General Info



First Semester 6BIO/01ita

Learning objectives

Students will have to demonstrate that they have acquired a good level of knowledge on aspects of plant systematics, on the form, structure and functions of plants, on the fundamental physiological processes in plants and on the relationships between plants and the environment.
Students will have to demonstrate that they are able to use the acquired knowledge of botany and plant physiology for applications in agriculture, with reference to aspects related to the plant/growth environment relationships to be able to interpret the physiological needs of plants in natural or anthropized environments with reference to cultivation in the field and in a controlled environment
The theoretical and practical skills acquired will allow the student to evaluate how to manage production systems in relation to botany and plant physiology and to cultivation conditions in a changing environment that continually generates new management challenges.
Students must demonstrate that they have acquired the ability to evaluate whether the solution of practical problems requires the acquisition of knowledge not provided by the course and must be able to access scientific-technical sources that allow them to acquire new knowledge useful for solving problems unapproached before.
Students must demonstrate that they have acquired the ability to illustrate relevant aspects of the botany and plant physiology of species of interest in relation to their use in activities related to the profession.

Teacher's Profile


Course: Botany and plant physiology (Botany 22 h; Plnt physiology 22 h Practice 4 ore)
Teacher Alberto Battistelli

Plants: diversity and role in ecosystems and agriculture
Evolution and classification.
The plant cells.
Ontogenetic cycle and reproduction in plants
Higher plant structure and tissues.
Plant organs: the leaf, the stem, and the root. The seed.

Practical activities: optical microscopy, leaves and floral components.
Practical activities: agronomical experiments, crops structure, field analysis of physiological parameters.

Biophysics and biochemistry of photosynthesis
Structure and functions of the chloroplast.
Light and photosynthesis. The solar radiations, the pigments and light absorption.
The Calvin-Benson cycle. The photosynthetic product at the chloroplast level: starch synthesis. The photosynthetic products in the cytoplasm: the sucrose synthesis. Phloem transport, sink activity, starch, and sucrose catabolism, storage compound accumulation, source-sink relationships.
Photosynthesis in the environment: structure of the photosynthetic apparatus and the role of environment (adaptation and acclimation to light, CO2, temperature, and water availability. C3, C4 and CAM photosynthetic metabolism.
Plant and water relations.
Plant respiration.
Mineral nutrition.
The hormone regulation of plant life.
Light as a signal: photoreceptors, phytochrome, photomorphogenesis, photoperiodism.
Seed physiology and germination.


During the oral test, the candidate must demonstrate o have acquired the basic elements of botany and plant physiology and that he has developed the ability to process this knowledge in a professional technical field.


1- Rascio Elementi di fisiologia vegetale. EDISES

2- Ray F. Evert Susan E. Eichhorn La biologia delle piante di Raven. Zanichelli
Settima edizione italiana condotta sull’ottava edizione americana


Lectures with the support of Power Point presentations


Learning objectives

Modulo di Microbiologia
The course aims to provide basic knowledge for microbiology and some technical informations on microbiological management of seed, soil and substrates. The main microbiological traits of some relevant substrates will be specifically presented and the application of beneficial microrganisms on substrates will be discussed.
Students will be able to acquire knowledge, skills, and judgmentin different production contests and for nursery. Additional objectives include improving learning abilities and communication skills, specifically the ability to present topics related to the microbiology of interface plant-soilsand substrates using appropriate terminology.

Modulo di Substrati
The courseaims to introduce the organic, inorganic and syntheticsubstratesector. Students willlearn and acquire knowledge about the requirementsthatcondition the choice of a substrate, the chemical and physicalcharacteristics of substrates, and the mainsubstratesused in horticulture. At the end of the course, studentswill be able to apply the acquired knowledge in different production realities (applying knowledge and understanding), independently and with adequatecriticalability (making judgements). The coursewillpayattention to improvingcommunication skills (communication skills) in variousprofessionalcontexts. Students willacquire skills to promotetheirown self-improvement (learning skills).



First Semester1AGR/04ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to introduce the organic, inorganic and synthetic substrate sector. Students will earn and acquire knowledge about the requirements that condition the choice of a substrate, the chemical and physical characteristics of substrates, and the main substrates used in horticulture. At the end of the course, students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge in different production realities (applying knowledge and understanding), independently and with adequate critical ability (making judgements). The course will pay attention to improving communication skills (communication skills) in various professional contexts. Students will acquire skills to promote their own self-improvement (learning skills).

Teacher's Profile


Definition of substrate. Organic, inorganic and synthetic substrates. Requirements that condition the choice of a substrate. Chemical and physical characteristics. Description of the most important substrates.


Oral test


Course outlines.
'Colture fuori suolo. Idroponica e coltivazione in substrato' Edagricole. Incrocci, Malorgio, Massa.
‘Florovivaismo: principi e tecniche’ Edagricole. Scariot, De Pascale, Ferrante, Romano.


the frequency is strongly recommended


Colture fuori suolo. Idroponica e coltivazione in substrato' Edagricole. Incrocci, Malorgio, Massa.
‘Florovivaismo: principi e tecniche’ Edagricole. Scariot, De Pascale, Ferrante, Romano.



First Semester3AGR/16ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide basic knowledge for microbiology and some technical informations on microbiological management of seed, soil and substrates. The main microbiological traits of some relevant substrates will be specifically presented and the application of beneficial microrganisms on substrates will be discussed.
Students will be able to acquire knowledge, skills, and judgmentin different production contests and for nursery. Additional objectives include improving learning abilities and communication skills, specifically the ability to present topics related to the microbiology of interface plant-soilsand substrates using appropriate terminology.

Teacher's Profile


Basic knowledge for the cellular ultrastructures and Bacterial Domaine. Basic knowledge of microbial growth phases and the microbial monitoring by conventional approach. Microbiology of bacterial and fungal growth in the pot, in substrata (compost, peat, sand, biochar) and at the interface of plant-soil systems. Occurrence of human pathogens in substrata and soilless system. Beneficial microorganisms for the biofertilization and with biostimulative activities for the plants: Glomus spp., Trichoderma spp, PGPR ((Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria), rhizobia and cyanobacteria. Inoculation of beneficial microorganisms in nursey and in soil.


The final exam consists of an oral interview. The evaluation will take into account: knowledge and understanding of the topics studied, capacity for analysis and application of the acquired contents, autonomy of judgment.


Microbiologia Generale e Agraria (a cura di B. Biavati, C. Sorlini), CEA Ed. 2008 ISBN 978-88-408-1394-3..
Through the Moodle platform, the "lecture notes" (slides), lecture notes and scientific articles for consultation will be made available.


The teaching will include lectures (20 hours) and will be integrated with 4 hours of field and laboratory exercises.
Lectures will be published on official DAFNE site.
Lectures will take place on Ex Facoltà di Agraria in via San Camillo de Lellis snc Viterbo - VITERBO (VT)


Lectures will be published on official DAFNE site.
Lectures will take place on Ex Facoltà di Agraria in via San Camillo de Lellis snc Viterbo - VITERBO (VT)


Through the Moodle platform, the "lecture notes" (slides), lecture notes and scientific articles for consultation will be made available to frame the detail of the role of microbiology for agricultural management with special emphasis for soil management.


First Semester 4ita

Learning objectives

Students will acquire a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and technologies in precision agriculture and livestock farming, including sensor systems, microcontrollers, and automation systems.
They will understand how digital technologies impact the management of agricultural and livestock activities and the benefits of implementing these technologies.
Students will learn to apply acquired knowledge in practical settings, using sensors and automation systems to improve the efficiency of agricultural and livestock operations.
They will be able to design and implement precision agriculture solutions tailored to the specific needs of different production contexts.
Students will develop the ability to critically evaluate available technological solutions, selecting the most appropriate ones to optimize business operations.
They will be capable of identifying and managing technical non-conformities within agricultural and livestock systems.
Students will gain communication skills that enable them to present ideas and projects clearly and effectively to colleagues and external stakeholders.
They will be able to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams and adapt their communication to different professional contexts.
Students will develop the ability to learn independently, continuously updating themselves on technological innovations in the agricultural and livestock sectors.
They will be encouraged to participate in work groups and develop research projects on specific topics, thus fostering active and continuous learning.



First Semester4ita

Learning objectives

Students will acquire a thorough understanding of the fundamental concepts and technologies in precision agriculture and livestock farming, including sensor systems, microcontrollers, and automation systems.
They will understand how digital technologies impact the management of agricultural and livestock activities and the benefits of implementing these technologies.
Students will learn to apply acquired knowledge in practical settings, using sensors and automation systems to improve the efficiency of agricultural and livestock operations.
They will be able to design and implement precision agriculture solutions tailored to the specific needs of different production contexts.
Students will develop the ability to critically evaluate available technological solutions, selecting the most appropriate ones to optimize business operations.
They will be capable of identifying and managing technical non-conformities within agricultural and livestock systems.
Students will gain communication skills that enable them to present ideas and projects clearly and effectively to colleagues and external stakeholders.
They will be able to collaborate with multidisciplinary teams and adapt their communication to different professional contexts.
Students will develop the ability to learn independently, continuously updating themselves on technological innovations in the agricultural and livestock sectors.
They will be encouraged to participate in work groups and develop research projects on specific topics, thus fostering active and continuous learning.

