PERSONAL INFORMATION Vincenzo PiscopoAffiliation University of Tuscia Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences Largo Università snc, 01100 Viterbo, Italy piscopo@unitus.itSex Male | Date of birth 25/10/1960 | Nationality ItalianEnterprise University EPR ☐ Management Level ☒ Full professor ☐ Research Director and 1st level Technologist / First Researcher and 2nd level Technologist / Principal Investigator ☐ Mid-Management Level ☐ Associate Professor ☐ Level III Researcher and Technologist☐ Employee / worker level ☐ Researcher and Technologist of IV, V, VI and VII level / Technical collaborator ☐ Researcher and Technologist of IV, V, VI and VII level / Technical collaboratorWORK EXPERIENCEFrom 2022Full Professor of Applied Geology Tuscia University, Viterbo (Italy) Research and teaching experiences in the field of applied geology and hydrogeology. From 2000 to 2021 Associate Professor of Applied Geology Tuscia University, Viterbo (Italy) Research and teaching experiences in the field of applied geology and hydrogeology. From 1995 to 2000 Researcher in Applied Geology Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy) Research and teaching experiences in the field of applied geology and hydrogeology.From 1987 to 1995 Geologist Independent contractor Work experiences in logging and characterizing drill samples, geological and geophysical explorations, hydrogeological investigations, geology applied to civil engineering. EDUCATION AND TRAININGFrom 1981 to1986 Master’s Degree in Geological Sciences Faculty of Sciences, Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy) From 1992 to1995 Scholarships in Hydrogeology Department of Geophysics and Volcanology, Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy) Department of Earth Sciences, Università di Napoli Federico II, Napoli (Italy)WORK ACTIVITIES TeachingResearch Teaching at Italian universities (since 1995): Hydrogeology, Applied Geology, Environmental Geology, Geopedology, Applied Hydrogeology.Research experiences in groundwater flow and hydrochemistry of the volcanic aquifers, hydrogeology of carbonate rocks, relationships between lakes and groundwater, definition of sustainable yield, aquifers naturally contaminated by arsenic, new methods for functioning of wells at a constant level, hydraulic and hydrogeological characterization of hard rocks, modeling of aquifer in hydrothermal areas.Editorial activity Italian Journal of Groundwater, Associate Editor. Discover Water, Editorial Board. Reviewer for Hydrogeology Journal, Water, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Geothermics, Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Geofluids, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Italian Journal of Groundwater. Guest Editor Special Issue on Studies in Mineral and Thermal Waters, Sustainable Water Resources Management. Guest Editor Special Issue MinWat2020, Environmental Geochemistry and Health.Academic employment Member of the Board of the Department of Geophysics and Volcanology at the University of Naples "Federico II" (1997). Member of the Council of the Master Degree in Geological Sciences at the University of Naples "Federico II"( 1998-2000). Member of the Didactic Commission of the Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Tuscia (2001 to 2006). Member of the Didactic Commission of the Bachelor Degree in Environmental Educator at the University of Tuscia (2002 to 2006). Member of the Didactic Commission of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Tuscia (2002 to 2006). Delegate of the Rector of the University of Tuscia in the Technical-Scientific Committee of the CIVITA Consortium (2003 to 2005). Vice-president of the Bachelor Degree in Environmental Educator at the University of Tuscia (2004 to 2006). Delegate of the Rector of the University of Tuscia in the Technical Commission on Waste of the Province of Viterbo (2007-2009). Coordinator of the Master Degree in Sustainable Management of Waters at the University of Tuscia (2006-2008). Deputy director of the Department of Ecology and Sustainable Economic Development at the University of Tuscia (2006-2008). Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Tuscia (2008-2011). Member of the Board of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Tuscia (2008-2011). He was a member of the Joint Studies Committee of the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences at the University of Tuscia (2012-2014). Member of the Quality Assurance Committee of the University of Tuscia (2015-2016). Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree in Environmental Sciences at the University of Tuscia (2016-2017). Member of the Board of the University Museum System of Tuscia (since 2018). Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Tuscia (2018-2020). Coordinator of the Bachelor Degree in Natural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Tuscia (2021-2022). Delegate for teaching and learning at the Department of Ecological and Biological Sciences of the University of Tuscia (2021-2022). Other employment Member of the Technical Secretariat Directorate General for the Protection of the Territory and Water Resources of the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of the Territory and the Sea (2010-2012). Member of the Italian Chapter of the International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH (since 2012). Member of the IAH Mineral Water and Thermal Water Commission (since 2015). Member of the Working Group H2020 Water (2016-2018). Coordinator of the Hydrogeology Section of the Italian Geological Society (2021). PERSONAL SKILLSMother tongue Italian Other language English Level B2 Digital skills GIS, MODFLOW, FEFLOW.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONSelected recent publications1) Allocca V., Colantuono P., Colella A., Piacentini S.M., Piscopo V. (2022). Hydraulic properties of ignimbrites: matrix and fracture permeabilities in two pyroclastic fow deposits from Cimino Vico volcanoes (Italy). BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, ISSN: 1435-9529, 2) Kicsiny R., Piscopo V., Scarelli A., Varga Z. (2021). Game-theoretical model for the sustainable use of thermal water resources: the case of Ischia volcanic Island (Italy). ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH, ISSN: 1573-2983, 3) Piscopo V., Lotti F., Formica F., Lana L., Pianese L. (2020). Groundwater flow in the Ischia volcanic island (Italy) and its implications for thermal water abstraction. HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL, vol. 28, p. 579-601, ISSN: 1431-2174, doi: 10.1007/s10040-019-02070-4 4) Piscopo V., Formica F., Lana L., Lotti F., Pianese L., Trifuoggi M. (2020). Relationship between aquifer pumping response and quality of water extracted from wells in an active hydrothermal system: The Case of the Island of Ischia (Southern Italy). WATER, vol. 12, 2576, ISSN: 2073-4441, doi: 10.3390/w12092576 5) Di Matteo L., Bulletti L., Capecchi E., La Viola A., Piccinino D., Piscopo V. (2020). Perspectives of Using Lignin as Additive to Improve the Permeability of In-Situ Soils for Barrier Materials in Landfills. SUSTAINABILITY, vol. 12, 5197, ISSN: 2071-1050, doi: 10.3390/su12125197 6) Piscopo V., Di Luca S., Dimasi M., Lotti F. (2019). Sustainable yield of a hydrothermal area: from theoretical concepts to the practical approach. GROUND WATER, vol. 57, p. 337-348, ISSN: 1745-6584, doi: 10.1111/gwat.12833 7) Baiocchi A., Lotti F., Piscopo V., Sammassimo V. (2018). Hard-rock aquifer response to pumping and sustainable yield of wells in some areas of Mediterranean Region. In: Ofterdinger et al.. Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock Environments. SPECIAL PUBLICATION - GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, vol. 479, LONDON: Geological Society, ISSN: 0305-8719, doi: 10.1144/SP479.4 8) Piscopo V., Armiento G., Baiocchi A., Mazzuoli M., Nardi E., Piacentini S.M., Proposito M., Spaziani F. (2018). Role of high-elevation groundwater flows in the hydrogeology of the Cimino volcano (central Italy) and possibilities to capture drinking water in a geogenically contaminated environment. HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL, ISSN: 1435-0157, doi: 10.1007/s10040-017-1718-6 9) De Vita P., Allocca V., Celico F., Fabbrocino S., Mattia C., Monacelli G., Musilli I., Piscopo V., Scalise A.R., Summa G., Tranfaglia G., Celico P. (2018). Hydrogeology of continental southern Italy. JOURNAL OF MAPS, vol. 14, p. 230-241, ISSN: 1744-5647, doi: 10.1080/17445647.2018.1454352 10) Piscopo V., Baiocchi A., Lotti F., et al. (2017). Estimation of rock mass permeability using variation in hydraulic conductivity with depth: experiences in hard rocks of western Turkey. BULLETIN OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, ISSN: 1435-9529, doi: 10.1007/s10064-017-1058-8 11) Baiocchi A., Formica F., Lotti F., Pianese L., Piscopo V., Summa G. (2017). Occurrence, management and protection of mineral and thermal waters in some volcanic areas of Italy: current knowledge and future direction. SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, ISSN: 2363-5037, doi: 10.1007/s40899-017-0132-5 12) Baiocchi A., Lotti F., Piscopo V. (2016). Occurrence and flow of groundwater in crystalline rocks of Sardinia and Calabria (Italy): an overview of current knowledge. ACQUE SOTTERRANEE, p. 9-15, ISSN: 1828-454X, doi: 