 2nd

In accordance with the closures of university facilities for Easter holidays, we inform you that the front office desk will be closed from March 28th to April 2nd.Our tutor will be available...


Diritto della crisi d’impresa (prof. Domenico Porraro)

Si comunica che le lezioni di Diritto della crisi d'impresa (prof. Domenico Porraro) inizieranno lunedì 25 marzo e seguiranno il seguente orario:Lunedì 13-15 Aula Magna Martedì 9-11 Aula...


Unitus students win the digital race

The Digital Race is a contest organized by the UNA Foundation (Human, Nature, and Environment) that aims to involve university students in the development of innovative project ideas for wildlife...


Spring FAI Days: the FAI Viterbo Delegation opens the complexes of Santa Maria in Gradi and San Carlo
23-24 march

On March 23rd and 24th, from 10 am to 5 pm, the initiative made possible by the valuable collaboration of Unitus.The two properties are now home to the rectorate and the former Faculty of...


XXIX Day of Remembrance and Commitment in Memory of the Innocent Victims of the Mafia. Roma città libera
21 march

The initiative "XXIX Day of Remembrance and Commitment in Memory of the Innocent Victims of the Mafia," recognized by Law No. 20 of March 8, 2017, promoted by the Association "Libera. Associations,...


“Ti accolgo nel cuore”
from March 21

A stroll through the gardens of Alessio Paternesi Professor Sonia Maria Melchiorre invites the entire Unitus Community to participate in the exhibition "Ti accolgo nel cuore": A stroll through the...


Conclusion of the ‘Dona Vita Dona Sangue’ Campaign

Today, at the Aula Magna of the University of Tuscia, in the presence of the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci, took place the concluding event of the national campaign for blood and plasma...


La primavera dell’inclusione
20 march | 9:30 AM

On the occasion of the spring equinox on March 20, 2024, from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm, the second edition of the Spring of Inclusion will take place at the Aula Magna of the University of Tuscia (Via S....


Two days with the sea turtles
6-7-13-14 april

The second edition of the seminar series 'Due giorni con le Tartarughe Marine' is now underway, aimed at students, beach operators, nature lovers, volunteers, and open to...


Mare aperto 2024

The Italian Navy has expressed the opportunity to allow 3 students from Unitus to participate in the "Mare Aperto" 2023 training event. Specifically, those selected will have the chance to embark...


Dona Vita, Dona Sangue
14 march | 5:30 PM

The concluding event of the national campaign for blood and plasma donation promoted by the Ministry of Health, entitled "Dona vita, Dona sangue"...


Giallo Scienza
13-14-15 march

Discover the captivating secrets of thrillers with 'Giallo Scienza: Stories of crimes and mysteries in the cloister of Santa Maria in Gradi'!📅 13, 14 and 15 march 📍 Rettorato Università...


UniStem Day
22 march

On March 22nd, the sixteenth edition of UniStem Day will be held, organized by the UniStem Center of the University of Milan under the coordination of Senator for Life Prof. Elena Cattaneo. The...


Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences March 19th

Visit Unitus!Class B9 - 09:30-12:30, B Block - Riello Campus, Largo dell'Università snc (Viterbo)Biological Sciences (L-13) Environmental Biological Sciences (L-13) Natural and...



In order to meet the needs of our students, the Erasmus desk will change its opening hours:   Wednesday | 11:00 – 14:00 Thursday | 11:00 - 15:00   You can download the...


March 12th Start of Digital Photography Lab

Open to the entire Unitus student community.This course will cover the historical aspect of photography while also providing basic knowledge on the use of digital cameras, both Full Frame and...


60 CFU Training Course

The National Agency for the Evaluation of the University and Research System has approved the proposals submitted by the University of Tuscia for the activation of the new Initial Training and...


Call for n°1 research fellowship (deadline: 2024, March14th)

It’s available a one-year research fellowship, at the Biophysics and Nanosciences Centre of the department, entitled “Study of the interaction mechanisms between human hemoglobin and bacteria...



In order to meet the needs of our students, the Erasmus desk will change its opening hours:   Wednesday | 11:00 – 14:00 Thursday | 9:00 - 11:00 and 13:00 - 15:00   You can download the...


Didacta Italia 20-22 march 2024

From March 20th to 22nd, 2024, the Didacta Italy Fair will take place in Florence, one of the most important trade fairs on innovation in the education...


Two Unitus students awarded the “America Giovani Award”

Dr. Talìa Bianchi and Dr. Alessandra Gazzella Furfaro, graduates respectively in Law and Languages ​​at the University of Tuscia (a.y. 2022/2023), Department of Linguistic-Literary,...


Competition to Participate in the Literature and Law Festival held in Palmi (RC)

The Unified Degree Course in Law and European Studies at the DISTU, in collaboration with the Antonino Scopelliti Foundation and the Friends of Law Association, are announcing a selection process,...


Lessons start date II semester – a.y. 2023/24

Find out here lessons start temporary calendar for the II semester. 


Lessons timetable II semester – a.y. 2023/24

We inform you that lessons timetable for the II semester of the a.y. 2023/24 is available online now.Click here to check out all the courses...