Teacher's Profile


Part One
- Introduction to precision agriculture: history, definitions, and digital revolution
- Innovative technologies and economic, environmental, and social changes
- Main sensors in precision agriculture: description and principles of operation
- Sustainable crop production and practical applications of sensors
- Microcontrollers, automation, and electrical actuators

Part Two
- Positioning systems and automated guidance
- Sensors for crops, soil, and multipoint data collection
- Remote sensing and satellite imagery
- Variable rate technology and robotics
- Geostatistical analysis and DSS models


The exam consists of an oral interview covering course topics. Evaluation criteria include:
- Theoretical and applied knowledge
- Use of technical language


- Lecture notes
- Monographic articles indicated during the course


Attendance is not mandatory but is recommended for better learning.


Article Title: Precision Agriculture for Crop and Livestock Farming—Brief Review
Authors: António Monteiro, Sérgio Santos, Pedro H Gonçalves
Year of Publication: 2021
Journal: Animals: an Open Access Journal from MDPI
Abstract: This paper provides a brief review of recent scientific and technological tools and sensors in precision agriculture and their applications in crop and livestock farming. It highlights the evolving nature of precision agriculture due to the necessity of using resources more efficiently. The study reviews current trends in smart farming technologies, which optimize agricultural and livestock production while minimizing waste and costs.
DOI: 10.3390/ani11082345



First Semester4ita

Learning objectives

The student will acquire the basic knowledge useful for setting up: - plans for the collection of data in the farm, under the field conditions and from available databases (e.g. climate data); - dataset for collecting and organizing data; - the processing of data collected through the use of software (e.g. Excel).
The student will have the opportunity to apply knowledge in a working environment, with an understanding of technical terms and the ability to manage data and interact with other professional figures (Agronomists, Nutritionists, Veterinarians).
The student will have the ability to independently develop their own assessments regarding the collection and management of data and datasets.
Ability to work in a team and relate.
Learning will also be verified through work groups on specific topics.

Teacher's Profile


The program includes theoretical and practical-applicative aspects related to:
1. Data collection – origin and structure of collected data: loading (dataset production) and transformation
2. Archiving – production of archives (warehouse or data lake)
3. Processing – methods of converting and organizing data.
4. Cleanup – check, validate and remove errors such as duplicates, inconsistencies, repetitions or bad formats.
5. Analytics – descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive
6. Interpretation of results


In the evaluation of the test (or of the tests) in the attribution of the final grade, the following will be taken into account: the level of knowledge of the demonstrated contents (superficial, appropriate, precise and complete, complete and thorough), the ability to apply the theoretical concepts (errors in the 'apply, discrete, good, well-established, of the capacity for analysis, synthesis and interdisciplinary connections (sufficient, good, excellent), of the capacity of critical sense and of making judgments (sufficient, good, excellent), of the mastery of expression (lacking exposure, simple, clear and correct, safe and correct). In particular, the judgment and the final grade will take into account the knowledge and concepts acquired, the ability to analyze problems, to connect interdisciplinary knowledge, to formulate hypotheses and judgments, mastery and clarity of expression and exposure. The exam will be taken in writing or orally.
The candidate must demonstrate that he has acquired knowledge in the field of data management and interpretation. The final grade will be formulated taking into account the level of knowledge of the contents, the capacity for analysis, synthesis and interdisciplinary connections, the capacity for critical sense and clarity of presentation.


teaching material provided by the teacher


Teaching for a total of 32 hours of which 8 of lectures, 10 of seminars and 14 of practical activities and exercises.
Seminars – On specific topics taught by professionals and experts in the field of data management and processing.
Exercises - Technical visits to companies.


There is no compulsory attendance of lessons.


Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding skills
The teaching aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding skills, such as:
- Knowing and understanding the salient features of the entomological world
- knowing the logic of post-embryonic development and the fundamental morphological characters. - To know and understand the biology and ethology of insects, with particular regard to phytophagous and beneficial insects
Applied knowledge and understanding
Teaching will enable knowledge and understanding to be applied, for example
- Recognize an insect down to family level.
- Apply population control systems according to the ethology of the phytophagous
- Develop manual skills in entomological management at both the nursery and field level
- Identify the logic of agricultural production and develop appropriate entomological pest control systems
Autonomy of judgement
Teaching allows the development of autonomy of judgement at various levels, such as
- Hypothesizing the main phytophagous insects of greenhouses and open fields
- propose the most appropriate control strategies
Communication skills
Participating in lectures and exercises, making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the development and application of communication skills, such as
- provide a sufficient range of practical examples of the application of recognition and control systems
- using appropriate and up-to-date technical agronomic vocabulary.
Learning skills
Participating in the lectures and exercises, making independent use of the material made available will facilitate the consolidation of one's learning skills, enabling one to, for example
- stimulate an autonomous program of continuous knowledge updating.
- autonomously identify ways to acquire information from the experiential knowledge of farmers and nursery managers and the professional knowledge of agronomists
- identify and use the most useful sources of information for personal updating.



First Semester3AGR/11ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding skills
The teaching aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding skills, such as:
- Knowing and understanding the salient features of the entomological world
- knowing the logic of post-embryonic development and the fundamental morphological characters. - To know and understand the biology and ethology of insects, with particular regard to phytophagous and beneficial insects
Applied knowledge and understanding
Teaching will enable knowledge and understanding to be applied, for example
- Recognize an insect down to family level.
- Apply population control systems according to the ethology of the phytophagous
- Develop manual skills in entomological management at both the nursery and field level
- Identify the logic of agricultural production and develop appropriate entomological pest control systems
Autonomy of judgement
Teaching allows the development of autonomy of judgement at various levels, such as
- Hypothesizing the main phytophagous insects of greenhouses and open fields
- propose the most appropriate control strategies
Communication skills
Participating in lectures and exercises, making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the development and application of communication skills, such as
- provide a sufficient range of practical examples of the application of recognition and control systems
- using appropriate and up-to-date technical agronomic vocabulary.
Learning skills
Participating in the lectures and exercises, making independent use of the material made available will facilitate the consolidation of one's learning skills, enabling one to, for example
- stimulate an autonomous program of continuous knowledge updating.
- autonomously identify ways to acquire information from the experiential knowledge of farmers and nursery managers and the professional knowledge of agronomists
- identify and use the most useful sources of information for personal updating.

Teacher's Profile


Generalities on insects; external morphology; Nervous system and sense organs; Digestive system; Circulatory system; Secretory and excretory systems; Reproductive system; Pheromones; Post embryonic development; Moulting; Metamorphosis; Means of population control: biological, agronomic, cultural, physical, mechanical, chemical. Modern inorganic and organic active ingredients. Microbiological insecticides. Phytotoxicity; Modes of penetration and mechanisms of action of insecticides; Selectivity; Toxicity to humans; Resistance; Outlines of legislation; Biological control; Intervention thresholds; Integrated pest management (IPM).

2) Special Part
Functional groups, case studies in nursery and seed production.


The final grade will consider: the level of knowledge of the contents, the ability to apply theoretical concepts, synthesis, critical sense, mastery of expression.
During the exam, the student will be shown three insects to be taxonomically framed. Subsequently, the student will be asked to critically discuss a case study of entomological problems of nurseries and seeds.


Copies of slides shown during lectures, supplemented by lecture notes and/or Open Access books and publications.
A. Pollini, 2002. Handbook of Applied Entomology. Agricultural Ed, Bologna.


Lectures will be conducted in the classroom with powerpoint presentation. Laboratory activities will be conducted for learning the methods of entomological preparation of insects. Hands-on activities will be conducted at selected nurseries.


There will be frontal lessons, classroom exercises of the didactic collections and activities in the agricultural experimental farm "Nello Lupori" and in selected nurseries of the province of Viterbo.


Websites of reference for the regulatory update and for all the bibliographic information useful during the course:

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Learning objectives

Modulo di Chimica generale
Other objectives are the acquisition of a high degree of autonomy in reading and interpreting simple chemical formulas and reactions, in managing the principles that regulate the foundations of chemical reactivity and the ability to communicate the concepts acquired, using appropriate terminology.
The course aims to provide students with the tools for a basic understanding of the structure of matter and chemical phenomena, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.
Knowledge and understanding. Provide a basic knowledge of the structure, nomenclature, and properties of the main chemical compounds.
Applied knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connect the topics of the course and to also be able to explain phenomena related to everyday life problems
Autonomy of judgment. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret them and solve exercises.
Learning skills. Develop the ability to describe the topics covered with propriety of language, clarity of exposition, ability to summarize, critical sense.
Ability to learn. Learn the tools to use for problem solving.

