General Info


Learning objectives

The course will introduce students to principles and experimental approaches, continuously evolving, of plant biotechnology. This course is intended to strengthen basic knowledge on plant biotechnology applied to forest trees (green biotechnologies, categories of biotech processes and products, model plants, plant tissue culture, recombinant methods, molecular tools), by offering a framework to approach current scientific problems (i.e. the use of transgenic trees) and also provide a basis for specialized studies in the field of in vitro clonal propagation, tree breeding and functional genomics. In the laboratory classes, students will perform some of the techniques currently used to obtain micro-propagated plants, callus cultures, and protoplasts of forest species, and to detect genetic variation. The key concepts of the course will be integrated in a series of case studies, and students will enhance their ability to apply them to novel situations in problem-solving sessions, especially devoted to the Mediterranean region.


Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course students will have a thorough knowledge of the basic principles of forest biotechnology and of the modern techniques to obtain technological products (in vitro material characterized by clonal fidelity or somaclonal variants, secondary metabolites, transgenic and cisgenic trees, molecular tools for the study of genetic variability). Finally, they will have gained the ability to understand the potential use of biotech trees in order to increase the productivity of forest plantations also in disadvantaged environments (biotic and abiotic stress) or to use biotech trees for the recovery of barren lands (salinity, pollution);

Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of ameliorated genotypes or somaclonal variants resistant to biotic or abiotic stress or characterized by high wood productivity, as well as the conservation of endangered species or provenances;

Making judgements: Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during class and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points;

Communication skills: during the lessons it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination;

Learning skills: students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices, will develop that skill.



First Semester6AGR/05ENG

Learning objectives

The course will introduce students to principles and experimental approaches, continuously evolving, of plant biotechnology. This course is intended to strengthen basic knowledge on plant biotechnology applied to forest trees (green biotechnologies, categories of biotech processes and products, model plants, plant tissue culture, recombinant methods, molecular tools), by offering a framework to approach current scientific problems (i.e. the use of transgenic trees) and also provide a basis for specialized studies in the field of in vitro clonal propagation, tree breeding and functional genomics. In the laboratory classes, students will perform some of the techniques currently used to obtain micro-propagated plants, callus cultures, and protoplasts of forest species, and to detect genetic variation. The key concepts of the course will be integrated in a series of case studies, and students will enhance their ability to apply them to novel situations in problem-solving sessions, especially devoted to the Mediterranean region.


Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course students will have a thorough knowledge of the basic principles of forest biotechnology and of the modern techniques to obtain technological products (in vitro material characterized by clonal fidelity or somaclonal variants, secondary metabolites, transgenic and cisgenic trees, molecular tools for the study of genetic variability). Finally, they will have gained the ability to understand the potential use of biotech trees in order to increase the productivity of forest plantations also in disadvantaged environments (biotic and abiotic stress) or to use biotech trees for the recovery of barren lands (salinity, pollution);

Applying knowledge and understanding: students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of ameliorated genotypes or somaclonal variants resistant to biotic or abiotic stress or characterized by high wood productivity, as well as the conservation of endangered species or provenances;

Making judgements: Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during class and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points;

Communication skills: during the lessons it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination;

Learning skills: students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices, will develop that skill.

Teacher's Profile


Activities lectures will be focused on the following groups of topics/abilities.
- General introduction to plant biotechnology: history, global significance of modern plant biotechnology, biotech trees;
- Model plants for tree species: the need of a model plant for tree species;
- Vegetative propagation and tissue culture (tree cloning, micropropagation, cryopreservation, callus culture, haploid plants, protoplast isolation, production of secondary metabolites);
- General introduction to the genetically modified trees; Methods of genetic transformation of forest trees (Agrobacterium, biolistic, and electroporation)
- Applications of recombinant DNA technology for the improvement of forest trees
- General introduction to the Omics sciences (genomics, proteomics and metabolomics)
- Sequencing of tree species (history and main methodologies), Next generation sequencing
- Molecular markers history, molecular markers currently used in plant biotechnology
- Marker Assisted Selection


Oral exam on the course program to verify the ability to know and link the contents of the course.
The exam consists of an oral exam. We would like to remind students that, in order to take the exam, they must register for the exam session in question at the “Portale dello studente”. The exam is the same for both attending students and non-attenders.
The exam takes place according to the University Teaching Regulations. The exam is scored out of a maximum of 30 points (minimum mark 18/30), which will go into the calculation of your grade point average, and evaluates your:
1. knowledge of course contents (superficial, appropriate, accurate and complete, complete and in-depth),
2. ability to integrate and critically discuss course contents (sufficient, good, very good),
3. skill in planning a monitoring activity starting from a case study (sufficient, good, very good),
4. level of clarity in exposition (lack of exposure, simple, clear and correct, safe and correct).


1. Plant Cell Culture, essential methods (2010). Edited by M.R. Davey and P. Anthony. Wiley-Blackwell.
2. Tree biotechnology (2014). Edited by K. G. Ramawat, J. M. Mérillon, M. R. Ahuja. CRC Press.
3. Plant Biotechnology and Agriculture: Prospects for the 21st Century (2012). Edited by Altman A and Hasegawa PM. Accademic Press.
4. Plants, genes, and Crop Biotechnology (2003). Edited by M.J. Chrispeels & D.E. Sadava. Jones and Bartlett publishers.
Non-attending students are encouraged to contact the teacher for information about the program, teaching materials, and how to evaluate the benefit.


Classroom lecture sessions with PowerPoint presentations with figures and process diagrams for a total of 38 hours. In addition, there are 10 hours of teaching labs in which the students will hold micropropation, callus culture and regeneration process, protoplast isolation and use; moreover, the students will apply DNA extraction, PCR technique with relative electrophoretic run and evaluation of the amplicons.


Strongly recommended, especially for lab practices, but not mandatory.


See textbooks



First Semester6AGR/07ENG

Learning objectives

Let the student know the nature, modification, functioning and transmission of genetic information of living organisms, with particular reference to forest trees. Provide the principles and methods for assessing the genetic variability of forest species for its use in tree improvement.

After completing the course, students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.

Teacher's Profile



The course is organized into four major sections:
1) summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics);
2) population genetics;
3) quantitative genetics;
4) basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.


a) Mendelian genetics
- Mendel's principles
Monohybrid crosses: the principles of dominance and segregation; dihybrid crosses: the principle of independent assortment.
- Extension of Mendel's principles: partial dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, genetic linkage, pleiotropy.

b) Molecular genetics and cytogenetics
- Structures of DNA and RNA.
- The central dogma of molecular biology: replication, transcription and translation, the genetic code.
- Gene structure and regulation.
- The organization of DNA in chromosomes, mitosis and meiosis, chromosome theory of inheritance,
- Genomics.
- Mutations.
- Polyploidy.

- Causes and types of variability in forest stands.

- Genetic structure of populations: genotype and allele frequencies.
- The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law: assumption and predictions of the law; implications of the law in natural populations.
- Mating systems and inbreeding: influence of inbreeding on genotypic frequencies, inbreeding coefficient, inbreeding depression in forest trees.
- Forces that change allele frequency (evolutionary forces): mutation, migration, selection and genetic drift.

- Characteristics of quantitative traits.
- Study of the amount of phenotypic variation for a quantitative trait.; statistical tools: samples and populations, frequency distributions, mean, variance and standard deviation, correlation and regression analyses.
- Estimating the relative contribution of environmental and genetic effects on the observed phenotypic variability: heritability and its estimation in forest species.
- Estimating the genotypic value of parental phenotypes by the analysis of offspring: clonal and breeding values; general combining ability and specific combining ability.
- Genetic gain or genetic progress in a tree improvement program: realized gain and predicted gain on the basis of quantitative genetics theory; clonal and breeding genetic gain.
- Genetic correlations: genetic correlations between two distinct traits (traits/traits correlations); genetics correlations of the same trait expressed at different ages (juvenile/mature correlations); genetic correlations of the same trait expressed in different environments (genotype x environment interaction).

- Genetic improvements under natural regeneration systems.
- Scope and structure of forest tree improvement programs.
- Population types and activities in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.
- Characteristics of different types of populations: base population, selected population, breeding population, external population.
- Propagation population: clonal seed orchards, seedling seed orchards.
- Objectives and functions of genetic tests in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.


Oral examination based on the individual evaluation of the student by formulating three questions about the different major sections of the course: summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics) population genetics, quantitative genetics and genetic improvement of forest trees.
In particular, consistent with the expected learning results, in the oral test students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.
The oral test is considered sufficient if the student answers clearly and exhaustively to at least two of the three questions proposed.


Notes and slides of the lectures provided by the teacher.
Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855


The course is organised into classrom lessons (44 hours) and practical experience in the laboratory (4 hours). During the lessons, the main issues related to the four major sections of the course (summary of basic genetic principles, population genetics, quantitative genetics, basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees) will be analyzed. Lessons will also involve directly the students in order to verify their previous knowledge and the level of learning of the topics during the course. Laboratory exercitations will address the use of molecular methodologies for the study of genetic variability of forest trees.


Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855



First Semester 6AGR/05ENG

Learning objectives

To know the environmental constrains of the main physiological processes, at tree and stand levels; to understand the acclimation responses to climate changes and to water scarcity; to gain familiarity with techniques and methodological approaches used in tree ecophysiology

knowledge and understanding
• A scientific based knowledge and understanding of the acclimation and adaptation of plant traits as response to the environmental conditions.
• An updated knowledge and understanding of the environmental drivers of carbon, water and nutrient cycles in plant and forest ecosystems.
• A basic knowledge and understanding of the process-based models as scaling tools

applying knowledge and understanding
- defining proper strategies and plans to improve the resilience of the forest ecosystems, also in a context of climate changes
- defining monitoring plans to support the management of trees and forests
- supporting screening strategies of resistant varieties and provenances of trees and shrubs, in reforestation programmes
- supporting the sustainable management of forest ecosystems, analysing the main functional processes in response to the management practices

making judgements
- analyse the results of survey and monitoring activities, providing scientific supported interpretation of the most probable cause-effects relationships
- interpret results of trials and pilot systems for the management or the re-establishments of trees and forest ecosystems/plantations

communication skills
- writes reports and prepares oral presentations on different subjects at professional and wide information levels
- explain proposed solutions to specific management questions in a multidisciplinary context
- presenting results of testing and experimental activities in scientific contexts

learning skills
- reading and understanding the international scientific literatures in the sector of forest and environmental relationships
- new methods and tools for the functional analyses of plant and forests

Teacher's Profile



Morphologic and functional features of the main organs of forest trees: adaptation and acclimation

Growth and development of forest trees and responses to environmental factors and stresses

Tree architecture and forest microclimate

Transpiration, water relations and stress

Photosynthesis, respiration and carbon cycle of forest ecosystems

Quantitative methods for forest ecophysiological analyses (lab)

Introduction to ecophysiological process based mathematical models


Course requirements include laboratory practices, class presentation and a final oral examination.

For the oral examination, the students discuss a review selected from the international scientific literature on a topic selected by self and related to the topics covered by the course. Furthermore, the commission will ask questions to evaluate the acquired competence of the student according to the programme of the course.

For the ONLINE oral examination, the students summarise in maximum 10 slides the content of a review selected from the international scientific literature on a topic related to the programme of the course.



Thomas P. Trees: their natural history. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Hirons A. D., Thomas P. Applied tree biology Wiley, 2018.

Hans Lambers, F. Stuart Chapin III, Thijs L. Pons. Plant Physiological Ecology. Second Edition. Springer 2008.


The course is structured on 4 hours lectures per week on the program topics, for a total of 40 hours. Updated scientific evidences on physiological processes and plant traits, will be used to learn and understand the functional adaptation and responses of trees and forests to the environmental constraints.
Additional 8 hours will be devoted to the demonstration of ecophysiological instruments.
During the last week of the class, each student holds a class lecture based on a research publication selected by him. Considering an average effort of 25 hours per credit, the personal study requested will be around 100 hours.


Lessons and other class activities are carried out in person in the classroom and in the laboratory


Other References
Specific Technical documents & Scientific papers will be provided during the course
Jones H.G. Plants and Microclimate. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Kozlowski T. T. & Pallardy S.G. Physiology of woody plants. Second edition. Academic Press, 1997.
Schulze E.D., Beck E., Muller-Hohenstein K.. Plant Ecology. Springer, Berlin – Heidelberg, 2005.
Kozlowski T. T., Kramer P.J. & Pallardy S.G. The physiological ecology of woody plants. Academic Press, 1991.
Landsberg J.J. & Gower S.T. Applications of physiological ecology to forest management. Academic Press, 1997.
McDonald M.S. Photobiology of higher plants. Wiley, 2003.
Pugnaire F.I. & Vallardes F. Functional Plant Ecology – second edition. CRC Press, 2007.