10.7343/as-2016-195 13) Armiento G., Baiocchi A., Cremisini C., Crovato C., Lotti F., Lucentini L., Mazzuoli M., Nardi E., Piscopo V., Proposito M., Veschetti E. (2015). An integrated approach to identify water resources for human consumption in an area affected by high natural arsenic content. WATER, vol. 7, p. 5091-5114, ISSN: 2073-4441, doi: 10.3390/w7095091 14) Baiocchi A., Dragoni W., Lotti F., Piacentini S.M., Piscopo V. (2015). A multi-scale approach in hydraulic characterization of a metamorphic aquifer: what can be inferred about the groundwater abstraction possibilities. WATER, vol. 7, p. 4638-4656, ISSN: 2073-4441, doi: 10.3390/w7094638 15) Kicsiny R., Piscopo V., Scarelli A., Varga Z. (2014). Dynamic Stackelberg game model for water rationalization in drought emergency. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY, vol. 517, p. 557-565, ISSN: 0022-1694, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.05.061 16) Baiocchi A., Lotti F., Piacentini S.M., Piscopo V. (2014). Comparison of pumping at constant head and at a constant rate for determining the sustainable yield of a well. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, vol. 72, p. 989-996, ISSN: 1866-6280, doi: 10.1007/s12665-013-3016-5 17) Baiocchi A., Lotti F., Piscopo V. (2013). Impact of groundwater withdrawals on the interaction of multi-layered aquifers in the Viterbo geothermal area (central Italy). HYDROGEOLOGY JOURNAL, vol. 21, p. 1339-1353, ISSN: 1431-2174, doi: 10.1007/s10040-013-1000-5 18) Baiocchi A., Coletta A., Espositi L., Lotti F., Piscopo V. (2013). Sustainable groundwater development in a naturally arsenic-contaminated aquifer: the case of the Cimino-Vico volcanic area(central Italy). ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING GEOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT, vol. 13, p. 5-18, ISSN: 1825-6635, doi: DOI: 10.4408/IJEGE.2013-01.O-01 19) Lotti F., Baiocchi A., D’Onofrio S., Piscopo V. (2012). Caratterizzazione idrogeologica di rocce calcareo-silico-marnose attraverso rilievi di superficie delle discontinuità e prove di pompaggio. ACQUE SOTTERRANEE, vol. 1, p. 27-36, ISSN: 1828-454X 20) Baiocchi A., Lotti F., Piscopo V. (2012). Conceptual hydrogeological model and groundwater resource estimation in a complex hydrothermal area: the case of the Viterbo geothermal area (Central Italy). JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCE AND PROTECTION, vol. 4, p. 231-247, ISSN: 1945-3094, doi: 10.4236/jwarp.2012.44026Selected Projects- Geosciences IR: Research Infrastructure ISPRA (DD 38/2022). Research Unit coordinator (since 2022). - Research contract with Tivoli Municipality: Studio idrogeologico del bacino minerario di Tivoli (Determinazione Comune di Tivoli n. 2848 del 30.12.2019). Scientific coordinator (2020). - Research contract with Regione Lazio: Ipotesi operative gestionali delle risorse idriche del sistema idrotermale dell’area viterbese e pianificazione dei relativi metodi e tecniche di monitoraggio (Lotto CIG n. Z7CI90B3AB – CUP F85II6000000002). Scientific coordinator (2016). - Research contract with ARPA Lazio: Modello idrogeologico concettuale e implementazione di un modello di flusso e trasporto del bacino del Lago di Vico. Scientific coordinator. 2012-2017. - Research contract with Regione Lazio: Valorizzazione dei materiali di cava nel territorio comunale di Viterbo. Studio dell’eventuali interferenze con le risorse idrotermali del bacino minerario di Viterbo. Delimitazione delle aree di tutela e protezione tenuto conto delle attività estrattive in atto (Determina Dirigenziale C3152 del 10.12.2007). Scientific coordinator (2007-2010). - PRIN 2008, Research Unit coordinator (2010-2012): Hydrogeology of fractured and/or karst systems: groundwater management and sustainable yield. (Prot. 2008YYZKEE_002) (2010-2012).Viterbo, 27 May, 2022
Scarica : Curriculum Vitae
Vincenzo Piscopo si è laureato in Scienze geologiche presso l'Università di Napoli Federico II. Dal 1992 al 1995 ha partecipato a programmi di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e il Dipartimento di Geofisica e Vulcanologia del l'Università Federico II di Napoli. Dal 1995 al 2000 ha lavorato come ricercatore di Geologia Applicata presso il Dipartimento di Geofisica e Vulcanologia dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. Dal 2000 è professore associato di Geologia Applicata presso la Facoltà di Scienze dell'Università della Tuscia, Viterbo. Dal 2022 è professore ordinario di Geologia Applicata presso il Dipartimento di Ecologia e Biologia dell'Università della Tuscia, Viterbo. Qui ha sviluppato e conduce diversi ricerche nel campo dell'idrogeologia.
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