CV Laura Bertini Nationality: Italian Birth date: August 12, 1970 Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6335-3880; SCOPUS Author ID: 57200241228 Google Scholar profile: POSITION 30 December 2011 – present: Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB), University of Tuscia (UNITUS), Viterbo, Italy.ACADEMIC CAREER AND TRAINING - Laboratory technician, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences, UNITUS, VT, IT (March-December 2011) - Post-doc researcher, Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology group, Dept. of Agrobiology and Agrochemistry, UNITUS, VT, IT (2001-2010). Research projects: “Innovative defense and enhancement systems for plant species of significant economic interest for the Mediterranean area” (2001-2003); “Functional genomics of the interaction between plants and microorganisms involved in agricultural production and environmental protection” (2004-2007); “Transcriptional analysis of plant defense genes” (2008-2010) - PhD student in "Design and use of molecules of biotechnological interest”, XII cycle, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Caserta, IT. Research project: “Characterization of wheat Pathogenesis-Related genes of class 4 (PR4)” (1996-2000) - Research fellow, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, Long Ashton Research Station, University of Bristol, UK. Research project: “Expression and functional analysis of mutant peptides derived from the repetitive domain of HMW glutenin subunit 1Dx5 to improve the processing quality of durum wheat”. Supervisor: Prof. Peter R. Shewry (1995-1996) - Post-degree trainee, Dept. of Agrobiology and Agrochemistry and Dept. of Environmental Sciences, UNITUS, VT, IT. Research project: “Production of monoclonal antibodies against wheat PR4 proteins” (1994-1995)SCIENTIFIC VISITING EXPERIENCES 2nd-9th July 2022 - Visiting scientist at Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, Nuuk, Greenland in the context of INTERACT-Horizon 2020 project. 9th-15th July 2022 - Visiting scientist at Arctic Station, Disko Island, Greenland in the context of INTERACT-Horizon 2020 project. 17th February-19th March 2020 - Visiting scientist at Polish Antarctic Station, King George Island, Antarctica in the context of MUR-PNRA 2018 project. 1st November-20th December 1997 - Visiting scientist at Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, Long Ashton Research Station, University of Bristol, UK, in the context of PhD program.PATENT Patent n. RM2001A000257 – May 2001. “Renaturation, hydrolysis and production of recombinant PR proteins”.TEACHING ACTIVITY (UNITUS, VT, IT) A.Y. 2023/24 to present: Lecturer in “Biological Chemistry” for BSc in Biological Sciences (DEB) A.Y. 2019/20 to present: Lecturer in “Genetic and protein engineering techniques combined with plant and animal production” for the PhD Program “Plant and Animal Production Sciences” (Dept. of Agriculture and Forest Sciences-DAFNE) A.Y. 2014/15 to present: Lecturer in “Biochemical Methodologies” for BSc in Biological Sciences (DEB) A.Y. 2015/16 to 2019/20: Lecturer in “Biomolecular Techniques” for MSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology (DEB) A.Y. 2014/15 to 2016/17: Lecturer in ‘’Environmental Biochemistry” for BSc in Environmental Sciences (DEB) A.Y. 2012/13 to 2014/15: Lecturer in “Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Laboratory” for MSc in Cellular and Molecular Biology (DEB) A.Y. 1998/99 to present: Teaching Assistant in practical experimental activity of “Cellular Biochemistry” for MSc in Experimental Biology and Bioinformatics and “Biological Chemistry” for BSc in Biological Sciences (DEB) Years 2013, 2014, 2018: Teacher of Biochemistry in the preparation course for the qualification exam for High School teaching (DEB)SUPERVISING AND MENTORING Supervisor of 1 PhD student in “Genetics and Cellular Biology”, XXVII cycle (DEB); 1 PhD student in “Ecology and Management of Biological Resources”, XXVI cycle (DEB); 1 PhD student in “Plant and Animal Production Sciences”, XL cycle (DAFNE) 2012 to present: Promotor/Co-promotor of 75 theses for Bachelor students in Biological Sciences (DEB) 2001 to present: Promotor/Co-promotor of 32 theses