Modulo di Chimica organica
The course is structured to provide students with a basic knowledge of Organic Chemistryto achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and understanding. Provide a basic understanding of the structure, nomenclature, properties and reactivity of the main compounds.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connect the topics of the course and also be able to explain phenomena related to problems of everyday life.
Making judgements. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret and solve the exercises.
Communication skills. Develop the ability to describe course topics with language properties, clarity, synthesis skills and critical meaning.
Learning skills. Learn the tools to use forsolving exercises.

MODULE IIFirst Semester2CHIM/03ita

Learning objectives

Modulo di Chimica generale
Other objectives are the acquisition of a high degree of autonomy in reading and interpreting simple chemical formulas and reactions, in managing the principles that regulate the foundations of chemical reactivity and the ability to communicate the concepts acquired, using appropriate terminology.
The course aims to provide students with the tools for a basic understanding of the structure of matter and chemical phenomena, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.
Knowledge and understanding. Provide a basic knowledge of the structure, nomenclature, and properties of the main chemical compounds.
Applied knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connect the topics of the course and to also be able to explain phenomena related to everyday life problems
Autonomy of judgment. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret them and solve exercises.
Learning skills. Develop the ability to describe the topics covered with propriety of language, clarity of exposition, ability to summarize, critical sense.
Ability to learn. Learn the tools to use for problem solving.

Modulo di Chimica organica
The course is structured to provide students with a basic knowledge of Organic Chemistryto achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and understanding. Provide a basic understanding of the structure, nomenclature, properties and reactivity of the main compounds.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connect the topics of the course and also be able to explain phenomena related to problems of everyday life.
Making judgements. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret and solve the exercises.
Communication skills. Develop the ability to describe course topics with language properties, clarity, synthesis skills and critical meaning.
Learning skills. Learn the tools to use forsolving exercises.



First Semester2CHIM/06ita

Learning objectives

The course is structured to provide students with a basic knowledge of Organic Chemistryto achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and understanding. Provide a basic understanding of the structure, nomenclature, properties and reactivity of the main compounds.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connect the topics of the course and also be able to explain phenomena related to problems of everyday life.
Making judgements. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret and solve the exercises.
Communication skills. Develop the ability to describe course topics with language properties, clarity, synthesis skills and critical meaning.
Learning skills. Learn the tools to use for solving exercises.

Teacher's Profile


Alkanes: structure, nomenclature and properties. Structural isomers. Conformational isomers. Alkenes: structure, nomenclature and properties. Cis-trans isomers, E/Z. Alkynes, halogenated compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene derivatives, aromatic heterocyclic compounds, alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids: structure, nomenclature and properties. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Acidity. Amines: structure, nomenclature and properties. Stereoisomery. Chiral molecules.


The course is organized on lectures. To achieve the pre-established educational objectives, during each lesson, many exercises are proposed and solved useful for their application and understanding.


It is recommended to study the topics of the course using the lecturer's slides, made available on the Moodle platform, deepening the topics and doing the exercises available in the proposed textbook: Chimica Organica Essenziale - B. Botta, Edi-ermes


The course is organized on lectures. To achieve the pre-established educational objectives, during each lesson, many exercises are proposed and solved useful for their application and understanding.


Strongly recommended


See ‘Adopted texts’ section

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Second Semester 4AGR/10ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and Understanding
The course aims to provide students with the theoretical knowledge, techniques and organizational instructions to be able to manage climate control and automation in protected crop structures.
In this context, students are expected to know the principles and criteria for the choice of green house type, roofing material and indoor environment control systems.
Applied Knowledge and Understanding
The courseaims to foster the student'sacquisition of such knowledge and understanding to be able to manageplantcultivation facilities in a protectedenvironment.
Autonomy in Judgment
The courseaims to developstudents' autonomy of judgement in terms of dealing with problemsrelated to plantcultivationstructures in a protectedenvironment.
Communication Skills
The student is expected to acquire a basic technical language relating to the topics covered in the lectures and exercises, in order to be able to converse with professionals and experts in the field of protected plant cultivation facilities.
Learning Skills
The course is aimed at fostering the development of the necessary skills in the use of technology, such as to ensure the students constant updating of knowledge useful for the performance of his professional activity, with particular regard to the consultation of regulatory, legislative, technological, digital, methodological and experimental innovation sources in relation to structures for the cultivation of plants in protected environments.

Teacher's Profile


Elements of Technical Physics. Heat transmission: conduction, convection, radiation. Mollier's diagram of moist air. Psychrometric formulas. Solar radiation: U.V., visible, short, medium and long infrared. Models for calculating solar radiation. Transmittance to solar radiation of greenhouse roofing materials, the greenhouse effect, the choice of greenhouse roofing materials. The greenhouse covering materials: glass, rigid and flexible transparent plastic laminates, screens, sheets, nets. Types and construction features of greenhouses. The energy balance of greenhouses. Greenhouse air conditioning: systems for controlling temperature, relative humidity, light, CO2. Soilless cultivation systems. Computerized control and management systems. Legislative and environmental aspects.


Written tests during the course, final oral exam


Didactic material given by the teacher during the course
UNI-EN 13031-1 “Greenhouses: Design and Construction. Part 1: Commercial production greenhouses” Milano


Classroom lessons, exercises. Technical visits


Free participation in lessons and exercises



Second Semester 6AGR/07ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and insight
The course aims to provide the necessary information for understanding the theoretical and experimental bases of classical and modern genetics, with particularr eference to: structure and function of the hereditary material, flow of genetic information from DNA to proteins, chromosomal bases of heredity, inheritance of simple and complex traits, genetic variability as the basis for species evolution and genetic improvement, objectives and specific methods of breeding plants with different reproductive systems.
Applying knowledge and insight
The course topics will be covered so to provide an understanding of:temporal evolution of scientifict hought that led to discoveries, value of intuition and experimental verification, universality of the principles on which biological evolution is based, logical connection betweenstructure and function, transferability of principles and knowledge from model organisms to organisms of agricultural interest, importance of knowledge from other disciplines that are fundamental for the correct interpretation of the results.
Through the program, students acquire new knowledge that they will elaborate with the knowledge already acquired in other fundamental disciplines, to contextualize the importance of genetics in the evolution of life and the maintenance of species.
Communication skills will be stimulated during the lessons to make students understand the importance of using appropriate and specific language in the presentation and the importance of comparing and verifying knowledge (between students and between students and teacher).
Learning skills
The course aims to strengthen the foundations in genomics and related fundamental disciplines to enable students to continue in-depth and specialized studies with an improved level of autonomy.

Teacher's Profile


1. General genetics
• Introduction to genetics; biological diversity and role of organic macromolecules
• Structure of genetic material (nucleic acids) and DNA replication; chromosomes and chromatin
• Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis
• Flow of genetic information from DNA to proteins: transcription and translation, genetic code
• Mutations (point, chromosomal, genomic)
• Gene expression regulation
• Mendelian genetics and principles of trait inheritance; backcross, chi-square test
• Genetic linkage, recombination and genetic maps
• Excercice

2. Plant breeding
• Basis of quantitative genetics, continuous variability, genetic and phenotypic components of variability, basis of statistical analysis.
• Basis of population genetics
• Introduction, origin and evolution of cultivated species, exploitation of genetic biodiversity as a source of useful genes
• Methods to create new variability, inter- and intra-specific hybridization
• Interaction between genes, environment and phenotype
• Characterization of trait polymorphism, phenotypic and genotypic selection
• Reproductive systems and barriers of cultivated species
• Methods of breeding autogamous crops
• Methods of breeding allogamous crops


The exam consists of a single oral test on the topics covered in the hours of lessons. The final mark will be awarded based on the following parameters: level of knowledge of the contents, reasoning and analytical skills, and ability to make connections between different interdisciplinary topics. An intermediate test based on the first half of the program is foreseen.


1. Lorenzetti F, Ceccarelli S, Veronesi F, Rosellini D, Albertini E: Genetica agraria, Patron Editore, 5a edizione, 2023
2. material provided by the teacher - lesson slides


The course consists mainly of frontal lessons, classroom/laboratory exercises and/or didactic visits to the University experimental farm.


Attendance is not mandatory but is strongly recommended for practical exercises.


1. Russell PJ : Genetics: a molecular approach, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Inc, 2010
2. Barcaccia G, Falcinelli M: Genetica et Genomica. Vol. II. Plant breeding. Liguori Editore S.r.l., 2011



Second Semester 6AGR/02ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the basic knowledge of seed technology and quality, and the full understanding of the topics developed during lectures, for their application in the seed industry. Upon ending the course, students will be able to elaborate and solve the most common problems of seed supply chain. Particularly, students will be able to compare, choose, apply and plan simple procedures of seed selection, analysis, and quality improvement. Additional objectives are: the development of knowledge useful for future competences, skills, and judgment in the management of plant production, as well as the ability to communicate the acquired concepts with an appropriate terminology.

Teacher's Profile


During the course, the following aspects will be addressed:
- The importance of using high quality seeds in agriculture;
- Main features determining the seed value;
- Agronomic practices for seed production in some crops;
- Identification of crop seeds;
- Seed selection and conservation;
- Seed testing;
- Seed control and certification.


