Call for visting scholars & professors

The University of Tuscia, in order to pursue growth of its international profile, to strengthen internationalization of its teaching and research strategies, and to enrich its teaching service, invites applications for international Visiting Professors and Visiting Scholars interested in lecturing official courses at Bachelor’s (undergraduate), Master’s (graduate), and PhD degree levels and in participating in the University collaborative research projects in all scientific areas.

Visiting Professors and Visiting Scholars will be expected to devote the majority of their time to teaching. In addition, Visiting Professors and Visiting Scholars are strongly encouraged to participate in the University’s research programming.


Applicants must have at least three years of permanent engagement at qualified foreign universities or research institutions, currently in service or retired, filling the positions of full professor, associate professor or assistant professor, or the equivalent. Eligible applicants must not be resident in Italy or not having performed their main academic activities in Italy for more than twelve months prior to the call deadline, even if not consecutive. Applicants from any discipline or professional field will be considered. The Visiting Professors & Visiting Scholars @UNITUS Program runs the course of the academic year, typically from the beginning of September through the end of June, and is open to all applicants who meet the above criteria, regardless of citizenship.


Visiting Professors: we offer a pay on a case-by-case basis: for a short-term (3 months of stay), a minimum of 3.000 € and a maximum of 6.000 €; for a mid-term (6 months of stay), a minimum of 6.000 € and a maximum of 12.000 €; and for a long-term (12 months of stay), a minimum of 12.000 € and a maximum of 24.000 €.

Visiting Scholars: we offer a pay on a case-by-case basis: for a short-term (3 months of stay), a minimum of 2.000 € and a maximum of 4.000 €; for a mid-term (6 months of stay), a minimum of 4.000 € and a maximum of 8.000 €; and for a long-term (12 months of stay), a minimum of 8.000 € and a maximum of 16.000 €.


To apply, you will need to complete an application form which includes submission of the following in .pdf, doc, or docx form:

– application form (Annex 1)

– motivation letter

– CV Annex 2, including a list of publications and brief description highlighting the ten most significant publications from the past ten years

– research statement (up to two pages)

– a teaching portfolio comprising a teaching statement (up to two pages), a syllabus from a course or two and summaries of teaching evaluations

– official documentation that proves correspondence between the Italian and foreign academic positions according to the following table http://attiministeriali.miur.it/media/303091/allegato_dm_662.pdf.

Should you have any questions regarding this application process, please contact us at visitingprofessors@unitus.it.