MODULE II - -- -


First Semester6AGR/07eng

Learning objectives

Let the student know the nature, modification, functioning and transmission of genetic information of living organisms, with particular reference to forest trees. Provide the principles and methods for assessing the genetic variability of forest species for its use in tree improvement.

After completing the course, students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.

Teacher's Profile



The course is organized into four major sections:
1) summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics);
2) population genetics;
3) quantitative genetics;
4) basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.


a) Mendelian genetics
- Mendel's principles
Monohybrid crosses: the principles of dominance and segregation; dihybrid crosses: the principle of independent assortment.
- Extension of Mendel's principles: partial dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, genetic linkage, pleiotropy.

b) Molecular genetics and cytogenetics
- Structures of DNA and RNA.
- The central dogma of molecular biology: replication, transcription and translation, the genetic code.
- Gene structure and regulation.
- The organization of DNA in chromosomes, mitosis and meiosis, chromosome theory of inheritance,
- Genomics.
- Mutations.
- Polyploidy.

- Causes and types of variability in forest stands.

- Genetic structure of populations: genotype and allele frequencies.
- The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law: assumption and predictions of the law; implications of the law in natural populations.
- Mating systems and inbreeding: influence of inbreeding on genotypic frequencies, inbreeding coefficient, inbreeding depression in forest trees.
- Forces that change allele frequency (evolutionary forces): mutation, migration, selection and genetic drift.

- Characteristics of quantitative traits.
- Study of the amount of phenotypic variation for a quantitative trait.; statistical tools: samples and populations, frequency distributions, mean, variance and standard deviation, correlation and regression analyses.
- Estimating the relative contribution of environmental and genetic effects on the observed phenotypic variability: heritability and its estimation in forest species.
- Estimating the genotypic value of parental phenotypes by the analysis of offspring: clonal and breeding values; general combining ability and specific combining ability.
- Genetic gain or genetic progress in a tree improvement program: realized gain and predicted gain on the basis of quantitative genetics theory; clonal and breeding genetic gain.
- Genetic correlations: genetic correlations between two distinct traits (traits/traits correlations); genetics correlations of the same trait expressed at different ages (juvenile/mature correlations); genetic correlations of the same trait expressed in different environments (genotype x environment interaction).

- Genetic improvements under natural regeneration systems.
- Scope and structure of forest tree improvement programs.
- Population types and activities in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.
- Characteristics of different types of populations: base population, selected population, breeding population, external population.
- Propagation population: clonal seed orchards, seedling seed orchards.
- Objectives and functions of genetic tests in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.


Oral examination based on the individual evaluation of the student by formulating three questions about the different major sections of the course: summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics) population genetics, quantitative genetics and genetic improvement of forest trees.
In particular, consistent with the expected learning results, in the oral test students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.
The oral test is considered sufficient if the student answers clearly and exhaustively to at least two of the three questions proposed.


Notes and slides of the lectures provided by the teacher.
Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855


Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855

Teacher's Profile



The course is organized into four major sections:
1) summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics);
2) population genetics;
3) quantitative genetics;
4) basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.


a) Mendelian genetics
- Mendel's principles
Monohybrid crosses: the principles of dominance and segregation; dihybrid crosses: the principle of independent assortment.
- Extension of Mendel's principles: partial dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, genetic linkage, pleiotropy.

b) Molecular genetics and cytogenetics
- Structures of DNA and RNA.
- The central dogma of molecular biology: replication, transcription and translation, the genetic code.
- Gene structure and regulation.
- The organization of DNA in chromosomes, mitosis and meiosis, chromosome theory of inheritance,
- Genomics.
- Mutations.
- Polyploidy.

- Causes and types of variability in forest stands.

- Genetic structure of populations: genotype and allele frequencies.
- The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law: assumption and predictions of the law; implications of the law in natural populations.
- Mating systems and inbreeding: influence of inbreeding on genotypic frequencies, inbreeding coefficient, inbreeding depression in forest trees.
- Forces that change allele frequency (evolutionary forces): mutation, migration, selection and genetic drift.

- Characteristics of quantitative traits.
- Study of the amount of phenotypic variation for a quantitative trait.; statistical tools: samples and populations, frequency distributions, mean, variance and standard deviation, correlation and regression analyses.
- Estimating the relative contribution of environmental and genetic effects on the observed phenotypic variability: heritability and its estimation in forest species.
- Estimating the genotypic value of parental phenotypes by the analysis of offspring: clonal and breeding values; general combining ability and specific combining ability.
- Genetic gain or genetic progress in a tree improvement program: realized gain and predicted gain on the basis of quantitative genetics theory; clonal and breeding genetic gain.
- Genetic correlations: genetic correlations between two distinct traits (traits/traits correlations); genetics correlations of the same trait expressed at different ages (juvenile/mature correlations); genetic correlations of the same trait expressed in different environments (genotype x environment interaction).

- Genetic improvements under natural regeneration systems.
- Scope and structure of forest tree improvement programs.
- Population types and activities in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.
- Characteristics of different types of populations: base population, selected population, breeding population, external population.
- Propagation population: clonal seed orchards, seedling seed orchards.
- Objectives and functions of genetic tests in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.


Oral examination based on the individual evaluation of the student by formulating three questions about the different major sections of the course: summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics) population genetics, quantitative genetics and genetic improvement of forest trees.
In particular, consistent with the expected learning results, in the oral test students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.
The oral test is considered sufficient if the student answers clearly and exhaustively to at least two of the three questions proposed.


Notes and slides of the lectures provided by the teacher.
Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855


Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855



First Semester6AGR/05eng

Learning objectives

The course will provide the knowledge needed to design and implement a carbon monitoring system targeted to the specific ecosystem and research question/application. It will provide also the knowledge to find existing data and information from existing sources and critically evaluate them.
1) Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student will have the necessary tools to define the best strategy to monitor the ecosystem carbon cycle, the different options available and the overall knowledge to monitor the terrestrial ecosystems carbon and other greenhouse gases (GHG) exchange with the atmosphere in context of climate change.
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: the course will provide the necessary cognitive tools to allow the choice of the most suitable techniques for the study of the ecosystem carbon and other GHGs balances and the options to correctly collect, organize, store and analyse the measurements.
3) Making judgments: once the training course is over, the student will have the tools for a strong autonomy of judgement on issues related to the interactions between climate, atmosphere and ecosystems in the context of the carbon exchange and sequestration and on the options available for the quantification and monitoring of the GHGs exchange in natural ecosystems..
4) Communication skills: at the end of the training course, the student must demonstrate that he or she is able to communicate and discuss in a concise but effective way the issues dealt with during the course, demonstrating the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired.
5) Learning skills: at the end of the course the student must have learned the concepts and techniques addressed and know how to define limits and fundamentals.

Teacher's Profile


1. GHGs cycles, atmosphere and climate change
2. Monitoring carbon stocks changes in biomass and soil with inventory approaches
3. Monitoring canopy productivity and dynamics through periodic measurements of stock changes
4. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using chambers and practical applications
5. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using the Eddy Covariance technique: from setup to results (theory, sensors, fluxes calculation and correction, gapfilling, partitioning, evaluation)
6. Micrometeorological measurements and link to carbon and other GHGs monitoring
7. Remote sensing, phenology and Sun Induced Fluorescence
8. Global monitoring networks, data access and analysis
9. Data management, organization and interpretation


The exam consists in the analysis and interpretation of data and technical questions, presented through a questionnaire


Burba, George. (2013). Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Industrial, Agricultural and Regulatory Applications: A Field Book on Measuring Ecosystem Gas Exchange and Areal Emission Rates. 10.13140/RG.2.1.4247.8561.

Aubinet M., Vesala T., Papale D (2012). Eddy Covariance - A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-2351-1

The ICOS Instructions for Ecosystem measurements: http://www.icos-etc.eu/documents/instructions

Datasets and material provided during the course (Moodle)


Lectures will be in presence and streaming, however following the University decisions. There will be practical activities in laboratory with sensors and data, for large part only in presence.


suggested but not required


See textbooks. Other material suggested during the course on the basis of new literature published (in moodle)

Teacher's Profile


1. GHGs cycles, atmosphere and climate change
2. Monitoring carbon stocks changes in biomass and soil with inventory approaches
3. Monitoring canopy productivity and dynamics through periodic measurements of stock changes
4. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using chambers and practical applications
5. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using the Eddy Covariance technique: from setup to results (theory, sensors, fluxes calculation and correction, gapfilling, partitioning, evaluation)
6. Micrometeorological measurements and link to carbon and other GHGs monitoring
7. Remote sensing, phenology and Sun Induced Fluorescence
8. Global monitoring networks, data access and analysis
9. Data management, organization and interpretation


The exam consists in the analysis and interpretation of data and technical questions, presented through a questionnaire


Burba, George. (2013). Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Industrial, Agricultural and Regulatory Applications: A Field Book on Measuring Ecosystem Gas Exchange and Areal Emission Rates. 10.13140/RG.2.1.4247.8561.

Aubinet M., Vesala T., Papale D (2012). Eddy Covariance - A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-2351-1

The ICOS Instructions for Ecosystem measurements: http://www.icos-etc.eu/documents/instructions

Datasets and material provided during the course (Moodle)


Lectures will be in presence and streaming, however following the University decisions. There will be practical activities in laboratory with sensors and data, for large part only in presence.


suggested but not required


See textbooks. Other material suggested during the course on the basis of new literature published (in moodle)



First Semester6AGR/05eng

Learning objectives

The course is designed to give an introduction on how to generate information from remote sensing data and how to analyse these data in a geographic information system, in order to map forest resources and monitor relevant changes in forest canopy cover.
The course examines the basics of theoretical issues and image classification to help students understand and choose remote sensing solutions for forest classification and forest monitoring problems. The main topics are covered with many practical exercises of forest classification and forest change detection.

Expected Learning outcomes:
1) Knowledge and understanding: comprehensive knowledge of the basics of theoretical issues behind optical remote sensing and image classification
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to select, conceptualize, and implement image classification techniques of multispectral RS images in QGIS with respect to a given practical application in forest cover mapping and change detection
3) Making judgments: critical analysis and evaluation of the potentials and limitations of different image classification methods
4) Communication skills: Refined presentation skills of an own image classification project for forest applications
5) Learning skills: an own mental model for addressing simple tasks exercises of forest classification and forest change detection (competent practitioner of RS)

Teacher's Profile


What is remote sensing and what is it used for?
-Optical Image Formation Process: at-Sensor - Radiance and Reflectance
-Spectral response of main land cover classes
-Vegetation indices

Type of remotely sensed data
-Satellite, airborne and drone platforms
-Multispectral and hyperspectral sensors
-Image data preprocessing by data providers

Geodata handling and image data pre-processing in GIS
-Field work: acquisition of reference data
-Data preprocessing: image data enhancement
-Creating a geographic database: digitizing and managing coordinate systems

Remote sensing data applications to forest resource mapping
-Introduction to digital image processing techniques
-Photointerpretation for land cover and forest type mapping
-Automated classification of satellite images
-Forest change detection


The evaluation will be based on a final written examination (2 hrs) including open questions and practical exercises with open source GIS software. The exam requirements include:
• Bases of electromagnetic radiation and its interactions with the atmosphere and terrestrial land cover types;
• Basic techniques of remote sensing image acquisition, pre-processing, enhancement and classification – as covered in the lectures and labs;
• Knowledge and skills regarding application of the software as used in the practical labs;
• Options of remote sensing integration into forest mapping and monitoring tasks;


- Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (2015)- T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman, Wiley International Edition
- Remote Sensing and Gis for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software (2016). M.Wegmann, B. Leutner and S. Dech, Pelagic Publishing


This course is application-oriented and students will learn to use basic image classification techniques and software tools by a mix of lectures and classroom practical exercises sessions.


Course attendance is strongly recommended.


- Franklin SE (2001). Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Management. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis

Teacher's Profile


What is remote sensing and what is it used for?
-Optical Image Formation Process: at-Sensor - Radiance and Reflectance
-Spectral response of main land cover classes
-Vegetation indices

Type of remotely sensed data
-Satellite, airborne and drone platforms
-Multispectral and hyperspectral sensors
-Image data preprocessing by data providers

Geodata handling and image data pre-processing in GIS
-Field work: acquisition of reference data
-Data preprocessing: image data enhancement
-Creating a geographic database: digitizing and managing coordinate systems

Remote sensing data applications to forest resource mapping
-Introduction to digital image processing techniques
-Photointerpretation for land cover and forest type mapping
-Automated classification of satellite images
-Forest change detection


The evaluation will be based on a final written examination (2 hrs) including open questions and practical exercises with open source GIS software. The exam requirements include:
• Bases of electromagnetic radiation and its interactions with the atmosphere and terrestrial land cover types;
• Basic techniques of remote sensing image acquisition, pre-processing, enhancement and classification – as covered in the lectures and labs;
• Knowledge and skills regarding application of the software as used in the practical labs;
• Options of remote sensing integration into forest mapping and monitoring tasks;


- Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (2015)- T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman, Wiley International Edition
- Remote Sensing and Gis for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software (2016). M.Wegmann, B. Leutner and S. Dech, Pelagic Publishing


This course is application-oriented and students will learn to use basic image classification techniques and software tools by a mix of lectures and classroom practical exercises sessions.


