Laura Zucconi Galli Fonseca



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    • LAURA ZUCCONI GALLI FONSECA zucconi@unitus.it Scopus id: 57205699408; 130 documenti, 3915 citazioni da 2275 documenti, H-index: 34 WoS id U-9781-2018 ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-000-9793-2303 web site: https://www.laurazucconi.info/Graduate in Biological Sciences, with honors, in July 1982 from the University of Rome La Sapienza. As-sociate professor (SSD BIOS-01/C – Environmental and Applied Botany, Scientific Disciplinary Group 05/BIOS-01-Botany) at the University of Viterbo since March 2005, with national scientific qualification for access to the first class of university professors for the competition sector 05/A1-Botany (05/BIOS-01-Botany from March 2024) (2012 and 2016 rounds). Associated with the Institute of Polar Sciences (ISP) of the CNR for research activities on joint projects within the Antarctic Research Program from 25/05/2022 to 25/05/2024. Researcher (1992-2005) at the University of Tuscia in Viterbo. Curator of the Botanical Garden of the University of Tuscia in Viterbo (1989-1992). Conservator of the Herbarium Museum of the University of Rome La Sapienza (1986-1989).Teaching activities Lecturer of Botany for the Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences (9 CFU) and Plant Biology and Restoration of Coastal Marine Ecosystems (6 CFU) for the Master's Degree in Marine Biology and Ecology at the Civi-tavecchia campus. She has held various teaching positions from 1997/98 to the present, such as Plant Biology of Coastal Marine Ecosystems (6 CFU from 2021 to 2022) for the Master's Degree in Marine Biology and Ecology at the Civ-itavecchia campus, Applied Botany for Cultural Heritage for the Bachelor's Degree in Conservation of Cul-tural Heritage (8 CFU from 2012 to 2022), Applied Ecology and Bioindicators (2014-2017, 6 CFU), and in pre-vious years Plant Bioindicators, Plant Ecology, Environmental Monitoring Laboratory, Environmental Quality Bioindi-cators, and Applied Ecology. She has given lectures as part of the Environmental Mycology training course organized by ISPRA in col-laboration with the Italian Botanical Society (2022), and for the international second-level Masters 'Cu-rator of Parks, Gardens, and Botanical Gardens' (2008/2009) and 'Environment and Health - Assess-ment of Environmental Quality and Human Health' (2006/2007) at the University of Tuscia. She has al-so been a lecturer for training courses of the Lazio Region. She has been a member of the judging committees for the final exam for the PhD in Animal and Plant Pro-duction Sciences at the University of Tuscia (2024, XXXVI cycle), in Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sci-ences and Biotechnology at the University of Perugia (2022, XXXIV cycle), in Environmental and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' (2022, 33rd and 34th cycle), in Environment and Life at the University of Trieste (2019, XXXI cycle), and in Biology at the University of Rome TRE (2016, XXVIII cycle). She has also been an external thesis evaluator for the Doctoral School in Molecular, Cellular, and Environmental Biology at the University of Rome TRE (XXXIII and XXXIV cycles, years 2021 and 2022). Member of the committee for awarding scholarships, research grants, doctoral positions, and student col-laborations. Member of the national judging committees for the appointment of: • One fixed-term researcher, with full-time commitment, pursuant to art. 24, paragraph 3, letter a), of Law 240/2010, for the s.c. 05/A1 Botany, s.s.d. BIO/03 Environmental and Applied Botany, an-nounced by the University of Tuscia (June 2022). • Member of a competition commission for the recruitment of one unit of Category C staff - p.e. C1 - administrative area, for the needs of the University of Tuscia (D.D.G. n. 386/2021 of 31.05.2021; amended by DDG 392/2021 of 03. • One fixed-term researcher of type A for the competition sector 05/A1, scientific-disciplinary sec-tor BIO/03, at the Department of Environmental Biology of the University of Rome "La Sapien-za," announced with D.D. n. 3 of 11.01.2022 published in G.U. n. 3 of 11.01.2022. • One position of Associate Professor through a call pursuant to art. 18, Law 240/10, for the compe-tition sector 05/A1 "Botany," announced with D.R. n. 892/2014 of November 4, 2014, by the Uni-versity of Pavia. • One Associate Professor through an evaluative procedure pursuant to art. 24, Law 240/10, competi-tion sector 05/A1 Botany, scientific-disciplinary sector BIO/02 Systematic Botany, announced by the University of Viterbo (December 2021). Member of the Commission for State exams for the qualification to practice as a Biologist and Junior Bi-ologist in 2012, 2018, and 2021. Academic tutor for dozens of internships at the Botanical Garden and the Germplasm Bank from 2016 to 2020. Supervisor, co-supervisor, and external reviewer of over 50 Bachelor's and Master's theses. Tutor and co-tutor of numerous doctoral theses. The most recent are: Tutor of the thesis of Dr. Giorgia Cav-allini (XXXX cycle) titled "Analysis of the effects of climate change on terrestrial microbial communi-ties of alpine environments," currently in the second year; Co-Tutor of the thesis of Dr. Ilaria Catanza-ro (XXXVI cycle) titled "Black fungi for space research and genetic engineering to unravel melanin's impact on stress tolerance"; Tutor of the thesis of Dr. Federica d’Alò (XXXIII cycle) titled "Responses of sensitive alpine ecosystems to climate change"; Tutor of the thesis of Dr. Fabiana Canini (XXXII cycle) titled "Influence of different environmental parameters on the diversity and distribution of po-lar microbial communities"; Co-Tutor of the thesis of Dr. Claudia Coleine (XXX cycle) titled "Micro-bial diversity of endolithic lichen-dominated communities in Victoria Land, Antarctica". Supervisor, among others, of the Master's thesis of Dr. Serena Ruisi, winner of the "Thesis