119631 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS I ANDREA SUSA | First Semester | 9 | MAT/05 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe objective of this course is to acquire the basic knowledge of Mathematical Analysis. In particular, the objectives, expressed according to the Dublin descriptors, are the following: Teacher's Profile courseProgramNUMERICAL SETS examModeThe final exam consists of a written test followed, in case of a positive result, by an oral test. The written test consists of some exercises on the program. booksAnalisi Matematica 1 con elementi di geometria e algebra lineare. Bramanti, Pagani, Salsa. Zanichelli (ed. 2014) classRoomModeAttendance at classes is optional but highly recommended bibliographyElementi di analisi matematica 1. Versione semplificata per i nuovi corsi di laurea. Marcellini, Sbordone. Liguori (ed. 2002) |
18122 - CHEMISTRY STEFANO BOROCCI | First Semester | 9 | CHIM/07 | ![]() |
Learning objectives"Learning objectives: Teacher's Profile courseProgramIntroduction examModeExams take place in three sessions: books1) Autori vari a cura di M. Speranza, A. Filppi, Le Basi della Chimica, EdizioniA.L.E modeClass lessons: theory and stoichiometric exercises classRoomModeAttendance in this course is not required bibliography1) Autori vari a cura di M. Speranza, A. Filppi, Le Basi della Chimica, EdizioniA.L.E |
119632 - COMPUTER SCIENCE ANDREA ZINGONI | First Semester | 9 | ING-INF/05 | ![]() |
Learning objectives"The objective of this course is to show to the students the fundamental aspects of computer science, aiming at introducing them to coding and at providing them with specific skills. Particular attention will be paid to the development of their logical and problem-solving skills. Teacher's Profile courseProgram- Introduction to computer science. examModePractical part: Solution of one or more exercises or problems, by using Matlab and/or Python, concerning the topics presented during the lessons. books- "Reti logiche", di C. Bolchini, C. Bandolese, F. Salice, D. Sciuto, ed. Apogeo 2008 (in particolare Cap. 1; 2; 3.1-3.5, 4.1-4.4, 5, 7.1-7.2). modeLessons will be both theoretical/discursive (introduction to the basic aspects of computer science) and practical (presentation of programming languages by direct use of them). Training lessons will alternate with normal ones, in order to develop coding and problems solving skills. During the course, the professor could organize seminars or speeches by experts in the addressed topics. classRoomModeAttendance of the course is optional bibliographyTeaching materials provided by the lecturer. |
16182 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE IVANO CROSIO | First Semester | 3 | L-LIN/12 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe learner is able to know and understand the topics related to the syntax and vocabulary of the English language for a B1 level, which concern the structures to be used in everyday communication. He/she is also able to understand the key points of topics relating to their specific field of study. Teacher's Profile courseProgramThe student can understand straightforward factual information about common everyday or job related topics, identifying both general messages and specific details, provided speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent. Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interests with a satisfactory level of comprehension. Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward description of one of a variety of subjects within his/her field of interest, presenting it as a linear sequence of points. Can clearly express feelings about something experienced and give reasons to explain those feelings. Can write straightforward connected texts on a range of familiar subjects within his/her field of interest, by linking a series of shorter discrete elements into a linear sequence. examModeThe final proficiency test will be written and oral booksMaterials provided by the lecturer and available on the Moodle platform classRoomModeAttendance to the classes is strongly recommended bibliographyLectures |
15673 - MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS II | Second Semester | 9 | MAT/07 | ![]() |
Learning objectives"1) Knowledge and understanding of the functions of several variables and of the differential calculus for functions of several variables; |
15664 - PHYSICS I ILARIA ARMENTANO | Second Semester | 9 | FIS/01 | ![]() |
Learning objectives"he course that Industrial Engineering students attend in the second semester of the first academic year intends to introduce the student to the principles of Mechanics, Static and Dynamics of Fluids, Oscillations and Thermodynamics, providing them with the basic knowledge of classical physics both from a theoretical point of view to the experimental one. Teacher's Profile courseProgram1.Measurement and Vectors examModeRules for the examination of PHYSICS I: booksP.A. Tipler, G. Mosca, “Corso di Fisica: Meccanica, Onde, Termodinamica”, ed Zanichelli. modeThe course is organized in theoretical classroom lessons (72 hours), with in the afternoon the analysis of specific problems and exercises on the subjects covered during the course and 4 practical laboratory (mandatory) that will take place in the teaching lab. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliographyP.A. Tipler, G. Mosca, “Corso di Fisica: Meccanica, Onde, Termodinamica”, ed Zanichelli. |
Learning objectives"KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING CAPACITY Having developed knowledge of the basic chemical-physical characteristics of the constituent materials of artefacts of industrial interest and related degradation processes. Teacher's Profile courseProgramGrouped theoretical topics: examModeThe evaluation includes a written and an oral test. The written test will consist of a multiple-choice, free-field written paper and three questions aimed at ascertaining the student's theoretical and applicative knowledge and the ability to choose materials based on theoretical calculations for engineering projects. booksW.D. CALLISTER “Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali. Una introduzione”, EdiSES. modeThe course consists of 48 hours of lectures and practical experience. The theoretical notions are explained to the students during the lectures by means of audio-visual aids and the blackboard. Students are provided with slides and teaching materials to support the lectures. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliographyW.D. CALLISTER “Scienza e ingegneria dei materiali. Una introduzione”, EdiSES. |
