Seminario prof. Sergey Dobretsov 10 e 11 settembre | ore 15:00

Research at the Marine Science and Fisheries Department at Sultan Qaboos University

10 settembre | ore 15:00

Relatore: prof. Sergey Dobretsov, UNESCO Chair in Marine Biotechnology (Department of Marine Science and Fisheries, Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, Oman)

Aula 2, Blocco B, Campus Riello

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The use of organisms for the benefit of mankind or Marine Biotechnology: past, present and future

11 settembre | ore 15:00

Relatore: prof. Sergey Dobretsov, UNESCO Chair in Marine Biotechnology (Department of Marine Science and Fisheries, Sultan Qaboos University Muscat, Oman)

Online | meet.google.com/ftc-utzk-jee

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Il seminario rientra nelle attività formative del corso di dottorato in Ecologia e gestione sostenibile delle risorse ambientali.