Gli accordi bilaterali di cooperazione universitaria attualmente attivi sono i seguenti:
University of Tirana | Albania | G. Branca | DEIM |
International Academic Research Center – USC | Albania | G. Branca | DEIM |
Mediterranean University of Albania | Albania | G. Branca | DEIM |
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
University of Buenos Aires | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Universidad Nacional San Antonio de Areco | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Universidad Nacional de Chilecito | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán | Argentina | U. Santamaria | DEIM |
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas (CONICET) | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Universidad Nacional de San Antonio de Areco | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Fundacion Miguel Lillo | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | Argentina | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
International Scientific Center of National Academy of Sciences | Armenia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Cens for Ecological-Noosphere Studies National Academy of Sciences | Armenia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Matenadaran Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts | Armenia | R. Menna | DISTU |
Armenian National Agrarian University | Armenia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Yerevan State University | Armenia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Eurasia International University | Armenia | A. Boccolini | DISUCOM |
Azerbaijan State Agricultural University | Azerbaijan | M. Muganu | DAFNE |
Baku Business University | Azerbaijan | G. Galloppo | DEIM |
Azerbaijan University | Azerbaijan | C. Cattani | DEIM |
Baku Slavic University | Azerbaijan | A. Cifariello | DISTU |
The Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan | Bhutan | L. Varvaro | DAFNE |
Belarus State University | Bielorussia | A. Boccolini | DISUCOM |
University of Sarajevo | Bosnia Herzegovina | L. Portoghesi | DIBAF |
Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes | Brasile | A. D’Annibale | DIBAF |
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | Brasile | A. D’Annibale | DIBAF |
Universidade Estadual de Londrina | Brasile | M. Petruccioli | DIBAF |
Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa | Brasile | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco | Brasile | C. Rosa | DISTU |
Universidade de Caxias do Sul | Brasile | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
University of Campinas | Brasile | A. Sorrentino | DEIM |
Universidade Federal do Paranà | Brasile | A. Spinosa | DISTU |
Universidade Federal de Itajubá | Brasile | M. Villarini | DAFNE |
Universidade Estadual Paulista | Brasile | A.M. Vettraino | DIBAF |
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social de Fronteiras (IDESF) | Brasile | M. Savino | DISTU |
New Bulgarian University | Bulgaria | M. Contarini | DAFNE |
University of British Columbia | Canada | G. Scarascia Mugnozza | DIBAF |
Université Laval | Canada | M. Fidaleo | DIBAF |
The Governing Council of the University of Toronto | Canada | G. Fiorentino | DISUCOM |
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias | Cile | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
Universidad de Concepcion | Cile | A. Tiezzi | DIBAF |
Universidad Católica del Norte | Cile | A. Tiezzi | DIBAF |
Universidad Mayor | Cile | N. Merendino | DEB |
University of Santiago de Chile | Cile | G. Scapigliati | DIBAF |
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA) – Ministerio de Agricultura Chile | Cile | A. Vannini | DIBAF |
Sichuan Provincial Institute of Natural Resource Science | Cina | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
South China Botanical Garden – The Chinese Academy of Sciences | Cina | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
Anhui Agricultural University | Cina | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
China Agricultural University | Cina | C. Cattani | DEIM |
Yantai University | Cina | R. Biasi | DIBAF |
China Jiliang University | Cina | R. Biasi | DIBAF |
Zhejiang A&F University (ZAFU) | Cina | A. Vannini | DIBAF |
Zhejiang A&F University | Cina | C. Silvestri | DAFNE |
University of Peace | Costa Rica | L. Varvaro | DAFNE |
University of Pinar del Rio “Hermano Saíz Montes de Oca” | Cuba | L. Varvaro | DAFNE |
National Center for Animal and Plant Health (CENSA) | Cuba | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
La Universidad Agraria de La Habana | Cuba | F. Canganella | DIBAF |