MODULE II | - | - | - | - | |
Learning objectivesA) TRAINING OBJECTIVES To provide the basic analytical tools to understand the functioning of the economic-financial system and the role of households, businesses, the state, banks and the rest of the world, presenting economic science as a social science characterised by a plurality of theoretical positions. B) EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Knowledge and ability to understand: knowledge of economic theories and policies to understand the main issues of contemporary economics. 2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: learning the elementary tools for assessing the main critical issues and opportunities of an economy. 3. Autonomy of judgement: knowing how to identify the main relationships of the economic system in order to grasp its logic and explain it according to different theoretical approaches and with a critical capacity. 4. Communication skills: learning analytical rigour with the use of formulae and graphs and with the illustration of logical connections. 5. Learning ability: a condition for successful learning is the ability to independently and critically reconstruct introductory notions of political economy. Teacher's Profile courseProgramGrowth, economic development, human development examModeThe assessment aims to verify students' acquisition of theoretical knowledge and analytical tools to understand today's economic reality. booksThe teaching material will be available during the course. classRoomModeDuring the lesson the theoretical concepts will be illustrated also through the proposal of numerical examples and real cases. bibliographyThe teaching material will be available during the course. Teacher's Profile courseProgramGrowth, economic development, human development examModeThe assessment aims to verify students' acquisition of theoretical knowledge and analytical tools to understand today's economic reality. booksThe teaching material will be available during the course. classRoomModeDuring the lesson the theoretical concepts will be illustrated also through the proposal of numerical examples and real cases. bibliographyThe teaching material will be available during the course. |
WORK SAFETY ANDREA COLANTONI | First Semester | 6 | AGR/09 | ![]() |
Learning objectives"RAINING OBJECTIVES: The teaching will be oriented towards solving problems, analyzing and assessing risks, planning suitable prevention and protection interventions, paying attention to in-depth analysis based on the different levels of risk. Teacher's Profile courseProgramRisk assessment such as: examModeThe examination takes place in the forms established by art. 23 of the University Didactic Regulations. In the evaluation of the test and in the attribution of the final grade, the following will be taken into account: the level of knowledge of the contents demonstrated, the ability to apply theoretical concepts, the ability to analyze, synthesize and interdisciplinary connections, the ability of critical sense and formulation of judgments, of the mastery of expression. The exam consists of an oral test. During the test, the level of knowledge acquired on the topics covered in the course, the ability of the candidate to critically apply this knowledge to the problems and case studies addressed, as well as the effectiveness and clarity in the presentation will be assessed. booksLecture notes and lecture notes (available online). mode---------------------------------------------- classRoomModein room on the didattic matertials in the whole program bibliographyLecture notes and lecture notes (available online). |
Learning objectives"The fundamental objective of the ""Renewable Energy: Processes and Technologies"" course is to provide the student with the knowledge and technical and practical skills for the design and development of plant solutions aimed at producing energy that can be used for both civil and industrial purposes, also in relation to the renewable energy sector. The expected learning outcomes are the knowledge of both theoretical and practical notions associated with the energy cycle, the types of fossil fuels compared to those from renewable sources with obvious references to the dynamics of environmental pollution, biomass, biochemical processes of energy production (biochemical processes, in particular anaerobic digestion with biogas upgrading and thermochemical processes, in particular the gasification process), geothermal energy with low enthalpy plants, solar energy (both thermal and photovoltaic), bioliquids and biofuels, wind energy and hydroelectricity. In addition, the practical tools typically required in the context of the implementation / identification of strategies for integrated systems for the production of energy in the industrial sector (for example for sustainable industrial districts) will be discussed. Teacher's Profile courseProgram48 hours Course, divided into the following topics: examModeThe final mark is assigned by written test (n.2 RES plant sizing exercise and n.1 theory question to be answered). The minimum mark required to pass the exam is fixed to 18/30. booksSlides and lecture notes. modeThe course is based on both practical (exercises and plants sizing procedures) and theory lessons. Theoretical notions are illustrated to students during lectures, through audio-visual aids and the blackboard. During the course there will be exercises carried out on the blackboard for the sizing of the equipment and plant components as referenced in lecture notes. In terms of practical application, 3 hours are referred to multiphysics simulation by software of the processes and equipments as discussed by the exercises and lecture notes. classRoomMode
bibliographySlides and lecture notes. |
MODULE II | - | - | - | - | |
OTHER OPTIONAL SUBJECTS | First Semester | 6 | ![]() | ||
OTHER OPTIONAL SUBJECTS | First Semester | 3 | ![]() | ||
Learning objectives"EDUCATIONAL AIMS: | |
Learning objectives
