XXXVII CICLO | Galeotti Sofia


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum Economia circolare, collaborativa e sostenibile


Tutor: Raffaella Zucaro, Luca Cacchiarelli

Thesis title: focus della tematica di ricerca riguarda i diversi processi di mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici che ruotano attorno alle attività dei Consorzi di Bonifica ed Irrigazione. Da un lato tali enti territoriali riescono ad apportare benefici ambientali in tal senso grazie ad una mutata gestione delle loro storiche mansioni di bonifica e gestione delle acque irrigue, dall’altro investimenti di tipo strutturale stanno diventando per loro all’ordine del giorno con l’obiettivo di perseguire una sostenibilità sia di tipo ambientale sia economico.

Email: sofia.galeotti@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    Having graduated in Environmental and Agricultural Sciences, my research interests are focused on environmental issues, especially within the economic sector. I am working on water scarcity in agriculture, aiming to develop a new national-level methodology capable of estimating the most likely amount of crops water requirements. Local Agencies for Water Management are also involved in this research. They are responsible for irrigation in a collective form as well as several actions aimed at the broader mitigation and adaptation process to climate change.

  • PhD project

    Local Agencies for Water Management (LAWMs) are the subject of the PhD research, which aims to quantify and explore their crucial role in developing new mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change. This ongoing threat requires both structural and non-structural improvements in our productive system, implying the need for new policies. For this purpose, we study the economic aspect of LAWMs’ strategies aimed at ecological transition.

    On the non-structural side, over the time LAWMs’ roles have hugely evolved. Their initial functions of irrigation and land reclamation are now completely different both in the purpose and execution, including more and more often environmental and climate change issues. However, from a legal and structural standpoint, there have been no substantial changes. As a result, while the number of beneficiaries of certain services is increasing, those who pay are still identified using methods are based on LAWMs’ original functions.

    On the structural side, the need for clean energy is leading LAWMs to new investments that impact both the environment and their economic balance, particularly in a period in which the energy and climate crises are coexisting. Using photovoltaic systems to power water distribution and lifting pumps could represent an advantage both in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lowering energy costs. Therefore, we propose to study a real investment through a cost-benefit analysis, aiming to quantify any potential advantages and disadvantages.

  • Publications

    Ferrigno, M., Galeotti, S. (2023). Earth Technology Expo: le capacità italiane a supporto
    della transizione digitale, energetica ed ecologica. Il futuro in una goccia. RRN Magazine. Pianeta PSR – Il futuro in una goccia

    Manganiello, V., Galeotti, S., Zucaro, R. (2022). La multifunzionalità dei consorzi di bonifica
    nella gestione della risorsa idrica. PianetaPSR. Pianeta PSR – La multifunzionalità dei consorzi di bonifica nella gestione della risorsa idrica

    Manganiello, V., Banterle, A., Canali, G., Gios, G., Branca, G., Galeotti, S., De Filippis, F., &
    Zucaro, R. (2021). Economic characterization of irrigated and livestock farms in The Po
    River Basin District. Economia Agro- Alimentare, 23, 1-24. DOI:10.3280/ecag2021oa12773. Economic characterization of irrigated and livestock farms in The Po River Basin District | Economia agro-alimentare/Food Economy – Open Access (francoangeli.it)

    Working group for “Documento a supporto della redazione del Report per l’Analisi
    Socioeconomica, relativamente all’uso agricolo, zootecnico e dell’acquacoltura/pesca, ai
    fini dell’aggiornamento del Piano di Gestione del Distretto Idrografico del Fiume Po”, CREA-PB
    (2021). Piano di Gestione 2021 – Piano acque (adbpo.it), Elaborato 6, Allegato 6.5