Course attendance is strongly recommended.


- Franklin SE (2001). Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Management. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis


Learning objectives

Remote sensing in forests resource management/
The course is designed to give an introduction on how to generate information from remote sensing data and how to analyse these data in a geographic information system, in order to map forest resources and monitor relevant changes in forest canopy cover.
The course examines the basics of theoretical issues and image classification to help students understand and choose remote sensing solutions for forest classification and forest monitoring problems. The main topics are covered with many practical exercises of forest classification and forest change detection.

Expected Learning outcomes:
1) Knowledge and understanding: comprehensive knowledge of the basics of theoretical issues behind optical remote sensing and image classification
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to select, conceptualize, and implement image classification techniques of multispectral RS images in QGIS with respect to a given practical application in forest cover mapping and change detection
3) Making judgments: critical analysis and evaluation of the potentials and limitations of different image classification methods
4) Communication skills: Refined presentation skills of an own image classification project for forest applications
5) Learning skills: an own mental model for addressing simple tasks exercises of forest classification and forest change detection (competent practitioner of RS)



First Semester6AGR/05eng

Learning objectives

Monitoring terrestrial ecosystems carbon cycle/
The course will provide the knowledge needed to design and implement a carbon monitoring system targeted to the specific ecosystem and research question/application. It will provide also the knowledge to find existing data and information from existing sources and critically evaluate them.
1) Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student will have the necessary tools to define the best strategy to monitor the ecosystem carbon cycle, the different options available and the overall knowledge to monitor the terrestrial ecosystems carbon and other greenhouse gases (GHG) exchange with the atmosphere in context of climate change.
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: the course will provide the necessary cognitive tools to allow the choice of the most suitable techniques for the study of the ecosystem carbon and other GHGs balances and the options to correctly collect, organize, store and analyse the measurements.
3) Making judgments: once the training course is over, the student will have the tools for a strong autonomy of judgement on issues related to the interactions between climate, atmosphere and ecosystems in the context of the carbon exchange and sequestration and on the options available for the quantification and monitoring of the GHGs exchange in natural ecosystems..
4) Communication skills: at the end of the training course, the student must demonstrate that he or she is able to communicate and discuss in a concise but effective way the issues dealt with during the course, demonstrating the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired.
5) Learning skills: at the end of the course the student must have learned the concepts and techniques addressed and know how to define limits and fundamentals.

Remote sensing in forests resource management/
The course is designed to give an introduction on how to generate information from remote sensing data and how to analyse these data in a geographic information system, in order to map forest resources and monitor relevant changes in forest canopy cover.
The course examines the basics of theoretical issues and image classification to help students understand and choose remote sensing solutions for forest classification and forest monitoring problems. The main topics are covered with many practical exercises of forest classification and forest change detection.

Expected Learning outcomes:
1) Knowledge and understanding: comprehensive knowledge of the basics of theoretical issues behind optical remote sensing and image classification
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to select, conceptualize, and implement image classification techniques of multispectral RS images in QGIS with respect to a given practical application in forest cover mapping and change detection
3) Making judgments: critical analysis and evaluation of the potentials and limitations of different image classification methods
4) Communication skills: Refined presentation skills of an own image classification project for forest applications
5) Learning skills: an own mental model for addressing simple tasks exercises of forest classification and forest change detection (competent practitioner of RS)

Teacher's Profile


1. GHGs cycles, atmosphere and climate change
2. Monitoring carbon stocks changes in biomass and soil with inventory approaches
3. Monitoring canopy productivity and dynamics through periodic measurements of stock changes
4. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using chambers and practical applications
5. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using the Eddy Covariance technique: from setup to results (theory, sensors, fluxes calculation and correction, gapfilling, partitioning, evaluation)
6. Micrometeorological measurements and link to carbon and other GHGs monitoring
7. Remote sensing, phenology and Sun Induced Fluorescence
8. Global monitoring networks, data access and analysis
9. Data management, organization and interpretation


The exam consists in the analysis and interpretation of data and technical questions, presented through a questionnaire


Burba, George. (2013). Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Industrial, Agricultural and Regulatory Applications: A Field Book on Measuring Ecosystem Gas Exchange and Areal Emission Rates. 10.13140/RG.2.1.4247.8561.

Aubinet M., Vesala T., Papale D (2012). Eddy Covariance - A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-2351-1

The ICOS Instructions for Ecosystem measurements: http://www.icos-etc.eu/documents/instructions

Datasets and material provided during the course (Moodle)


Lectures will be in presence and streaming, however following the University decisions. There will be practical activities in laboratory with sensors and data, for large part only in presence.


suggested but not required


See textbooks. Other material suggested during the course on the basis of new literature published (in moodle)



First Semester6AGR/05eng

Learning objectives

Remote sensing in forests resource management/
The course is designed to give an introduction on how to generate information from remote sensing data and how to analyse these data in a geographic information system, in order to map forest resources and monitor relevant changes in forest canopy cover.
The course examines the basics of theoretical issues and image classification to help students understand and choose remote sensing solutions for forest classification and forest monitoring problems. The main topics are covered with many practical exercises of forest classification and forest change detection.

Expected Learning outcomes:
1) Knowledge and understanding: comprehensive knowledge of the basics of theoretical issues behind optical remote sensing and image classification
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to select, conceptualize, and implement image classification techniques of multispectral RS images in QGIS with respect to a given practical application in forest cover mapping and change detection
3) Making judgments: critical analysis and evaluation of the potentials and limitations of different image classification methods
4) Communication skills: Refined presentation skills of an own image classification project for forest applications
5) Learning skills: an own mental model for addressing simple tasks exercises of forest classification and forest change detection (competent practitioner of RS)

Teacher's Profile


What is remote sensing and what is it used for?
-Optical Image Formation Process: at-Sensor - Radiance and Reflectance
-Spectral response of main land cover classes
-Vegetation indices

Type of remotely sensed data
-Satellite, airborne and drone platforms
-Multispectral and hyperspectral sensors
-Image data preprocessing by data providers

Geodata handling and image data pre-processing in GIS
-Field work: acquisition of reference data
-Data preprocessing: image data enhancement
-Creating a geographic database: digitizing and managing coordinate systems

Remote sensing data applications to forest resource mapping
-Introduction to digital image processing techniques
-Photointerpretation for land cover and forest type mapping
-Automated classification of satellite images
-Forest change detection


The evaluation will be based on a final written examination with 4 open questions on theoretical topics and 4 practical exercises on image analysis and classification to be developed with open source QGIS software.


- Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (2015)- T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman, Wiley International Edition
- Remote Sensing and Gis for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software (2016). M.Wegmann, B. Leutner and S. Dech, Pelagic Publishing


This course is application-oriented and students will learn to use basic image classification techniques and software tools by a mix of lectures and classroom practical exercises sessions.


The course attendance is strongly recommended.


- Franklin SE (2001). Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Management. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis

MODULE II - -- -

Learning objectives

Acquire the theoretical and practical bases for the propagation of woody plants belonging to species used in the green infrastructures.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them (also in unfamiliar areas) to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of productive tree plants for short rotation forestry (SFR) or ornamental woody plants, as well as historical trees. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary contexts in order to detect and solve problems related with the production of healthy plants for green infrastructures (landscape architectures, city planners, etc..).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles of woody plant propagation to the obtainment of healthy plant material for SRF and green infrastructures. The students will be able to develop protocols for the propagation of woody species not included in the course on the base of the acquired knowledge in order to obtain woody plants suitable for the productive, environmental, historical and cultural contexts where they will work.
3) Making judgements
Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during the course and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points, as well as make judgments even with incomplete data.
4) Communication skills
During the lessons, it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered, as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination in order to ameliorate the future communication skills of the students towards specialist and non-specialist interlocutors in relation to the approaches used and the results obtained.
5) Learning skills
Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices will develop those skills.



First Semester6AGR/14eng

Learning objectives

Conduct basic field analyzes of forest and agricultural soils, including description of soil profiles and soil shapes, classification and basic description of the study site. Understand the basic properties and processes of forest and agricultural soils and their relationships with tree growth / site productivity.
Know the effects of forest management practices on forest soil properties and processes and how to use silvicultural techniques to influence soil properties and processes to improve productivity and sustainability.
Ability to recognize the correct type of management to be applied in relation to the type of ecosystem. Pedological investigation to establish the connection between the different types of soil, vegetation and management. Application of pedological survey methodologies: identification of homogeneous areas for pedogenesis factors and analysis and description of a soil profile. Ability to recognize the main types of environmental management.
Being able to interpret the processes that occur in a forest and agricultural ecosystem. Ability to evaluate the characteristics of the environment. Ability to evaluate forest and agricultural lands in relation to the type of management.
Being able to expose scientific topics with clarity and synthesis.
Being able to describe topics related to the management of forest and agroforestry soils in written and / or oral form. This skill will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral class and field discussions on specific topics related to the course.

Teacher's Profile


1. History and management of forest and agroforest soils (4 hours)
2. Composition of soils: Soil Formation and minerals (4 hours)
3. Composition of soils: Soil organic matter (4 hours)
4. Composition of soils: Soil structure, water and pores (4 hours)
5. Life in soils: the microorganism (4 hours)
6. Forest and agroforest Biogeochemistry (4 hours)
7. Sampling forest and agroforest soils across space and time (4 hours)
8. Influence of tree species, fire and site preparation on forest and agroforest soils (4 hours)
9. Forest and agroforest soils nutrition management (2 hours)
10. Managing forest and agroforest soils for carbon sequestration (2 hours)
11. Field practice in a forest in the Viterbo area: soil description and site evaluation (8 hours)


Intermediate written examination and final written exam
The intermediate test, lasting a maximum of 1 hour, will consist of a test with 30 multiple-choice questions designed to ascertain the student's knowledge of the concepts presented during the course.
Minimum threshold for a pass: 18 correct answers.
Final oral examination.


Recommended texts for exam preparation:
- ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST SOILS. FOURTH EDITION. Dan Binkley, Richard F. FisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (2013)
- Fahad, S.; Chavan, S.B.; Chichaghare, A.R.; Uthappa, A.R.; Kumar, M.; Kakade, V.; Pradhan, A.; Jinger, D.; Rawale, G.; Yadav, D.K.; Kumar, V.; Farooq, T.H.; Ali, B.; Sawant, A.V.; Saud, S.; Chen, S.; Poczai, P. Agroforestry Systems for Soil Health Improvement and Maintenance. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142214877

Supplementary teaching materials provided by the lecturer:
Presentations of individual lectures will be made available on MOODLE at the course page. Additional materials such as handouts and/or videos will also be made available on MOODLE.


The course is organized with the following distribution of hours between frontal teaching and practical exercises:
- 40 hours of Frontal lessons in the classroom with video support for proposals and viewing of the material.
- 8 hours of practical exercise in the field for forest and agro-forest soils evaluation


Attendance at the course is not mandatory. Attendance is recommended for farm and forest exercises.


- ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST SOILS. FOURTH EDITION. Dan Binkley, Richard F. FisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (2013)
- Fahad, S.; Chavan, S.B.; Chichaghare, A.R.; Uthappa, A.R.; Kumar, M.; Kakade, V.; Pradhan, A.; Jinger, D.; Rawale, G.; Yadav, D.K.; Kumar, V.; Farooq, T.H.; Ali, B.; Sawant, A.V.; Saud, S.; Chen, S.; Poczai, P. Agroforestry Systems for Soil Health Improvement and Maintenance. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142214877



Second Semester 6AGR/12eng

Learning objectives

Invasive Forest Pathogens and Global Changes course approaches the International context of Plant Protection and, specifically, of protection of forests within global change scenarios, including climatic changes and biological invasions. The course aims to provide the single elements that make the complex picture of prevention, monitoring, diagnosis, and control of forest pathogens, considering, time by time, the issues of international agreements, regulations, and the new frontiers of prevention, new diagnostic tools, and the advances in knowledge on biological invasions.
a) Knowledge and understanding. The course will provide the students with the concepts and information needed to develop the single issues and integrate them within the general context of plant protection. Through an analytical process, open discussions, and the stimulation of the attitude to the analysis, the students will be able to assimilate and elaborate on the issues and to collocate them within the complex context of plant protection, integrating ecological, biological concepts with socio-economic ones. b) Applying knowledge and understanding; the body of information on a specific topic that the student will receive through an interactive and practical approach will allow perceiving the applicability into the professional activity at the national and international levels. Moreover the course includes several practical activities specifically for laboratory diagnostics. c) Making judgments; the interactive teaching method based on the framing of the general topics, and their development through practical examples and class braining storms, will stimulate the student skills in elaborating their own judgment. d) Communication skills; the body of information and concepts provided by the course will enable the student to efficiently communicate the topic of biosecurity in forest protection and the complex of agreements and rules that regulate the quarantine system at a global level. e) Learning skills. The use of a teaching approach based on general concepts and practical activities (literature reading, laboratory activities) helps the students in the process of learning and concepts assimilation.

