XXXVIII CICLO | Campiotti Alessandro


PhD student in Ecology and Sustainable Management of Environmental Resources


Supervisor: Prof.Chiara Baldacchini

Thesis title: Strategies for assessing the impact of multiple benefits from NbS and balancing their trade-offs

Email: alessandro.campiotti@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae

Keywords: Nature-based Solutions, Green infrastructures, Particulate Matter, Air Pollution

  • Personal profile and research interests

    Alessandro Campiotti was born in Rome in 1995. After completing his BSc in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at University of Tuscia (Viterbo) with a thesis on ‘Plant systems to improve the eco-sustainability of urban buildings’, he completed his MSc with a thesis on ‘Green roofs for the environmental and energy sustainability of cities’ at the same university. Since January 2023, he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Tuscia in ‘Ecology and sustainable management of environmental resources’. His areas of focus are the study of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for ecological transitions, with emphasis on the identification of strategies for assessing the impact of NbS and to raise awareness around them.

  • PhD project

    The aim of this PhD research project is the study of ecosystem services and disservices produced by Nature-based Solutions (NbS). NbS are defined as “actions to protect, conserve, restore and sustainably manage natural or modified ecosystems, with the aim of providing social, economic and environmental benefits”. These can be realized in urban and extra-urban contexts, having as main objective the mitigation of the effects of climate change, the sustainable management of biodiversity and the enhancement of the Ecosystem Services (ES). Research of the project will be focused around studying air quality improvements, being air quality a critical parameter related to human health and considering that 250.000 people in Europe die each year for diseases caused by air pollution. NbS can efficiently remove Particulate Matter (PM) from the atmosphere, with the interaction between plant species’ micro-morphology and PM removal being studied by monitoring some green walls case studies in Italy and abroad. Experimental data will be useful for developing indicators to assess the impact of NBS and to realize the first Italian NbS catalogue, useful for enhancing awareness and ease of use around them. Lastly, these impact indicators will contribute in developing a supporting tool for the design of new NbS.

  • Publications