XXXIX CICLO | Stella Mattia


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum “Economics and agro-food policy”

Cicle: XXXIX

Tutor: Dr. Luigi Biagini; Dr. Luca Cesaro

Thesis title: Dalla Farm Accountability Data Network (FADN) alla Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN). Analisi del mercato volontario dei crediti di carbonio derivati dalle pratiche di Carbon-farming, registro dei crediti e proposte di metodologie di certificazione dei crediti di C-farming.

Email: mattia.stella@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae

  • Personal profile and research interests

    I am an economist with an interest in environmental and animal protection issues. I was born and raised in the Abruzzo countryside, surrounded by grapevines and olive trees. In my studies, I explored the Abruzzo wine sector, developing a Hedonic Price Model to identify the environmental and social characteristics that influence consumer choices of Montepulciano d’Abruzzo. I participated in the Interreg V-A Greece Italy 2014/2020 program at the University of Foggia, where I researched the wine and wine tourism sector in Southern Italy. I am currently developing my data analysis skills.

  • PhD project

    The current Farm Accountability Data Network (FADN) includes mainly economic data. However, with the new EU directives, the aim is to increase the availability of environmental and social data within this framework. This objective will be achieved by gathering new farm data and evaluating environmental and social indicators. By developing a new statistical database called the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN), it will be possible to understand how environmental and social data influence farm sustainability, farmers’ choices, and EU policies. The FLINT project, which was concluded in 2017, marked the first stage in transforming the current agricultural accounting dataset into a network for collecting information on sustainability. The FLINT project proposes around 150 new variables built around economic, environmental, and social themes. In the PhD research project, a comparative analysis of data collection methodologies will be conducted to understand the differences between countries that utilize existing datasets and those that adopt a more direct data collection approach.