
Plant biotechnology for food and global health

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  • Headquarter

    Campus Riello Viterbo

  • Department

    Agriculture and Forest Sciences

  • Language


  • Course lenght

    2 years

PlantBiotech aims at building in-depth knowledge and skills of foundational and applied scientific aspects related to biotechnology. Training is especially intended at the development and improvement of organisms of agricultural interest, at the control of the quality and healthiness of primary and processed agri-food products as well as their upgrade in terms of sustainability, yield and nutritional value. Plants will be also approached as biofactories for biopharmaceuticals production as well as a valuable source of secondary metabolites contained in food and agro-industrial waste.

Today’s global economic context requests the agri-food sector to meet not only the growing demand and safety of food and biomolecules, but also to foster environmentally sustainable production systems with high-quality standards in nutritional and health terms, respecting the principles of safety and traceability, starting from renewable resources, and favoring biotechnological processes. Human and environment health and well-being are therefore among the central themes of the training process.

The articulation of the course includes a peculiar highly specialized training, which favors graduates in acquiring knowledge and skills of different biological and agri-food systems to understand, design and develop solutions through a rational, innovative, and sustainable approach. Optional and choice exams/activities are intended to support student inclinations and interests. A significant number of credits is dedicated to the experimental thesis aimed to introduce students in a full immersion research experience.


The Master’s Degree “Plant Biotechnology for Food and Global Health” (PlantBiotech), class LM-7, is activated in 2023-24

General info

General info

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  • Learning objectives

    The PlantBiotech Master’s Degree Course aims to prepare graduates with in-depth knowledge of the scientific aspects inherent in biotechnologies aimed at the development and improvement of organisms of agricultural interest, the control of the quality and wholesomeness of raw materials and agri-food products and enhancement of nutritional and health value also through the study of natural organic substances contained in food products and agro-industrial waste, as well as their use as food ingredients and in nutraceutical and pharmaceutical preparations. In fact, the applications of advanced biotechnologies can improve plant production while maintaining the objective of environmental protection.

    Today’s global economic context, in which our country also operates, requires the agro-food sector, and the biological sector more generally, not only to satisfy the growing demand and safety of foods and biomolecules, but also to produce them with a high qualitative standard in nutritional and health terms, in compliance with the principles of safety and traceability, starting from renewable resources and favouring biotechnological processes. Human health and well-being are therefore among the central themes of the present training process.

    The articulation of the PlantBiotech Master’s Degree Course allows the achievement of the explicit objectives through a peculiar highly specialized training, pursuing the training of graduates who have the knowledge and the ability to analyze the various biological and agri-food systems to understand, conceive and develop solutions to problems of plant and animal production in a rational, innovative, and sustainable way. The demand of natural organic substances and bioactive molecules to replace synthetic products through biotechnologies or extraction processes deriving from agro-industrial waste also shifts the production paradigm towards agriculture as a supplier of products for industrial uses linked to both green chemistry and agro-industry, manufacturing, and energy sectors.

    In detail, the Course will allow to:

    •  apply the scientific method in the various contexts of investigation;
    •  acquire the cultural, theoretical, and experimental bases of the multidisciplinary techniques that characterize biotechnological operations in the agro-food, industrial and pharmaceutical fields for the production of goods and services through the use of biological systems;
    •  acquire adequate knowledge and tools for communication and the correct management of information;
    •  acquire the ability to write scientific papers and technical-scientific reports, in Italian and English, and to work in groups with a high degree of autonomy and personality;
    •  acquire the ability to conceive, plan and manage research projects in the field of agro-food biotechnology.

    Ultimately, the Course has the main objective of completing and expanding the knowledge acquired in three-year degrees, in Italy mainly, but not exclusively, in the class of Biotechnology (L2), Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies (L25), of Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies (L26) and of Biological Sciences (L13) and in equivalent degrees obtained in foreign countries. Another objective of the Master’s Degree Course is to provide students with the opportunity to acquire manual skills and competence in scientific methodologies while carrying out the experimental thesis work.