Award 2003" in July 2004, as part of the University & Business program promoted by BIC Lazio (Business Innovation Centre), with the thesis titled "Monitoring of Lichen Biodiversity and assessment of air quality in the Municipality of Viterbo."Istitutional Activities8 March 2024 – present President of the Quality Assurance Committee of the DEB Department and member of the University Quality Assurance Committee from 17 April 2024 by Rectoral Decree (no. 186/2024). February 2024 – President of the Quality Assurance Committee of the DEB Department and member of the University Quality Assurance Committee from 17 April 2024 by Rectoral Decree (no. 186/2024). November 2023 – present Representative for the DEB Department for activities under the framework agreement between the Regional Directorate of Museums Lazio, Ministry of Culture, and the University of Tuscia. March 2023 – March 2024 Member of the Joint Faculty-Student Committee of the Department of Ecologi-cal and Biological Sciences, appointed by the DEB Director's Order no. 671/2023. May 2021 – present Technical Director of the University Museum System, elected in 2021 and confirmed in 2024 by the University Museum System Council. May 2021 – present Member of the Council of the Integrated University Center (CIA), representing the University Museum System. 2020 – present Head of the Soil Mycology and Applied Mycology Laboratory of the Department of Eco-logical and Biological Sciences. August 2018 – August 2023 Head of the Section of Applied Botany for Cultural Heritage and research on the diagnostics of biodeterioration agents of Cultural Heritage within the Technological District for Cultural Heritage and Activities of the Lazio Region. 2012 – present Member of the Faculty Board of the PhD program in Ecology and Sustainable Manage-ment of Environmental Resources (program started in 2012). 2012 – April 2021 Appointed by Rectoral Decrees as a member of the Delegation for the Management of the “N. Lupori” Teaching and Experimental Agricultural Company of the University of Tuscia for three consecutive terms, representing the DEB Department. 2012 – April 2021 Appointed by the Delegation for the Management of the Agricultural Company as Scien-tific Director of the Botanical Garden and Germplasm Bank. 2009 – 2020 Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of the University Museum System (SMA) and Representative of the Germplasm Bank. 2009 – 2015 - Coordinator of the PhD School in Biological and Biochemical Evolution (Member of the Faculty Board since 1999), until the closure of the PhD program and activation of a new PhD school. 2016 – 2017 - Member of the Department Council representing the Associate Professors. 2010 – 2014 - Member of the University Research Commission, serving as Vice President. 2000 – 2009 - Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Library Center for the Faculties of Ag-riculture and Science for three consecutive terms. 2007 – 2013 - Member of the Educational Committee of the Environmental Sciences study program. 2001 – 2005 - Member of the Academic Senate, elected to represent University Researchers. 2001 – 2003 - Member, delegated by the Faculty, of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Castelli Romani Regional Park (years 2001-2003). 1992 – 1996 - Representative of Researchers on the Faculty Council for the biennia 1992/94 and 1994/96, and on the Faculty Funding and Research Commission of the Faculty of Science (1992/93).Research ActivityPI or Unit Leader of Research Projects2024 - Unit Leader in the project titled: “EXTREMOON: Investigating the responses of terrestrial EX-TREmophyles and their molecules in MOON environment”, submitted under the Announcement of Opportunities (AO) published by ESA SciSpace (PI: Daniela Billi, Tor Vergata).2023 - Scientific Leader within the National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) for the four-year re-search project titled: “An Antarctic terrestrial Observation System for Detecting, understanding, and in-terpreting Antarctic MIcrobial Communities and their responses to environmental change (AMICO)”, PNRA 2022 call, Line D, €92,900.00. 2023 - Scientific Leader of an Operational Unit within the project funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI 2022 call) titled “Habitat Estremi di Laghi vulcanici per l’EsplorazioNe Astrobiologica - HELENA“, coordinated by Barbara Cavalazzi of the Interdepartmental Industrial Research Center for Aerospace, University of Bologna, €166,541.60. 2023 - Scientific Leader of an Operational Unit within the project funded by the Ministry of University and Research (PRIN2023 call) titled “SOIL MICRObial communities as a TOOL for studying the im-pact of climate change in natural and agricultural ecosystems (SOIL MICRO-TOOL)“, coordinated by Carolina Elena Girometta, University of Pavia, €299,972. 2020 - Scientific Leader of an Operational Unit within the PRIN 2020 project titled “MICRO-PLANTALP: MICROorganism-PLANT Interactions in the Forefield of Glaciers: a Hotspot for Studying the Impact of Climate Change in ALPine Habitats“, €104,606 (Unitus funding). 2021 – 2023 - Scientific Leader of the project “RIVALSA - An integrated approach for the REvegetation of coastal dunes altered by Alien Species (Prot. A0375-2020-36691), Public Notice “Research Group Pro-jects 2020” of the Lazio Region, within the “Green Economy” Specialization Area, €150,000 2020 – 2022 - Scientific Leader of an Operational Unit within the Antarctic Research Project (PNRA18_00015) titled Exploring the diversity of soil microbes and their biomolecules in Victoria Land (Micro-BiomA-S), coordinated by Prof. Solveig Tosi (University of Pavia), €60,000 2017 - Scientific Leader within the International Arctic Research Program INTERACT 2017 for the Re-search Project “COMICS-G - Effects of Climate change On Microbial Community of Soil in Green-land”, €6,400 (July-August 2017)). 