for Master students in Cellular and Molecular Biology (DEB)EDUCATIONAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ACTIVITIES (UNITUS, VT, IT) 2023 to present: Member of the Doctorate Committee on “Plant and Animal Production Sciences”, DAFNE 2012-2022 and 2023 to present: Coordinator of the University guidance activities for the High School students on behalf of DEB 2022 to present: Motivational speaker in the frame of the "Next Generation Orientation" project 2022-2026 for active guidance of High School students in school-university transition within PNRR (M4.C1-24) 2022 to present: Member of the Disciplinary Committee of UNITUS (D.R. n. 670/2022) 2021: Member of the Evaluation Committee for the achievement of the PhD title in “Plant and Animal Production Science” XXXIII cycle, DAFNE 2016 to present: Member of the Teaching Committees for BSc in Biological Sciences and MSc in Experimental Biology and Bioinformatics (DEB) 2015-2019: Member of the Ethics Committee of UNITUS (D.R. n. 1193/15 and D.R. n. 921/2016) 2013 to present: Teacher in orientation and school-work alternation programs for High School students (DEB) 2012-2016: Member of the Doctorate Committee on “Genetics and Cellular Biology” (DEB) 2012 to present: Coordinator of the Interdepartmental Biochemistry laboratory (UNITUS)EDITORIAL ACTIVITY/EVALUATOR EXPERTISE: 2020 to present: Topical Advisory Panel Member of International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS, IF: 5.928). 2018 to present: Review Editor for Frontiers in Plant Science (IF: 4.298), section “Plant Pathogen Interactions”, and Review Editor for Frontiers in Microbiology (IF: 5.64), section “Microbe and Virus Interaction with Plants” 2020-2021: Topic Editor for International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Special Issue "Plant Responses and Tolerance to Temperature Changes". 2019-2020: Topic Editor for Frontiers of Plant Science/Frontiers of Microbology, Special Issue "Novel Plant Molecules Regulating the Interaction with Pathogenic and Beneficial Fungi". 2011 to present: Reviewer for: Frontiers in Microbiology, Plants, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Planta, Plant Cell Report, Journal of Plant Physiology, Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Journal of Experimental Botany, Plant and Cell Physiology, Life, Marine Drugs, Antioxidant. 2014: Member of the expert evaluator panel for ‘SIR” (Scientific Independence of young Researchers) call. 2013: Member of the expert evaluator panel for ‘’FIR’’ (Future in Research) call.MAIN COMPETITIVE GRANTSAs Principal Investigator (PI) / Research Unit Responsible (RUR): 2024-2026: Project MUR-PNRA 2022 “Biodiversity and bioprospecting of fungal endophytes from the Antarctic plant Colobanthus quitensis: a focus on mycoviruses” (ID: PNRA0000054). Role: PI. 2023-2025: Project MUR-PRIN 2022 “Viromes of fungi interacting with plants: roles in adaptation to different/extreme ecological niches and reservoir of viral biodiversity for potential spillover” (ID: 20222L5ECJ). PI: Dr Massimo Turina (IPSP-CNR). Role: RUR. 2023-2025: Project PRIN 2022 PNRR “Assessment of biodiversity and functional roles of infectious circular viroid-like RNAs in fungi from different ecological niches” (ID: P2022XX55J). PI: Dr. Beatriz Navarro Ramirez (IPSP-CNR). Role: RUR. 2021-2022: Project INTERACT-Horizon 2020 “Exploring the influence of different stressors on the composition of microbial communities associated to Silene acaulis in Greenland” (Grant Agreement No. 730938). Role: PI 2019-2022: Project MIUR-PNRA 2018 “Impact of climate change on plant-microbe interaction: a focus on tripartite plant-fungus-virus relationship and on their bioactive compounds” (ID: PNRA18_00147). Role: PI 2014-2016: Project CARIVIT Foundation: “Monitoring of coastal waters pollution between Tarquinia and Montalto di Castro through the analysis of molecular markers of oxidative stress in Posidonia oceanica and search for new molecular markers”. Role: PIAs Participant: 2024: Participant to the Working Group of COST action code CA22142 - Beneficial root-associated microorganisms for sustainable agriculture. 2024-2028: HORIZON-MSCA-2022-SE-01: ‘’Plants crying for help in a changing world (MicroSOS)’’ (ID: 101130685) Coordinator: University of Malaga. 