The oral exam is based on three questions. The first concerns the identification of crop seeds.
Each question will be evaluated according to a 0-10 score.
The final score will be determined by the following aspects: knowledge, ability to think critically and to summarize, correct use of technical terminology
The right answer to the first question is compulsory.


Ciriciofolo E., Benincasa P. 2017. Sementi: biologia, produzione e tecnologia. Edagricole


- Lessons (about 26 hours);
- Lab activity (about 12 hours);
- Seminars on specific topics (about 4 hours);
- External visits (about 6 hours).


Attendance is optional


Ciriciofolo E., Benincasa P. 2017. Sementi: biologia, produzione e tecnologia. Edagricole

Lecture notes

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Second Semester 6AGR/09ita

Learning objectives

The course is structured to provide students with a basic knowledge of mechanization necessary for the selection of agricultural machinery. This includes functional aspects, management, dimensioning, time and cost of agricultural operations in the seed and nursery fields.
In detail:
Knowledge and understanding skills. Basic knowledge of mechanics applied to machinery, operation of agricultural machinery, propulsion and transmission systems, and energy sources. Knowledge of the types of operating machines, technologies, equipment and the related operations in seed and nursery. Knowledge of the techniques and parameters for selecting a machinery fleet according to the context.
Applied knowledge and understanding skills. Develop the ability to determine the operational context, mechanical, technical, agronomic and economic parameters for the choice of tractors, operating machines and technologies, with their combination and dimensioning according to the business context.
Autonomy of judgment. Develop the ability to analyze data and situations to evaluate machines and technologies with reference to the specific context.
Communication skills. Develop the ability to discuss on the topics covered and interact with stakeholders in agricultural mechanics with propriety of language, clarity, ability to summarize and critical sense.
Ability to learn. Learn the tools to gain autonomy and deepen aspects related to machines and technologies to be used for the improvement of various business contexts.

Teacher's Profile


Notes on physics
Engines and efficiency
Tractors and machine classification
Labor analysis and operating costs of machines
Work organization and safety
Crop operations
Preliminary work and soil preparation
Seeding and transplanting
Main machines for seed and nursery production
Machinery for the distribution of plant protection products, chemical risk and phytosanitary regulations
Plant and equipment in greenhouses for nursery production
Overview of urban green machinery, techniques and instruments (planting and management of grass mats and tree care and management)


The exam will be oral and will be performed with a detailed presentation of a machine of the student's choice and will follow with one or two questions on the entire program.
The questions will be aimed at ascertaining the student's theoretical knowledge of the topics presented in class and at testing the student's ability to analyze and evaluate contexts for selecting machines and technologies for practical application.
The presentation and questions will each constitute 1/3 the overall grade of the test, which will be considered passed following the attainment of a mark of 18/30.
In addition to theoretical knowledge, ownership of language and the level of assimilation of the topics will be assessed, going by the ability to reason and connect the topics and the application in practical cases.


L. Bodria - G. Pellizzi - P. Piccarolo, Meccanica Agraria, Vol I e II, Edagricole

P. Biondi Meccanica Agraria. Le Macchine Agricole, UTET

P. Amirante Lezioni di Meccanica Agraria, Vol I, II, III


Teaching will be done in the classroom with face-to-face lectures and contextually virtually via online connection.
Two or three field demonstrations will be conducted depending on the availability of host institutions and companies.


Attendance at lectures is optional.


L. Bodria - G. Pellizzi - P. Piccarolo, Meccanica Agraria, Vol I e II, Edagricole

P. Biondi Meccanica Agraria. Le Macchine Agricole, UTET

P. Amirante Lezioni di Meccanica Agraria, Vol I, II, III

119394 - - 8- -

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with all the theoretical knowledge and practical skills for carrying out physical determinations on substrates. Another objective is to understand how and to what extent these analysis and therefore the knowledge of the specific characteristics of the substrate in use can influence and improve first the choice and then the management of the same.
Other objectives common to all modules are: ability to read and interpret an analysis sheet of a sample, be it soil or substrate; knowledge of the fundamental parameters for the physical and chemical characterization and classification of a soil or substrate; acquisition of the methods for carrying out a complete analysis of a soil or substrate sample from sampling to the drafting of the final report according to the methods reported in the Official Gazette.

MODULE IIFirst Semester2ita

Learning objectives

The course is structured to provide students with general both theoretical and practical knowledge of the main soil and substrate analyzes to achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and understanding. Provide all the main physical and chemical analyzes of the soil and substrates on both a solid and liquid matrix will be taken into consideration and analyzed in detail, first with theoretical explanations and then with practical exercises in the laboratory.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connectthe topics of the course.
Making judgements. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret it and solve exercises.
Communication skills. Develop the ability to describe the topics covered with language skills, expository clarity, synthesis ability and critical sense.
Learning skills. Learn the tools and methodologies to use for carrying out laboratory analyzes and interpreting the results obtained.

MODULE IIFirst Semester2ita

Learning objectives

The course is structured to provide students with general both theoretical and practical knowledge of the main soil and substrate analyzes to achieve the following educational objectives:
Knowledge and understanding. Provide all the main physical and chemical analyzes of the soil and substrates on both a solid and liquid matrix will be taken into consideration and analyzed in detail, first with theoretical explanations and then with practical exercises in the laboratory.
Applying knowledge and understanding. Develop the ability to connectthe topics of the course.
Making judgements. Develop the ability to analyze data, interpret it and solve exercises.
Communication skills. Develop the ability to describe the topics covered with language skills, expository clarity, synthesis ability and critical sense.
Learning skills. Learn the tools and methodologies to use for carrying out laboratory analyzes and interpreting the results obtained.



First Semester2ita

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with all the theoretical knowledge and practical skills for carrying out physical determinations of the soil. Another objective is to understand how and to what extent soil analysis and therefore knowledge of its characteristics can influence and improve its agronomic management.
Other objectives common to all modules are: ability to read and interpret an analysis sheet of a sample, be it soil or substrate; knowledge of the fundamental parameters for the physical and chemical characterization and classification of a soil or substrate; acquisition of the methods for carrying out a complete analysis of a soil or substrate sample from sampling to the drafting of the final report according to the methods reported in the Official Gazette.



First Semester2ita

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to provide students with all the theoretical knowledge and practical skills for carrying out physical determinations on substrates. Another objective is to understand how and to what extent these analysis and therefore the knowledge of the specific characteristics of the substrate in use can influence and improve first the choice and then the management of the same.
Other objectives common to all modules are: ability to read and interpret an analysis sheet of a sample, be it soil or substrate; knowledge of the fundamental parameters for the physical and chemical characterization and classification of a soil or substrate; acquisition of the methods for carrying out a complete analysis of a soil or substrate sample from sampling to the drafting of the final report according to the methods reported in the Official Gazette.


Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding skills
The teaching aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding skills, such as:
- Knowing and understanding the salient features of the entomological world
- knowing the logic of post-embryonic development and the fundamental morphological characters. - To know and understand the biology and ethology of insects, with particular regard to phytophagous and beneficial insects
Applied knowledge and understanding
Teaching will enable knowledge and understanding to be applied, for example
- Recognize an insect down to family level.
- Apply population control systems according to the ethology of the phytophagous
- Develop manual skills in entomological management at both the nursery and field level
- Identify the logic of agricultural production and develop appropriate entomological pest control systems
Autonomy of judgement
Teaching allows the development of autonomy of judgement at various levels, such as
- Hypothesizing the main phytophagous insects of greenhouses and open fields
- propose the most appropriate control strategies
Communication skills
Participating in lectures and exercises, making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the development and application of communication skills, such as
- provide a sufficient range of practical examples of the application of recognition and control systems
- using appropriate and up-to-date technical agronomic vocabulary.
Learning skills
Participating in the lectures and exercises, making independent use of the material made available will facilitate the consolidation of one's learning skills, enabling one to, for example
- stimulate an autonomous program of continuous knowledge updating.
- autonomously identify ways to acquire information from the experiential knowledge of farmers and nursery managers and the professional knowledge of agronomists
- identify and use the most useful sources of information for personal updating.



First Semester3AGR/12ita

Learning objectives

The course includes teaching the basics of plant pathology, understood as a basis of microbiology, principles of diagnostics and phytoiatry, applied to seeds and crops in a protected environment. Through lectures, the student will obtain the preparatory knowledge for practical transfer in field and laboratory activities. Particular attention will be paid to certification and prevention as control techniques in the community, evaluating limits and application potential through the analysis of some case studies.
Knowledge and understanding
The course will provide students with basic knowledge of plant pathology applied to seed production and conservation systems, and protected cultivation environments. The student will learn to decline the principles of plant pathology in particular production contexts such as nurseries and structures for the propagation and maintenance of plant material.
Applied knowledge and understanding
The student will be able to recognize the mainabiotic and biotechnological adversities of agricultural, ornamental and forestry crops, evaluate the effectiveness of plantdisease control systems and suggest low environmental impact defense techniques.
Autonomy of judgment
The course will allow to develop the ability to evaluate the positive aspects and application limits of the maincropprotection techniques in a protected environment in relation to the severity and biological characteristics of plant pathogens.
Communication skills
Students will be able to explain with a technical-scientific language the phytosanitary problemsthataffect nursery production contexts.
Learning skills
Students will be able to independently develop valuations and reasoning on the strategies for fighting and containing phytosanitary problems, apply the notionslearnedthrough case studies to all production contexts to define the approaches for recognizing, isolating and maintaining plant pathogens.

