The kickoff meeting for the Horizon Europe project EUROLakes,

The kickoff meeting for the Horizon Europe project EUROLakes, "European Natural Lakes:
Demonstration of Integrated Approaches for Protection and Restoration of Natural Lake Ecosystems
and their Biodiversity," took place from October 16 to 18. Alongside the DAFNE Department of the
University of Tuscia, numerous Italian and international partners are involved in the project (Wetlands
International – European Association – NL, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis IIASA – AT,
Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, FEEM IT, Europroject – BG, Global Nature Fund – DE, Landscape Finance
Lab – AT, Westcountry Rivers Trust – UK, WWF Romania – RO, Naturschutzring Dümmer – DE, Sis-Ter –
The overarching goal of EUROLakes is to safeguard lakes and lake ecosystems, focusing on three case
studies: Lake Dümmer in Germany, Lake Bistret in Romania, and Lake Vico in Italy. The project collaborates
with the Natural Reserve of Lake Vico, aiming not only to study existing issues but also to implement
solutions and carry out targeted interventions. With an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, protective
measures will be enacted for these delicate environments through the creation of green infrastructure, known
as Nature-Based Solutions, to demonstrate their effectiveness in safeguarding water quality and protecting
ecosystems. A key objective of the project is to establish a dialogue with local communities to develop
innovative and integrated protection and restoration solutions.
Students from DAFNE’s Master’s degree programs in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, as
well as Environmental and Forest Conservation and Restoration, will participate in the project, with
opportunities for thesis research.