Victoria Almonte



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      • Victoria Almonte - Curriculum VitaeConforme a quanto prescritto dall’art. 4 del Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali e dell’art. 26 del D. Lgs. 14 marzo 2013, n. 33, al fine della pubblicazione.Place: ROMA Date: 14-06-2019Part I – General Informationfull name Victoria Almonte Date of birth 01-04-1985 Place of birth Chieti Citizenship Italian Spoken languages Italian, Chinese, English, FrenchPart II – EducationType Year Institution Notes Ph.D 2016 Sapienza Università di Roma CIVILTA', CULTURE E SOCIETA' DELL'ASIA E DELL'AFRICA - Curriculum ASIA ORIENTALE (28° cycle). Thesis title: “L'INGERENZA DELLA LINGUA ARABA NELLA TOPONOMASTICA CINESE: L'IMPORTANZA DELL'OPERA LINGWAI DAIDA DI ZHOU QUFEI”. Classification: excellent. One year course in Chinese public University 2014-2015 Beijing Waiguoyu Daxue Chinese Language Courses; Chinese classical literature and language. Library research and fieldwork. (Winner of the Scolarship of the China Confucius Institute for young researchers). Praga University 2013 EACL Spring School One week. East Asia Chinese Linguistic: Classical chinese, Sociolinguistic, Grammar of chinese dialetcs. Working experience in China 2010 Guangzhou Italian Consulate Four months in Guangzhou Italian Consulate Cultural office: teaching Chinese. (Winner of the Scholarship of the Italian Foreign Affairs Bureau, MAE) University graduation 2009 Sapienza Università di Roma Master degree in Oriental language (first language: Chinese). Thesis title: “La nuova legge sul lavoro in Cina”. Mark 110 cum laude. Chinese language course 2009 Beijing Waiguoyu Daxue Four months. (Winner of the Scholarship of Sapienza Università di Roma). Intensive Chinese language course. Chinese language course 2007 Beijing Waiguoyu Daxue Four months. (Winner of the Scholarship of Sapienza Università di Roma). Intensive Chinese language course. University graduation 2007 Sapienza Università di Roma Bachelor degree in Oriental language (first language: Chinese). Thesis title: “I contatti linguistici tra arabo e cinese”. Mark 110 cum laude. Chinese language course 2006 Beijing Shifan Daxue One month. Intensive Chinese language course.Part III – AppointmentYear Institution Lecture\course September 2016 to September 2017 Tuscia University, Distu Chinese language and Literature 1. (contract course, 10 cfu for year, 60 hours for year) September 2017 to the present Tuscia University, Distu Chinese language and Literature 1-2-3. (contract course, 10 cfu for year, 60 hours for year); Languages and literatures of South East Asia (contract course, 8 cfu, 48 hours) September 2012 to June 2018 Confucius Institute, Sapienza University of Rome Chinese language. September 2017 to the present Ecampus- università telematica Chinese language and translation 3 (contract course, 8 cfu); Chinese Philology 3 (contract course, 8 cfu).Part IV – Other Teaching experienceYear Institution Lecture\course March 2008 to June 2008 CDS: casa dei diritti sociali Italian language course for Chinese people. October 2011 to December 2012 Formiamentis School Language Chinese language for Japanese people: level A1-A2-B1. March 2012 to May 2012 Uet: Tourism European University Italian language course for Chinese people. January 2016 to March 2016 Confucius Institute, Sapienza University of Rome Translation and revision of Chinese language book: Kuaile Hanyu 快乐汉语, II and III volumes.Part V - Society memberships, Awards and HonorsFrom Year Association 2013 Associazione Italiana Studi Cinesi AISC 2013 European Association of Chinese Studies EACS 2018 European Association of Chinese Linguistics EACL 2019 Publication grant from Han Ban (Confucius Institute Headquarters) for the publication of the Ph.D dissertation: The historical value of Zhou Qufei’s work, Lingwai Daida, and the influence of the Arabic on the Chinese geographical lexicon and concept.Part VI – Research activitiesKeywords Brief description Geography, Toponyms, Song Dynasty, Maritime Silk road from XII century, Arabic geographical works, Zhou Qufei Translation and research about geographical works written by Chinese scholars during Song, Yuan dynasties and early. Transmission of geographical knowledge between Chinese and Arabic works. Formation of geographical lexicon in Chinese under the influence of Arabic toponyms. Travel accounts, geographical works Comparison of Chinese travel accounts or geographical works, written from VII to XV century. Study about ancient toponyms etymology. Chinese teaching Studying how young students learn Chinese language. Research of new method to teach Chinese philology.Part VII – Papers presented to conferences24 settembre 2018 X convegno EACL presso Università di Milano: “Chinese animal terms in Song travel and geographical works”. 