Teacher's Profile


General concepts of plant pathology, main causal agents: bacteria, phytoplasms, viruses, fungi, oomycetes, integrated strategies, chemcial strategies, biological strategies, legislative strategies, agronomic strategies. case studies about the main plant diseases of seeds and nurseries.


Exams about the program


Slides, books of Plant Pathology (Belli or Vannacci), material fournished by the Professor


Not mandatory


Slides, books of Plant Pathology (Belli or Vannacci), material fournished by the Professor

119395 -


First Semester 4AGR/02ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: developing the knowledge about the basics of biology and agronomic practices for seed production.
Capacity to apply knowledge and understanding: understanding factors influencing seed production
To be able to analyze the following aspects: agronomic factors of seed production, certification system and the most important laws of the sector.
To be able to describe the themes related to the management of seed production for the most important crops. This ability will be improved through discussions in classroom, lab and during exercise activity
To be able to face questions speaking with an appropriate technical language.

Teacher's Profile


Importance of the seed in modern agriculture. - The seed chain - Aspects of seed quality - Ecological factors and agronomic aspects of seed crops - The main crops weeds from seed. Varietal constitutions. Production of hybrid seeds by manual and chemical emasculation, male sterility and self-incompatibility - European, national and regional seed legislation. The protection of varieties. Varietal registers - Certification of seeds and field checks - Recognition of seeds of the main species of agricultural interest and weeds.


Questions will have the aim to verify the comprehension of the topics discussed during the course and listed in the program.
The oral exam is based on three questions: 1) physiological basis of seed production; 2) analysis of a crop for seed production; 3) focus on some aspects of production and the seed market.
Each question will be evaluated according to a 0-10 scoring scale, taking into account the following aspects: understanding level of the subject; ability to analyse and sum the topic up, correct use of techical language


Ciriciofolo e BenincasaSementi - Biologia, produzione e tecnologia. Edizioni Agricole di New Business Media srl, 2017 Università di Perugia. 2001
Favero La semente. Requisiti, normativa, produzione e tecnologia. Reda, 1983
Quagliotti Produzione delle sementi ortive. Edagricole, 1992


Lessons and field exercises


In-person and online lessons
In-person exercises


Further in-depth material will be recommended by the teacher during the course



First Semester 4AGR/05ita

Learning objectives

Learn the main concepts regarding knowledge and understanding of the biology of forestspecies and the applicationprinciples of forest nursery.
Be able to apply the diagnosticmethodologiesnecessary for the identification of trees of nursery interestaimedattheirchoice and optimal use. Collectuseful data to understand the reproductionmethods and the customary and innovative uses of eachwoodyspecies in the variousItalianforestry consortia, in arboriculture projects and in urbangreenery; understand the biologicalprinciplesthat guide the technical activities from seedcollection to their use.
Be able to interpretexperimentalresults and apply the knowledge acquired in high-qualityforestrymaterial production programs. Develop a critical and independentsense to make appropriate choices and define future projects, demonstrating a professionalapproachboth to design and support arguments and to solve problems of management, conservation and enrichment of public and private greenery.
Acquire technical terminology to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to the scientific and public community in a clear and detailedmanner.
Develop learning skills necessary to undertakesubsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy. Recognize and design urbangreenery in reference to the conservation of localbiodiversity, includingreflection on social, scientific or ethicalissuesrelated to it.

Teacher's Profile


Introduction to the Italian forest biodiversity: definition, importance and threats.
Introduction to the Italian forest flora: general characters of trees and populations, forest biomes and climatic regions, species distributions, taxonomy and diagnostic characters of the main tree species used in nuersry activities.
Forest seeds: biology, harvesting and conservation. provenance regions. National regulations.
Forest seeds: dormancy and germination. Routine vitality and germination tests.


Three questions on the topics treated during the course: forest flora, biodiversity applications, seed treatments and conservation.


Lesson notes and PowerPoint presentations provided by the teacher
Piotto, Di Noi “Propagazione per seme di alberi e arbusti della flora Mediterranea” Manuale ANPA 2001




Magini E. “Appunti di Vivaistica Forestale”. Cusl Firenze 1985
“Biodiversità e vivaistica forestale” Manuale APAT 2003

119399 - - 6- -

Learning objectives

The courseaims to introduce the vegetablecropsector and define the concept of youngplantquality. Students will be able to learn and gain knowledge aboutsoilless systems, biostimulants and other innovative technical inputs, and some case studies. At the end of the course, studentswill be able to apply the acquired knowledge in different production realities (applying knowledge and understanding), independently and with adequatecriticalability (making judgements). The coursewillpayattention to improvingcommunication skills (communication skills) in variousprofessionalcontexts. Students willacquire skills to promotetheirown self-improvement (learning skills).



Second Semester3AGR/04ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide knowledge on the general aspects of the floriculture nursery with reference to production processes and product quality, and specific knowledge on the agronomic planning and management of specific floriculture species.

Teacher's Profile


Introduction to horticultural nurseries. The nursery. Specific topics: gamic and agamic propagation (cuttings, grafting, micropropagation), size control, flowering planning, pots. Presentation of some case studies: gerbera, pelargonium, lilium, chrysanthemum.


Oral test


Course outlines.
Libro ‘Florovivaismo: principi e tecniche’ a cura di V. Scariot, S. De Pascale, A. Ferrante, D. Romano. Edagricole


the frequency is strongly recommended


Course outlines.
Libro ‘Florovivaismo: principi e tecniche’ a cura di V. Scariot, S. De Pascale, A. Ferrante, D. Romano. Edagricole



Second Semester3AGR/04ita

Learning objectives

The courseaims to introduce the vegetablecropsector and define the concept of youngplantquality. Students will be able to learn and gain knowledge aboutsoilless systems, biostimulants and other innovative technical inputs, and some case studies. At the end of the course, studentswill be able to apply the acquired knowledge in different production realities (applying knowledge and understanding), independently and with adequatecriticalability (making judgements). The coursewillpayattention to improvingcommunication skills (communication skills) in variousprofessionalcontexts. Students willacquire skills to promotetheirown self-improvement (learning skills).

Teacher's Profile


Presentation of the horticultural sector and definition of the quality of young plants. Soilless systems. Biostimulants in horticulture. Tomato and other case studies


Oral test


Course outlines.
Orticoltura. Principi e pratica'. Edagricole. Curatori: Pardossi, Gianquinto, Santamaria, Incrocci
'Colture fuori suolo. Idroponica e coltivazione in substrato' Edagricole. Incrocci, Malorgio, Massa.
'Biostimolanti per un'agricoltura sostenibile' Ed. Informatore Agrario. Curatori: Colla, Rouphael


the frequency is strongly recommended


Orticoltura. Principi e pratica'. Edagricole. Curatori: Pardossi, Gianquinto, Santamaria, Incrocci
'Colture fuori suolo. Idroponica e coltivazione in substrato' Edagricole. Incrocci, Malorgio, Massa.
'Biostimolanti per un'agricoltura sostenibile' Ed. Informatore Agrario. Curatori: Colla, Rouphael

119398 - - 8- -

Learning objectives

Modulo di Entomologia
To provide students with: concepts related to entomological monitoring systems both in field and greenhouse; to carry out direct and indirect monitoring activities
Knowledge and understanding skills
The teaching aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding skills, such as:
- Knowing and verifying the salient features of the entomological world
- To know the logics of greenhouse insect behavior.
- To know and test greenhouse insect sampling methodologies.
Applied knowledge and understanding
Teaching will enable the application of knowledge and understanding, enabling, for example:
- Develop greenhouse monitoring methodologies
- Develop manual skills in entomological management at the nursery and field level.
Autonomy of judgement
Teaching will enable autonomy of judgement to be developed at various levels, such as
- hypothesising the main phytophagous insects in greenhouses
- propose the most appropriate monitoring strategies
Communication skills
Participating in lectures and tutorials and making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the development and application of communication skills, such as
- provide a sufficient range of practical examples of the application of greenhouse monitoring systems
- using appropriate and up-to-date technical agronomic vocabulary.
Learning skills
Participating in lectures and exercises and making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the consolidation of one's learning skills, enabling one to, for example
- stimulate an autonomous program of continuous knowledge updating.
- autonomously identify ways to acquire information from the experiential knowledge of farmers and nursery managers and the professional knowledge of agronomists
- identify and use the most useful sources of information for personal updating.