Universidad San Francisco de Quito | Ecuador | F. Canganella | DIBAF |
Ain Shams University in Cairo | Egitto | M. P. Ragionieri | DISTU |
Cairo University | Egitto | M. P. Ragionieri | DISTU |
Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) | Egitto | M. Esti | DAFNE |
Agro-Food Industries Alliance | Egitto | M. Esti | DAFNE |
Universidad de El Salvador | El Salvador | L. Varvaro | DAFNE |
Natural Resources Institute Finland LUKE, Finland | Finlandia | A. Bellincontro | DIBAF |
Université Bordeaux 1 | Francia | R. Bernini | DAFNE |
INRA-UR1268 Nantes | Francia | S. Masci | DAFNE |
Avignon Université | Francia | S. Di Vito | DISTU |
Université Côte d’Azur | Francia | M. Ridolfi S. Cruciani | DEIM DISTU |
George Chubinashvili National Resarch Centre for Georgian Art History and Heritage Preservation | Georgia | R. Menna | DISTU |
Lepl-Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Georgia | N. Merendino | DEB |
East European University | Georgia | A. Bufalini | DISTU |
Business and Technology University | Georgia | N. Merendino | DEB |
East European University | Georgia | A. Bufalini | DISTU |
Georgian Technical University | Georgia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University | Georgia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University | Georgia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research | Germania | N. Romano | DEB |
Ruhr Universität Bochum | Germania | L. Lorenzetti | DISTU |
Universität Potsdam | Germania | M. Paolino | DISUCOM |
Institut für Zeitgeschichte München | Germania | M. Paolino | DISUCOM |
University of Ghana | Ghana | R. Valentini | DIBAF |
Simon Diedong Dombo University of Business and Integrated Development Studies | Ghana | G. Galloppo | DEIM |
Methodist University College | Ghana | G. Galloppo | DEIM |
University of Keio | Giappone | M. Vallozza | DISUCOM |
Ministry of Agriculture of Jordan – The National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension | Giordania | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
Jordan University of Science and Technology | Giordania | T. Laureti | DEIM |
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences | Grecia | T. Laureti | DEIM |
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research | India | U. Bernabucci | DAFNE |
Khalkhal Branch Islamic Azad University | Iran | R. Picchio | DAFNE |
Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman | Iran | A. M. Vettraino | DIBAF |
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources | Iran | R. Mancinelli | DAFNE |
Ilam University | Iran | R. Mancinelli | DAFNE |
Waterford Institute of Technology | Irlanda | A.M. Vettraino | DIBAF |
Anand International College of Engineering | India | C. Cattani | DEIM |
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | Israele | E. Mosconi | DEIM |
The Jerusalem College of Technology | Israele | E. Mosconi | DEIM |
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Israele | A. Cifariello | DISTU |
ONG E.N.GI.M. (Ente Nazionale Giuseppini del Murialdo,) | Italia | M. N. Ripa | DAFNE |
Associazione CESC Project | Italia | S. Senni | DAFNE |
CeLIM | Italia | S. Senni | DAFNE |
Ricerca e Cooperazione ONG | Italia | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
World Cultural Heritage Foundation | Italia | A. Fausto | DIBAF |
CO.P.E. Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti ONG | Italia | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Association La Dramaturgie | Italia | F. Carbone | DIBAF |
South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy | Kazakhstan | A. Tiezzi | DIBAF |
University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” | Kosovo | A. Boccolini | DISUCOM |
Academy of Agricultural Sciences | Korea | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
University of Prishtina | Kosovo | N. Lacetera | DAFNE |
Université Saint-Joseph | Libano | A. Harfouche | DIBAF |
Hans Em Faculty of Forest Sciences, Landscape Architecture and Environmental Engineering | Macedonia | A.M. Vettraino | DIBAF |
ONG Utawaleza Farm Project | Malawi | S. Senni | DAFNE |
University of Hassan First Settat Kingdom of Morocco | Marocco | B. Schirone | DAFNE |
Abdelmalek Essaadi University | Marocco | B. Schirone | DAFNE |
The Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine Hassan II | Marocco | R. Muleo | DAFNE |
Université Privée de Marrakech | Marocco | A. Petroselli | DEIM |
CIRAD – Unité de Recherche « Systemes Horticoles » – Laboratoire de Phytopathologie – Pole de Recherche Agronomique de la Martinique (PRAM) | Martinica | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