Teacher's Profile


Biological Invasions: general concepts and glossary; concept of introduction, naturalization; acclimatization and invasion; examples of biological invasions; factors associated to risk of introduction. Invasive Forest Pathogens: dimension of the problem. Introduction to pathways: living plants trade; timber trade; seed and propagation material trade; unregulated pathways: wood manufactured products; examples. Strategies of invasions: host jump; hybridization; differential evolution. Impacts: economic; on biodiversity; on carbon dioxide fixation; on cultural heritage; examples. Phytosanitary regulations: ICPP, SPS agreement, NPPO, Phytosanitary services; EPPO products, quarantine organisms lists; EPPO standards; Pest Risk Analysis. Invasive Forest Pathogens: European situation; vulnerability of EU countries to invasion. Pest Risk Analysis: concepts and examples. Constraints of the Phytosanitary regulations; possible solutions: search of centers of origin; the sentinel tree strategy. Introduction to diagnostic. Serological diagnostics: polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies; the antigen; the ELISA test; molecular methods: PCR; the concept of markers; characteristics of markers for molecular diagnostics; general and specific primer sets; practical application. Molecular diagnostic: multiplex and nested conventional PCR; quantitative PCR, TaqMan and SYBR Green technologies; examples of application; proof of the vitality of the pathogen: mRNA as a template; the dqRT-PCR approach; the HTS approach; the use of EPPO diagnostic standards. Phytosanitary forest monitoring: introduction; proximal and remote sensing activities, advantages and disadvantages. Phytosanitary monitoring in European countries (the example of France) and Italy. Phytosanitary monitoring: ICP forests monitoring in Europe: Levels 1 and 2. Plant Viruses: structure, cycle, vectors, epidemiology, symptomatology, diagnosis, and control; examples of viral diseases Introduction to Phytoplasmas and Spyroplasmas: disease cycle, vectors, symptomatology, epidemiology, detection & diagnosis; taxonomy; an example of Phytoplasmas and Spiroplasmas diseases. Introduction to Bacteria: morphology, biology, ecology, symptomatology, phytopathogenic bacteria; diagnosis and taxonomy; an example of bacterial diseases. Oomycetes: taxonomic context; morphology, biology, epidemiology; an example of Phytophthora diseases. Laboratory practical work on specimens collection; binocular observation; microscopic observation; application of identification keys; isolation from samples onto growing media. DNA extraction from fungal cultures; separation on agarose gel and observation; sample preparation for PCR reaction; PCR amplification and run of agarose gel for amplicons separation; Sequence analysis and BLAST on GeneBank.


Direct examination/interview


Teacher PPT presentation; scientific papers; online software; web sites


Lectures in classroom; team work; laboratory training; open field training



Second Semester 6AGR/13ENG

Learning objectives

Aims of the course:
1. To present soil as a living, dynamic, vulnerable resource
2. To introduce the concept of soil quality, health and security
3. To present a basic set of indicators to monitor soil quality
4. To suggest how to choose the right indicators in relation to specific case studies in forest environment

Teacher's Profile


I. Introduction
Soil and its different definitions
Role and position of soils in terrestrial ecosystems
Ecosystem services and soil functions
Concepts of chemical and biological fertility

II. Indicators of soil quality and health
Review of concepts of soil quality, soil health and soil security. Rationale for the use of soil indicators and specific requisites. Physical, chemical and biological indicators. Static and dynamic descriptors.
Pools and processes.
Main bioindicators: definitions and functions.
Soil health and resilience
Soil quality indexes

III. Soil organic matter (SOM)
Main features, composition, physical, chemical and biological properties.
SOM as a complex indicator of soil quality. Quantity and quality of SOM
Role of SOM to maintain soil fertility, to promote carbon storage and as the site of tight interactions with soil biota. Pools of ecological relevance.

IV. Soil microbial biomass
Definition, composition and main characteristics
Factors influencing microbial biomass development. Trophic conditions and adaptation strategies. Functions of soil microrganisms and their specific role within nutrient cycles.
How to study microbial biomass. Quantitative and qualitative approaches. FE method, SIR, multi-SIR, CLPP techniques. Concepts of genetic and functional diversity.
Microbial indexes: the microbial quotient, significance and measurement.

V. Mineralization processes (C & N mineralization)
Significance of mineralization processes to guarantee soil fertility
C mineralization. Soil respiration and its components: definition and measurement
Microbial indexes: the metabolic and the mineralization quotients: significance and measurement
N mineralization. Mineralization potential and in situ measurements

VI. Soil enzymes
Definitions and main features. Notes on enzyme kinetics: general infos. Localization and origin of soil enzymes. Classes of soil enzymes. Functions and stability of enzymes in soil. Immobilized enzymes.
Intra- and extracellular enzymes.
Determination of enzyme activities by means of different methods : colorimetric and fluorimetric techniques. Specific activities. Real and potential activity.

VII. Drivers of global soils change:
Natural and anthropogenic pressures (climate changes, land use changes, pollution)
Threats to soil functions
Soil degradation, soil loss

VIII. How to plan a monitoring activity
WWWHWWW scheme.
Experimental design, sampling schemes.
How to choose the right indicators. New sets of indicators.
Presentation of specific case studies in forest soils

Laboratory classes
1 - Determination of soil respiration
2 - Determination of acid phosphatase activity

Working group
Presentation to the class of a scientific article selected from the recent literature

Integrative seminars


Written test

Evaluation criteria:
1) knowledge of course contents,
2) ability to integrate and critically discuss course contents,
3) skill in planning a monitoring activity starting from a case study,
4) level of clarity in exposition


1) Brady NC, Weil RR, 2016
The nature and properties of soils, XV Ed. (Chapt. 1, 11, 12, 20), XIV Ed.(Chapt. 2, 12, 13, 21) or XIII Ed. (Chapt. 1-11-12-20)(University Library)
2) FAO and ITPS., 2015.
Status of the World’s Soil Resources (SWSR) – Main Report. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, Rome, Italy (selected chapters)
3) NERI Technical Report No. 388, 2002
Microorganisms as indicators of soil health,
4) European Commission - DG ENV, Report 2010
Soil biodiversity: functions, threats and tools for policy makers,
5) Gardi C., Jeffrey J. , 2009
Soil biodiversity, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports
6) Shukla G., Varma A., 2011,
Soil enzymology –Springer Verlag
(selected chapters)

Additional articles, reports etc will be provided for each section of the course
Course slides may be only used as a guide to prepare the exam


Practical classes in the laboratory
Working groups
Integrative seminars


Practical classes in the laboratory
Working groups
Integrative seminars


1) Brady NC, Weil RR, 2016
The nature and properties of soils, XV Ed. (Chapt. 1, 11, 12, 20), XIV Ed.(Chapt. 2, 12, 13, 21) or XIII Ed. (Chapt. 1-11-12-20)(University Library)
2) FAO and ITPS., 2015.
Status of the World’s Soil Resources (SWSR) – Main Report. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils, Rome, Italy (selected chapters)
3) NERI Technical Report No. 388, 2002
Microorganisms as indicators of soil health,
4) European Commission - DG ENV, Report 2010
Soil biodiversity: functions, threats and tools for policy makers,
5) Gardi C., Jeffrey J. , 2009
Soil biodiversity, JRC Scientific and Technical Reports
6) Shukla G., Varma A., 2011,
Soil enzymology –Springer Verlag
(selected chapters)

Additional articles, reports etc will be provided for each section of the course
Course slides may be only used as a guide to prepare the exam

MODULE II - -- -


First Semester6AGR/13ENG

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to present the soil as a proper ecosystem, and to make students capable of understanding and predicting: i) the behaviour and fate of natural and xenobiotic compounds (contaminants/pollutants) in soils after accidental or deliberate additions; ii) the possible effects of these compounds on soil ecosystems; iii) the possible resilience of soils upon pollution. To achieve this objective, information will be provided on soil abiotic and biotic components, the relative physical, chemical and biochemical properties, and the mutual interactions and relationships (minerals-microbes-plants) to achieve the targets mentioned. Information will also be supplied on the nature and features of main soil contaminants/pollutants. Various approaches in monitoring natural and polluted soil ecosystems will also be illustrated together with some remediation technologies.

Students should demonstrate:
- The knowledge of the various components of natural soils and the interactions between these components. 
- The knowledge of the physical, chemical and physicochemical principles affecting the interactions between natural and anthropic compounds (e.g. contaminants/pollutants) with the diverse soil components. 
- The knowledge of the natural and polluted soil monitoring approaches and systems (traditional vs innovative) and soil remediation technologies.

Students should demonstrate integration and application of the information assimilated in the course in specific contexts such as:
- Identification of natural vs contaminated/polluted soil ecosystems.
- Analysis of perturbed soil ecosystems to understand the dynamics and fate of contaminants/pollutants and the effects on biota.
- Identification of suitable monitoring systems to assess the presence of contaminants/pollutants in soil ecosystems.
- Identification of appropriate remediation technologies to recover distinctly contaminated/polluted soils.

Students should demonstrate the capacity of evaluating information resulting from observations and measurements (monitoring) to assess the extent of soil perturbation and possible actions to make.

Students should show:
- Active listening during the course.
- Situation analysis of different ecosystems, catching the main features characterising natural vs perturbed soils.
- Synthetic but persuasive argumentation of concepts, dynamics and processes in soil ecosystems as described in the course, demonstrating technological competency.
- Public speaking with respect.

- Analytical-thinking and text interpretation of the various materials provided in the course to achieve suitable knowledge of natural and polluted soil ecosystems
- Curiosity in understanding the causes of events occurring in perturbed soils, relative to the natural ones
- Open-mindedness towards other opinions, with critical thinking and without prejudices.

Teacher's Profile



• Info about the course
- Operative information

• What do we know about the Earth?
- Earth organisation: the four “spheres” and their interactions in ecosystems and biomes
- Present and future threats for humans: population, food, cultivable lands, water, urban areas, pollution, biodiversity

• What do we know about pollutants?
- Pollution as “ecosystem perturbation”
- Different types of pollution classification
- Contamination vs pollution

• Which types of pollution?
- Natural vs anthropic pollution
- Point source vs non-point source pollution

• Which types of pollutants?
- Physical, chemical and biological pollution
- Nature, toxicity, features, sources and different classifications of pollutants

• What do we know about soil?
- Definitions, functions and importance

• What does soil come from?
- Factors and processes driving to soil formation

• What is soil composed of?
- Abiotic vs biotic components
- Inorganic fraction: description and properties of solid inorganic components - Minerals (silicates and non-silicates). Origin and formation of the inorganic fraction
- Water: chemistry, properties and importance of water. Soil-water interactions and dynamics; water movements in soil. Soil water content: concepts, types, measurements, and management
- Air: composition and importance of air in soil; air dynamics in soil. Soil volatiles (VOCs)
- Organic fraction: description, composition and properties of solid organic matter. Origin, formation (humification) and decomposition of the soil organic fraction
- Biota: Soil ecosystems and components of soil biota, their classification, distribution, and functions. Soil-plant-microorganism relationships - The rhizosphere

• Which are the properties of soils?
- Physical
- Chemical
- Physicochemical
- Biological/biochemical

• Soil health, quality and resilience: definitions and differences

• Which are the causes of soil pollution?
- Land uses and activities - industrial, agricultural, and urban areas

• Which types of pollutants can be found in soils?
- Inorganic pollutants in soil: interactions, processes (adsorption/fixation, absorption, solubilisation, mobility, leaching) and persistence
- Organic pollutants in soil: interactions, processes (partitioning, adsorption/fixation, absorption, solubilisation, mobility, volatilisation, degradation, leaching) and persistence

• Which are the interactions between pollutants and soil?
- Soil components and soil properties affecting the interactions with pollutants
- Fate of contaminants/pollutants in soil (adsorption/fixation, absorption, volatilisation, degradation, leaching) and persistence

• Which are the effects of soil pollutants?
- Toxicity of pollutants in soil ecosystems: effects on soil organisms
- Effects on soil properties

• How to detect and monitor pollutants in soils?
- Monitoring soil quality (indicators, indices, etc.)
- Monitoring soil pollutants (metals, organics, nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
- Traditional approaches in soil monitoring (sampling and lab analyses)
- Innovative approaches in soil monitoring (sensors, biosensors, nano(bio)sensors, probes and (hybrid) sensing systems).

• How to manage soil pollution?
- Limitation, prevention and treatment of soil pollution.