Modulo di Tecnologia delle sementi
The course, through lab activities,will help students developpractical abilities to carry out, independently,the most common seed analyses, for their application in seed industry and/or in seed testing laboratories. Upon ending the course, students will be able to:i) recognize and use some seed testing tools, ii) conduct and asses the most common seed tests. Additional objectives are: the development of knowledge useful for future competences, skills, and judgment in the management of plant production, as well as the ability to communicate the acquired abilities with an appropriate terminology.

Modulo di Patologia
Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the main techniques of a microbiological laboratory; knowledge of biological diagnosis methods; knowledge of the protocols for evaluating the phytosanitary safety of seeds
Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to use an optical microscope, knowing how to produce a culture medium for microbiology, knowing how to isolate a pathogen from a symptomatic tissue.
Making judgements: being able to interpret the result of a microbiological test
Communication skills: knowing the technical terminology of a microbiological laboratory, knowing how to read, understand and explain a protocol
Learning skills: knowledge of IT tools and websites from which to obtain protocols and information for evaluating the phytosanitary safety of seeds

Modulo di Normativa sementiera
Provide students with: concepts related to the regulatory aspects of the seed sector in Italy and Europe
Knowledge and understanding
The teaching aims to develop in students knowledge of the regulatory framework of the seed sector in Italy and Europe
Applied knowledge and understanding
The teaching will allow to apply knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework of seed production and marketing
Autonomy of judgment
The teaching will allow to develop autonomy of judgment of the regulatory framework of seed production
Learning skills
Ability to use an appropriate and updated technical language.

Modulo di Produzione sementiera
Knowledge and understanding: developing the knowledge about the basics of agronomic practices for seed production.
Capacity to apply knowledge and understanding: understanding factors influencing seed production
To be able to analyze the following aspects: agronomic factors of seed production.
To be able to describe the themes related to the management of seed production for the most important crops. This ability will be improved through discussions in laboratory and during exercise activity.
To be able to face questions speaking with an appropriate technical language.



Second Semester2ita

Learning objectives

Modulo di Entomologia
To provide students with: concepts related to entomological monitoring systems both in field and greenhouse; to carry out direct and indirect monitoring activities
Knowledge and understanding skills
The teaching aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding skills, such as:
- Knowing and verifying the salient features of the entomological world
- To know the logics of greenhouse insect behavior.
- To know and test greenhouse insect sampling methodologies.
Applied knowledge and understanding
Teaching will enable the application of knowledge and understanding, enabling, for example:
- Develop greenhouse monitoring methodologies
- Develop manual skills in entomological management at the nursery and field level.
Autonomy of judgement
Teaching will enable autonomy of judgement to be developed at various levels, such as
- hypothesising the main phytophagous insects in greenhouses
- propose the most appropriate monitoring strategies
Communication skills
Participating in lectures and tutorials and making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the development and application of communication skills, such as
- provide a sufficient range of practical examples of the application of greenhouse monitoring systems
- using appropriate and up-to-date technical agronomic vocabulary.
Learning skills
Participating in lectures and exercises and making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the consolidation of one's learning skills, enabling one to, for example
- stimulate an autonomous program of continuous knowledge updating.
- autonomously identify ways to acquire information from the experiential knowledge of farmers and nursery managers and the professional knowledge of agronomists
- identify and use the most useful sources of information for personal updating.

Modulo di Tecnologia delle sementi
The course, through lab activities,will help students developpractical abilities to carry out, independently,the most common seed analyses, for their application in seed industry and/or in seed testing laboratories. Upon ending the course, students will be able to:i) recognize and use some seed testing tools, ii) conduct and asses the most common seed tests. Additional objectives are: the development of knowledge useful for future competences, skills, and judgment in the management of plant production, as well as the ability to communicate the acquired abilities with an appropriate terminology.

Modulo di Patologia
Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the main techniques of a microbiological laboratory; knowledge of biological diagnosis methods; knowledge of the protocols for evaluating the phytosanitary safety of seeds
Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to use an optical microscope, knowing how to produce a culture medium for microbiology, knowing how to isolate a pathogen from a symptomatic tissue.
Making judgements: being able to interpret the result of a microbiological test
Communication skills: knowing the technical terminology of a microbiological laboratory, knowing how to read, understand and explain a protocol
Learning skills: knowledge of IT tools and websites from which to obtain protocols and information for evaluating the phytosanitary safety of seeds

Modulo di Normativa sementiera
Provide students with: concepts related to the regulatory aspects of the seed sector in Italy and Europe
Knowledge and understanding
The teaching aims to develop in students knowledge of the regulatory framework of the seed sector in Italy and Europe
Applied knowledge and understanding
The teaching will allow to apply knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework of seed production and marketing
Autonomy of judgment
The teaching will allow to develop autonomy of judgment of the regulatory framework of seed production
Learning skills
Ability to use an appropriate and updated technical language.

Modulo di Produzione sementiera
Knowledge and understanding: developing the knowledge about the basics of agronomic practices for seed production.
Capacity to apply knowledge and understanding: understanding factors influencing seed production
To be able to analyze the following aspects: agronomic factors of seed production.
To be able to describe the themes related to the management of seed production for the most important crops. This ability will be improved through discussions in laboratory and during exercise activity.
To be able to face questions speaking with an appropriate technical language.

Teacher's Profile


Field and laboratory exercises related to:
- agronomic cultivation techniques (soil working, fertilization, irrigation, sowing, weed control, seed collection and conservation)
- analytical determinations
- main herbaceous crops (cereals, grain legumes, oilseeds, fodder and turf)


practical questions for cultivation of the main herbaceous seed crops


Material provided by the teacher


Exercises in farms and seed companies


In-person and online lessons
In-person exercises


Further in-depth material will be recommended by the teacher during the course



Second Semester2ita

Learning objectives

The course, through lab activities,will help students developpractical abilities to carry out, independently,the most common seed analyses, for their application in seed industry and/or in seed testing laboratories. Upon ending the course, students will be able to:i) recognize and use some seed testing tools, ii) conduct and asses the most common seed tests. Additional objectives are: the development of knowledge useful for future competences, skills, and judgment in the management of plant production, as well as the ability to communicate the acquired abilities with an appropriate terminology.

Teacher's Profile


Preparation, completion and check of the result for the following analyses:
- seed purity;
- test weight;
- seed moisture;
- vitrousness;
- germination capacity;
- seedling assessment;
- thousand seed weight.


Written test about the identification of seed testing instruments.


Ciriciofolo E., Benincasa P. 2017. Sementi: biologia, produzione e tecnologia. Edagricole


The students will conduct seed testing in lab


Attendance is optional


Ciriciofolo E., Benincasa P. 2017. Sementi: biologia, produzione e tecnologia. Edagricole

Lecture notes

MODULE IISecond Semester2ita

Learning objectives

Provide students with: concepts related to the regulatory aspects of the seed sector in Italy and Europe
Knowledge and understanding
The teaching aims to develop in students knowledge of the regulatory framework of the seed sector in Italy and Europe
Applied knowledge and understanding
The teaching will allow to apply knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework of seed production and marketing
Autonomy of judgment
The teaching will allow to develop autonomy of judgment of the regulatory framework of seed production
Learning skills
Ability to use an appropriate and updated technical language.



Second Semester1ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of the main techniques of a microbiological laboratory; knowledge of biological diagnosis methods; knowledge of the protocols for evaluating the phytosanitary safety of seeds
Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to use an optical microscope, knowing how to produce a culture medium for microbiology, knowing how to isolate a pathogen from a symptomatic tissue.
Making judgements: being able to interpret the result of a microbiological test
Communication skills: knowing the technical terminology of a microbiological laboratory, knowing how to read, understand and explain a protocol
Learning skills: knowledge of IT tools and websites from which to obtain protocols and information for evaluating the phytosanitary safety of seeds

Teacher's Profile


Biological diagnosis methods through:
- production of culture media for microbiology
- isolation from symptomatic tissue
- principles of optical microscopy
Main microbiological laboratory techniques (sterilization and instruments).
Case study: protocols for the evaluation of seeds contamination


Oral exam


Materials furnished by the prof


Not mandatory


Materials furnished by the prof



Second Semester1ita

Learning objectives

To provide students with: i) concepts related to entomological monitoring systems both in cape and greenhouse; ii) to carry out direct and indirect monitoring activities

Teacher's Profile


Information on entomological monitoring methods will be provided, and direct or indirect monitoring activities will be conducted in the field.


In awarding the final grade, the following will be taken into account: level of content knowledge, ability to apply practical and operational concepts in the field
Project evaluation of activities carried out in the field.


A. Pollini, 2002. Handbook of Applied Entomology. Agricultural Ed, Bologna.


Laboratory activities will be conducted for learning entomological monitoring methods.


Classes will be provided at the farm with field activities.


Websites of reference for the regulatory update and for all the bibliographic information useful during the course:

120016 - - 6- -

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: the courseaim to provide the student with the basicprinciples of biotechnologiesapplicable to molecular marker development and use in marker assistedselection and plant breeding in general.
Applied knowledge and understanding: basicbiotechnologicalmethodologies are introduced with reference to molecular marker.
Making judgements: the advantages and disadvantages of eachpresentedtechnology are illustrated, to develop the student'scriticalsense.
Communication skills: students are askedquestionsduring the classes, both to keeptheirattention and to teachthem to askquestions and giveadequateanswers.
Learning skills: the theoreticalbases of the differentgeneticbiotechnologiespresented are provided and, for some of them, also the practicalbases, throughlaboratory and in silicoexercises.