Universidad de Guadalajara | Messico | M. Ridolfi | DEIM |
Universidad Autonoma Chapingo | Messico | A. Petroselli | DEIM |
Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) | Messico | A.M. Vettraino | DIBAF |
University of Montenegro | Montenegro | G. Balestra | DAFNE |
Tribhuvan University | Nepal | S. Senni | DAFNE |
Mid-Western University | Nepal | G. Branca | DEIM |
Institute of Environmental Biology | Olanda | C. Caruso | DEB |
Sultan Qaboos University | Oman | F. Canganella | DIBAF |
PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi | Pakistan | A. Vannini | DIBAF |
Universidad Católica de Santa Maria | Perù | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru | Perù | F. Carbone | DIBAF |
Molina National Agricultural University | Perù | S. Speranza | DAFNE |
University of Podlasie | Polonia | R. Caldarelli | DISUCOM |
Jan Kochanowski University | Polonia | A. Tiezzi | DIBAF |
University of Agriculture in Krakow | Polonia | N. Merendino | DEB |
Universidade dos Açores | Portogallo | A. Schirone | DAFNE |
Escola Superior de Marketing e Publicidade (IADE) Lisbona | Portogallo | C. Rosa | DISTU |
Camões, Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua | Portogallo | C. Rosa | DISTU |
Institute of Microbiology – Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic | Rep. Ceca | M. Petruccioli | DIBAF |
University of Economics in Bratislava | Rep. Slovacca | T. Laureti | DEIM |
Consejo Nacional para las Comunidades Dominicanas en el Exterior (CONDEX) | Rep. Dominicana | G. Scarascia Mugnozza | DIBAF |
National Authority for Maritime Affairs (ANAMAR) | Rep. Dominicana | M. Marcelli | DEB |
Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania | Romania | R. Valentini | DIBAF |
“Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest | Romania | U. Bernabucci | DAFNE |
Russian Timiryazev State Agricultural University | Russia | R. Valentini | DIBAF |
Tomsk Economical Juridical Institute | Russia | M.P. Ragionieri | DISTU |
Ural Federal University | Russia | M. Ridolfi | DEIM |
State University – Higher School of Economics in Nizhny Novgorod | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM |
Russian New University | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM |
Petrozavodsk State University | Russia | A. Cifariello | DISTU |
Tver State University | Russia | A. Cifariello | DISTU |
Ufa State Aviation Technical University | Russia | C. Cattani | DEIM |
Saint Petersburg State Forest Technical University | Russia | P. De Angelis | DIBAF |
The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia | Russia | G. Scarascia Mugnozza P. De Angelis | DIBAF |
Russian State University for the Humanities | Russia | F. Saccà | DEIM |
South Ural State University | Russia | M. Ferretti | |
International Jewish Institute of Economics Law and Finance | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM |
Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev | Russia | R. Valentini | DIBAF |
Università linguistica statale di Nižnij Novgorod “n. A. Dobroljubov” (NGLU) | Russia | R. Caldarelli | DISUCOM |
Cheikh Anta DIOP University of Dakar | Senegal | G. Galloppo | DEIM |
University of Belgrade | Serbia | C. Ceoloni | DAFNE |
Educons University | Serbia | A. Sorrentino | DEIM |
University of Ljubliana | Slovenia | L. Selbmann | DEB |
University of Granada | Spagna | M. Fenice | DEB |
Institute of Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (IRTA) | Spagna | C. Silvestri | DAFNE |
Universidad de Navarra | Spagna | M. Paolino | DISUCOM |
University of Nevada, Reno | Stati Uniti d’America | A. Di Filippo G. Piovesan | DAFNE |
University of Florida Board of Trustees | Stati Uniti d’America | G. M. Balestra | DAFNE |
The University of Massachusetts Amherst | Stati Uniti d’America | A. Sorrentino | DEIM |
University of Nevada | Stati Uniti d’America | G.Piovesan A.Di Filippo | DAFNE |
New York University – Tandon School of Engineering | Stati Uniti d’America | S. Grimaldi S. Ubertini | DIBAF DEIM |
University of California, Institution of Oceanography (Scripps) | Stati Uniti d’America | M. Marcelli | DEB |
Duke University | Stati Uniti d’America | M. Micozzi | DISUCOM |
Viterbo University | Stati Uniti d’America | S. Ubertini | DEIM |
University of Baltimore | Stati Uniti d’America | A. M. Braccini | DEIM |
University of California, Davis Campus | Stati Uniti d’America | C. Silvestri | DAFNE |
Mae Fah Luang University | Tailandia | L. Zucconi Galli Fonseca | DEB |
Taiwan Forestry Research Institute | Taiwan | A. Vannini | DIBAF |
University of Sousse, Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott-Meriem | Tunisia | A. Vannini | DIBAF |