• How to remediate polluted soils?
- Traditional technologies for soil remediation (physical and chemical)
- Bioremediation approaches for soil cleaning and recovery
- Innovative approaches in soil (bio)remediation.



Presentations of individual or group activities on specific issues of the course will be required for students based on scientific publications provided.

It consists of an oral interview with students, where questions are asked on various issues based on the course program to assess the following parameters (with ratings):
• The knowledge of the course subjects (sufficient, medium, complete, deep).
• The student’s problem-solving abilities based on analytical thinking, the capacity to relate soil features and processes, to the presence of contaminants/pollutants to address suitable actions of monitoring activities and remediation treatments (sufficient, good, excellent).
• The capacity to integrate information and relating events and processes at the microscale with effects at the ecosystem level (sufficient, good, excellent). 
• The synthetic but persuasive argumentation of concepts with general and detailed information and technological competency (simple, clear and correct, confident and correct).
• Mastery of scientific expression and terminology (sufficient, good, excellent).
• Ability to make interdisciplinary connections (sufficient, good, excellent).



• R.R. Weil, N.C. Brady (2016). The nature and properties of soils (15th Edition). Pearson.
OR: R.R. Weil, N.C. Brady (2019). Elements of the nature and properties of soils (4th Edition). Pearson.
• E.A. Paul (2015). Soil microbiology, ecology, and biochemistry (4th Edition). Academic Press.
• M.L. Brusseau, I.L. Pepper, C.P. Gerba, (2019). Environmental and Pollution Science (3rd Edition). Academic Press.



Lectures based on slide presentations. Discussion of scientific articles, videos and documents from magazines and websites. Student presentations of individual or group activities on specific issues. Practical activities consisting in 1 or 2 visits to laboratories in other sites (e.g. CNR, for soil monitoring).



The course attendance is not mandatory. However, students are strongly recommended to participate in classes because of the difficulty of some concepts and the interconnections and interdependence of several topics presented in the course that could make their comprehension difficult for students with limited basic knowledge (check the "Prerequisites"/"Prerequisiti" tab). Additionally, since multiple textbooks are necessary to cover all the course topics, class attendance can facilitate the following studying and learning.

Lessons will be provided in classrooms. The streaming connection will be allowed ONLY due to the impossibility of a student being present in person in the class and upon specific request in advance. Recorded SPM course 2023-2024 lessons will not be provided at all.


Any other texts (articles, reports, theses or other types of documents) will be indicated during the course through the Moodle platform



First Semester6AGR/05eng

Learning objectives

Understand the role of vegetation in the urban environment in improving air quality.
Provide tools for selecting the best tree species to improve environmental quality with a focus on air quality.
Assessment of air pollution and carbon sequestration by urban vegetation.
Use of tools in urban green planning and management

Teacher's Profile


The urban environment and green infrastructure for sustainable and resilient cities
Interactions of trees with atmospheric pollutants and their absorption (O₃, PM)
Effects of main atmospheric pollutants on plants
Role of BVOC emissions in urban air quality
Carbon sequestration of urban trees
Models for estimating air quality improvement and ecosystem services
Selection of the best species to improve air quality and ecosystem services
Biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution
The urban environment as a simulation of climate change
Urban Plant Physiology: plant adaptation and mitigation


The evaluation will be based on a final oral exam with open questions about the course content.


Raymond, C.M., Berry, P., Breil, M., Nita, M.R., Kabisch, N., de Bel, M., Enzi, V., Frantzeskaki, N., Geneletti, D., Cardinaletti, M., Lovinger, L., Basnou, C., Monteiro, A., Robrecht, H., Sgrigna, G., Muhari, L., Calfapietra, C., 2017. An Impact Evaluation Framework to Support Planning and Evaluation of Nature-based Solutions Projects. Report prepared by the EKLIPSE Expert Working Group on Nature-based Solutions to Promote Climate Resilience in Urban Areas. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallington, United Kingdom.


Course attendance is strongly recommended.


- Calfapietra, C., Niinemets, Ü., Peñuelas, J., 2015. Urban Plant Physiology: adaptation-mitigation strategies under permanent stress. Trends Plant Sci. 20, 72–75.
- Nowak, D.J., D.E. Crane, and J.C. Stevens. 2006. Air pollution removal by urban trees and shrubs in the United States. Urban For. Urban Gree. 4:115 – 123.
- Pearlmutter, D., Calfapietra, C., Samson, R., O'Brien, L., Krajter Ostoić, S., Sanesi, G., Alonso del Amo, R. (Eds.) 2017. The Urban Forest Cultivating Green Infrastructure for People and the Environment. Springer.


First Semester6AGR/06eng

Learning objectives

Bioindustry in forest-wood chain. Knowledge of wood cascade use and exploitation of biomass to produce traditional and innovative wood-based composites. Wood improvements chracateristics by eco-frIendly and susitainable modification. All the topic will be related to regulations and to European technical standards (EN).New wood polymer composites

Teacher's Profile


Background of wood science and technology: Wood chemistry: cellulose, hemicellulose, extractives (terpens, tannins, quinones, lignans).
Wood durability. Biotic agents of degradation, hazard classes, permeability, weathering.
National bodies and European Committee for standardization (CEN): types of technical standards
Solid wood. Standards for log and load bearing structures grading. Strength classes in structural timber EN technical standards. Structures in historical buildings, classification. Classification of quality in logs: EN technical standards. Marking CE.
Use of wood extractives, cork, gums, other non wood products.
Wood Preservants and consolidants.
Wood modification: Heat treatments (thermowood, Plato-wood, Moldrup), Chemical modification (acetylation, furfural alchol, isocyanates), properties of chemically modified wood.
Wood adhesion and wood adhesives. Liquified wood, welding wood, natural glues (proteins, starch, tannins…)
Laminated timber and solid wood panels: plywoods, X-LAMS, gluelams, KVH, LVL, PVL etc. EN technical standards
Particle wood biocomposites: particleboards (waferboard, flakeboards, OSB, LVL, etc.)
Fiber-wood composites (MDF, HDF, LDF), wood-plastic composites (WPC),
Cellulose nanopapers, cellulose nanocomposites, cellulose biofoams and aerogels. Plasma treatment of wood
Biorafinery, recycled wood.
Lignin nanoparticles and cellulose nanofibrils.
Applications to bio-coatings, bio-vernishes, biomedical products
Advances in wood composites: Wood polymers composite. Biocomposite materials inspired to wood.
Forest-wood new value chains: organization


Project work and oral test


Rowell. 2013. Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites. CRC Press
Ansell 2015, Wood Composites. Elsevier publishing.
Slides of the teacher.
Tsoumis 1991. Wood Science and Technology
APA Engineered wood handbook
Suggested Review Articles by the teacher


Lectures in the room and didactic visites. Practical work


by person in the classrom. For specific request write to the President of the course



First Semester6AGR/05eng

Learning objectives

Acquire the theoretical and practical bases for the propagation of woody plants belonging to species used in the green infrastructures.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them (also in unfamiliar areas) to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of productive tree plants for short rotation forestry (SFR) or ornamental woody plants, as well as historical trees. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary contexts in order to detect and solve problems related with the production of healthy plants for green infrastructures (landscape architectures, city planners, etc..).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles of woody plant propagation to the obtainment of healthy plant material for SRF and green infrastructures. The students will be able to develop protocols for the propagation of woody species not included in the course on the base of the acquired knowledge in order to obtain woody plants suitable for the productive, environmental, historical and cultural contexts where they will work.
3) Making judgements
Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during the course and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points, as well as make judgments even with incomplete data.
4) Communication skills
During the lessons, it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered, as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination in order to ameliorate the future communication skills of the students towards specialist and non-specialist interlocutors in relation to the approaches used and the results obtained.
5) Learning skills
Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices will develop those skills.

Teacher's Profile


The class and lab. activities lectures will be focused on the following groups of topics/abilities: methods available for in vitro propagation, variation in cultures and plants, the control of contaminants and diseases, genetic, environmental and tissue dependent factors affecting growth and morphogenesis in cultures, the nature and uses of plant growth regulators, and the components, preparation and uses of culture media. Special problems encountered in initiating and maintaining cultures, how shoots and plantlets are converted into plants and established in the external environment, how performance in greenhouse and field can be altered, commercial aspects and economics of production, a tabulation of recent patents, and tables of published work on plant micropropagation of a large variety of trees and plants.

1) Plant Tissue Culture Techniques.
2) Woody Plant Propagation and Micropropagation.
3) Variation in Cultures and Regenerated Plants.
4) Equipment and Procedures.
5) Controlling Persistent Contaminants and Plant Diseases.
6) Storing and Distributing Clonal Material.
7) Factors Affecting Growth and Morphogenesis of woody plants (I. Genotype and the Physical Environment, II. Tissue Dependent Factors.
8) The Components of Culture Media.
9) The Derivation, Preparation and Use of Plant Tissue Culture Media.
10) Plant Growth Regulators
11) Appropriate Growth Factors and Media for woody plants.
12) Problems in Initiating and Maintaining Cultures, especially in woody plants.
13) Rooting and Establishment.
14) The Phenotype of micropropagated material.
15) Commercial Micropropagation.
16) Micropropagation in Practice


Oral exam on the course program to verify the ability to know and link the contents of the course.
The exam consists of an oral exam. We would like to remind students that, in order to take the exam, they must register for the exam session in question at the “Portale dello studente”. The exam is the same for both attending students and non-attenders.
The exam takes place according to the University Teaching Regulations. The exam is scored out of a maximum of 30 points (minimum mark 18/30), which will go into the calculation of your grade point average, and evaluates your:
1. knowledge of course contents (superficial, appropriate, accurate and complete, complete and in-depth),
2. ability to integrate and critically discuss course contents (sufficient, good, very good),
3. skill in planning a monitoring activity starting from a case study (sufficient, good, very good),
4. level of clarity in exposition (lack of exposure, simple, clear and correct, safe and correct).


1. Plant Cell Culture, essential methods (2010). Edited by M.R. Davey and P. Anthony. Wiley-Blackwell.


Classroom lecture sessions with PowerPoint presentations with figures and process diagrams for a total of 38 hours followed by 10 hours of teaching labs in which the students will hold micropropation, callus culture and regeneration process, protoplast isolation and use.


Strongly recommended, especially for lab practices, but not mandatory.


See textbooks.


Learning objectives

Acquire the theoretical and practical bases for the propagation of woody plants belonging to species used in the green infrastructures.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them (also in unfamiliar areas) to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of productive tree plants for short rotation forestry (SFR) or ornamental woody plants, as well as historical trees. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary contexts in order to detect and solve problems related with the production of healthy plants for green infrastructures (landscape architectures, city planners, etc..).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles of woody plant propagation to the obtainment of healthy plant material for SRF and green infrastructures. The students will be able to develop protocols for the propagation of woody species not included in the course on the base of the acquired knowledge in order to obtain woody plants suitable for the productive, environmental, historical and cultural contexts where they will work.
3) Making judgements
Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during the course and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points, as well as make judgments even with incomplete data.
4) Communication skills
During the lessons, it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered, as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination in order to ameliorate the future communication skills of the students towards specialist and non-specialist interlocutors in relation to the approaches used and the results obtained.
5) Learning skills
Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices will develop those skills.



First Semester6AGR/05ENG

Learning objectives

The course will introduce students to the principles and experimental approaches of the forestry discipline applied in an urban environment. This course aims to strengthen the basic knowledge of classical forestry and demonstrate how various techniques can be applied to an urban environment, offering a framework to address and solve current scientific problems (e.g. extreme events related to extreme climate change) and provide a basis for specialized studies in soil science and ecology. In particular, the course aims to provide the necessary skills to operate in the urban green sector.


KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Have developed knowledge of classical forestry principles adapted to an urban environment, principles of ecology, soil science, and hydrology, so as to be able to examine and solve complex planning and management problems in an urban forest environment.

APPLIED KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Have an understanding of experimental approaches and know how to apply them to specific problems of urban forestry. In particular, knowing how to apply methodologies for the analysis, monitoring, and management planning of forest systems and green areas in an urban environment.

MAKING JUDGMENTS: Being able to interpret the various problems encountered by vegetation in urban and peri-urban areas and to be able to identify the advantages deriving from correct management of urban green areas.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Learn the rigor of reasoning with the use of formulas and graphs. In particular, the student learns to present his arguments and the results of his study or work in written, verbal or multimedia form, with particular reference to the elaboration and presentation of projects and plans concerning the management of urban green areas.

LEARNING SKILLS: Being able to describe scientific topics concerning vegetation and soil in an urban environment, both in written and oral form. This ability will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral discussions in the classroom, written exercises, tutorials and seminars on specific topics related to the course.