    Furthermore, all the teachings proposed are accompanied by a suitable number of practical exercises carried out in the laboratory and in the field.

    The PlantBiotech Master’s Degree Course has entered numerous agreements/conventions for scientific collaboration with other research institutions and companies operating in the agricultural biotechnology sector, and in the agro-food, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical research and production sectors, thus guaranteeing the possibility to make known research centers and productive world to students by way carrying out of educational visits, internships, and external theses.

    PlantBiotech, that will be fully taught in English since 2023/24, will be characterized by an increment of its international profile, not only for the inclusion of foreign students, but also for the involvement of teachers from foreign universities and of modern and international teaching methods.

  • Course structure

    The PlantBiotech MSc course is structured into two academic years, that include the internship, other teaching activities (Lab work and scientific communication) and the compilation of a master’s thesis. The course provides highly specialized teaching activities; most teachings include an intense practical part.

    For the complete list of exams, see this table.

    To achieve the Master’s degree it is necessary to cmply 120 CFU (Crediti Formativi Universitari), passing 11 exams in the differnt disciplines. Two of the exams will be at the student’s choice among a list proposed by the CCS. In addition to the 11 curricular exams, there will be a 12th vote to be acquired as 12 CFUs of choice activities (AFS). The AFS can consist of further exams or other academic activities that could be offered in other masters of the DAFNE department or in other scientific departments of the university.

    The internship, for a total of 6 CFU, is carried out in external farms or companies under specific agreements. The internship credits can also be achieved through specific events, local or accessed through international mobility programs, in the field of plant biotechnologies and previously approved by the course Council. The activity “Lab work and scientific communication” allows to acquire 6 CFU with general competences involving practical work in the lab and in the written and oral communication of scientific contents.

    The final activity consists in the compilation and presentation of a thesis, originally elaborated by the student under the advice of a tutor (Relatore). The thesis, having a consistency of 24 CFU, is intended to be an experimental activity, including a bibliographic search and introduction of the topic. The thesis’ writing and presenting will be in English. The procedure to follow for the tutor’s choice and the other steps for the thesis’ presentation is published on the Student’s Guide. The thesis is presented to a commission composed of a minimum of five professors, members of the department. To achieve the master’s degree, the student must positively pass the final exam.

    The final vote is expressed in a 110 basis; a “cum laude” declaration can be added in case of maximum score (110/110). The Commission will assign the vote according to:

    • ponderate average of the exams’ votations, evaluated in 110 basis;
    • special merits in the academic career of the student;
    • completion of the studies within the two years;
    • participation to the Erasmus mobility program;
    • evaluation of the Relatore, of the Controrelatore, and of the Commission.

    When enrolling into the course, students can opt between full time and part time.

    The academic year is organized in semesters; there are no fixed propedeuticities in the exams.

  • Other learning activities

    In addition to the exercise and laboratory modules planned for each course, educational visits to institutions or enterprises operating in the field of agricultural biotechnology are organized. Internship is usually carried out in institutions or enterprises. A list of those already affiliated is available and this list is constantly updated. It is possible to perform the experimental thesis work either at university or at affiliated institutions or enterprises, as well as at laboratories abroad, affiliated through the ERASMUS program. The student may select other theoretical or practical modules specifically offered by the University as free-choice learning activities (AFS). The Master’s course also offers modules on “Lab safety”, “Scientific writing” or “Scientific Communication strategies” with contents aimed at providing basic technical knowledge, occupational safety, scientific communication, and soft skills.

  • Career opportunities

    The Masters’ degree in Plant Biotechnology for Food and Global Health (PlantBiotech) aims to train master’s graduates able to satisfy various needs that emerge from the different scenarios of public and private work at regional, national, and international level. Another objective is to form subjects capable of broadly engaging in advanced research in the agricultural and environmental biotechnological field.