2016 – 2019 - Scientific Leader within the National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) for the four-year research project PNRA14_00132 – Line A3 titled: Monitoring of nano-climatic parameters in Antarctic cryptoendolithic communities, total funding for the first biennium (October 2016-April 2019) €110,000 and second biennium (from July 2019) €89,000. 2013 - Scientific Leader of an Operational Unit within the Antarctic Research Project (PNRA 2013) titled Structure, function, development of Biological Soil Crusts (BSC) in polar regions: contribution to under-standing the ecological role of BSC on a planetary scale (WHYCRUST) (PI Dr. Stefano Ventura, CNR), €11,000. 2009 - Scientific Leader within the National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA) for the Research Project 2009/A1.11 titled: “Biodiversity and evolution of meristematic fungi in rock environments in polar re-gions: possible bioindicators of environmental changes and anthropogenic impact”. 2004 - Scientific Leader of an Operational Unit within the Antarctic Research Project (PNRA 2004) (pro-gram 5.3) titled: Permafrost and Climate Change in Antarctica (Coordinator: Prof. Mauro Guglielmin). 1996 – 2011 - Scientific Leader of Research Programs (former MURST 60%).As Technical Director of the CIA, Scientific Director of the Botanical Garden, and Scientific Director of the Germplasm BankScientific Director of the project "LE PORTE DELLA TUSCIA - I musei e monumenti della Tuscia viterbese come motore di sviluppo locale" (The Gates of Tuscia - The museums and monuments of Tuscia Viterbese as a driver of local development), led by the Diocese of Viterbo, funded by the Public Notice "DTC – Intervento 2- Ricerca e Sviluppo di Tecnologie per la valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale" – First Phase, according to Det. n. G02422 of March 1, 2018. Scientific Director of the project "SMADIGIT: implementation of the use of the museum heritage of the university museum system through digital and multimedia tools (area c)" submitted under the Creative Living Lab call, funded by the Directorate General for Contemporary Creativity of Mibact (D.M. Oc-tober 8, 2020, n. 451). Responsible for a grant provided by the Cassa di Sovvenzioni e Risparmio fra il personale della Banca d’Italia (2023) for the creation of an innovative and inclusive visit route to the exhibition space of the University Museum System, accessible also to individuals with disabilities. On June 4, 2024, the imple-mented route, titled 'In search of the narrating traces,' received a special mention at the Polytechnic University of Milan during a conference titled “Digital for an Inclusive Culture,” where awards for in-novation, accessibility, and inclusion were presented. Scientific Director of the project for the creation of a thematic garden for educational purposes at the Agriturismo ‘La Piantata’ Loc. La Piantata - Arlena di Castro (Viterbo) (2020 and 2021). Scientific Director of the Research Agreement between the Colli Euganei Park Authority and the DEB, lasting 36 months, for the research on: Conservation of spontaneous orchids in the Colli Euganei Park (2022). Amount: €32,500. Scientific Director of the Research Agreement between the Management Body for Parks and Biodiversity – Romagna and DEB, action C2 (in vitro propagation), within the LIFE16 NAT/IT/000245 LIFE4OAKFORESTS Project, for seed collection and conservation activities at the Germplasm Bank of seeds of 50 species, to create a seed bank of herbaceous and shrub species of habitat 91AA* of the Northern Apennines (2020). Amount: €15,000. Scientific Director of the funded Research Agreement between the Majella National Park Authority and DEB, action C2 (in vitro propagation), within the Life15 NAT/IT/000946 Floranet Project, for the Germplasm Bank, for the in vitro reproduction of Cypripedium calceolus, Androsace mathildae, and Adonis dis-torta (2017-2019). Scientific Director of 4 research projects for the "Ex situ and in situ conservation of species of the indig-enous flora of the thermal areas of Viterbo" in collaboration with the agricultural company Il Bagnaccio. Period: April 2015-June 2019. Amount: €23,000. Scientific Director of a Collaboration Agreement with the Bracciano Park for an ex-situ conservation and in vitro propagation intervention of Isoetes sabatina (2015). Responsible for two grants obtained for the setup of equipped premises, accessible also to disabled indi-viduals, in support of teaching and environmental dissemination (2014), and for the creation of a trail for the blind and visually impaired (2013), by the Board of Directors of the Cassa di Sovvenzioni e Risparmio fra il personale della Banca d’Italia. Scientific Director of the MIUR 2012 Project (L.6/2000) for the Dissemination of Scientific Culture, titled Ex situ conservation of spontaneous orchids: education and dissemination.Participation in Other ProjectsMember of the National Biodiversity Future Center project, line 4.4 ‘Based Conservation’, PNRR project. Participated in the ASI project "Life in Space: Origin, Presence, and Persistence of Organisms in Space: from Molecules to Extremophiles" (OPPS, 2019-2023) (PI S. Onofri), taking over as Principal Investiga-tor following Prof. Onofri's retirement. Participated in the project PNRA19-00081, coordinated by Prof. Nicoletta Cannone (University of Insub-ria), titled "Spatial and temporal patterns of climate change impacts on vegetation and permafrost across the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc Macroregion" (2022-2024), as a member of Operational Unit 3 coordinated by Dr. Gabriella Caruso, Institute of Polar Sciences (CNR) of Messina. Participated in the project ‘EVER - Extracts from ancient woods of primeval forests for innovative use in the restoration of cultural heritage’, Public Notice “Research Group Projects 2020” of the Lazio Region, Scientific Director Prof. Claudia Pelosi (University of Tuscia), for toxicity tests of plant extracts