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The Spring DEBates are back: it’s kicking off the fourth edition of the series of seminars run by DEB’s young researchers

2 April 2025 / 11 June 2025

The Spring DEBates are coming back, a well-established format from the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB) that has been running for four years. The series features professors, research fellows, and researchers from the University of Tuscia and their collaborators.

The series of seminar, coordinated by Dr. Giovanni Polverino and sponsored by Porta Futuro Lazio (PFL), consists of ten weekly meetings and will begin on April 2nd and end on June 11th. The seminars will be held online every Wednesday from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, and will be streamed live on the Google Meet platform.

The new edition will be inaugurated by Bianca Melita Palmas, research assistant at Tuscia, with a seminar titled: “Effects of ‘Forever Chemicals’ on animal behavior in aquatic ecosystems: two case studies.”

All PhD students in Ecology and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources will be awarded 1 CFU for attending at least 8 out of 10 seminars. To receive the certificate of participation, it is necessary to register through Porta Futuro Lazio (PFL) at least 24 hours before the start of the seminar (The link will also be made available on this page on the morning of the seminar).

Participation is open to the entire community and offers a unique opportunity to deepen individual knowledge of the latest scientific topics.

The full seminar program can be found here.

For assistance during the booking process, contact us here.



2 April 2025
11 June 2025