Teacher's Profile courseProgramSpectroscopic techniques for the investigation of metal materials. Characterization of the metal alloys. Spectroscopic methods for the study of polymers. examModeThe exam is based on an aptitude test that focuses on the entire program of the course and is aimed at evaluating the suitability for obtaining the 3 credits attributed to the course; to be admitted online booking is mandatory through the University portal. booksWilliam F. Smith, Javad Hashemi, Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali. con eserciziario, McGraw Hill, 2016 modeThe course includes classroom exercises on presentations relating to the instruments used for the characterization of the main materials of interest in materials science classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the practical training in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliographyWilliam F. Smith, Javad Hashemi, Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali, con eserciziario, McGraw Hill, 2016 |
15677 - PHYSICS II ILARIA ARMENTANO | First Semester | 9 | FIS/01 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe course aims to introduce students to the principles of Electromagnetism, Geometric Optics, Physical Optics, and Modern Physics, providing them with fundamental knowledge from both a theoretical and an experimental and logical deductive point of view. The course aims to apply the basic methodologies of Experimental Physics, developing the ability to identify the essential aspects of physical phenomena and the logical-critical skills that allow to propose and / or verify phenomenological models capable of describing them. Teacher's Profile courseProgramElectromagnetism examModeRules for the examination of PHYSICS II: books-P.A. Tipler, G. Mosca, Vol. 2: “Elettricità Magnetismo Ottica” e Vol. 3: "Fisica Moderna", ed Zanichelli. modeThe course is organized in theoretical classroom lessons (72 hours), with in the afternoon the analysis of specific problems and exercises on the subjects covered during the course and 4 practical laboratory (mandatory) that will take place in the teaching lab. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliography-P.A. Tipler, G. Mosca, Vol. 2: “Elettricità Magnetismo Ottica” e Vol. 3: "Fisica Moderna", ed Zanichelli. |
119633 - TECHINICAL PHISICS | - | 9 | - | - |
Learning objectivesThe objective of the module is to provide the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, necessary for solving different application problems of industrial engineering. In the first part of the module, the first and second thermodynamics law will be stated after a brief introduction on basics concepts and definitions. Direct and reverse thermodynamic cycles will be then illustrated on the main diagrams. In the second part of the module some moist air aspects will be addressed. In particular, the main moist air characteristics will be studied in terms of properties and basic transformations, in order to properly design air conditioning systems. In addition to theoretical classes, practice exercises will be carried out on the addressed theoretical topics. |
MODULE II MAURO SCUNGIO | Second Semester | 5 | ING-IND/10 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe objective of the module is to provide the basic knowledge of thermodynamics, necessary for solving different application problems of industrial engineering. In the first part of the module, the first and second thermodynamics law will be stated after a brief introduction on basics concepts and definitions. Direct and reverse thermodynamic cycles will be then illustrated on the main diagrams. In the second part of the module some moist air aspects will be addressed. In particular, the main moist air characteristics will be studied in terms of properties and basic transformations, in order to properly design air conditioning systems. In addition to theoretical classes, practice exercises will be carried out on the addressed theoretical topics. Teacher's Profile courseProgram1. Introduction, basic definitions; examModeThe exam includes a written test and an oral exam. booksMain: modeThe module is divided between theoretical lessons (28 hours) and exercises (12 hours). The theoretical lessons are mainly provided on the board. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliographyMain: |
MODULE II DANIELE GROPPI | Second Semester | 4 | ING-IND/11 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe module intends to provide the basic notions of heat exchange by conduction, convection and radiation necessary to address numerous application problems, in the field of building physics, in the industrial engineering sector. The basic criteria for lighting design are also provided. Teacher's Profile courseProgramThe module will cover the following topics: examModeThe exam includes a written test and an oral exam. books- Moran M.J., Shapiro H.N., Boettner D.D., Bailey M. B., Munson B.R., DeWitt D.P. - Elementi di fisica tecnica per l'ingegneria – McGraw-Hill Education modeThe course will happen in a traditional way with classroom lessons with the use of power point presentation classRoomModeAttendance is optional but is strongly recommended bibliography- Moran M.J., Shapiro H.N., Boettner D.D., Bailey M. B., Munson B.R., DeWitt D.P. - Elementi di fisica tecnica per l'ingegneria – McGraw-Hill Education |
17874 - MECHANICS OF SOLIDS PIERLUIGI FANELLI | First Semester | 6 | ICAR/08 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe course will introduce students to the principles of rational mechanics, rigid body mechanics. The course aims to give the basic knowledge of continuous mechanics, providing the tools for application in mechanical engineering. The course introduces students to the solving of the elastic problem for rigid and deformable bodies. Teacher's Profile courseProgram- Systems of applied forces and equilibrium conditions. Infinitesimal rigid displacement field. Theorem of virtual work for rigid bodies. Definition, static and kinematic aspects and multiplicity of constraints. examModeThe assessment will focus on a written test of an applicative nature that consists of the resolution of exercises, and an oral test that will evaluate the student's theoretical preparation, and the evaluation of exercises and an optional practical test. books- Paolo Casini,Marcello Vasta - Scienza delle Costruzioni - CittàStudi modeClassroom lectures, presentations with graphic illustrations. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliography- Timoshenko - Strength of Materials, Part I and II - D. Van Nostrand Company |
119890 - FLUID MECHANICS STEFANO MELONI | First Semester | 6 | ING-IND/06 | ![]() |