on bio-deteriorating fungi of cultural heritage. Participated in the project CREDI inGradi “Unitus’s Cultural Re-Discovering through Digital Innovation: S.MariaInGradi”, Responsible Arch. Loriana Vittori, funded by the Cultural Fund 2021 (Ministry of Cul-ture), overseeing the implementation of the exhibition space of SMA. Participated in the project (2020-2021) “Research of conservation environment and eco-friendly damage control of cultural heritage Korea and Italy”, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, within interna-tional agreements between Italy and South Korea, Scientific Director Prof. Giulia Caneva (University of Roma 3). Participated in the RSI Project of the Lazio Region, Technological District for new technologies applied to cultural heritage and activities, coordinated by Dr. Valeria Spizzichino (Enea Casaccia), titled "De-velopment and in situ application of innovative technologies for the Conservation of Stone materials using essential oils and Nanotechnologies and integrated systems for the digitization and monitoring of artifacts on medieval monuments (COLLINE)" as a member of the Operational Unit of Tuscia co-ordinated by Dr. Claudia Pelosi. Participated in the Research Project of National Relevance PRIN 2015 titled "Responses of sensitive al-pine ecosystems to climate change (RESACC)", Scientific Director Prof. Silvano Onofri (University of Tuscia). Participated in the international LiFE (Lichens and Fungi Experiments) program of the European Space Agency (ESA) (PI Prof. Silvano Onofri). Participated in the ESA BIOMEX (BIOlogical Mars EXperiment, 2013-2017) project (PI Dr. Jean Pierre De Vera, German Aerospace Center, DLR, Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, Germany). Participated in the ESA-ASI E-GEM (Geomicrobiology for Space exploration, 2013-2016) project funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) (Research Call No. DC-MIC-2011-036) (PI Prof. Silvano Onofri). Participated in the Lazio Region Project (June 2017 Call): "Analysis, diagnostics, and monitoring technolo-gies for the conservation and restoration of cultural heritage (ADAMO)" (PI: Roberta Fantoni, ENEA) as a member of WP7: Bioarchaeology, anthropology, and environmental biology for cultural heritage coordinated by Laura Sadori (RM1). The contribution involved the study of the conservation status of Villa Mondragone (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/http://progettoadamo.enea.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/T2.4_2_mondragone_Biodegrado.pdf) Participated in the national research program PRIN 2010-2011 "Art and rupestrian habitat in Cappadocia (Turkey) and central-southern Italy. Rock, excavated architecture, painting: between knowledge, conser-vation, and enhancement" (Coordinator: Prof. Maria Crocifissa Andaloro). Coordinated (2010-2014) the annual environmental quality monitoring activity, using lichens, of the area surrounding the Torre Valdaliga Nord coal-fired power plant, within an agreement between the DEB Department and the consortium for the management of the Environmental Observatory (responsible Prof. Giuseppe Nascetti). Collaborated with the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, overseeing the determination of bio-deteriogens (mainly microfungi and lichens) within the research project funded by the Lazio Region, under the responsibility of Prof. M Andaloro (2010-2011). Collaborated with the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) in determining uranium accumu-lated in lichen thalli after the NATO conflict in the Balkans (2002). Participated in national research programs of interest: PRIN 1998: Mycorrhizal fungi, rhizoplane, and soil fungi and bryophytes as bioindicators in the Mediterranean environment (PI Prof. PL Nimis); PRIN 2000: Study for the cre-ation of a national mycological database and standardizable methods for evaluating the conservation status of forest and Mediterranean scrub environments (PI Prof. PL Nimis); PRIN 2002: Online databases for the automatic identification of Italian fungi (genus Pleurotus, some Aphyllophorales of holm oak forests, dematiaceous litter fungi, keratinophilic, psy-chrophilic, thermophilic, parasitic, and saprotrophic fungi of rice) (PI Prof. PL Nimis); PRIN 2004: An interactive da-tabase for the national mycological flora (PI Prof. PL Nimis); PRIN 2008: Study and conservation of the microfungal biodiversity of cold marginal habitats threatened by climate change (PI Prof. S Onofri). Participated in the project "Mycorrhized native plants to increase carbon sequestration capacities" within a DECOS Convention (Dept. of Ecological Sciences, University of Tuscia) - University of Molise (2008-2010), Scientific Director Prof. Carlo Blasi, funded by the Ministry of the Environment. Participated (2008) in the biodiversity census of the Monte Casoli Nature Reserve (Bomarzo, Viterbo) with-in an agreement between the Municipality of Bomarzo and the DEB Department. Participated in Antarctic Research Programs (PNRA) since 1992.Project submitted under evaluationPrincipal Investigator of the project titled “MICROgravity and BIOfilms for supporting Space exploration (MICROBIOS)” submitted for evaluation under the ASI call "Development of projects and scientific experiments on topics derived from the Microbiology Roadmap". Participating as Responsible of Operational Unit in the project titled “Precision and Damage Mitigation in Analyzing Mars Samples for Geological Insights and Evidence of Past Life (PADMARS)” submitted for evaluation under the ASI call "Experimental activities in laboratories and Martian analogous envi-ronments to support the Mars Sample Return Exploration program". Participating as Responsible of Operational Unit in the project titled “Changes of frost boil microbiome associated with variations in vegetation cover as drivers of High Arctic Greening – FARGREEN” sub-mitted for evaluation under the PRA2023 call (Arctic