Teacher's Profile



• What is urban forestry: limitations and reference areas. Historical and geographical notes on the development of urban forestry.
• Benefits of urban and peri-urban forests
• Ecological characteristics and main tree species of Italian forests, with particular attention to the Mediterranean environment.
• Adaptation of plants to the main environmental factors: light, water, nutrients, air pollution and CO2.
• Urban soils. Characteristics, main problems related to pollution and their management in an urban context
• Forestry treatments applied to urban and peri-urban forests
• Management of natural forests in urban areas and protected areas
• Effect of environmental stress on plant functionality: frost, dryness, radiation, air pollution.
• Ecological-environmental analysis. Assessment of disturbances and degradation (analysis and forms) relating to road conditions, urban settlements, industrial areas, mining, and landfill activity,
• Hydrogeological instability of the slopes, coastal erosion, recovery, traditional hydraulic systems, fragmentation of the natural environment, tourism and mass demonstrations, localized and widespread pollution.
• Forms of requalification and recovery: objectives and methodologies. Plants as main material in recovery forms: reproduction, multiplication and improvement for recovery purposes. Biotechnical characteristics of plants. use of different herbaceous, shrubby and forest species for single interventions. Species selection and use of nursery material.
• Methods and techniques for ecological rehabilitation and recovery
• Design and supervision of the recovery works of degraded urban areas
• Practical exercises in Urban Parks of the Lazio Region
• Design of urban and peri-urban parks and related issues.


Learning will be assessed through a final oral exam which will focus on the principles of forestry, the main advantages offered by urban and peri-urban green areas, soil formation and the different issues in an urban and peri-urban environment, the design of an urban or peri-urban green area, the management and monitoring of urban parks.

Learning is normally verified through an oral exam. The final exam covers all the topics introduced during the course and will have a maximum duration of 1 hour, with 4 questions in which students will have to argue and describe the different aspects of urban forestry covered in the course (e.g. benefits of urban green areas, different management practices possibly applicable in an urban environment, etc).
The final exam will be evaluated out of thirty.
The calendar and registration will be available on the University website.


Recommended books for exam preparation:

FAO. 2016. Guidelines on urban and peri-urban forestry, by F. Salbitano, S. Borelli, M. Conigliaro and Y. Chen. FAO Forestry Paper No.¬178. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Freely Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6210e.pdf

Konijnendijk CC, Nilsson K, Randrup TB, Schipperijn J (2005). Urban Forests and Trees. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Additional teaching material provided by the teacher:
The presentations of the individual lessons will be made available on MOODLE on the course page. Further material such as handouts and/or videos will always be made available on MOODLE.


The course is organized with the following distribution of hours between frontal teaching and practical exercises:

- 40 hours of lectures in the classroom with video support for presentations and viewing of the material.
- 8 hours of exercise in urban parks of the Lazio region.


Lecture attendance is not compulsory


FAO. 2016. Guidelines on urban and peri-urban forestry, by F. Salbitano, S. Borelli, M. Conigliaro and Y. Chen. FAO Forestry Paper No.¬178. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Freely Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6210e.pdf

Konijnendijk CC, Nilsson K, Randrup TB, Schipperijn J (2005). Urban Forests and Trees. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.



First Semester6AGR/05eng


Second Semester 7AGR/05eng

Learning objectives

The course forms part of the field of knowledge of the multi-purpose and sustainable management of the forest resources and the utilization of wood and non wood-based products. The course will provide students with the knowledge on corology, ecology and silviculture of the main forest species in Europe, in the perspective to apply this knowledge to the management of complex territorial systems. Students completing the course will develop a good ability to:
- choose of the best silvicultural system to achieve the forest management objectives.
- evaluate the effects of silvicultural systems on the forest attitude to provide specific goods and services.
- estimate the ecological and social consequences of forest management at a territorial scale.

1. Knowledge and understanding.
To develop during the lessons the knowledge on the characteristics of the main Mediterranean and temperate forests in an integrated perspective with ecological and silvicultural aspects. Ability to understand the evolving dynamics of forest systems, both natural and/or man-made, in relation to the objectives of sustainable forest management.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding.
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding in order to define culture criteria and modalities for adaptive forest management of forest formations. To be able to apply methodologies for analysis and planning of forest management systems on a territorial scale. Describe and provide scientific and application topics related to the various forest management issues.
3. Making judgement.
Being able to develop interdisciplinary connection skills and critical discussion of course content. Develop critical interpretation skills and discussion of experiences or experimental results in the forestry sector similar to those discussed during lessons.
4. Communication skills.
Ability to communicate with clarity and conviction the forestry knowledge acquired during the course or through the analysis of scientific articles or other publications in the forestry sector. These skills will be developed through the active involvement of students in class discussions or during practice sessions on different forest issues.
5. Learning skills
Condition for successful learning skills is to develop the ability to re-organise and synthesize in autonomy the interdisciplinary knowledge on forest science to be applied to the silviculture of Mediterranean and temperate forests.

Teacher's Profile


1. Introduction and objectives of the course. Near-to-nature silviculture and sustainable silviculture: theoretical basis and applicative principles. Effects of silviculture on the genetic characteristics of forests. Forest resources in Europe: an integrated perspective on ecosystem services, disturbances and threats. Brief outline of forest bio-based economy in Europe.
2. European forests: an ecological overview. Forest vegetation belts in Italy. European forest classifications. European Forest Types: tree species matrix. Past forests of Europe.
Silviculture of Mediterranean and temperate forests, in particular:
3. Silvics and silviculture of Mediterranean forests: Mediterranean macchia; Mediterranean pine stands, (Pinus halepensis, P. pinaster, P. pinea); evergreen oak stands (Quercus ilex, Q. suber, Q. coccifera). Wood production in Mediterranean forests. Silviculture of minor tree species of the Mediterranean environment.
4. Silvics and silviculture of plain / sub mountain forests: deciduous oak stands (Quercus robur, Q. petraea, Q. pubescens, Q. frainetto, Q. cerris, Q. trojana); chestnut stands (Castanea sativa). Brief outline on silvics and silviculture of the main broadleaf species related to the deciduous oak stands (Carpinus spp., Acer spp., Fraxinus spp.). Outline on the riparian tree vegetation in Europe. Wood production in plain / sub-mountain forests.
5. Silvics and silviculture of mountain forests: European beech stands (Fagus sylvatica); European silver fir stands (Abies alba); Mountain pine stands (P. sylvestris, P. nigra, P. laricio, P. leucodermis). Brief outline on silvics and silviculture of valuable broadleved stands (Acer spp., Tilia spp., Fraxinus excelsior, Prunus avium). Wood production in mountain forests
6. Silvics and silviculture of subalpine forests: Norway spruce stands (Picea abies); European larch, stone pine, Swiss mountain pine, dwarf pine stands (Larix decidua, Pinus cembra, Pinus uncinata, Pinus mugo). Wood production in subalpine forests. Silviculture in protection forests.
7. Outline of forest reproductive material and forest nursery techniques. Technical principles for the establishment and management of forest plantations. Outline on clonal forestry, short rotation forestry, forest restoration.


The assessment of the knowledge acquired is achieved through an oral examination, at fixed date, that will be published well in advance on the course website. The final examination will verify the preparation of the student on all the parts of the program. It will concern the discussion of three topics pertinent to the course. One of the topics can be chosen, agreed with the teacher, consisting in the discussion of a written report that deepens the silvicultural aspects of a scientific paper relevant to the course or of a real situation faced during field activities in the forest and/or of direct knowledge of the student.
Evaluation criteria:
- knowledge of course contents;
- ability to integrate and critically discuss course contents;
- skill in planning a silvicultural activity starting from a case study;
- level of clarity in exposition and proper use of technical terminology.


Silviculture Handbook. Wisconsin DNR, Publication Number 2431.5, Madison: Wisconsin DNR, 2010. www.dnr.state.wi.us/forestry/Publications/H andbooks/24315/
San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), 2016. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Kelty, M. J., Larson, B. C., & Oliver, C. D. (Eds.). (2013). The ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests: a festschrift for David M. Smith (Vol. 40). Springer Science & Business Media. (Class. Bibl. 574.52642).
Silviculture Handbook. Wisconsin DNR, Publication Number 2431.5, Madison: Wisconsin DNR, 2010. www.dnr.state.wi.us/forestry/Publications/H andbooks/24315/
The books are available in the university library or on the web. Teaching material will be distributed during the course and/or made available on the web.


On-site lectures, ppt presentations with schematic representations, photographs, video, animations. During the course there will be field activities consisting of a half / full day in the forests of the Viterbo province. At the end of the course field activities in the forest will be organised consisting of some days in Pieve Tesino (TN) on the Alps, in general during the second week of June. Teaching material will be distributed during the course and/or made available on the web.


The attendance of the course is not not compulsory, but is strongly recommended.


Silviculture Handbook. Wisconsin DNR, Publication Number 2431.5, Madison: Wisconsin DNR, 2010. www.dnr.state.wi.us/forestry/Publications/H andbooks/24315/
San-Miguel-Ayanz, J., de Rigo, D., Caudullo, G., Houston Durrant, T., Mauri, A. (Eds.), 2016. European Atlas of Forest Tree Species. Publication Office of the European Union, Luxembourg.
Kelty, M. J., Larson, B. C., & Oliver, C. D. (Eds.). (2013). The ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests: a festschrift for David M. Smith (Vol. 40). Springer Science & Business Media. (Class. Bibl. 574.52642).
Silviculture Handbook. Wisconsin DNR, Publication Number 2431.5, Madison: Wisconsin DNR, 2010. www.dnr.state.wi.us/forestry/Publications/H andbooks/24315/
The books are available in the university library or on the web. Teaching material will be distributed during the course and/or made available on the web.
Silvics of north america: 1. Conifers 2. Hardwoods Agriculture Handbook. Silvics of North America: 1. Conifers 2. Hardwoods Agriculture Handbook 654. Burns, R. M. and B. H. Honkala (technical coordinators), U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Washington D. C., 1990. http://na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/silvics_manual/table_ of_contents.htm.
Helms, J. A. (1998). The dictionary of forestry. (Class. Bibl. 634.903/DIC).
The books are available in the university library or on the web. Teaching material will be distributed during the course and/or made available on the web.


Second Semester 12ENG

Second Semester 4ENG


First Semester 7AGR/05ENG

Learning objectives

As part of the general objective of the Master's Degree Course in Forestry and Environmental Sciences, that is, to train professionals capable of governing forest management processes in relation to the role that forest ecosystems play today, and the challenges that socio-environmental systems must address in the face of Global Change processes, at the end of the course, the student will have acquired:
a) knowledge and understanding of the phases of the sustainable and multifunctional forest planning process, i.e. developed according to ecological criteria, on a single forest property and landscape scale;
b) knowledge and understanding of how to apply theoretical knowledge to forest planning decisions through case studies regarding the estimation of allowable cut, the recognition and protection of the social and environmental functions provided by forest stands, the integration of wood production with the conservation of the complexity of forest systems;
c) autonomy of judgment and decision regarding the validity of the different approaches to forest planning applicable in a given socio-ecological context in relation to the multiplicity of objectives to be achieved through forest management;
d) better ability to communicate and discuss the objectives and methods of forest management planning with the various stakeholders involved in the planning process, with particular reference to the environmental impact of the plan decisions.
e) better ability to learn the complexity of issues relating to the management of natural resources.

Teacher's Profile


In order to achieve the learning objective a) acquire knowledge and understanding about the phases and methods of the sustainable and multifunctional forestry planning process, i.e. developed according to ecological criteria, on a company and landscape scale, the following topics, in particular, are intended, for a total time estimated at 32 hours (4 CFU) :
- The concept of Sustainable Forest Management (SFM)
- The functions of the forest.
- Planning as a tool for sustainable, multifunctional forest management
- Different level of forest planning in Italy.
- Steps of lanIn order to achieve the training objectd and forest planning
- Goals, objectives and actors of forest planning
- Data collection; mandatory knowledge about environmental socio-economic factors of the woodland to be planned
- Forest compartments and other basic territorial units of a forest under management.
- How to divide a forest ownership into compartments
- The concept of fully regulated evenaged normal forest. Rotation. Criteria to choose the rotation. Yield tables.
- Methods to calculate the allowable cut of evenaged normal forest. The area control methods for the management of coppices.
- Volume control methods for hogh forests: the Austrian methods, the Paulsen-Hundeshagen principle and derived formulas
- The management of the normal unevenaged forest. The reverse j shaped curve; the cutting cycle. How calculate the allowable cut.
- Management methods which do not refer to a normal forest model: the silvicultural method; the Moeller's Dauerwald, the control method.

In order to achieve the learning objectiveive b) knowledge and understanding of how to apply theoretical knowledge to forest planning decisions through case studies, didactical experiences in forest and practical exercises regarding the estimation of woody recovery, the recognition and protection of social and environmental functions carried out by forest stands, the integration of wood production with the conservation of the complexity of forest systems, are programmed, for a total time estimated at 12 hours (1,5 CFU).