2023-2025: Project MUR-PRIN 2022 “The dark side of micro- and nanoplastics in the soil: impact on crop physiology and pathogen resistance” (ID: 2022LF3SZE). PI: Dr. Ilaria Colzi (University of Florence). 2022-2025: Next generation EU-PNRR Agritech National Research Center, spoke 4: Multifunctional and resilient agriculture and forestry systems for mitigation of climate change risk. 2022-2025- Next generation EU-PNRR Agritech National Research Center, spoke 1: Plant, animal and microbial genetic resources and adaptation to climatic changes. 2021-2023: Project POR FESR LAZIO 2014-2020 “Cognitive decline, loss of muscle function and changes of the gut microbiota associated with aging: protective effects of hydroxytyrosol, a component of olive oil and extracts of oil by-products” (ID: A0375- 2020-36407). PI: Dott. F. Tirone (IBBC-CNR). 2019-2023: Project MUR-PRIN 2017 “Plant multitrophic interactions for bioinspired strategies of pest control” (ID: 2017JLN833_005). PI: Prof. F. Loreto (University of Naples Federico II). 2016-2019: Project MIUR-PNRA 2016 “Increasing temperature and nitrogen availability as challenging elements for Colobanthus quitensis survival: molecular basis of its fitness” (ID: PNRA16_00068). PI: Prof. C. Caruso (University of Tuscia). 2013-2016: MIUR-PNRA 2013 “Molecular basis of adaptation to low temperatures and warming of Antarctic plants of Colobanthus quitensis using an integrated transcriptomics and proteomics approach” (ID: 2013/C1.02). PI: Prof. C. Caruso (University of Tuscia). 2008-2010: MIUR FAR/PONREC “Public-private laboratory of genomics for innovation and optimization of the supply chain tomato” (GENOPOM) (ID: DM17732). PI: Prof. Luigi Monti (University of Naples Federico II). 2008-2009: MIUR-PRIN 2007: “Molecular characterization of genes involved in the catabolism of xenobiotic substances” (ID: 20077MY8M9_003). P.I. Prof. Alberto Di Donato (University of Naples Federico II). 2004-2006. CIB Project “Identification of plant promoters and their biotechnological potential”. PI: Prof. C. Caruso (University of Tuscia). 2004-2006. MIUR- PRIN 2004: “Development of oxidative systems for new bioprocesses”. PI. Prof. G. Sannia (University of Naples Federico II). 2001-2003. MIUR-FIRB: “Functional genomics of the interaction between plants and microorganisms (pathogens, antagonists or symbionts): traits involved in crop production and environmental protection”. PI: Prof. M. Iaccarino (CNR-IGB). 2001-2003. MIPA Project: “Genetic transformation of horticultural species for resistance to phytopathogenic fungi”. PI: Prof. F. Salamini (University of Basilicata). 2000-2002. CIB Project: “Expression in E. coli of wheat Pathogenesis Related (PR) proteins endowed with antifungal activity and their structural and functional characterization”. PI: Prof. C. Caruso (University of Tuscia). 2000-2002. MIUR-PRIN: “Intrinsic and induced defenses against fungal pathogens in seeds and seedlings”. PI: Prof. P. Magro (University of Tuscia).RESEARCH EXPERIENCE During her scientific career, Dr. Laura Bertini has accumulated experience in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Transcriptomics, Genomics, Proteomics, Bioinformatics and Plant Pathology. Since many years, her main field of interest is to elucidate molecular mechanisms of plant defense responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The major recognized contributions from her scientific research, are in the following topics: 1. Structural and functional characterization of Pathogenesis-Related (PR) genes and proteins endowed with antifungal activity from monocots and dicots. 2. Application of molecular modeling and site-specific mutagenesis techniques for structure-function correlation studies proving the ribonuclease activity of wheat antifungal PR4 proteins. 3. Effects of fungal infection, wounding or phytohormones exogenous application on PR genes and proteins induction in monocots and dicots. 4. Effects of the biocontrol agent Clonostachys rosea on resistance of wheat plants infected with Fusarium culmorum. 5. Effects of the overexpression of PR proteins on resistance of tobacco and tomato plants infected with fungi or treated with SAR inducers. 