XXXVIII CICLO | Pietrangeli Francesca


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum Economia e Politica Agroalimentare


Tutor: Prof.ssa Barbara Pancino

Thesis title: To  evaluate  the  efficiency  of  local  policies  for  the  ecological  transition  and  the economic development of marginal areas

Email: f.pietrangeli89@unitus.it

Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    I graduated in law in 2015, but with a keen awareness of the environment and nature, I have studied environmental issues in depth, studying the differences between environmental economics and ecological economics and implications on the meaning of sustainability and its dimensions. My research is concerned with analyzing policies for ecological transition and how they can develop the economy of marginal areas, while preserving the environment.

  • PhD project

    My research project is concerned with testing the effectiveness of policies for ecological transition not only for economic purposes, but also and especially for environmental purposes. In particular, taking into account the priority of safeguarding natural capital and the concept of sustainability related to securing ecosystems for future generations, the research studies how the environmental dimension of local production systems can be a driver of economic development in marginal areas. The measurement of the efficiency of environmental policies is considered through the use of indicators that take into account the quality of air, water, land use, renewable energy and presupposes the analysis of local production systems of marginal areas.

  • Publications

    Pietrangeli, F., & Franco, S. (2023). La transizione verde: nuovi ingredienti per vecchie ricette. Tracce Urbane. Rivista Italiana Transdisciplinare Di Studi Urbani, 10(14), 240–251. https://doi.org/10.13133/2532-6562/18493