XXXIX CICLO | Montini Fiore


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum “Economia circolare, collaborativa e sostenibile”

Cicle: XXXIX

Tutor: Prof. Enrico Maria Mosconi (Università degli Studi della Tuscia), Dott.ssa Roberta De Carolis (ENEA)

Thesis title: Industrial symbiosis in ports’ industrial areas

Email: fiore.montini@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    The increase in GDP is correlated to the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere that cause the ongoing global climate change and thereby, increasing pressure on planetary boundaries. As a chain reaction, it forced migrations, failure of national and global governance, social and cultural crisis. The displaced impact of economic activities overcomes the borders of a state, so compromising a state’s right to self-determination and causing alienation of the local identity. The creation of value, linked to the use of resources, can be transposed to the concept of innovation by recapitalizing value with territorial identity.

  • PhD project

    Approximately 74% of goods entering or leaving Europe are transported by sea; coastal zones, covering just 8% of the world’s surface, contribute up to 25% of global primary production. Industrial clusters are often located near ports to facilitate the distribution of materials and goods. However, rapid coastal urbanization and port activities have significant environmental impacts, as greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. The increase in maritime traffic volume leads to higher noise emissions from road, rail, ship, port and industrial sources. Water pollution (e.g due to dredging activities) is a major concern alongside waste management challenges, with regard to waste from ships, industries and surrounding port facilities, and preserving biodiversity.

    Ports generate significant material flows due to economic activities and infrastructure developments. Effective material use management can prevent substantial waste streams, while ports can also support resource management, contributing to the development of greener industries. Benefiting from the geographic proximity of co-located industries and support from port authorities, seaports are ideal for promoting industrial symbiosis, facilitating economies of scale and scope, crossing sectoral boundaries, and fostering stakeholder engagement.

    The research objective is to map material flows in La Spezia port area as a case study, to hypothesize synergies between economic activities and to explore how sustainable and circular waste management in the port area adds value to the region and the local community.

  • Publications

    Articles on national journals Delussu A. M., Montini F., Mosconi E. M., (2024), “Il ruolo del venture capital nell’ascesa delle cleantech”, Dirigenza Bancaria n. 224, pp 14-18 

     Other publications and reports Gruppo di Lavoro 4 di ICESP – Montini, F. among the authors, (2024), “Le materie prime nelle filiere: casi studio per Costruzione e Demolizione, Mobilità sostenibile e Apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche”, DOI 0.12910/DOC-2024-001. https://www.icesp.it/sites/default/files/DocsGdL/Le%20materie%20prime%20per%20le%20filiere%20i%20casi%20C%26D%2C%20mobilit%C3%A0%20e%20AEE.pdf