Research Program). Involved in a project submitted by Luiz Henrique Rosa titled INCT Extremophiles for the study of fungi in Antarctic environments, Brazilian oceanic islands, and the Arctic environment. Participating in the Italian Operational Unit coordinated by Prof. Benedetta Turchetti in the Biodiversa 2023 project titled: HarmoNature: From Knowledge to Conservation: Harmonizing Nature-Based Solu-tions for Biodiversity Loss and Well-Being, submitted under the European Biodiversa+ 2023 call (PI: Carlos Lovis Trentin, Brazil). Participating in the Operational Unit coordinated at the Institute of Polar Sciences, CNR, in Messina (as an associate) in the project titled “Terrestrial extreme environments as planetary analogues (E-CUBE FOR PLANETS)” submitted in response to a CNR call for the establishment and operation of Goal-Oriented Research Units (URGO).Scientific ExpeditionsParticipated in six Antarctic expeditions and one Arctic expedition. In Antarctica, participated in the XIX Expedition (January - February 2004), XXVI Expedition (November 2010 - February 2011), XXXI Expe-dition (November 2015 - January 2016), XXXIII Expedition (December 2017 - January 2018), XXXV Expedition (November 2019 - January 2020), and XXXVII Expedition (November 2021 - January 2022). Served as Scientific Coordinator at Base during the XXVI, XXXV, and XXXVII Expeditions (appoint-ed by the CNR). In the Arctic, participated in an expedition at the Dirigibile Italia Base (Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard Islands) for a soil sample collection campaign for microbiological analysis under the PNRA 2013 Project (August - September 2014). Participated in a scientific expedition organized by the Institute of the Botanical Garden of Rome in the tropical forest of Ivory Coast (1989) for the study of the mycoflora of the tropical forest litter. Conducted research at the Laboratoire de Cryptogamie of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, invited by Dr. J. Mouchacca, for two months in 1993, funded by a CNR scholarship.International collaborations2022 – present - Curator of italianmicrofungi.org, a website dedicated to Italian microfungi, created by the Mushroom Research Foundation (Chiang Rai, Thailand). 2022 - Responsible for a collaboration agreement between the University of Viterbo, Department of Eco-logical and Biological Sciences, and Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai (Thailand) to promote the mobility of faculty and students and participation in research projects.Editing and reviewing services for Projects and Scientific ArticlesJune 2022 - Guest Editor for the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, for the Special Issue titled "Polar and High-Altitude Microbiology: Microbial Life in Antarctic, Arctic, and Mountain Ecosystems." March 2022 – December 2022 - Guest Associate Co-Editor (in collaboration with Dr. Fabiana Canini) for the journal Biology (MDPI), for the Special Issue titled "2nd Edition of Diversity of Soil Fungal Com-munities." November 2021 – December 2022 - Guest Associate Co-Editor, with Dr. Aparna Banerjee (University of Talca, Chile) and Prof. Rajesh Sani (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology), for the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, section Extreme Microbiology, for the Research Topic: "Insight in thermo-philic microbes: from OMICS to bioactive compounds." October 2021 – Present - Member of the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Microbiology – Section Extreme Microbiology. October 2020 – Present - Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ‘Challenges’ (MDPI). September 2020 – October 2021 - Guest Associate Co-Editor (in collaboration with Dr. Fabiana Canini) for the journal Biology (MDPI), for the Special Issue titled "Diversity of Soil Fungal Communities" (September 2020 - July 2021). April 2020 – December 2020 - Guest Associate Co-Editor (in collaboration with Prof. Pietro Buzzini) for the Extreme Microbiology section of the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, for the Research Topic: "Microbial Communities of Polar and Alpine Soils." February 2020 – December 2023 - Member of the Editorial Board of the ‘Environmental Microbiology’ section of the journal Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), MDPI. December 2020 - Member of the Promoting and Scientific Committee of the University Heritage maga-zine, an online magazine promoted within the Network of Italian University Museums (https://www.universityheritage.eu/). May 2020 - Selected as a reviewer for the volume "Polar Resource Book - Polar Science and Global Cli-mate: An International Resource for Education and Outreach," coordinated by Polar Educators Inter-national, the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists, the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Re-search, and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). Included as an expert in the pool of project evaluators for research projects to be carried out at Arctic re-search bases within the INTERACT Transnational Access Project (https://eu-interact.org/) (since No-vember 2021); included among the Peer-review experts of the National Center of Science and Technol-ogy Evaluation (NCSTE) of Kazakhstan for the evaluation of proposals from the Kazakh scientific community (since September 2017). Reviewer for dozens of articles in international scientific journals with Impact Factor such as: Antarctic Science, AIMS Microbiology, Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, Biology, Applied Soil Ecolo-gy, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Diversity, Environmental Microbiology, Envi-ronmental Microbiome, Environmental Pollution, Extremophiles, Global Change Biology, Frontiers in Microbiology, International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, International Journal of Basic Mi-crobiology, Journal of Applied Microbiology, Journal of