Second Semester3AGR/03ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding:Students will gain an in-depthunderstanding of the organization of an in vitro culture lab, necessaryequipment, the fundamentals of sexual and asexualmultiplication, and key concepts of micropropagation, includingrelevantlegislation.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Students will apply micropropagation techniques, culture on agar and liquid media, temporary immersion systems, and bioreactors for ex situ conservation and multiplication of temperate fruit species. Additionally, they will implementrooting and acclimatization procedures for micro propagated material
Making judgements: Students will develop the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of various micropropagation techniques and to identify and solve specific issues related to in vitro culture.
Communication skills: Students will enhance their communication skills by clearly presenting the results of their laboratory activities.
Learning skills: The course encourages continuous learning, preparing students to stay updated on new techniques and discoveries in the field of micropropagation.



Second Semester3AGR/07ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: the courseaim to provide the student with the basicprinciples of biotechnologiesapplicable to molecular marker development and use in marker assistedselection and plant breeding in general.
Applied knowledge and understanding: basicbiotechnologicalmethodologies are introduced with reference to molecular marker.
Making judgements: the advantages and disadvantages of eachpresentedtechnology are illustrated, to develop the student'scriticalsense.
Communication skills: students are askedquestionsduring the classes, both to keeptheirattention and to teachthem to askquestions and giveadequateanswers.
Learning skills: the theoreticalbases of the differentgeneticbiotechnologiespresented are provided and, for some of them, also the practicalbases, throughlaboratory and in silicoexercises.

Teacher's Profile


Molecular markers and genetic analysis
Concept of genetic marker and introduction to the analysis of molecular polymorphism.
Biochemical markers. Molecular markers, DNA hybridization and PCR, RFLP markers, RAPD, SCAR, CAPS, AFLP, SSR, and SNP markers.
Use of molecular markers for selection
Formal genetics and development of genetic maps; use of biparental populations (BC, F2, RIL, DH) and multiparental (MAGIC).
Search for markers linked to loci controlling qualitative and quantitative traits; marker assisted selection in plant breeding. Genomic selection. Positional cloning of Mendelian genes and QTLs..


The judgment and the final grade will consider the knowledge and concepts acquired, the ability to analyze problems, to connect interdisciplinary knowledge, mastery and clarity of expression and exposure. The final vote of this module (Marker assisted selection), being integrated with the module ”In vitro cultures of plant tissues”, will contribute to the final grade of the teaching with a weight equal to 50%.


Reference books
Barcaccia & Falcinelli - Genetica e genomica Vol. III - Liguori editore.
Didactic material from the lecturer.


Attending the course is not compulsory but strongly recommended.

119400 -


Second Semester 4AGR/03ita

Learning objectives

- Provide an updated picture of the diffusion of nursery production of fruittreespecies, grapevine and olive trees in the national and international context.
- To acquire the techniques of gamic and agamicpropagation of fruittreespecies, grapevine and olive trees.
- Knowledge and understanding: studentswill gain knowledge on morphologicalcharacteristics of woodyplants, the physiologicalbases and techniques of gamic and agamicpropagation of fruittreespecies, grapevine and olive trees.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: studentswill gain knowledge on technological, agronomical and environmentalmatterswhichcharacterize the nursery production of fruittreespecies, grapevine and olive trees.
- Making judgements: studentswillacquire the ability to weigh the agronomicpractices with an interdisciplinaryapproach.
- Communication skills: studentswillacquire technical language and the ability to develop technical documentsusing appropriate terminology.
- Learning skills: studentswillacquire the ability to consult and use bibliographic sources for updating and criticalanalysis of knowledge in the field of propagation.

Teacher's Profile


Course content:
Organization of the nursery production of fruit trees, grapevive and and olive trees in Italy, Europe and worldwide. The importance of plant nursery quality. Seed propagation. Physiological basis of dormancy. Techniques for overcoming dormancy. Vegetative propagation techniques: propagation by stolons, ovules and suckers. Layering and offshoot. Propagation by cuttings. Physiological basis of adventitious root formation. Cellular competence and determination. Factors affecting the role of genotype, donor plant, type of cutting, age of cutting, etc .... Improvement of adventitious root formation: role of inhibitors, use of auxins, polyamines, catabolites, mycorrhizae and PGPR. Grafting: physiological aspects, types of grafting and execution period. Grafting-cutting: purpose and application. Objectives of the use of in vitro propagation techniques in fruit trees, grapevine and olive trees production. Organization of the nursery: structures and protected areas for the propagation of wood species. Organic nursery production techniques.



The exam will take place as follows: by the end of April an optional project will be proposed to the students, consisting of the presentation of the in-depth study of a topic, cultural problem or agronomic technique consistent with the program performed. This test will be evaluated with a weight of 50% on the overall grade. Students who have passed this test will be able to take the oral exam consisting in the discussion of one topic of the program.
Alternatively, the student can undergo the full oral examination.
Final evaluation will be taken into account the level of knowledge of the topics included in the program, the capacity of critical analysis and interdisciplinary connection .


- Detailed reading list will be provided at the beginning of the course.
Reference Textbook:
- Mcdonald B. (1990) - Practical Woody Plant Propagation for Nursery Growers. Vol. I. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.
- Hartmann Hudson T. - Kester Dale E. (2001) - Propagazione delle piante. Basi scientifiche e applicazioni tecniche. Editore: Edagricole
- Attilio Sonnoli (2019) Vivaismo olivicolo. Edagricole.


- Classes
- Focus groups



119403 -

Second Semester 6ita

Second Semester 4ita
119402 - - 8- -

Learning objectives

The laboratory activities aim to enable the student to acquire knowledge of how to organize the nursery spaces both in protected and outdoors environment, to acquire the autonomy in the choice of production factors and execution of sowing, cutting, adventitious rooting process, grafting and transplanting techniques of fruit plants.



Second Semester2ita

Learning objectives

The laboratory activities aim to enable the student to acquire knowledge of how to organize the nursery spaces both in protected and outdoors environment, to acquire the autonomy in the choice of production factors and execution of sowing, cutting, adventitious rooting process, grafting and transplanting techniques of fruit plants.

Teacher's Profile


Course content:
Organization of the nursery production of fruit trees, grapevive and and olive trees in Italy, Europe and worldwide. The importance of plant nursery quality. Seed propagation. Physiological basis of dormancy. Techniques for overcoming dormancy. Vegetative propagation techniques: propagation by stolons, ovules and suckers. Layering and offshoot. Propagation by cuttings. Physiological basis of adventitious root formation. Cellular competence and determination. Factors affecting the role of genotype, donor plant, type of cutting, age of cutting, etc .... Improvement of adventitious root formation: role of inhibitors, use of auxins, polyamines, catabolites, mycorrhizae and PGPR. Grafting: physiological aspects, types of grafting and execution period. Grafting-cutting: purpose and application. Objectives of the use of in vitro propagation techniques in fruit trees, grapevine and olive trees production. Organization of the nursery: structures and protected areas for the propagation of wood species. Organic nursery production techniques.
- Practices
Cutting preparation and execution of rhizogenic treatments. Performing grafting techniques. Basal heating and nebulization management. Collection of explants for micropropagation, transfer of crops during in vitro proliferation, elongation and rooting; methods of acclimatization of young plants.


Autonomous execution of the acquired techniques


- Detailed technical readings list will be provided at the beginning of the course.


- Practices
Cutting preparation and execution of rhizogenic treatments. Performing grafting techniques.





Second Semester2ita

Learning objectives

Application of the main methodologies for programs of forest material production: germplasm recognition, substrate utilization, sowing.

Teacher's Profile


Development of a forest nursery. Structure of a nuersery. Plant management: seeding, transplantation, explantation, selling, transportation, plantation, pruning.
Quality of the produced plant material. Practical training in the university nursery.


Three questions on the topics treated during the course: forest flora, biodiversity applications, seed treatments and conservation.


Lesson notes and PowerPoint presentations provided by the teacher
Piotto, Di Noi “Propagazione per seme di alberi e arbusti della flora Mediterranea” Manuale ANPA 2001




Magini E. “Appunti di Vivaistica Forestale”. Cusl Firenze 1985
“Biodiversità e vivaistica forestale” Manuale APAT 2003

MODULE IISecond Semester2ita

Learning objectives

Provide students with concepts related to the regulatory aspects of the tree and shrub nursery sector in Italy and Europe
Knowledge and understanding
The aim of the course is to develop in students knowledge of the regulatory framework of the tree and shrub nursery sector in Italy and Europe
Applied knowledge and understanding
The course will allow them to apply knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework for the production and marketing of tree and shrub plants
Autonomy of judgment
The course will allow them to develop autonomy of judgment of the regulatory framework for the production of tree and shrub plants
Learning skills
Ability to use appropriate and up-to-date technical language.