Learning objectives"The objective of the first module is the comprehension of the basic physics involved in Newtonian fluid flows: Teacher's Profile courseProgramThe physical properties of fluids: general information on solids, liquids and gases - continuum hypothesis - volume and surface forces - classical thermodynamics - transport phenomenon - properties of liquids - viscosity and stress - vapor pressure - surface tension - capillarity examModeThe exam is made up of a written and oral test. It will last from 2 to 3 hours and it will composed by 2 practical problems/exercises focusing on the main topics of the programme (Kinematics, Statics, Dynamics, Similarity) and a theoretical "open answer" question. booksLecture notes from "Lezioni del corso di fluidodinamica", R. Camussi classRoomModeClass attendance is optional bibliography"Meccanica dei Fluidi", Y. A. Çengel e J. M. Cimbala, McGraw-Hill, 2011. |
15682 - ENERGY MACHINES AND SYSTEMS ANDREA LUIGI FACCI | Second Semester | 9 | ING-IND/08 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe objective of the module is the comprehension of the basic working principles of fluid machinery : Teacher's Profile courseProgram0) Fluid machinery classification examModeThe exam consists of an oral and a written part. The fulfillment of the written part is mandatory for the subsequent oral part. books1) V. Dossena, G. Ferrari, P. Gaetani, G. Montenegro, A. Onorati, G. Persico, MACCHINE A FLUIDO, CittàStudiEdizioni modeLessons and exercises classRoomModeLessons and exercises bibliographyTeaching materials provided by the lecturer. |
119626 - MACHINES DRAWING MARCO MARCONI | Second Semester | 9 | ING-IND/15 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesSUMMARY OF THE OBJECTIVES Teacher's Profile courseProgram- Introduction to mechanical drawing examModeThe exam will be organized in two different tests: books- Chirone E., Tornincasa S., 2014, “Disegno Tecnico Industriale”, Vol. 1 e 2, Edizioni il capitello modeFrontal lessons: 45 hours classRoomModeThe attendance is optional bibliography- Manfè G., Pozza R., Scarato G., 2001, “Disegno Meccanico”, Vol. 1 – 2 – 3, Principato Editore |
Learning objectivesLearn the methodologies necessary for the analysis of DC lumped parameter electric circuits. Acquire the basic knowledge required for the analysis of single-phase and three-phase sinusoidal electric circuits and magnetic circuits. Provide the fundamentals of electrical machines and electrical systems in general. Teacher's Profile courseProgramElectromagnetic fields. Main vector operators. Basic definitions. Maxwell equations in integral form. Electrostatics. Laplace and Poisson equations. Capacitors. Lumped parameters electric circuits. Kirchhoff’s laws. Main circuit components: resistors, inductors, capacitors, independent voltage and current generators. Stationary regimes. Resistances in parallel and in series. Delta-wye transformation. Methods of analysis of electrical circuits. Kirchhoff equations method. Nodal analysis. Mesh analysis. Effect superposition principle. Tellegen, Norton and Thevenin theorems. Study of transients. RC, RL, RLC circuits. Definition of the initial conditions for the analysis of transients, I and II order. Solution of I and II order transient circuits. Sinusoidal regimes. Ohm symbolic law and concept of impedance. Kirchhoff symbolic laws. The symbolic method for the analysis of electric circuits in sinusoidal regimes. Power in sinusoidal regime. Three phase systems.. Power in a three phase system. Magnetostatics. Magnetic properties of matter, diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic materials, magnetic circuits, self and mutual induction coefficients. Hopkinson’s law. Electrical machines. Principles of electro-mechanical conversion of energy. Loss phenomena in electrical machines. The transformer. Working principle. Field hypotheses. Internal and external equations. Equivalent circuits. Transformers working in open circuit and short circuit. Measurement of the efficiency. Rotating magnetic field. Induction machines. Working principle. Internal and external equations. Equivalence theorem. Mechanic and electro-mechanic characteristics. Synchronous machines. Working principle. Internal and external equations. Power systems. Converters AC/DC and DC/AC, diode, BJT and thyristor. examModeThe exams will concern the topics of the course program.The complete exam consists of a written test and an oral exam. The written test consists of three exercises concerning: DC or AC Electrical Circuits, Transients in Electric Circuits, Three Phase Networks and Magnetic Circuits. The time available to the written exam is approximately 2 hours. During the written tests, the use of any didactic materials (books, lecture notes) is allowed. The use of a calculator is also allowed, but only for the solution of exercises. To gain access to the oral exam, the candidates must reach a mark greater than or equal to 18/30. Finally, a joint homework will be also assigned during the course and will be discussed during the oral examination. booksLecture Notes and presentations classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliographyLecture Notes and presentations |
15838 - OPTIONAL SUBJECT | First Semester | 6 | ![]() | ||
Learning objectivesEducational aims: Teacher's Profile courseProgramDetailed Program: examModeThe level of the acquired knowledge and the ability to clear explain the learned arguments are assessed by means of oral and written exams. The written exam is composed by questions to assess the theoretical knowledge of the student. During the oral exam, the student's reports on laboratory experiences. The final grade is evaluated by the average between the oral and written grades. Plus/minus three points will be added from a global evaluation of the non-obligatory reports on laboratory experiences. booksE. O. DOEBELIN Measurement Systems: Application and Design , Mac Graw Hill modeThe Mechanical and Thermal Measurements course is divided into eight didactical sessions and it is articulated in 60 hours of frontal lessons and 12 hours of experimental sessions. The theoretical knowledge are reported to the students by means of frontal lessons, audiovisual and multimedia materials. The laboratory experiences consist of a first theoretical part and an experimental one where students are totally involved in the acquisition and analysis of measurement system outputs. classRoomModeAttendance of the course is optional bibliographyE. O. DOEBELIN Measurement Systems: Application and Design , Mac Graw Hill |