23 settembre 2017 XVI convegno AISC presso Milano, Università Cattolica: “Zhou Qufei e le varietà linguistiche del Lingwai Daida: Suzi del Guangxi”. 17 febbraio 2016 seminario di dottorandi e ricercatori del Dipartimento Iso, Sapienza Università di Roma: “Contatti tra lingua araba e lingua cinese: sviluppi metodologici durante il mio percorso di ricerca”. 24-26 settembre 2015 XV convegno AISC presso Macerata: “Zhou Qufei (1178) e la sua influenza sul Zhufanzhi di Zhao Rugua (1225)”. 14-15 settembre 2015 forum di dottorandi: "第六届意日中研究生语言文化交流研究论坛" presso il Dipartimento ISO, Sapienza Roma: “Contacts between Chinese and Arab: a study of Lingwai daida by Zhou Qufei”. 16-17 marzo 2015 forum dottorandi cinesi-giapponesi-coreani-italiani presso la Beijing Foreign Languages University: “Identification of some toponyms: Ibn Battuta in China”《伊本·白图泰游记中的中国地名初探》. 17-19 ottobre 2014 forum di dottorandi: "21世纪中韩两国中国学研究论坛" presso la Beijing Foreign Languages University: “汉语中斯里兰卡地名的演变—— 中文与阿拉伯文在东南亚的交流:斯里兰卡地名”. 10-13 ottobre 2014 Convegno: “全球视野下的中外关系史研究”, presso Zhengzhou University in China: “汉语中斯里兰卡地名的演变— 中文与阿拉伯文在东南亚的交流:斯里兰卡地名”. 22-25 luglio 2014 20th Biennial Conference of the EACS in Portugal: “The image of the others in Imperial China, Chinese and Arabic toponyms in Indian Ocean: Ceylon”. 17 giugno 2014 Giornata seminariale per dottorandi di Asia Orientale, presso Dipartimento Iso, Sapienza di Roma: “Chinese and Arabic toponyms in South East Asia”. 18 dicembre 2013 Forum di ricerca sinologica per dottorandi giapponesi, cinesi e coreani presso la Kansai University di Osaka: “Yiben Baitutai shifou zai Zhongguo lüxing guo? 伊本白图泰是否在中国旅行过? Comparison of some Western and Chinese Hypothesis”. 22 novembre 2013 Seminario sulla Didattica del Cinese come L2, organizzato dall'Istituto Confucio di Roma: “Copresenza con l'insegnante madrelingua: vantaggi per i discenti”. 20 settembre 2013 XIV Convegno AISC, presso Procida: “Il viaggio di Ibn Battuta nella Cina degli Yuan”.VIII: Publications• "Ibn Battuta e il viaggio in Cina del Nord", in Atti del XIV Convegno Aisc, Procida, 19-21 settembre 2013, Napoli, 2014, Il Torcoliere, ISBN 978 88 6719 070 6, pp. 33-62; • "Identification of some toponyms: Ibn Battuta in China", in Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Nuova Serie, Volume LXXXVIII, Fasc. 1-4, Pisa, Roma, 2016, Fabrizio Serra editore, ISSN 0392-4866, pp. 313-332; • “中文与阿拉伯文在印度洋的交流——以12-17世纪斯里兰卡地名的演变为中心”, in Atti del Convegno全球视野下的中外关系史研究” 学术研讨会, 2014 in Zhengzhou University, China, a cura della casa editrice Hua Qiao, Beijing, agosto 2015, ISBN 978-7-5113-5557-7, pp. 283-306; • “La figura di Zhou Qufei e il valore storico della sua opera geografica Lingwai Daida”, in Atti del XV Convegno Aisc, Macerata, 24-26 settembre 2015, a cura di Tommaso Pellin e Giorgio Trentin, Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina 2016, ISBN 978 88 7543 426 7; • “Identifying the country of Meilugudun and the significant value of Zhou Qufei's work Lingwai Daida”, in Ming Qing Yanjiu, Napoli, L’Orientale, XXI 2017, Brill, pp.1-43, ISSN 1724 8574; • “Zhou Qufei’s work and his historical value” in Italian Association for Chinese Studies, Selected Papers 2, Cafoscarina, pp. 11-18, ISBN 978-88-7543-455-7. • “La biografia di Zhou Qufei: un tentativo di ricostruzione”, in Dal Medio all’Estremo Oriente, Studi del Dottorato di Ricerca in ‘Civiltà dell’Asia e dell’Africa’, Collana Biblioteca di testi e studi - Civiltà orientali, Sapienza di Roma, Carocci, pp. 89-102, 2018, ISBN 978-88-430-9102-7. • “La concezione delle varietà linguistiche (fangyan方言) nel Lingwai Daida di Zhou Qufei (1178): alcune riflessioni”, in Atti del XVI Convegno Aisc, Milano, settembre 2017, a cura di Chiara Piccinini, forthcoming. • The historical value of Zhou Qufei’s work, Lingwai Daida, and the influence of the Arabic on the Chinese geographical lexicon and concept, Aracne, forthcoming.

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                                  LINGUA E LETTERATURA CINESE I -
                                  LINGUA E LETTERATURA CINESE III -