6. Response of tomato plants to the probiotic microorganism Trichoderma longibrachiatum MK1 at transcriptomic level. 7. Transcriptional regulation of PR genes by newly identified transcription factors. 8. Role of plant hormones and their cross-communication in finely tuning plant immune response against (a)biotic stresses. 9. Study of molecular and epigenetic bases of priming phenomenon in rice plants. 10. Effect of priming on proteome reprogramming in rice plants. 11. Study of the plant molecular mechanisms induced by beneficial fungi 12. Study of adaptation of the Antarctic plant Colobanthus quitensis to global climate change by transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic approaches. 13. Study of the influence of climate change and abiotic stressors on plant-microbe interaction in Antarctica and Arctic with a particular focus on tripartite plant-fungus-virus relationship. 14. Bioprospecting of microorganisms from extreme environments for agricultural, medical and industrial exploitation.OTHER INFORMATION National Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor sector 05/E1 Biochemistry (2023-2033).MEMBERSHIP OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY AD CONSORTIA Membership of SIB (Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) since 2019. Research unit responsible inside CIB (Interuniversity Consortium for Biotechnology) since 2024. Membership of SIBV (Italian Society of Plant Biology) since 2024. Membership of SiPAV (Italian Phytopathological Society) since 2024. Membership of SIMGBM (Italian Society for General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology) since 2024.PUBLICATIONS Author of 48 publications on peer-reviewed, ISI indexed international journals; 1 chapter in book; 16 Proceedings of National and International Congress (ISBN journals); 42 abstracts for National Congresses and 32 for International Congresses. Bibliometrics: Source Scopus: Total citations as of January 2024: 1207 – H index: 20.LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ON PEER-REVIEWED JOURNALS 1. Caruso C., Caporale C., Chilosi G., Vacca F., Bertini L., Magro P., Poerio E. and Buonocore V. Structural and antifungal properties of a pathogenesis-related protein from wheat kernel. Journal of Protein Chemistry, 1996, 15:35-44. 2. Buonocore F., Bertini L., Ronchi C., Békés F., Caporale C., Lafiandra D., Gras P., Tatham A.S., Greenfield J., Halford N.G. and Shewry P.R. Expression and functional analysis of Mr 58,000 peptides derived from the repetitive domain of HMW subunit 1Dx5. Journal of Cereal Science, 1998, 27:209-215. 3. Caruso C., Chilosi G., Caporale C., Leonardi L., Bertini L., Magro P. and Buonocore V. Induction of PR-proteins in germinating wheat seeds infected with Fusarium culmorum. Plant Science, 1999, 140:87-97. 4. Caporale C., Caruso C., Facchiano A., Nobile M., Leonardi L., Bertini L., Colonna G. and Buonocore V. Probing the modelled structure of wheatwin1 by controlled proteolysis and sequence analysis of unfractionated digestion mixtures. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 1999, 36:192-204. 5. Caruso C., Bertini L., Tucci M., Caporale C., Leonardi L., Saccardo F., Bressan R.A., Veronese P. and Buonocore V. Isolation and characterisation of wheat cDNA clones encoding PR4 proteins. DNA Sequence, 1999, 10:4-5:301-307. doi: 10.3109/10425179909033956. 6. Chilosi G., Caruso C., Caporale C., Leonardi L., Bertini L., Buzi A., Nobile M., Magro P. and Buonocore V. Antifungal activity of a Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitor from wheat kernel. Journal of Phytopathology, 2000, 148:477-481. 7. Caruso C., Chilosi G., Caporale C., Vacca F., Bertini L., Magro P., Poerio E. and Buonocore V. Pathogenesis-related proteins in wheat. In: Wheat Structure, Biochemistry and Functionality. Spec. Publ. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2000, 212:184-188. 8. Caruso C., Chilosi G., Leonardi L., Bertini L., Magro P., Buonocore V. and Caporale C. A basic peroxidase from wheat kernel with indol-3-acetic acid oxidase activity. Phytochemistry, 2001, 58/5, 743-750. 