In order to achieve the learning objective c) autonomy of judgment and decision regarding the validity of the different approaches to forest planning applicable in a given socio-ecological context in relation to the multiplicity of objectives to be achieved with forest management, and e) better ability to learn the complexity of issues relating to the management of natural resources teh following topics are intended:
- Forest management facing the challenges of global change, the following topics are intended, for a total time estimated at 8 hours (1 CFU):
- Overcoming the normal forest: from prediction to control. Management "close to nature" in its various expressions.
- The forest as a complex and adaptive biological system. Systemic management.
- Planning forests with prevalent function of protection from natural hazards.

In order to achieve the learning objective d) better ability to communicate and discuss the objectives and methods of forest management planning with the various stakeholders involved in the planning process, with particular reference to the environmental impact of the plan decisionsthe following topics are intended, for a total time estimated at 4 hours (0,5 CFU):
- Landscape-scale forest planning: general characteristics, peculiarities, benefits, operational phases.
- The participatory process in forest planning.


The evaluation consists of a written test based on fifteen mainly open-ended questions, aimed at ascertaining the degree of knowledge and understanding acquired by the student on the different phases and methods of the forest planning process, on the different approaches to forest planning, both those oriented to wood production and those who pursue multifunctionality, and on their application, also through simple exercises. No more than two questions may be closed multiple choice. The student will be asked three questions for each of five groups of topics that were most relevant during the course. The questions require short answers that may require a maximum of ten lines. The time available will be one hour and fifteen minutes


Peter Bettinger, Kevin Boston, Jacely Siry, Donald Grebner
Forest management and Planning
Academic Press, 2017
Available at the university scientific library.

Articles proposed by the professor and available on Moodle


The course includes lectures (5,5 CFU) and practical activities (1,5 CFU).
Practical activities include:
- design of hypothesis of regulating allowable cut for case studies of productive forests;
- survey of forest productivity index in sample areas;
- field trip to case study forest under multifunctional forest planning with discussion of management questions, also involving stakeholders.


Attendance is not compulsory but highly recommended, both in theoretical lessons and in practical activities.


R.W. Matthews, T.A.R. Jenkins, E.D. Mackie, E.C. Dick
Forest Yield: a handbook on forest growth and yield tables for British forestry.
Forestry Commission, 2016
Available from the professor

van Laar A., Akça A.
Forest Mensuration
Available from the professor

Kevin L. O’Hara
Multiaged Silviculture: Managing for Complex Forest Stand Structures
Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2014
Available at the university scientific library.



First Semester 6AGR/01ENG

Learning objectives

Knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of the environmental economy
Ability to analyze information and insights on relevant global issues
Acquire an ability to analyze issues and make assessment judgments
Ability to expose economic and policy issues on a large scale
Acquire ownership of the main basic and integral concepts in your technical-cultural background


First Semester 12ENG

First Semester 4ENG
MODULE II - -- -


Second Semester6BIO/05ENG

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the student with the basics to understand the structure and complexity of vertebrates with particular regard to forest ecosystems, making reference to an Italian, European and Mediterranean framework. For each group, general notions will be provided regarding the body's organizational plan, biology, ecological role, evolutionary aspects, highlighting the most significant species and conservation problems.



Second Semester 6AGR/08ENG

Learning objectives

The course aim is the advancement of knowledge of hydrological processes for enhancing the comprehension and the management of hydrological practical problems. Specifically, the course will focus on small and ungauged basins.

It is possible to identify two main aims:
Refresh of notions about hydrological processes and their modelling, with particular emphasis of the design discharge concept and its practical usefulness.
Learning the design hydrograph concept and the event-based modelling approach either theoretically and in practice.
Moreover, the course will provide some soft-skills about GIS tools particularly useful for hydrological applications.

Expected outcomes following the Dublin descriptors:

Knowledge and understanding.
hydrological phenomena, specifically, rainfall and runoff formation. Design hydrograph notion and its practical implications.

Applying knowledge and understanding
Rainfall-runoff modelling. A freeware software, nowadays adopted by the professional community, will be introduced to the students and they will be asked to develop a practical project. The software application will guarantee the full comprehension of the hydrological applications.

Making judgements - Communication skills - Learning skills
Students will be asked to develop a project that, other to provide a practical example for estimating the design hydrograph, will allow them to investigate on the role of the physical parameters. The project will be assigned without a rigid scheme, student will be invited to identify himself a scientific question on which he can investigate with the software application. During the project he will identify the answer to the scientific question and motivate his conclusions. Setting small groups and interacting with the lecturer will stimulate Making judgements - Communication skills - Learning skills under the hydrological perspective.

Teacher's Profile


-Design peak discharge and design hydrograph
-Return period: meaning, equation, and practical implication
-Rational Formula, theory and practice
-Intesity-Duration-Frequency curves, theory and practice (Excel Lab)
-Rainfall- Runoff Event-Based Approach
-Design Hyetograph
-Net Rainfall estimation, the NRCS-CN curve number method
-Rainfall-runoff transformation, the IUH approach and the WFIUH approach.
-GIS tool for watershed management
-The EBA4SUB software: introduction and project discussion (project Lab).
-Hydrological application case studies.


Three oral questions will allow to understand if the student reaches the course aim.
Students will have the opportunity to prepare a report including the results of the exercise lab project to be discussed during the exam.


Applied Hydrology, Chow, Maidment, Mays,

In addition to the textbook, papers and materials will be available on GOMP useful for the Lab exercise and the project development.


The course is organized with traditional lectures integrated with alternative methods useful to achieve the expected learning results.
An exercise developed in the classroom with the presence of the lecturer will be useful to ensure "Knowledge and understanding skills ", moreover, a project work to be carried out independently (partially done in the classroom) which can optionally be discussed during the exam, will be coherent to the Dublin descriptors: “Making judgements - Communication skills - Learning skills“


Attendance in the course is not mandatory, although it is encouraged


No additional textbooks suggested.

17559 -

Second Semester 20ENG


Second Semester 4L-LIN/12eng

Learning objectives

The English language course aims to familiarize students with the techniques of writing in the English languagewhich differs from writing in Italian. Thsi course also allows students to produce documents and/or short essays which are relevant for their course of study.
The course therefore focuses on two of the four language skills - writing and reading - without forgetting listening and speaking.
To achieve these objectives, classes are exclusively taught in English. It is for this reason that the grammatical basis of the language and its phonological aspects are not neglected but analyzed whenever the need arises.
The final goal is the achievement of level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), adopted by the Council of Europe by means of which the student:
* Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his / her field of specialization.
* Can interact with a certain fluency and spontaneity that make natural interaction with native speakers possible without effort for the interlocutor.
* Can produce clear and detailed text on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view on a topic providing the pros and cons of the various options.
These objectives are achieved by developing and consolidating the four language skills but above all applying the linguistic knowledge that is gradually being acquired.
Particular attention is paid to the text and context; text analyzes are carried out to identify the specific and pertinent vocabulary, the register to be used and the method of outlining and writing an essay.
Texts of various topics are submitted to students but the main focus is on on scientific topics, crucial to their course of study; also audio will be distributed to develop the ability of oral comprehension; moreover, at each lesson, students must prepare and present some topics of interest in Power Point version.

Learning objectives

Let the student know the nature, modification, functioning and transmission of genetic information of living organisms, with particular reference to forest trees. Provide the principles and methods for assessing the genetic variability of forest species for its use in tree improvement.

After completing the course, students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.

Teacher's Profile



The course is organized into four major sections:
1) summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics);
2) population genetics;
3) quantitative genetics;
4) basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.


a) Mendelian genetics
- Mendel's principles
Monohybrid crosses: the principles of dominance and segregation; dihybrid crosses: the principle of independent assortment.
- Extension of Mendel's principles: partial dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, genetic linkage, pleiotropy.

b) Molecular genetics and cytogenetics
- Structures of DNA and RNA.
- The central dogma of molecular biology: replication, transcription and translation, the genetic code.
- Gene structure and regulation.
- The organization of DNA in chromosomes, mitosis and meiosis, chromosome theory of inheritance,
- Genomics.
- Mutations.
- Polyploidy.

- Causes and types of variability in forest stands.

- Genetic structure of populations: genotype and allele frequencies.
- The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law: assumption and predictions of the law; implications of the law in natural populations.
- Mating systems and inbreeding: influence of inbreeding on genotypic frequencies, inbreeding coefficient, inbreeding depression in forest trees.
- Forces that change allele frequency (evolutionary forces): mutation, migration, selection and genetic drift.

- Characteristics of quantitative traits.
- Study of the amount of phenotypic variation for a quantitative trait.; statistical tools: samples and populations, frequency distributions, mean, variance and standard deviation, correlation and regression analyses.
- Estimating the relative contribution of environmental and genetic effects on the observed phenotypic variability: heritability and its estimation in forest species.
- Estimating the genotypic value of parental phenotypes by the analysis of offspring: clonal and breeding values; general combining ability and specific combining ability.
- Genetic gain or genetic progress in a tree improvement program: realized gain and predicted gain on the basis of quantitative genetics theory; clonal and breeding genetic gain.
- Genetic correlations: genetic correlations between two distinct traits (traits/traits correlations); genetics correlations of the same trait expressed at different ages (juvenile/mature correlations); genetic correlations of the same trait expressed in different environments (genotype x environment interaction).

- Genetic improvements under natural regeneration systems.
- Scope and structure of forest tree improvement programs.
- Population types and activities in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.
- Characteristics of different types of populations: base population, selected population, breeding population, external population.
- Propagation population: clonal seed orchards, seedling seed orchards.
- Objectives and functions of genetic tests in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.


Oral examination based on the individual evaluation of the student by formulating three questions about the different major sections of the course: summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics) population genetics, quantitative genetics and genetic improvement of forest trees.
In particular, consistent with the expected learning results, in the oral test students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.
The oral test is considered sufficient if the student answers clearly and exhaustively to at least two of the three questions proposed.


Notes and slides of the lectures provided by the teacher.
Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855


Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855

Teacher's Profile



The course is organized into four major sections:
1) summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics);
2) population genetics;
3) quantitative genetics;
4) basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.


a) Mendelian genetics
- Mendel's principles
Monohybrid crosses: the principles of dominance and segregation; dihybrid crosses: the principle of independent assortment.
- Extension of Mendel's principles: partial dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, genetic linkage, pleiotropy.

b) Molecular genetics and cytogenetics
- Structures of DNA and RNA.
- The central dogma of molecular biology: replication, transcription and translation, the genetic code.
- Gene structure and regulation.
- The organization of DNA in chromosomes, mitosis and meiosis, chromosome theory of inheritance,
- Genomics.
- Mutations.
- Polyploidy.

- Causes and types of variability in forest stands.

- Genetic structure of populations: genotype and allele frequencies.
- The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium law: assumption and predictions of the law; implications of the law in natural populations.
- Mating systems and inbreeding: influence of inbreeding on genotypic frequencies, inbreeding coefficient, inbreeding depression in forest trees.
- Forces that change allele frequency (evolutionary forces): mutation, migration, selection and genetic drift.

- Characteristics of quantitative traits.
- Study of the amount of phenotypic variation for a quantitative trait.; statistical tools: samples and populations, frequency distributions, mean, variance and standard deviation, correlation and regression analyses.
- Estimating the relative contribution of environmental and genetic effects on the observed phenotypic variability: heritability and its estimation in forest species.
- Estimating the genotypic value of parental phenotypes by the analysis of offspring: clonal and breeding values; general combining ability and specific combining ability.
- Genetic gain or genetic progress in a tree improvement program: realized gain and predicted gain on the basis of quantitative genetics theory; clonal and breeding genetic gain.
- Genetic correlations: genetic correlations between two distinct traits (traits/traits correlations); genetics correlations of the same trait expressed at different ages (juvenile/mature correlations); genetic correlations of the same trait expressed in different environments (genotype x environment interaction).

- Genetic improvements under natural regeneration systems.
- Scope and structure of forest tree improvement programs.
- Population types and activities in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.
- Characteristics of different types of populations: base population, selected population, breeding population, external population.
- Propagation population: clonal seed orchards, seedling seed orchards.
- Objectives and functions of genetic tests in the breeding cycle of tree improvement programs.


Oral examination based on the individual evaluation of the student by formulating three questions about the different major sections of the course: summary of basic genetic principles (mendelian and molecular genetics) population genetics, quantitative genetics and genetic improvement of forest trees.
In particular, consistent with the expected learning results, in the oral test students must demonstrate that they: 1) have acquired the tools for the analysis of the transmission and recombination of hereditary characters; 2) are able to interpret the results of genetic crosses; 3) have acquired knowledge on the molecular mechanisms of gene regulation in forest trees; 4) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of genetic variability of forest trees; 5) are able to analyse the effects of inbreeding and evolution factors on the genetic structure of natural populations of forest trees; 6) have acquired the principles and the methods for the study of quantitative traits in forest tree species; 7) have acquired knowledge on the basic principles of genetic improvement of forest trees.
The oral test is considered sufficient if the student answers clearly and exhaustively to at least two of the three questions proposed.