Learning objectivesThe course will introduce students to the principles of mechanical design. The course aims to consolidate and broaden the basic knowledge of continuous mechanics, providing the tools for application in mechanical engineering. The course introduces students to the design of simple, mono-dimensional mechanical elements of common engineering interest and gears. Teacher's Profile courseProgramThe problem of De Saint Venant. Setting and solution. Simple stresses : normal stress, bending, biaxial bending, compression bending, torsion, shear. The criteria of resistance to brittle and ductile materials: the elastic limit. examModeThe evaluation will focus on a written test of applicative character which is articulated on the resolution of exercises, and on an oral test which instead will evaluate the theoretical preparation of the student, and on the evaluation of exercises and an optional practical test. books- Juvinall, Marshek - Fondamenti di costruzione di macchine - Editore: CittàStudi modeClassroom lectures, presentations with graphic illustrations. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliography- Timoshenko - Strength of Materials, Part I and II - D. Van Nostrand Company |
15683 - MECHANICS TECHNOLOGIES GIANLUCA RUBINO | First Semester | 9 | ING-IND/16 | ![]() |
Learning objectivesThe student will have to acquire precise knowledge of the most commonly used technologies and processing systems in the industrial sector. In particular he will have to develop the ability to analyze machining technologies, choose the most suitable technologies, choose machining tools, define machining parameters and define a machining cycle. Teacher's Profile courseProgramReferences to the main properties of the materials with a technological interest. The mechanical and technological tests according to the workability of metallic materials. examModeA written exam, with 6 theory questions and 3 exercises, those answers determine the passage to the oral examination. Who receive a positive evaluation, at least 15 of 30, is admitted to the oral examination (required for passing the overall exam). books
modeThe course is divided into 64 hours of lectures and 8 hours of classroom practice. The theoretical notions are explained to the students during the lectures, by means of audio-visual aids and the blackboard. During the exercises the student will apply the theoretical notions to case studies related to the topics addressed during the course. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliography
MODULE II | - | - | - | - | |
Learning objectivesEARNING OUTCOMES: The course aims to provide an essential preparation on the conditions of existence of business administrations, the criteria governing their conduct, and the tools for measuring their results. Teacher's Profile courseProgramThe course is structured in two parts (general and applied). The first part focuses on analyzing the characteristics of company operations, their structures, and the specific conditions that shape their institutional and managerial structures. The second part introduces the student to the application of the basic concepts to different business contexts and acquiring technical tools that will equip learners to evaluate business performance. examModeThe exam is written and oral. books1) G. Catturi, Principi di economia aziendale, Cedam, Padova, 7th edition 2021 (Section A: lessons 1, 2, 8; Section B: lessons 9, 10, 12, 15, 16 e 20; Section C: Lessons 22, 23, 24, 28 & 31). classRoomModeLesson attendance is not compulsory. However, considering that teaching will be organized to ensure the centrality of the active role of the student, participation in classes is strongly recommended bibliographyAiroldi, Brunetti, Coda, Corso di Economia aziendale, Il Mulino, 2020 Teacher's Profile courseProgramThe course is structured in two parts (general and applied). The first part focuses on analyzing the characteristics of company operations, their structures, and the specific conditions that shape their institutional and managerial structures. The second part introduces the student to the application of the basic concepts to different business contexts and acquiring technical tools that will equip learners to evaluate business performance. examModeThe exam is written and oral. books1) G. Catturi, Principi di economia aziendale, Cedam, Padova, 7th edition 2021 (Section A: lessons 1, 2, 8; Section B: lessons 9, 10, 12, 15, 16 e 20; Section C: Lessons 22, 23, 24, 28 & 31). classRoomModeLesson attendance is not compulsory. However, considering that teaching will be organized to ensure the centrality of the active role of the student, participation in classes is strongly recommended bibliographyAiroldi, Brunetti, Coda, Corso di Economia aziendale, Il Mulino, 2020 | |
Learning objectivesThe course aims to analyse the subject of marketing from the methods and characteristics of the strategy to the operational aspects. Teacher's Profile courseProgramPART ONE - Marketing analysis (consumer behavior; market segmentations; competition; marketing research) examModeThe final examination is written and will contain a series of questions designed to ascertain the student's theoretical knowledge of the marketing process and its different phases (analytical, strategic and operational). books"Marketing" J. Paul Peter,James H. jr. Donnelly, Carlo Alberto Pratesi - McGraw-Hill Education - VII Edizione modeThe lessons will be accompanied by case and project analysis. classRoomModeClass attendance is optional. However, it is advisable to attend lectures in the classroom or by distance learning where applicable. bibliography"Marketing" J. Paul Peter,James H. jr. Donnelly, Carlo Alberto Pratesi - McGraw-Hill Education - VII Edizione Teacher's Profile courseProgramPART ONE - Marketing analysis (consumer behavior; market segmentations; competition; marketing research) examModeThe final examination is written and will contain a series of questions designed to ascertain the student's theoretical knowledge of the marketing process and its different phases (analytical, strategic and operational). books"Marketing" J. Paul Peter,James H. jr. Donnelly, Carlo Alberto Pratesi - McGraw-Hill Education - VII Edizione modeThe lessons will be accompanied by case and project analysis. classRoomModeClass attendance is optional. However, it is advisable to attend lectures in the classroom or by distance learning where applicable. bibliography"Marketing" J. Paul Peter,James H. jr. Donnelly, Carlo Alberto Pratesi - McGraw-Hill Education - VII Edizione | |
