XXXVIII CICLO | Tamborrino Camilla


PhD student in Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods – Curriculum Economia e Politica agro-alimentare


Tutor accademico: Luca Cacchiarelli, Roberto Henke

Thesis title: The experimental approach for the evaluation of Producer Organisations (POs) in the olive sector

email: camilla.tamborrino@unitus.it


Curriculum Vitae


  • Personal profile and research interests

    I am really passionate about business cooperation for sustainable growth, rational management of natural resources and quality improvement in agri-food value chains. I have a background in environmental economics and during my previous studies I have explored the concept and application of the sustainable circular economy. During my PhD, my research interests expanded to analyse the relationships between collaborative actions and the position of farmers in the agri-food value chain through the application of econometric tools.
    I love working in contexts where there is a real exchange of information and shared success. I think this is how research should be done.

  • PhD project

    The field of my research project is policy evaluation in the agricultural sector, with a special focus on the assessment of producer organisations (POs) in the olive sector, which have been the subject of renewed attention in the context of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Econometric tools are used for the analysis.
    A first part of the research project aims to analyse whether the new configuration of POs under the 2023-27 CAP can attract olive growers and whether existing members see benefits in pursuing new collaborative actions. The methodology chosen is the Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE).
    The second part of the research aims to identify, thanks to the implementation of Machine Learning (ML) techniques, which type of farmer prefers to retain absolute autonomy and which type prefers to engage in such collaborative forms. By using a data-driven approach, this part aims to contribute to the understanding of the factors that influence olive growers’ participation in POs, offering a novel perspective that complements traditional economic theories.
    The third part of my research aims to assess the impact of POs on the economic, environmental and social performance of the olive sector through counterfactual approaches.