National Institute of Agriculture of Tunisia (Carthage University) | Tunisia | F. Rossini | DAFNE |
Higher School of Agriculture of Mograne – University of Carthage | Tunisia | F. Rossini | DAFNE |
Directorate of Istanbul Central Laboratory for Restoration and Conservation | Turchia | R. Menna | DISTU |
Istanbul Aydin University | Turchia | C. Cattani | DEIM |
Instanbul University | Turchia | P. Pogliani | DIBAF |
University of Cappadocia | Turchia | P. Pogliani | DIBAF |
Ivan Franko National University of L’viv | Ucraina | R. Caldarelli | DISUCOM |
Odessa National Maritime University | Ucraina | M. Fenice | DEB |
Lviv Polytechnic National University | Ucraina | A. Boccolini | DISUCOM |
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev | Ucraina | A. Boccolini | DISUCOM |
Dmytro Motornyi Tavria State Agrotechnological University | Ucraina | G. Calabrò S. Minucci A. Boccolini | DEIM DEIM DISUCOM |
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute U?raine” | Ucraina | G. Calabrò S. Minucci A. Boccolini | DEIM DEIM DISUCOM |
Szent Istvan University | Ungheria | V. Piscopo | DEB |
Semmelweis University | Ungheria | C. Silvestri | DAFNE |
Universidad de la Republica | Uruguay | V. Vinciguerra | DIBAF |
Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances | Uzbekistan | A. Tiezzi | DIBAF |
Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences | Vietnam | A. Vannini | DIBAF |
Lupane State University | Zimbabwe | G. Scarascia Mugnozza | DIBAF |
Great Zimbabwe University | Zimbabwe | A. Vannini | DIBAF |
Gli Accordi di Doppio Diploma attualmente attivi sono i seguenti:
Agricultural University of Tirana | Albania | M.N. Ripa | DAFNE | Forest and Nature Sciences L-25 |
Agricultural University of Tirana | Albania | C. Silvestri | DEIM | Marketing e Qualità LM-77 |
Agricultural University of Tirana | Albania | E.M. Mosconi | DEIM | Circular Economy LM-76 |
Agricultural University of Tirana | Albania | R. Massantini | DIBAF | Tecnologie Alimentari ed Enologiche L-26 |
Agricultural University of Tirana | Albania | E. Blasi | DIBAF | Pianificazione e progettazione del paesaggio e dell’ambiente L-21 |
Mediterranean University of Albania | Albania | C. Silvestri | DEIM | Marketing e Qualità LM-77 |
Polytechnic University of Tirana | Albania | G. Calabrò | DEIM | Mechanical Engineering LM-33, Energy profile |
University of Tirana | Albania | V. Piscopo | DEB | Natural and Environmental Sciences |
International Scientific – Educational Center of NAS RA | Armenia | G. Branca | DEIM | Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo LM-77 |
International Scientific – Educational Center of NAS RA | Armenia | G. Branca | DEIM | Marketing e Qualità LM-77 |
International Scientific Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of RA (ISEC NAS RA) | Armenia | M. Savino | DISTU | Security and Human Rights LM-90 |
Eurasia International University | Armenia | M. Savino | DISTU | Security and Human Rights LM-90 |
Eurasia International University | Armenia | E.M. Mosconi | DEIM | Circular Economy LM-76 |
Azerbaijan University | Azerbaijan | C. Silvestri | DEIM | Marketing e Qualità LM-77 |
Avignon Université | Francia | S. Di Vito | DISTU | Lingue e Culture Moderne |
Université Côte d’Azur | Francia | S. Cruciani M. Ridolfi | DEIM DISTU | Scienze della politica, della sicurezza internazionale e della comunicazione pubblica LM-62 |
East European University | Georgia | A. Bufalini | DISTU | Security and Human Rights LM-90 |
National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest | Romania | Stefano Rossi Mauro Scungio | DEIM | Mechanical engineering LM33 |
Russian New University | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM | Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo LM-77 |
National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM | Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo LM-77 |
National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM | Marketing e Qualità LM-77 |
National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM | Circular Economy LM-76 |
National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) | Russia | M. Masi | DEIM | Economia Aziendale L-18 |
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia | Russia | P. De Angelis | DIBAF | Forest and Environmental Sciences LM-73 |
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia | Russia | M. Fenice | DEB | Biologia ed Ecologia Marina LM-6 |
University of Valladolid | Spagna | P. De Angelis | DIBAF | Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie e Forestali L-25 |
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