Fungi, International Journal of Molecular Sci-ences, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Journal of Molecular Sciences, Letters in Applied Microbiology, Mi-crobial Ecology, Microorganisms, Molecular Ecology, Mycology, Plant and Soil, Plants, PlosOne, Polar Biology, Polar Science, Polish Polar Research, Science of the Total Environment, Scientific Reports, Sustainability, Water. Evaluator for national and international projects, including: One project for the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (March 2024). One project for the Portuguese Polar Program, Call 2023-2024. Three projects for the INTERACT Transnational/Remote Access call for Arctic research (2022). One project for the Spanish national program for the Promotion of technical-scientific research and its transfer (2022).Evaluator for the Antarctic Research Committee of New Zealand and the Chilean Antarctic Institute (IN-ACH) for research activities in Antarctica (years 2005, 2009, 2010, 2018, and 2021). Additionally, project evaluator for the Czech Academy of Sciences (2015); for the Alto Adige Region (2015); for the Universi-ties of Florence (2020) and Perugia (2020); for PRIN 2012 projects and Future in Research 2013 on be-half of the MUR (Reprise database of Cineca).Other May 2024 - Scientific Director of the collaboration agreement between the Department of DEB, the Sec-retariat of the Ministry of Culture for Sardinia (Secretariat), and the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Cagliari and the provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia for technical-scientific research activities aimed at safeguarding archaeological assets. June 2022 - Scientific Director of the collaboration agreement between the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences and the Innovative Nuclear Systems Laboratory (FSN-FISS-SNI) of ENEA Casaccia, signed on June 14, 2022, titled “Effect of ionizing radiation on microorganisms, environmental samples (soil, rocks), and materials of artistic and cultural interest,” signed as part of the framework agreement between ENEA and the University of Viterbo. July 2021 - Director of the agreement between the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences (DEB) of the University of Tuscia and the Earth System Sciences and Environmental Technologies Department of CNR for technical-scientific and administrative support activities to the PNRA. February 2022 - Curator of the website dedicated to Italian microfungi (https://italianmicrofungi.org/), created by the Mushroom Research Foundation of Chiang Rai University, Thailand, with Professor Emeritus Kevin David Hyde as Head Curator. 2021 – 2024 - Responsible for about 20 research grants, the latest on topics such as: 1) “Creation of a fungal pool to promote the degradation of allelopathic substances in soils and support the germination of seeds and the development of seedlings of spontaneous dune species” and 2) “Study of the reproduc-tive capacity of psammophilous plants for the revegetation of coastal dunes altered by alien species,” both funded by the 2020 Research Groups Project Funds of the Lazio Region titled RIVALSA - An inte-grated approach for the revegetation of coastal dunes altered by alien species; 3) “Comparative evalua-tion of the effectiveness of natural biocidal products,” funded by the 2020 Research Groups Project Funds of the Lazio Region titled EVER - Extracts from ancient forest woods for innovative use in the restoration of cultural heritage; 4) “Proteomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic analysis for the identi-fication of molecules produced in response to stress conditions, including radiation stress. Extraction of metabolites and analysis with mass spectrometry” funded by ASI, LIFE Project; 5) “Characterization of microbial communities (archaea, bacteria, fungi) of Lake ‘Bagno dell'acqua’ in Pantelleria, a volcanic lake representative of extraterrestrial environmental conditions” funded by ASI HELENA Project; 6) “Study of the effect of climate change on the microbial composition of the soil in a natural environ-ment (sensitive subalpine zone), through comparison between samples collected in 2023/2024 and samples collected in 2012” funded by PRIN PNRR MICROTOOL Project; 7) “Microbial communities of soils, rocks, sediments, and their responses and adaptations to terrestrial and non-terrestrial condi-tions, both real and simulated” funded by PNRA AMICO Project. July 2021 - Scientific Coordinator of the cooperation agreement between the University of Tuscia and Mae Fah Luang University in Chang Raj (Thailand) for the mobility of staff, students, and faculty, and for participation in research projects. October 2017 - Invited for a Hearing, as Scientific Coordinator of the Botanical Garden and subject mat-ter expert, by the XIII Commission (Agriculture) of the Chamber of Deputies for the examination of the proposed law entitled “Regulation of the cultivation, harvesting, and initial processing of medicinal plants.” 2012 – 2016 - Member of the Research Center of Mole National Park (Ghana), aimed at promoting the de-velopment and management of the park. 2015 – 2021 - Member, representing the Botanical Garden, of BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation Inter-national). 2015 – 2021 - Represented the Botanical Garden in the ‘International Plant Sentinel Network (IPSN)’, a network aimed at facilitating collaboration between Botanical Gardens, Arboreta, National Plant Pro-tection Organizations, and Researchers. 