Learning objectivesThe course aims to provide operational management plans both from the perspective of lean techniques and for a strategic vision of the technologies necessary for the production processes of goods and services. Teacher's Profile courseProgramProcess management principles, classic and new strategic parameters of production. production systems: environmental, economic and technological aspects – managing and project concept for optimization in manufacturing and service processes the manufacturing product-process matrix, examModeOral examination books- Tecnologia dei Cicli Produttivi - AA.VV. , F. D'Ascenzo - Ed. Wolters Kluwer 2024 modeLessons , project work, seminars classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliography- Tecnologia dei Cicli Produttivi - AA.VV. , F. D'Ascenzo - Ed. Wolters Kluwer 2024 | |
Learning objectivesLearning objectives: to provide the knowledge for the description of the phenomena at the basis of food technologies and biotechnologies and their framing in the approach scheme of "Unit Operations". Teacher's Profile courseProgramRheology of food and biotechnological products. Transport of liquids. Thermal death and thermal damage kinetics. Macroscopic mass balances under stationary and non-stationary conditions. Energy balance. Application of the macroscopic energy and mass balance to food and biotechnological systems. Mass transfer. Heat transfer under non-stationary conditions (heat penetration curve). Heat exchangers. Thermal treatments and relative devices. Concentration by evaporation. examModeThe final exam consists of a written test related to the resolution of three numerical exercises and an oral test consisting of three questions on the topics covered. The tests will verify: the basic knowledge related to unit operations and to the corresponding equipment; the ability to realize block diagrams of processes and to use quantitative computer methods to solve problems in the food sector; the ability to collect, select and evaluate in an autonomous way the necessary information for the analysis and the resolution of problems; the communication skills; the ability to learn in an autonomous or partially guided way. Each exercise/question will be evaluated with a score between 0 and 10. The final grade of the written/oral test will be given by the sum of the scores of the single exercises/questions. The student will be admitted to the oral test only if a score of at least 18 in the written test is obtained. The final grade will be given by the average score of the written test and the oral test. booksR. Paul Singh, Dennis R. Heldman. Principi di Tecnologia Alimentare. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. modeThe course consists of 24 frontal lectures of 2 hours each. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliographyP. Masi. Ingegneria alimentare. Modelli predittivi della tecnologia alimentare. Doppiavoce. Teacher's Profile courseProgramRheology of food and biotechnological products. Transport of liquids. Thermal death and thermal damage kinetics. Macroscopic mass balances under stationary and non-stationary conditions. Energy balance. Application of the macroscopic energy and mass balance to food and biotechnological systems. Mass transfer. Heat transfer under non-stationary conditions (heat penetration curve). Heat exchangers. Thermal treatments and relative devices. Concentration by evaporation. examModeThe final exam consists of a written test related to the resolution of three numerical exercises and an oral test consisting of three questions on the topics covered. The tests will verify: the basic knowledge related to unit operations and to the corresponding equipment; the ability to realize block diagrams of processes and to use quantitative computer methods to solve problems in the food sector; the ability to collect, select and evaluate in an autonomous way the necessary information for the analysis and the resolution of problems; the communication skills; the ability to learn in an autonomous or partially guided way. Each exercise/question will be evaluated with a score between 0 and 10. The final grade of the written/oral test will be given by the sum of the scores of the single exercises/questions. The student will be admitted to the oral test only if a score of at least 18 in the written test is obtained. The final grade will be given by the average score of the written test and the oral test. booksR. Paul Singh, Dennis R. Heldman. Principi di Tecnologia Alimentare. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. modeThe course consists of 24 frontal lectures of 2 hours each. classRoomModeAttendance of the lessons is not mandatory. However, it is recommended to follow the lessons in the classroom or remotely, when available. bibliographyP. Masi. Ingegneria alimentare. Modelli predittivi della tecnologia alimentare. Doppiavoce. | |
Learning objectivesThe course aims at introducing the students to a general knowledge of dynamic systems, their modeling and their properties, focusing on their stability properties, observability properties and controllability properties. Moreover, the course aims at providing a good enough knowledge to design control systems for dynamic processes. | |
Learning objectives"In the last decade, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has had a disruptive impact within the scientific landscape, emerging as a technology capable of solving problems that were once considered insurmountable in a “simple” way, until permeating many aspects of our daily lives. However, even today, few people fully understand what AI truly is, even within scientific and technological contexts, where it is often used without a thorough understanding of its potential, achieved results, and risks. Teacher's Profile courseProgram• Introduction to the course (2h): – Lessons + Seminars examModeThe exam will consist of: books- "Teoria della probabilità e variabili aleatorie, con applicazioni all’ingegneria e alle scienze", di A. Bononi e G. Ferrari, ed. Esculapio, 2008. modeThe lessons will be both theoretical/discursive and practical (computer programming). Regular lecture hours will be alternated with tutorial sessions. classRoomModeAttendance of the course is optional bibliographyTeaching materials provided by the lecturer. | |
119634 - ENERGY SYSTEMS FULVIO PAOLO BUZZI | Second Semester | 9 | ING-IND/08 | ![]() |