9. Caruso C., Nobile M., Leonardi L., Bertini L., Buonocore V. and Caporale C. Isolation and amino acid sequence of two new PR-4 proteins from wheat. Journal of Protein Chemistry, 2001, 20/4:327-335. 10. Caruso C., Bertini L., Tucci M., Caporale C., Nobile M., Leonardi L. and Buonocore V. Recombinant wheat antifungal PR4 proteins expressed in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification, 2001, 23/3:380-388. 11. Slocombe S.P., Laurie S., Bertini L., Beaudoin F., Dickinson J.R. and Halford N.G. Identification of SnIP1, a novel protein that interacts with SNF1-related protein kinase (SnRK1). Plant Molecular Biology, 2002, 49:31-44. 12. Caporale C., Facchiano A., Leonardi L., Bertini L., Chilosi G., Buonocore V. and Caruso C. Comparing the modelled structures of PR-4 proteins from wheat. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2003, 9:9-15. 13. Bertini L., Leonardi L., Caporale C., Tucci M., Cascone N., Di Berardino I., Buonocore V. and Caruso C. Pathogen-responsive wheat PR4 genes are induced by plant activators of systemic acquired resistance and wounding. Plant Science, 2003, 164:1067-1078. 14. Caporale C., Di Berardino I., Leonardi L., Bertini L., Cascone A., Buonocore V. and Caruso C. Wheat pathogenesis-related proteins of class 4 have ribonuclease activity. FEBS Letters, 2004, 575:71-76. 15. Caporale C., Bertini L., Pucci P., Buonocore V. and Caruso C. CysMap and CysJoin: Database and tools for protein disulphides localisation. FEBS Letters, 2005, 579:3048-3054. 16. Fiocchetti F., Caruso C., Bertini L., Vitti D., Saccardo F. and Tucci M. Over-expression of a pathogenesis-related protein gene in transgenic tomato alters the transcription patterns of other defence genes. Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 2006, 81(1):27-32. 17. Bertini L., Cascone A., Tucci M., D’Amore R., Di Berardino I., Buonocore V., Caporale C. and Caruso C. Molecular and functional analysis of new members of the wheat PR4 gene family. Biological Chemistry, 2006, 387(8):1101-11. 18. Fiocchetti F., D'Amore R., De Palma M., Bertini L., Caruso C., Caporale C., Testa A., Cristinzio G., Saccardo F., Tucci M. Constitutive over-expression of two wheat pathogenesis-related genes enhances resistance of tobacco plants to Phytophthora nicotianae. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture, 2008, 92:73-84. 19. Roberti R., Veronesi A., Cesari A., Cascone A., Di Berardino I., Bertini L., Caruso C. Induction of PR proteins and resistance by the biocontrol agent Clonostachys rosea in wheat plants infected with Fusarium culmorum. Plant Science, 2008, 175:339-347. 20. Bertini L., Proietti S., Caporale C., and Caruso C. Molecular characterization of a wheat protein induced by vernalisation. The Protein Journal, 2009, 28:253-262. 21. Bertini L., Caporale C., Testa M., Proietti S. and Caruso C. Structural basis of the antifungal activity of wheat PR4 proteins. FEBS Letters, 2009, 583: 2865-2871. 22. Bertini L., Proietti S., Caporale C., Mondello F., Cassone A. and Caruso C. Therapeutic potential of plant bioactive molecules. Journal of Biotechnology, 2010, 150 S.1: 463. 23. Proietti S., Bertini L., Van der Ent S., Leon-Reyes A., Pieterse C.M.J., Tucci M., Caporale C. and Caruso C. Cross activity of orthologous WRKY TFs in Wheat and Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(6):1975-1990. ISSN: 0022-0957, IF: 5.677. 24. Bertini L., Proietti S., Aleandri M. P., Mondello F., Sandini S., Caporale C. and Caruso C. Modular structure of HEL protein from Arabidopsis reveals new potential functions for PR-4 proteins. Biological chemistry, 2012, 393(12):1533-1546, doi: 10.1515/hsz-2012-0225. ISSN: 1431-6730, IF: 2.609. 25. Bertini L., Cafaro V., Proietti S., Caporale C., Capasso P., Caruso C. and Di Donato A. Deepening TOL and TOU catabolic pathways of Pseudomonas sp. OX1: cloning, sequencing and characterization of the lower pathways. Biochimie, 2013, 95(2): 241-250, doi: 10.1016/j.biochi.2012.09.018. ISSN: 0300-9084, IF: 3.017. 26. Proietti S., Bertini L., Timperio A. M., Zolla L., Caporale C. and Caruso C. Crosstalk between salicylic acid and jasmonate in Arabidopsis investigated by an integrated proteomic and transcriptomic approach. Molecular Biosystems, 2013, 9:1169-1187, doi: 10.1039/c3mb25569g. ISSN: 1742-206X, IF: 2.829. 