Important warning regarding April exams session

We remind you that April exam session is reserved only for out-of-course and graduants students, meaning for students enrolled at the last year of their course, too.We wish that all the student...


CERESIS | Researching contaminated land remediation

The University of Tuscia scholars shown progress in ceresis horizon 2020 eu project“CERESiS: ContaminatEd land Remediation through Energy crops for Soil improvement to liquid biofuel...


Unitus coordinates GREENO2 project

The kick-off meeting of the international project called GREENO2 "Green Roofs in higher education institutions as sustainable cEnters for research, participation, ENvironmental consciousness and O2...



We inform the students of Environmental Biological Sciences that the PHYSICS SUPPORT COURSE will be held in presence, at classroom 4, by Prof. MASCIA MARTINO during the days: February 19th,...



The call for applying to n°1 6-month scholarship (renewable), funded by AIRC, has been published on the Tuscia University (UNITUS) official Register.Deadline: 2024, February 14th | 12:00...



We inform all the students that it has been published on UNITUS official Register a call for the assignment of 1 collaboration for tutoring and orientation activities reserved for senior...


AGESCI Zona Tuscia offers spaces for studying

The collaboration between the University of Tuscia and the AGESCI Zona Tuscia Association is being enriched, opening up new opportunities for students. The agreement,...


Digital Contamination Lab – Event for the presentation of the call

To facilitate students interested to join the call for application Digital Contamination Lab 2024, Job Placement coordinator of the Department, Bruno Mattia Bizzarri, has organized the following...


New Unitus Choir

The Unitus A cappella Choir is looking for new members passionate about music. If you have an interest in singing and meet the following requirements, you could be part of...



We inform you that, starting from January 2024, the Erasmus desk will observe the following opening hours:Every Tuesday | 9:00 AM – 18:00 PM   You can download the...


VQR 2020-2024

Program for Incentives for Fixed-Term Researchers to Promote High-Quality Research ProductsAs part of initiatives aimed at promoting high-quality scientific research, in anticipation of the...


G7 e G20 Youth Engagement Group

The Young Ambassadors Society is recruiting the Italian Delegates for the Y7 and Y20.In collaboration with the Sherpa Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Italian Ministry...


Invasive plant pathogens challenges threaths and solutions

On Tuesday January 16 a seminar will be offered by  Professor Jorge Martin Garcia from the Department of Plant Production and Forest Resources of the Universidad de Valladolid in Spain The...



We inform you that, starting from January 2024, the opening hours of the front office desk will be changed as following: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday | 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM You can donload...


University Closure and Smart Working During the Holiday Season

The university, departments, and offices will be closed from December 22nd to January 7th (inclusive). Nevertheless, on December 27th, 28th, and 29th, the offices will remain accessible through smart...



We inform all the students that it has been published on UNITUS official Register a call for the assignment of 4 collaborations for tutoring and orientation activities, 3 reserved for senior...



In accordance with the closures of University offices and facilities for Christmas holidays, we inform you that the front office desk will be closed from December 22th to January...


Prof. Ketevan Lomsadze seminar
December 14th, 2023

As part of the activities of ERASMUS+ KA171 project, on Thursday, December 14th, starting from 3:00 PM, at Classroom 3, B Block, Campus Riello, prof. Ketevan Lomsadze of University of Georgia...


La memoria dello sport
30 nov e 1 dic

Il 30 novembre e il 1° dicembre si terrà a Viterbo un importante convegno scientifico dedicato allo sport e ai suoi archivi. I lavori, organizzati dall’Università della Tuscia e...



Free training courses on job security have been activated for UNITUS students who must carry out a curricular internship, both at department labs and public or private facilities. Courses are...



The Job Placement coordinator of the Department, dr. Bruno Mattia Bizzarri, reports a new opportunity for our students. “A public selection, by titles and examinations, has been announced for...


Italian language lectures begin

Students are informed that Italian language lectures will begin on Wednesday 15/11/2023. You can attend them either at the Riello campus or at the San Carlo (DISTU) campus. The timetable is as...


Citizen Education: Unitus launches an unprecedented initiative in community and regional development training

With the start of the new academic year, the University of Tuscia has launched a groundbreaking and innovative initiative that will help address future challenges in education and social and economic...


Enrollment/Registration Procedures

Click to discover the the Educational Offer Study Manifesto for the Academic Year 23-24.To get details about the educational offer, check the course catalog section on our website.Refer to...


Bilancio integrato

"La nostra Università si è cimentata per il terzo anno consecutivo nella redazione del bilancio integrato, un prezioso strumento di dialogo che arricchisce l’informativa esterna del nostro Ateneo...


Merchandising Unitus

Presentata ufficialmente la prima linea di merchandising a marchio Unitus. Una serie di prodotti contraddistinti dal logo e dal sigillo di ateneo pensata per lo studio, il lavoro, lo sport ed il...


Call for visting scholars & professors

The University of Tuscia, in order to pursue growth of its international profile, to strengthen internationalization of its teaching and research strategies, and to enrich its teaching service,...


Bando per Assegni Di Ricerca – SeedTalent

Promuovere il talento nella ricerca presso l’Università degli Studi della Tuscia ‘SeedTalent’ @ UNITUS Grants - Programma di finanziamento per assegni di ricerca post-dottorato Un aspetto...