Learning objectives"Based on the thermodynamic fundamentals of Technical Physics, the course provides students with the elementary tools for the analysis, design and operation of energy systems and their main components. Teacher's Profile courseProgramPROGRAM: examModeWritten test, oral test and project evaluation books1) V. Dossena, G. Ferrari, P. Gaetani, G. Montenegro, A. Onorati, G. Persico, MACCHINE A FLUIDO, CittàStudiEdizioni classRoomModeNot mandatory bibliography1) V. Dossena, G. Ferrari, P. Gaetani, G. Montenegro, A. Onorati, G. Persico, MACCHINE A FLUIDO, CittàStudiEdizioni |
18311 - INDUSTRIAL PLANTS ILARIA BAFFO | Second Semester | 6 | ING-IND/17 | ![]() |
Learning objectives
Teacher's Profile courseProgramIntroduction to Production Systems. Classification of production systems. Push, pull and mixed systems production policies. Industrial processes and plant engineering study. Technical-economic comparison between different processes / layouts. Sizing of Industrial Plants. Production capacity, crossing time and WIP. Performance composed of a production system and main causes of efficiency reduction (OEE). Sizing criteria of a production system. examModeThe exam consists of a written test and an oral test. booksA.Monte, ''Elementi di Impianti Industriali'', voll 1 e 2, Ed. Cortina, 1994 modeThe course is divided into lessons lasting approximately 1.5 hours. The contents of each lesson are shown in slides which are then made available to students as study material. Before, during and after the lesson, the teacher is available for clarifications and additions. classRoomModeAttendance of the course is optional bibliographyA.Monte, ''Elementi di Impianti Industriali'', voll 1 e 2, Ed. Cortina, 1994 |
15837 - OPTIONAL SUBJECT | Second Semester | 6 | ![]() | ||
15836 - FINAL TEST AND THESIS | Second Semester | 3 | ![]() | ||
MODULE II | - | - | - | - | |
Learning objectivesThe fundamental objective of the "Renewable Energy: Processes and Technologies" course is to provide the student with the knowledge and technical and practical skills for the design and development of plant solutions aimed at producing energy that can be used for both civil and industrial purposes, also in relation to the renewable energy sector. The expected learning outcomes are the knowledge of both theoretical and practical notions associated with the energy cycle, the types of fossil fuels compared to those from renewable sources with obvious references to the dynamics of environmental pollution, biomass, biochemical processes of energy production (biochemical processes, in particular anaerobic digestion with biogas upgrading and thermochemical processes, in particular the gasification process), geothermal energy with low enthalpy plants, solar energy (both thermal and photovoltaic), bioliquids and biofuels, wind energy and hydroelectricity. In addition, the practical tools typically required in the context of the implementation / identification of strategies for integrated systems for the production of energy in the industrial sector (for example for sustainable industrial districts) will be discussed. Teacher's Profile courseProgram48 hours Course, divided into the following topics: examModeThe final mark is assigned by written test (n.2 RES plant sizing exercise and n.1 theory question to be answered). The minimum mark required to pass the exam is fixed to 18/30. booksSlides and lecture notes. modeThe course is based on both practical (exercises and plants sizing procedures) and theory lessons. Theoretical notions are illustrated to students during lectures, through audio-visual aids and the blackboard. During the course there will be exercises carried out on the blackboard for the sizing of the equipment and plant components as referenced in lecture notes. In terms of practical application, 3 hours are referred to multiphysics simulation by software of the processes and equipments as discussed by the exercises and lecture notes. classRoomMode
bibliographySlides and lecture notes. | |
Learning objectivesA) TRAINING OBJECTIVES To provide the basic analytical tools to understand the functioning of the economic-financial system and the role of households, businesses, the state, banks and the rest of the world, presenting economic science as a social science characterised by a plurality of theoretical positions. B) EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Knowledge and ability to understand: knowledge of economic theories and policies to understand the main issues of contemporary economics. 2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: learning the elementary tools for assessing the main critical issues and opportunities of an economy. 3. Autonomy of judgement: knowing how to identify the main relationships of the economic system in order to grasp its logic and explain it according to different theoretical approaches and with a critical capacity. 4. Communication skills: learning analytical rigour with the use of formulae and graphs and with the illustration of logical connections. 5. Learning ability: a condition for successful learning is the ability to independently and critically reconstruct introductory notions of political economy. Teacher's Profile courseProgramGrowth, economic development, human development examModeThe assessment aims to verify students' acquisition of theoretical knowledge and analytical tools to understand today's economic reality. booksThe teaching material will be available during the course. classRoomModeDuring the lesson the theoretical concepts will be illustrated also through the proposal of numerical examples and real cases. bibliographyThe teaching material will be available during the course. Teacher's Profile courseProgramGrowth, economic development, human development examModeThe assessment aims to verify students' acquisition of theoretical knowledge and analytical tools to understand today's economic reality. booksThe teaching material will be available during the course. classRoomModeDuring the lesson the theoretical concepts will be illustrated also through the proposal of numerical examples and real cases. bibliographyThe teaching material will be available during the course. | |