Second Semester1ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding: knowing the main diseases of the most important tree tree crops, considering their etiology, biology, epidemiology and control strategies.
Applied knowledge and understanding: knowing how to recognize the main symptomatic manifestations, knowing how to draw up a crop health history, knowing how to manage a crop or plant disease.
Making judgements: beingable to formulate a hypothesis on the etiology of a disease and decide the best management strategy
Communication skills: beingable to talk about an illnessusing technical terms, knowing how to correctly define the different symptomatic manifestations
Learning skills: be able to carry out bibliographic research to investigate the etiology, biology and management of a disease, using manuals, textbooks and reliable websites

Teacher's Profile


Biological diagnosis methods through:
- production of culture media for microbiology
- isolation from symptomatic tissue
Establishment of a phytopathological herbarium through:
- Go out into the field to identify symptoms
- description of symptoms and medical history
- symptomatic diagnosis through the use of manuals
- search for information for the management and fight against identified diseases


Herbarium and oral exam


Materials furnished by the prof


Not mandatory


Materials furnished by the prof



Second Semester1ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding skills
The teaching aims to develop students' knowledge and understanding skills, such as:
- Knowing and verifying the salient features of the entomological world
- To know the logic of behavior in the greenhouse and open field
- To know and test sampling methodologies in orchards
Applied knowledge and understanding
The teaching will enable the application of knowledge and understanding, making it possible, for example, to
- Develop monitoring methodologies in the orchard
- Develop manual skills in entomological management at nursery and field level
Autonomy of judgement
Teaching will enable autonomy of judgement to be developed at various levels, such as
- hypothesising the main phytophagous insects of fruit plants
- propose the most appropriate monitoring strategies
Communication skills
Participating in lectures and exercises and making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the development and application of communication skills, such as
- provide a sufficient range of practical examples of the application of monitoring systems in orchards
- using appropriate and up-to-date technical agronomic vocabulary.
Ability to learn Participating in lectures and exercises and making independent use of the material provided will facilitate the consolidation of learning skills.
- stimulate an autonomous program of continuous knowledge updating.
- autonomously identify ways to acquire information from the experiential knowledge of farmers and nursery managers and the professional knowledge of agronomists
- identify and use the most useful sources of information for personal updating.

Teacher's Profile


Information on entomological monitoring methods will be provided, and direct or indirect monitoring activities will be conducted in the field.


In awarding the final grade, the following will be taken into account: level of content knowledge, ability to apply practical and operational concepts in the field and for nursery productions
Project evaluation of activities carried out in the field.


A. Pollini, 2002. Handbook of Applied Entomology. Agricultural Ed, Bologna.


Laboratory activities will be conducted for learning entomological monitoring methods.


Classes will be provided at the farm with field activities


Websites of reference for the regulatory update and for all the bibliographic information useful during the course:

119396 - - 8- -

Learning objectives

Furnish to the students the practical experiences about individuation and control of major diseases of horticultural crops

MODULE IISecond Semester2ita

Learning objectives

Provide students with practical experience on: grafting in horticulture, soilless techniques, nutrient solution management.

MODULE IISecond Semester2ita

Learning objectives

The course aims to present some aspects of floricultural practice through lectures based on the “learning by doing” type of laboratory teaching. Through laboratory activities, students will be able to acquire knowledge about planting, cuttings, use of containers (pots), and choice of substrates within a floricultural nursery. At the end of the teaching, students will have acquired adequate knowledge and skills in the field of floricultural nursery (applying knowledge and understanding), independently and with adequate critical ability (making judgements). In addition, the course will pay attention to improving the communication skills (communication skills) of students in different professional contexts who will also acquire skills to promote their own self-aggrandizement (learning skills).

MODULE IISecond Semester2ita

Learning objectives

Provide students with concepts related to the regulatory aspects of the herbaceous plant nursery sector in Italy and Europe
Knowledge and understanding
The aim of the course is to develop in students knowledge of the regulatory framework of the herbaceous plant nursery sector in Italy and Europe
Applied knowledge and understanding
The course will allow to apply knowledge and understanding of the regulatory framework of the production and marketing of herbaceous plants
Autonomy of judgment
The course will allow to develop autonomy of judgment of the regulatory framework of the production of herbaceous plants
Learning skills
Ability to use an appropriate and updated technical language.



Second Semester1ita

Learning objectives

Furnish to the students the practical experiences about individuation and control of major diseases of horticultural crops

Teacher's Profile


Biological diagnosis methods through:
- production of culture media for microbiology
- isolation from symptomatic tissue
Establishment of a phytopathological herbarium through:
- Go out into the field to identify symptoms
- description of symptoms and medical history
- symptomatic diagnosis through the use of manuals
- search for information for the management and fight against identified diseases


Herbarium and oral exam


Materials furnished by the prof


Not mandatory


Materials furnished by the prof



Second Semester1ita

Learning objectives

To provide students with: i) concepts related to entomological monitoring systems both in cape and greenhouse; ii) to carry out direct and indirect monitoring activities

Teacher's Profile


Information on entomological monitoring methods will be provided, and direct or indirect monitoring activities will be conducted in greenhouse.


In awarding the final grade, the following will be taken into account: level of content knowledge, ability to apply practical and operational concepts in the field and for nursery productions
Project evaluation of activities carried out in greenhouse.


A. Pollini, 2002. Manuale di Entomologia Applicata. Ed agricole, Bologna.


Laboratory activities will be conducted for learning entomological monitoring methods.


Classes will be provided at the farm with greenhouse activities.


Websites of reference for the regulatory update and for all the bibliographic information useful during the course:

119405 -


First Semester 6AGR/01ita

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding
The coursedeals with a subject, economics, whichrequires the ability to abstract and understandgraphs and figures. Itaims to raiseawareness of the mainoperatingmechanisms of the economic system in general and of the plant nursery sector in particular.
Applying knowledge and understanding
The topicsaddressedwill be contextualized and applied to practical and realcasesboth on the demand and on the supply side. Students willacquire the ability to apply the theoreticalfoundations to realcases of plant nursery enterprises.
Making judgements
Referring to one'sownexperienceas consumers, the coursewill help to acquireawareness of the determinants of one'seconomicchoices and to formulate one'sownindependentjudgment on the efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of suchchoices.
Communication skills
Communication skills are strengthenedthrough a constantemphasis on the use of appropriate and understandableterminology. The variousexamplesthat are discussed in the lessonsall derive from the dailyexperience of participants in the economic system and in thissenserepresent a reference for communicating to others the relevance of the economicdimension of every human activity, in particularthosethatconcern the nursery plant system.
Learning skills
Learning skills will be improved by connectingdifferent social and economicvariables in order to be able to evaluate the evolution of the socioeconomiccontext in whichagricultural farms and plantnuseryenterprises operate. To providestudents with the elements to betterlearn the contents of the subsequenteconomicscoursesthattheywillhave to undertakeduring the degree course.

Teacher's Profile


- Introduction to agricultural economics
o The agents of the economy: consumers and producers
o The circular model of the economy
o The market: supply, demand and market equilibrium
o The public body and economic policies

- Agricultural business economics
o The company as an enterprise
o The entrepreneur's objective function and the definition of profit
o Perfect competition
o Factors of production
o Production costs
o Equilibrium of the firm in perfect competition
o Elements of the agricultural company's balance sheet
o The evaluation of profitability conditions


Oral exam on the course program
Possible discussion of a farm budget prepared by the student.


Gergory Mankiw
Essentials of Economica


Attendance optional but strongly recommended


Scariot, V.; De Pascale, S.; Ferrante, A.; Romano, D. (a cura di)
Florovivaismo. Principi e Tecniche
Università & Formazione, Edagricole, Milano, Italia, 2022
ISBN 9788850655175


First Semester 16ita
119406 - - 8- -

Learning objectives

The student will acquire the basic knowledge useful for carrying out the professional activity.
The student will have the opportunity to apply knowledge in a working environment, with an understanding of technical terms and the ability to manage professional practices and interact with other professional figures.
The student will be able to independently develop evaluations of their professional activity.
Ability to work in a team and relate.
Learning will also be verified through work groups on specific topics.


Learning objectives

The student will acquire the basic knowledge useful for carrying out the professional activity.
The student will have the opportunity to apply knowledge in a working environment, with an understanding of technical terms and the ability to manage professional practices and interact with other professional figures.
The student will be able to independently develop evaluations of their professional activity.
Ability to work in a team and relate.
Learning will also be verified through work groups on specific topics.


Learning objectives

The student will acquire the basic knowledge useful for carrying out the professional activity.
The student will have the opportunity to apply knowledge in a working environment, with an understanding of technical terms and the ability to manage professional practices and interact with other professional figures.
The student will be able to independently develop evaluations of their professional activity.
Ability to work in a team and relate.
Learning will also be verified through work groups on specific topics.


Second Semester 28ita
119409 - FINAL TEST

Second Semester 2ita