27. Proietti S., Giangrande C., Amoresano A., Pucci P., Molinaro A., Bertini L., Caporale C. and Caruso C. Xanthomonas campestris lipooligosaccharides trigger innate immunity and oxidative burst in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2014, 85:51-62, doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2014.10.011. ISSN: 0981-9428, IF: 2.928. 28. Arthofer W., Bertini L., Caruso C., et al. Transcriptome sequencing of the Antarctic Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl (Caryophillaceae). Molecular Ecology Resources, 2015, 15:1014-1015, doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12419. ISSN: 1755-098X, IF 5.298. 29. De Palma M., D’Agostino N., Proietti S., Bertini L., Lorito M., Ruocco M., Caruso C., Chiusano M. L., Tucci M. Suppression Subtractive Hybridization analysis provides new insights into the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) response to the probiotic microorganism Trichoderma longibrachiatum MK. Journal Plant Physiology, 2016, 190:79-94, doi: 10.1016/j.jplph.2015.11.005. ISSN: 0176-1617. 30. Carabeo M., Simeone M.C., Cherubini M., Mattia C., Chiocchini F., Bertini L., Caruso C., La Mantia T., Villani F., Mattioni C. Estimating the genetic diversity and structure of Quercus trojana Webb populations in Italy by SSRs: implications for management and conservation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2017, 47:331-339. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2016-0311. ISSN: 1208-6037. 31. Nibert M.L., Manny A.R., Debat H.J., Firth A.E., Bertini L., Caruso C. A barnavirus sequence mined from a transcriptome of the Antarctic pearlwort Colobanthus quitensis. Archives of Virology. 2018, 163(7), 1921-1926. id SCOPUS: 2-s2.0-85042920617. 32. Bertini L., Proietti S., Focaracci F., Sabatini B., Caruso C. Epigenetic control of defense genes following MeJA-induced priming in rice (O. sativa). Journal Plant Physiology, 2018, 228:166-177. doi:10.1016/j.jplph.2018.06.007. 33. Meschini R., D’Eliseo D., Filippi S., Bertini L., Bizzarri B.M., Botta L., Saladino R., Velotti F. Tyrosinase-treated hydroxytyrosol-enriched olive vegetation waste with increased antioxidant activity promotes autophagy and inhibits the inflammatory response in human THP‑1 monocytes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(46):12274-11284. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.8b03630. 34. Bertini L., Palazzi L., Proietti S., Pollastri S., Arrigoni G., Polverino de Laureto P., Caruso C. Proteomic analysis of MeJa-induced defense responses in rice against wounding. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(10):2525. doi:10.3390/ijms20102525 35. Bertini L., Focaracci F., Proietti S., Papetti P., Caruso C. Physiological response of Posidonia oceanica to heavy metal pollution along the Tyrrhenian coast. Functional Plant Biology, 2019, 46(10):933–941. 36. Proietti S.*, Falconieri G.S.*, Bertini L.*, Baccelli I., Paccosi E., Belardo A., Timperio A.M., Caruso C. GLYI4 plays a role in methylglyoxal detoxification and jasmonate-mediated stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Biomolecules, 2019, 9:635. doi:10.3390/biom9100635 (*Proietti, Falconieri and Bertini contributed equally to the manuscipt). 37. Ballesteros G.I., Torres-Díaz C., Bravo L.A., Balboa K., Caruso C., Bertini L., Proietti S., Molina-Montenegro M.A. In silico analysis of metatranscriptomic data from the Antarctic vascular plant Colobanthus quitensis: Responses to a global warming scenario through changes in fungal gene expression levels. Fungal Ecology, 2020, 43:100873. doi: 10.1016/j.funeco.2019.100873. 38. Romano N., Catalani A., Lattante S., Belardo A., Proietti S., Bertini L., Silvestri F., Catalani E., Davide Cervia D., Zolla L., Sabatelli M., Welshhans K., Ceci M. ALS skin fibroblasts reveal oxidative stress and ERK1/2-mediated cytoplasmic localization of TDP-43. Cellular Signalling, 2020, 70:109591. doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2020.109591 39. Baccelli I.*, Bertini L.*, Hickman R., Leon-Reyes A., Proietti S. Editorial: Novel Plant Molecules Regulating the Interaction with Pathogenic and Beneficial Fungi. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2021, 12:644546. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.644546 (*Corresponding authors). 40. Bertini L.*, Proietti S., Focaracci F., Canini F., Bravo L.A., Rabert C., Caruso C*. Identification and validation of new reference genes for accurate quantitative reverse transcriptase‑PCR normalization in the Antarctic plant Colobanthus quitensis under abiotic stress conditions. Polar Biology, 2021, 44(2):389-405. doi:10.1007/s00300-021-02801-y (*Corresponding authors). 41. Bertini, L., Cozzolino F., Proietti S., Falconieri G.S., Iacobucci I., Salvia R., Falabella P., Monti M., Caruso C. What Antarctic plants can tell us about climate changes: temperature as a driver for metabolic reprogramming. Biomolecules, 2021, 11:1094. doi:10.3390/biom11081094 42. Proietti S.*, Bertini L.*, Falconieri G.S., Baccelli I., Timperio A.M., Caruso C. A Metabolic Profiling Analysis Revealed a Primary Metabolism Reprogramming in Arabidopsis glyI4 Loss-of-Function Mutant. Plants, 2021, 10:2464. doi:10.3390/plants10112464 (*Proietti and Bertini equally contributed to the manuscipt). 43. Bertini L.*, Perazzolli M.*, Proietti S., Capaldi G., Savatin D.V., Bigini V., Longa C.M.O., Basaglia M., Favaro L., Casella S., Fongaro B., Polverino de Laureto P, Caruso C. Biodiversity and Bioprospecting of Fungal Endophytes from the Antarctic Plant Colobanthus quitensis. Journal of Fungi, 2022, 8, 979. doi:10.3390/jof8090979 (*Bertini and Perazzolli equally contributed to the manuscript). 44. Falconieri G.S.*, Bertini L.*, Bizzarri E., Proietti S., Caruso C. Plant defense: ARR11 response regulator as a potential player in Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:995178. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.995178 (*Falconieri and Bertini equally contributed to the manuscript). 45. Perazzolli M., Vicelli B., Antonielli L., Longa C.M.O., Bozza E., Bertini L., Caruso C., Pertot I. Simulated global warming affects bacterial and fungal communities associated with Antarctic pearlwort plants and bacterial isolates support plant growth at low temperatures. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12:18839. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-23582-2 46. Bertini L.*, Proietti S.*, Fongaro B., Holfeld A., Picotti P., Falconieri G.S., Bizzarri E., Capaldi G., Polverino de Laureto P., Caruso C. Environmental signals act as a driving force for metabolic and defense responses in the Antarctic plant Colobanthus quitensis. Plants, 2022, 11, 3176. doi:10.3390/plants11223176 (*Bertini and Proietti equally contributed to the manuscipt). 47. Micheli L.*, Bertini L.*, Bonato A., Villanova N., Caruso C., Caruso M., Berini R., Tirone, F. Role of Hydroxytyrosol and Oleuropein in the Prevention of Aging and Related Disorders: Focus on Neurodegeneration, Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction and Gut Microbiota. Nutrients, 2023, 15(7), 1767. doi:10.3390/nu15071767 (*Micheli and Bertini equally contributed to the manuscipt). 48. Proietti S.*, Falconieri G.S.*, Bertini L.*, Pascale A.*, Bizzarri E., Morales-Sanfrutos J., Sabido E., Ruocco M., Monti M.M., Russo A., Dziurka K., Ceci M., Loreto F., Caruso C. Beauveria bassiana rewires molecular mechanisms related to growth and defense of tomato host plant. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2023, erad 148. doi:10.1093/jxb/erad148 (*These Authors equally contributed to the manuscript).
Scarica : Curriculum Vitae
Laura Bertini ha dedicato la propria attività di ricerca allo studio dei meccanismi molecolari alla base della risposta delle piante a stress (a)biotici mediante l’integrazione di tecniche biochimiche, molecolari e omiche. In aggiunta allo studio di piante di interesse agronomico, ha avviato una nuova linea di ricerca sulle piante adattate agli ambienti estremi (Antartide, Artide) di cui studia l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici, la risposta a differenti fattori di stress ambientale, e la comunità microbica ad esse associata, valutando il possibile sfruttamento biotecnologico dei microrganismi isolati. Coinvolta in 23 progetti nazionali/europei di cui 6 in veste di PI/Responsabile Unità di Ricerca. Ha pubblicato 46 articoli scientifici su riviste internazionali (H-index 20, cit. 1293).