Learning objectives"RAINING OBJECTIVES: The teaching will be oriented towards solving problems, analyzing and assessing risks, planning suitable prevention and protection interventions, paying attention to in-depth analysis based on the different levels of risk. Teacher's Profile courseProgramRisk assessment such as: examModeThe examination takes place in the forms established by art. 23 of the University Didactic Regulations. In the evaluation of the test and in the attribution of the final grade, the following will be taken into account: the level of knowledge of the contents demonstrated, the ability to apply theoretical concepts, the ability to analyze, synthesize and interdisciplinary connections, the ability of critical sense and formulation of judgments, of the mastery of expression. The exam consists of an oral test. During the test, the level of knowledge acquired on the topics covered in the course, the ability of the candidate to critically apply this knowledge to the problems and case studies addressed, as well as the effectiveness and clarity in the presentation will be assessed. booksLecture notes and lecture notes (available online). mode---------------------------------------------- classRoomModein room on the didattic matertials in the whole program bibliographyLecture notes and lecture notes (available online). | |
Learning objectives"Learning objectives (according to the Dublin descriptors): The teaching of ""Complements of Kinematics and Dynamics"" will introduce student engineers to the principles and methods of Applied Mechanics of Machines in order to acquire knowledge of the fundamental laws governing the operation of mechanical devices and machines. Teacher's Profile courseProgramThe detailed educational program is organized into the following main sections: examModeThe assessment of learning will be conducted through two methods. booksFor studying the theory, students can refer to one of the following texts, which also include practical examples: classRoomModeAttendance for the course is not mandatory. bibliographyTeaching materials provided by the lecturer. | |
MODULE II | - | - | - | - | |
Learning objectivesThe fundamental objective of the "Biofuels Laboratory" course is to provide students with the knowledge and technical and practical skills in the field of biofuel production and the characterization of processes / raw materials according to standard procedures that can be implemented in a laboratory environment. The expected learning outcomes are the knowledge of the criteria and procedures for characterizing biomass and raw materials necessary for the production of biofuels, liquid and gaseous, having the opportunity to interface and assimilate the procedures, the operating principles of the equipment (through direct use at the laboratory) and the technical standards to be respected when experimenting in a biofuel laboratory but also generic, such as the design of experiments (DOE). To these are added the theoretical and practical notions associated with the regulations and incentives currently available to promote the use of biofuels and biofuels, with particular attention paid to the issue of residual biomass and their exploitation. During the course, purely applicative issues relating to multi-physics simulation software will also be addressed, useful for solving complex and multidisciplinary problems in the industrial sector. In addition, the practical tools typically required in the context of control, monitoring and data acquisition for the experimental plants and pilot plants available in the laboratory will be discussed. | |
Learning objectives"Based on the thermodynamic fundamentals of Technical Physics, the course provides students with the elementary tools for the analysis, design and operation of energy systems and their main components. |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
16220 - MICRO AND MACRO ECONOMICS GIULIO GUARINI | First Year / Second Semester | 6 | SECS-P/01 | ![]() | |
18371 - WORK SAFETY ANDREA COLANTONI | First Year / Second Semester | 6 | AGR/09 | ![]() | |
120370 - RENEWABLE ENERGIES: PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY MAURIZIO CARLINI | First Year / Second Semester | 6 | ING-IND/09 | ![]() | |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
15937 - OTHER OPTIONAL SUBJECTS | First Year / Second Semester | 6 | ![]() | ||
17913 - OTHER OPTIONAL SUBJECTS | First Year / Second Semester | 3 | ![]() | ||
119630 - ADVANCED ENGLISH COURSE SHULA MARY SWEENEY | First Year / Second Semester | 3 | ![]() | ||
120371 - TECHNIQUES FOR STUDYING THE PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS CLAUDIA PELOSI | First Year / Second Semester | 3 | CHIM/01 | ![]() | |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
17713 - INDUSTRIAL ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT VINCENZO SFORZA | Third Year / First Semester | 6 | SECS-P/07 | ![]() | |
16187 - MARKETING MICHELA PICCAROZZI | Third Year / First Semester | 6 | SECS-P/08 | ![]() | |
16219 - PRODUCTION AND QUALITY CONTROL ENRICO MARIA MOSCONI | Third Year / First Semester | 6 | SECS-P/13 | ![]() | |
119635 - AUTOMATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING | Third Year / First Semester | 6 | ING-INF/04 | ![]() | |
18390 - RENEWABLE ENERGIES: PROCESS AND TECHNOLOGY MAURIZIO CARLINI | Third Year / Second Semester | 6 | AGR/09 | ![]() | |
16220 - MICRO AND MACRO ECONOMICS GIULIO GUARINI | Third Year / Second Semester | 6 | SECS-P/01 | ![]() | |
18371 - WORK SAFETY ANDREA COLANTONI | Third Year / Second Semester | 6 | AGR/09 | ![]() | |
119628 - COMPLEMENTS OF KINEMATICS AND DYNAMICS CHRISTIAN IANDIORIO | Third Year / Second Semester | 6 | ING-IND/13 | ![]() | |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
15937 - OTHER OPTIONAL SUBJECTS | Third Year / Second Semester | 6 | ![]() | ||
17877 - BIOFUELS LABORATORY LEONARDO BIANCHINI | Third Year / Second Semester | 3 | ING-IND/09 | ![]() | |
119629 - LABORATORY OF ENERGY SYSTEMS MODELING | Third Year / Second Semester | 3 | ING-IND/08 | ![]() | |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
119595 - ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING SIMONE CARUSOTTI | First Year / Second Semester | 6 | ING-IND/31 | ![]() | |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
119617 - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES II TOMMASO DE CHIARA | Second Year / Second Semester | 6 | ING-IND/17 | ![]() | |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
119617 - MAINTENANCE PRACTICES II TOMMASO DE CHIARA | Third Year / Second Semester | 6 | ING-IND/17 | ![]() | |
MODULE II | - | 6 | - | - | |
119598 - CYBERNETICS WALTER CURIONE | Second Year / First Semester | 6 | ING-INF/04 | ![]() | |
119599 - ADVANCED COMPUTER SCIENCE DIEGO PENNINO | Second Year / First Semester | 6 | ING-INF/05 | ![]() |