2011 - Affiliated, for research purposes, with the Institute of Agro-Environmental and Forest Biology (IBAF) of the CNR in Porano (TR). September 2011 - As a Representative of Polar Terrestrial Biology, participated in the “Korea-Italy Work-shop on Polar Science” held in Incheon (Seoul), at KOPRI (Korea Polar Research Institute); the meet-ing was attended by 14 Italian delegates (CNR, INGV, Universities), all involved in the PNRA, and 33 Korean researchers (KOPRI and Universities) also working in the “Korea Polar Program”, where the scientific results achieved in polar research in various sectors were analyzed and discussed. March 2005 - As a member of the Academic Senate, collaborated with the Working Group established with DR n. 62/05 with the task of proposing adjustments to the University Regulations to the Rector, focusing particularly on drafting a regulation for the “University Museum System” as provided by statu-tory changes. 2004 – 2005 - As Area Coordinator for the regions of Lazio, Campania, Molise, and Puglia, participated in the creation of the Checklist of fungi in Italy, part of an agreement between the Ministry of Environ-ment and the University of Tuscia. 1995 - Member of the Organizing Committee of the Workshop “Italians in the History of Mycology”, Rome, Central State Archive, promoted by the National Academy of Sciences known as the XL. 1991 - Member of the Organizing Committee for the inauguration of the Botanical Garden of Viterbo. 1991 - Collaborated in organizing the 86th Congress of the ‘Italian Botanical Society’, held in Viterbo. 1990 – 1996 - Member of the Board of the Working Group for Mycology of the Italian Botanical Society for two three-year terms (1990-1993 and 1993-1996). Member of national and international scientific societies: the Italian Botanical Society since 1990, the American Microbiological Society (AMS) since 2020, the European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) since 2020, the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society (IBBS) since 2022, Applied Microbiology International since 2023, the European Mycological Association since 2022, the European Geosciences Union since 2024. Additionally, a member of the Global Soil Biodiversity Initi-ative (https://www.globalsoilbiodiversity.org/) since 2021.Orientation, Dissemination, and Third Mission ActivitiesThe undersigned has interacted with society and the territory both through actions to enhance knowledge and, more broadly, through cultural, social, and scientific dissemination events. Throughout the period during which they were the scientific director of the Botanical Garden and the Germplasm Bank, they coordinated, with the help of the technical staff from the two facilities, the organization of events. Sim-ilar activities were carried out as the Technical Director of the University Museum System since 2021, including organizing or participating in events and projects. They represent the University Museum Sys-tem (SMA) within the working group ‘Shaping the Future,’ which involves Unitus (with Prof. Andrea Pe-troselli, Rector’s Delegate for Sustainability), the University Museum System, Arci Solidarietà Viterbo, and the Green Schools Network of Viterbo, with the aim of fostering a dialogue between schools on the topic of Sustainability Education, making students the main participants. Some of the most recent activities carried out are reported below: May 9, 2024 - Presented the new university consortium ELLS (European League for Life Sciences), of which the Viterbo University is a partner, during the III International Staff Training Week (May 6-10, 2024) at the Rectorate of Tuscia. April 19, 2024 - Gave a lecture as part of the "Meetings at the Museum" organized by the University Muse-um System, titled: "Images and Stories of Six Antarctic Expeditions." March 20, 2024 - As Technical Director of the University Museum System, promoted the setup of the “Alla ricerca delle tracce narranti” path, inaugurated on the occasion of the second edition of "La Primavera dell’Inclusione". December 12, 2023 - Gave a lesson to the students of the 'Pietro Vanni' middle school in Viterbo, class 2G, on "Lichens and Biomonitoring," at the invitation of Dr. Sabina Pagano. March 28, 2023 - Gave a presentation on Antarctica with university students during the "Caffè Corretto" meetings organized by the University Student Association "Univercity." 2020-2022 - Gave seminars as part of the orientation activities for the Department (on the occasion of Open Day) for various classes in Viterbo, both during visits to the University and remotely (2020). December 2021 - Organized and coordinated a remote connection from the Italian Research Base in Ant-arctica Mario Zucchelli with three classes from the province of Viterbo. September 2021 - Interviewed on the Radio Rome Capital channel, later reported on YouTube, about their research activities and the educational offerings of the Department. July 2020 - Held a videoconference organized by the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences in collaboration with the cultural association Caffè Menerva, titled ‘In Antartide alla ricerca dei mi-crorganismi che vivono nel continente più freddo del pianeta’.Recent Conferences and Webinars Below are some of the most recent conferences and webinars: August 14, 2024, Maastricht - International Mycological Congress. Co-chair, along with Luciana Trilles (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil), of session 34 “Fungi in Extreme Environments: Arctic, Antarctic, Space,” also giving an oral presentation titled “Responses of fungal communities to climate shifts across different polar environments.” December 11, 2023 - Webinar, by invitation of Prof. Samina Siddiqui (National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan), as part of a series of Webinars on the theme ‘Soil Biodiver-sity and Ecosystem Restoration’ with a presentation titled ‘Soil Microbial Ecology of Polar and Alpine Environments.’ November 21-22, 2023, Abu Dhabi - Conference on Microbiome: Human, Plant, and Environmental Health. Oral presentation titled “Unraveling Antarctic Soil Microbial Communities and Environmental Shifts.” September 4-8, 2023, Perugia - Congress of the European Mycological Association (EMA). Member of the scientific committee of the Congress. Co-chair, along with Torda Varga (Comparative Fungal Biology, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, UK) of the session “Fungal Omics.” Oral presentation “Soil Fungal Communities in Threatened Polar and Alpine Environments” in the session titled “Fungi in Changing Ecosystems.” September 19-22, 2023, Madrid - 23rd Meeting of the European Astrobiology Network Association (EA-NA) presenting a Poster (No. 157) titled: “A preliminary survey of the cellular responses of black fungus Cryomyces antarcticus to long- and short-term dehydrations” awarded by the EANA scientific commit-tee as the best poster. July 9-13, 2023, Hamburg - Invited speaker at the FEMS 2023 congress, session IDSY29 EAM Microbial Responses to Environmental Threats, with a presentation titled: “Exploring Soil Communities under Warming Polar and Alpine Ecosystems.” February 17-24, 2023, Wien - Co-chair, along with Fabiana Canini (University of Tuscia), at the Arctic Sci-ence Summit Week (ASSW) 2023 of session ID-01 titled: “Environmental Drivers of Diversity and Func-tionality of Polar and Alpine Soil Microbial Communities.” September 22, 2022 - Webinar by invitation of Prof. Max (Chief Editor of FEMS Microbiology Ecology), at the FEMS Microbiology Ecology Webinar on Microbial Ecology in a Changing Climate with a presen-tation titled: “Responses of High-Altitude Soil Microbiomes to Climate Change.” July 2022 – Remote oral communication at the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR 2022) titled “Effect of the Endolithic Colonization on the Bacterial Diversity of Soil in Victoria Land,” in the session “Environmental Factors Driving Diversity and Composition of Fossil and Living Antarctic Communities.” November 2021 - Oral communication at the International Workshop “Biological Risk for Hypogea: Shared Data among Italy and the Republic of Korea titled “Black Fungi in Etruscan Tombs of Tarquin-ia: New Findings from Different Tombs” (Tarquinia, November 12, 2021). September 2021 - Remote oral communication at the 18th International Biodeterioration & Biodegrada-tion Symposium (IBBS), titled “Fungi as a Threat for Wall Paintings Preservation: A Meta-analysis of Their Diversity and Distribution” (September 6-9). March 2021 - Co-convener of the session titled "Effect of Environmental Parameters on Polar Terrestrial Microbial Communities” within the ASSW2021 (Arctic Science Summit Week 2021, https://assw2021.pt/), organized online (March 23-26, 2021). November 2020 - Remote oral communication at the SCAR 2020 conference, titled “Effect of Environ-mental Parameters on Diversity, Community Composition, and Functional Guilds and Growth Forms Distribution of Fungi in Victoria Land Soils.”Main Research Topics The research activity is focused on microbial ecology, particularly on cryptoendolithic and soil microbial communities, their diversity, functionality, and adaptation to various stress conditions, including simu-lated and real spatial conditions. In recent years, the research has been more focused on studying soil microbial communities, both in polar and high-altitude environments as well as Mediterranean envi-ronments, analyzed using molecular approaches. The studies conducted also span various fields, reflect-ing the roles as the scientific director of the botanical garden and the germplasm bank, as well as teaching in the field of cultural heritage. The topics covered include the systematics and taxonomy, also molecular, of fungal species; mycocoenoses in Mediterranean, Arctic, and Antarctic environments; bi-omonitoring using lichens; participation in the creation of the checklist of Italian fungi; the morpho-logical, molecular, and physiological characterization of fungal biodeteriogens responsible for the de-terioration of cultural heritage; the conservation and protection of plant biodiversity; seed germination tests, with particular reference to threatened plant species. Numerous national and international col-laborations are documented by the number of co-authors involved in research outputs. Author of over 130 scientific publications, in addition to participation in national and international con-ferences.

      Scarica : Curriculum Vitae

  • Profilo

    • Bio
    • Professore associato dal 2005, con abilitazione scientifica nazionale per la I fascia. Docente di Bo-tanica e di Plant biology of coastal ecosystems. Presidente del Presidio di qualità (PQ) del Dipartimento, componente del PQ di Ateneo, Direttore del Sistema Museale di Ateneo e componente del Centro Integrato di Ateneo. Partecipa a progetti di ricerca in Antartide dal 1992, a progetti finanziati dalla Regione Lazio, dal MUR (PRIN) e dall’Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. Le principali line di ricerca riguardano la diversità fungina dei suoli e lo studio dell’adattamento e sopravvivenza dei microrganismi del suolo a condizioni ambientali estreme, incluse condizioni spaziali reali e simulate, mediante approcci colturali e molecolari.

    • Keywords
      • soil microbiology
      • estremofili
      • adattamento
      • ecologia microbica
      • funghi
      • astrobiologia
      • ambienti estremi
      • spazio
    • Settore scientifico discliplinare

    • Linee di ricerca
  • Ricerca

    • Gruppi di ricerca
      • Partecipazioni scientifiche
        • Società Internazionale di Biodeterioramento e biodegradazione
        • Associazione Europea di Astrobiologia
        • Società Botanica Italiana
        • Società Americana di Microbiologia
        • Associazione Micologica Europea
      • Dottorandi
        • Giorgia Cavallini
      • Assegnisti
        • Fabiana Canini
        • Francesca Contemori
        • Karolina Poplawska Kopacz
      • Borsisti
      • Pubblicazioni principali

      • Terza missione

        • Terza missione
        • Didattica

          • Ricevimento
          • <p>tutti i giorni previo appuntamento scrivendo a zucconi@unitus.it</p>
          • Insegnamenti
          • INSEGNAMENTI
            BOTANICA -