XXXVIII CICLO | Pomponi Tommaso


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum Economia Circolare Collaborativa e Sostenibile


Tutor accademico: Roberto Henke e Alessandro Sorrentino

Thesis title: Complementarities, synergies and management models of public policies for ecological transition with special reference to the agro-food sector

email: tommaso.pomponi@unitus.it


Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    I have a strong interest in economic and environmental policies related to the ecological transition. I have a background in political science and a specialisation in environmental economics. My dissertation explored the role of public participation in the development and implementation of the National Strategic Plan within the context of the CAP reform process. My research interests within the field of public policy have also expanded to include evidence-based policy-making and policy evaluation.  

    I enjoy working in collaborative and exchange contexts that provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  • PhD project

    The research area of my project is economic modelling in the context of ex-ante evaluation of economic and environmental public policies.
    The initial stage of the project entails an investigation into the utilisation of a model named AGMEMOD (Agricultural Member States Modelling) in the context of an evaluation of a package of measures designed to facilitate the ecological transition of the European agri-food sector. AGMEMOD is a partial equilibrium, dynamic, multi-country and multi-product model, used to carry out analyses at European level. By means of AGMEMOD, would be possible to examine a series of scenarios representing the potential evolution of the Italian agricultural market by 2040, following the implementation of several measures reflecting targets to be achieved by MS in the context of the GD. The impacts of these reforms are assessed within the Italian agricultural markets with regard to the main agricultural commodities, in terms of changes in prices, production, land use, trade balance and greenhouse gas emissions.
    The second phase of the project entails integrating the Agmemod model with a linear optimisation model. This integration is intended to enhance the analytical depth of the assessment of the policy reforms under consideration and to facilitate a more disaggregated level of analysis. Indeed, the synergy between different types of economic models allows for an evaluation process that encompasses both macroeconomic and microeconomic changes. The linear optimisation model, in particular, enables the assessment of Italian companies’ choices and behavioural reactions to macroeconomic scenarios resulting from European reforms. This integration, therefore, enhances the analytical depth of the analysis.