    The PlantBiotech master’s degree allows enrollment in the Italian National Order of Doctors of Agronomy and Forestry and in the National Order of Biologists, after passing the required exam (Esame di Stato). The master’s degree in the LM-7 category has equivalence with the master’s degree in Biology (LM-6) for participating in public job interviews in the biomedical field if curricular requirements are met (D.I. 11/11/2011, published in the Official Journal of 7 April 2012 n. 83, LINK)

    PlantBiotech master’s degree graduates will be able to find employment in public and private companies or, alternatively, undertake freelance and entrepreneurial activities. The employment opportunities are many and concern different sectors:

    1. Researcher, graduate technician and similar in public (e.g., Ministries, CNR, CREA, ENEA, ISS, IZS, etc.) and private (research companies, companies, professional studios, etc.) research organizations and companies involved in obtaining innovative, quality products with reduced environmental impact and in the characterization production and valorization of bioactive molecules.

    2. Regional associations for the development and innovation of agriculture and the environment (eg ARSIAL, ARPA), in the sectors of depollution, conservation and improvement of the environment.

    3. National and international food safety control agencies (e.g. Customs, MIPAAF, ASL, EFSA).

    4. Seed companies with activities concerning the certification and selection of novel plant varieties (e.g. local or multinational companies in the sector, Società Italiana Sementi, CREA-DC, UPOV).

    5. Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, both in the production and distribution fields.

    6. Primary production certification companies (food of vegetable and animal origin).

    7. International cooperation for technological development and conservation and improvement of the environment.

    8. Observatories, public and private agencies for phytosanitary control and plant protection.

    9. Military scientific investigation departments such as (RIS) of the Italian Carabinieri and in the specialized departments of the Navy for technical-scientific support activities.

    10. Service and consultancy firms.

  • Further education

    PhD and Professional Master’s programmes (national or international) in the fields of biotechnology, biology, agri-food production or equivalent.

  • Download the Brochure

    Click here to download.

  • Course council


    Prof. Daniel Savatin  daniel.savatin@unitus.it


    Quality assessment:

    Prof. Mazzucato Andrea, Prof. Luca Santi; Dott.ssa Benucci Ilaria, Prof. Stefania Masci.


    Council’s components:

    • Benucci Ilaria
    • Bernini Roberta
    • Ceoloni Carla
    • Dell’Unto Davide
    • Francesconi Sara
    • Kuzminsky Elena
    • Masci Stefania
    • Mazzucato Andrea
    • Muleo Rosario
    • Romanelli Massimo
    • Rossi Giampiero
    • Santi Luca
    • Savatin Daniel
    • Sestili Francesco
    • Silvestri Cristian
    • Turco Silvia


    Students’ representatives

    • Pugliese Veronica
    • Paiola Giulia
  • Programme coordinator

    Head of the Course

    Prof. Daniel Savatin –  daniel.savatin@unitus.it –  +39 0761 357323




  • Admissions

    Enrolment in the Plant Biotechnology for Food and Global health (PlantBiotech) master’s course is possible for candidates having an Italian First cycle qualification (Laurea, e.g., in the L2, L13, L25, L26 degree classes) or a foreign equivalent (BSc) in the same or related subject area (Biotechnology, Agricultural Sciences), with possible extra work if required competences are lacking. Competence in the English language are required (level B2 of CEFR). Enrolment is possible if the following requisites are met:


    1. Curricular requisites (compulsory on bachelor’s transcripts): the acquisition of a basic knowledge of at least 20 CFU (credits) among the following scientific disciplines or related areas: Mathematics (MAT/01 to MAT/09), Physics (FIS/01 to FIS/07), General Chemistry (CHIM/03), Organic Chemistry (CHIM/06), Genetics (AGR/07, BIO/18), Plant Biology (BIO/04, BIO/15) and Biochemistry (BIO/10). In the case of examinations taken abroad, membership of the specific DSSs will be determined by the Technical Committee based on documentation provided by the applicant;
    2. Linguistic requirements: English B2 certificate (not necessary for candidates from English-speaking countries or with documented education in English). In particular: TOEFL > 87; IELTS > 5.5; City and Guilds (PITMAN) > IESOL B2 communicator; Cambridge ESOL > FCE; Trinity College London > ISE II; British Institute > ESOL B2. Lacking such certification, the student shall take an additional test as part of the Admission Interview.
    1. Grade Point Average (GPA): corresponding to at least 25/30 of the Italian evaluation system, calculated with the formula provided by the Ministry of University and Research or have obtained a grade in Second Upper Class (grade B+, CGPA of at least 3.4/4 or 4,3/5 or 6/7 or 8.5/10 or 17/20 or 105/110).


    Assessment of personal competences

    The adequacy of skills is assessed through an admission interview in accordance with the current Didactic Regulation for the master’s degree courses. The interview aims to assess the students’ individual knowledge in specific areas considered preparatory to the PlantBiotech course: General biology, Plant biology and Genetics (below the topics of the interview).


    General biology

    – Biological macromolecules: nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates; enzymes

    – Cell structure and function

    – Prokaryotes and eukaryotes


    Plant biology

    – Autotrophs and heterotrophs

    – The plant cell; plant tissues: meristematic, dermal, ground and vascular

    – Plant organs, systems, and structures: stem, root, leaf, flower, fruit, and seed



    – Flux of genetic information, from genotype to phenotype

    – Mendel’s laws and meiosis

    – Mutations: types (point, chromosomal, genomic) and consequences


    The same test will be applied also to students in transfer from other MSc courses.


    Admission procedure and booking of the Admission test


    For candidates with a foreign degree:


    As a first step, it is recommended the registration through the Contact form- University of Tuscia

    Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7HoIa8ODNSlBjJ7EI4Gu3jwm3RgIzYranddURQEOdTau0Tg/viewform?gxids=7628


    Second, it is required to book the admission test through the form:

    Link:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfuc6I83f33aAF4zx1t_wp9NZfNxQY0L-_B5KTJAJqmghmIkQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0


    The form will require to upload/specify the following:

    – Digital copy (good quality) of the University degree certificate/s (including the list of exams, grades and credits)

    – Digital copy (good quality) of the passport

    – Date chosen for the interview (see calendar below)

    * Date and time of the interview will be confirmed by email

    For candidates graduated in Italy

    They can book the interview using the same form, by only uploading the document at point 1. Candidates graduated (or being graduated) at the Tuscia University can only compile the form answering all points and expressing the date required for the interview. Candidates will be informed about the results of the interview by email. Results of the interview can also be considered in the evaluation for an eventual fellowship request.


    Calendar of the interviews for the Academic Year 2025/26

    Calendar of the interviews for the Academic Year 2025/26:
    January 10th and 24th, February 28th, March 28th, April 24th
    May 30th, June 27th, July 25th, September 26th, October 31st.

    (Additional dates will be eventually communicated directly to the applicants)


    Additional procedures for extra-EU candidates in case of a positive evaluation of the Admission Commitee

    For the additional procedure (pre-enrolment) required for the extra-EU citizens the candidate should access to the Ministry web portal https://www.universitaly.it/index.php/ creating their personal account and following the instructions (please note the name of our MSc course “Plant Biotechnology for Food and Global Health” LM-7 at the University of Tuscia). The Universitaly platform usually opens such procedure in the months of April/May.



    As first step the admitted candidates must be registered on the student platform as explained in the video here. For the following steps, the student will be contacted by a tutor that will provide the support to finalize the enrollment through the student platform (deadline November 2nd).

    In compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679, the University will treat information provided by applicants as confidential: all data provided will be processed exclusively for the purposes to establish and manage the relationship of the student within the University of Tuscia.

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