Notes and slides of the lectures provided by the teacher.
Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855


Textbook: Forest Genetics (2009), Editors: White T.L., Adams W.T., Neale D.B. ISBN 9781845932855

Learning objectives

The course will provide the knowledge needed to design and implement a carbon monitoring system targeted to the specific ecosystem and research question/application. It will provide also the knowledge to find existing data and information from existing sources and critically evaluate them.
1) Knowledge and understanding: at the end of the course the student will have the necessary tools to define the best strategy to monitor the ecosystem carbon cycle, the different options available and the overall knowledge to monitor the terrestrial ecosystems carbon and other greenhouse gases (GHG) exchange with the atmosphere in context of climate change.
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: the course will provide the necessary cognitive tools to allow the choice of the most suitable techniques for the study of the ecosystem carbon and other GHGs balances and the options to correctly collect, organize, store and analyse the measurements.
3) Making judgments: once the training course is over, the student will have the tools for a strong autonomy of judgement on issues related to the interactions between climate, atmosphere and ecosystems in the context of the carbon exchange and sequestration and on the options available for the quantification and monitoring of the GHGs exchange in natural ecosystems..
4) Communication skills: at the end of the training course, the student must demonstrate that he or she is able to communicate and discuss in a concise but effective way the issues dealt with during the course, demonstrating the ability to integrate the knowledge acquired.
5) Learning skills: at the end of the course the student must have learned the concepts and techniques addressed and know how to define limits and fundamentals.

Teacher's Profile


1. GHGs cycles, atmosphere and climate change
2. Monitoring carbon stocks changes in biomass and soil with inventory approaches
3. Monitoring canopy productivity and dynamics through periodic measurements of stock changes
4. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using chambers and practical applications
5. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using the Eddy Covariance technique: from setup to results (theory, sensors, fluxes calculation and correction, gapfilling, partitioning, evaluation)
6. Micrometeorological measurements and link to carbon and other GHGs monitoring
7. Remote sensing, phenology and Sun Induced Fluorescence
8. Global monitoring networks, data access and analysis
9. Data management, organization and interpretation


The exam consists in the analysis and interpretation of data and technical questions, presented through a questionnaire


Burba, George. (2013). Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Industrial, Agricultural and Regulatory Applications: A Field Book on Measuring Ecosystem Gas Exchange and Areal Emission Rates. 10.13140/RG.2.1.4247.8561.

Aubinet M., Vesala T., Papale D (2012). Eddy Covariance - A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-2351-1

The ICOS Instructions for Ecosystem measurements: http://www.icos-etc.eu/documents/instructions

Datasets and material provided during the course (Moodle)


Lectures will be in presence and streaming, however following the University decisions. There will be practical activities in laboratory with sensors and data, for large part only in presence.


suggested but not required


See textbooks. Other material suggested during the course on the basis of new literature published (in moodle)

Teacher's Profile


1. GHGs cycles, atmosphere and climate change
2. Monitoring carbon stocks changes in biomass and soil with inventory approaches
3. Monitoring canopy productivity and dynamics through periodic measurements of stock changes
4. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using chambers and practical applications
5. Monitoring GHGs exchanges using the Eddy Covariance technique: from setup to results (theory, sensors, fluxes calculation and correction, gapfilling, partitioning, evaluation)
6. Micrometeorological measurements and link to carbon and other GHGs monitoring
7. Remote sensing, phenology and Sun Induced Fluorescence
8. Global monitoring networks, data access and analysis
9. Data management, organization and interpretation


The exam consists in the analysis and interpretation of data and technical questions, presented through a questionnaire


Burba, George. (2013). Eddy Covariance Method for Scientific, Industrial, Agricultural and Regulatory Applications: A Field Book on Measuring Ecosystem Gas Exchange and Areal Emission Rates. 10.13140/RG.2.1.4247.8561.

Aubinet M., Vesala T., Papale D (2012). Eddy Covariance - A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis. Springer, ISBN: 978-94-007-2351-1

The ICOS Instructions for Ecosystem measurements: http://www.icos-etc.eu/documents/instructions

Datasets and material provided during the course (Moodle)


Lectures will be in presence and streaming, however following the University decisions. There will be practical activities in laboratory with sensors and data, for large part only in presence.


suggested but not required


See textbooks. Other material suggested during the course on the basis of new literature published (in moodle)

Learning objectives

The course is designed to give an introduction on how to generate information from remote sensing data and how to analyse these data in a geographic information system, in order to map forest resources and monitor relevant changes in forest canopy cover.
The course examines the basics of theoretical issues and image classification to help students understand and choose remote sensing solutions for forest classification and forest monitoring problems. The main topics are covered with many practical exercises of forest classification and forest change detection.

Expected Learning outcomes:
1) Knowledge and understanding: comprehensive knowledge of the basics of theoretical issues behind optical remote sensing and image classification
2) Applied knowledge and understanding: ability to select, conceptualize, and implement image classification techniques of multispectral RS images in QGIS with respect to a given practical application in forest cover mapping and change detection
3) Making judgments: critical analysis and evaluation of the potentials and limitations of different image classification methods
4) Communication skills: Refined presentation skills of an own image classification project for forest applications
5) Learning skills: an own mental model for addressing simple tasks exercises of forest classification and forest change detection (competent practitioner of RS)

Teacher's Profile


What is remote sensing and what is it used for?
-Optical Image Formation Process: at-Sensor - Radiance and Reflectance
-Spectral response of main land cover classes
-Vegetation indices

Type of remotely sensed data
-Satellite, airborne and drone platforms
-Multispectral and hyperspectral sensors
-Image data preprocessing by data providers

Geodata handling and image data pre-processing in GIS
-Field work: acquisition of reference data
-Data preprocessing: image data enhancement
-Creating a geographic database: digitizing and managing coordinate systems

Remote sensing data applications to forest resource mapping
-Introduction to digital image processing techniques
-Photointerpretation for land cover and forest type mapping
-Automated classification of satellite images
-Forest change detection


The evaluation will be based on a final written examination (2 hrs) including open questions and practical exercises with open source GIS software. The exam requirements include:
• Bases of electromagnetic radiation and its interactions with the atmosphere and terrestrial land cover types;
• Basic techniques of remote sensing image acquisition, pre-processing, enhancement and classification – as covered in the lectures and labs;
• Knowledge and skills regarding application of the software as used in the practical labs;
• Options of remote sensing integration into forest mapping and monitoring tasks;


- Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (2015)- T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman, Wiley International Edition
- Remote Sensing and Gis for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software (2016). M.Wegmann, B. Leutner and S. Dech, Pelagic Publishing


This course is application-oriented and students will learn to use basic image classification techniques and software tools by a mix of lectures and classroom practical exercises sessions.


Course attendance is strongly recommended.


- Franklin SE (2001). Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Management. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis

Teacher's Profile


What is remote sensing and what is it used for?
-Optical Image Formation Process: at-Sensor - Radiance and Reflectance
-Spectral response of main land cover classes
-Vegetation indices

Type of remotely sensed data
-Satellite, airborne and drone platforms
-Multispectral and hyperspectral sensors
-Image data preprocessing by data providers

Geodata handling and image data pre-processing in GIS
-Field work: acquisition of reference data
-Data preprocessing: image data enhancement
-Creating a geographic database: digitizing and managing coordinate systems

Remote sensing data applications to forest resource mapping
-Introduction to digital image processing techniques
-Photointerpretation for land cover and forest type mapping
-Automated classification of satellite images
-Forest change detection


The evaluation will be based on a final written examination (2 hrs) including open questions and practical exercises with open source GIS software. The exam requirements include:
• Bases of electromagnetic radiation and its interactions with the atmosphere and terrestrial land cover types;
• Basic techniques of remote sensing image acquisition, pre-processing, enhancement and classification – as covered in the lectures and labs;
• Knowledge and skills regarding application of the software as used in the practical labs;
• Options of remote sensing integration into forest mapping and monitoring tasks;


- Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation (2015)- T.M. Lillesand, R.W. Kiefer, J.W. Chipman, Wiley International Edition
- Remote Sensing and Gis for Ecologists: Using Open Source Software (2016). M.Wegmann, B. Leutner and S. Dech, Pelagic Publishing


This course is application-oriented and students will learn to use basic image classification techniques and software tools by a mix of lectures and classroom practical exercises sessions.


Course attendance is strongly recommended.


- Franklin SE (2001). Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Management. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis

Learning objectives

Acquire the theoretical and practical bases for the propagation of woody plants belonging to species used in the green infrastructures.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them (also in unfamiliar areas) to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of productive tree plants for short rotation forestry (SFR) or ornamental woody plants, as well as historical trees. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary contexts in order to detect and solve problems related with the production of healthy plants for green infrastructures (landscape architectures, city planners, etc..).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles of woody plant propagation to the obtainment of healthy plant material for SRF and green infrastructures. The students will be able to develop protocols for the propagation of woody species not included in the course on the base of the acquired knowledge in order to obtain woody plants suitable for the productive, environmental, historical and cultural contexts where they will work.
3) Making judgements
Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during the course and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points, as well as make judgments even with incomplete data.
4) Communication skills
During the lessons, it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered, as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination in order to ameliorate the future communication skills of the students towards specialist and non-specialist interlocutors in relation to the approaches used and the results obtained.
5) Learning skills
Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices will develop those skills.

Learning objectives

Acquire the theoretical and practical bases for the propagation of woody plants belonging to species used in the green infrastructures.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them (also in unfamiliar areas) to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of productive tree plants for short rotation forestry (SFR) or ornamental woody plants, as well as historical trees. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary contexts in order to detect and solve problems related with the production of healthy plants for green infrastructures (landscape architectures, city planners, etc..).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles of woody plant propagation to the obtainment of healthy plant material for SRF and green infrastructures. The students will be able to develop protocols for the propagation of woody species not included in the course on the base of the acquired knowledge in order to obtain woody plants suitable for the productive, environmental, historical and cultural contexts where they will work.
3) Making judgements
Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during the course and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points, as well as make judgments even with incomplete data.
4) Communication skills
During the lessons, it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered, as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination in order to ameliorate the future communication skills of the students towards specialist and non-specialist interlocutors in relation to the approaches used and the results obtained.
5) Learning skills
Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices will develop those skills.

Teacher's Profile



1. How Plant Propagation Evolved in Human Society.

2. Biology of Plant Propagation.

3. The Propagation Environment.


4. The Development of Seeds.

5. Principles and Practices of Seed Selection.

6. Techniques of Seed Production and Handling.

7. Principles of Propagation from Seeds.

8. Techniques of Propagation by Seed.


9. Principles of Propagation by Cuttings.

10. Techniques of Propagation by Cuttings.

11. Principles of Grafting and Budding.

12. Techniques of Grafting.

13. Techniques of Budding.

14. Layering and its Natural modifications.

15. Propagation by Specialized Stems and Roots.

16. Principles and Practices of Clonal Selection.


17. Principles of Tissue Culture and Micropropagation.

18. Techniques of Micropropagation.


19. Propagation Methods and Rootstocks for Fruit and Nut Species.

20. Propagation of Ornamental Trees and Shrubs.


Oral exam on the course program to verify the ability to know and link the contents of the course.
The exam consists of an oral exam. We would like to remind students that, in order to take the exam, they must register for the exam session in question at the “Portale dello studente”. The exam is the same for both attending students and non-attenders.
The exam takes place according to the University Teaching Regulations. The exam is scored out of a maximum of 30 points (minimum mark 18/30), which will go into the calculation of your grade point average, and evaluates your:
1. knowledge of course contents (superficial, appropriate, accurate and complete, complete and in-depth),
2. ability to integrate and critically discuss course contents (sufficient, good, very good),
3. skill in planning a monitoring activity starting from a case study (sufficient, good, very good),
4. level of clarity in exposition (lack of exposure, simple, clear and correct, safe and correct).


Hartmann & Kester's Plant Propagation: Pearson New International Edition: Principles and Practices


Classroom lecture sessions with PowerPoint presentations with figures and process diagrams, lab practices on propagation of woody plants for a total of 16 hours.


Strongly recommended, especially for lab practices, but not mandatory.


See textbooks

Learning objectives

Acquire the theoretical and practical bases for the propagation of woody plants belonging to species used in the green infrastructures.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them (also in unfamiliar areas) to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of productive tree plants for short rotation forestry (SFR) or ornamental woody plants, as well as historical trees. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary contexts in order to detect and solve problems related with the production of healthy plants for green infrastructures (landscape architectures, city planners, etc..).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles of woody plant propagation to the obtainment of healthy plant material for SRF and green infrastructures. The students will be able to develop protocols for the propagation of woody species not included in the course on the base of the acquired knowledge in order to obtain woody plants suitable for the productive, environmental, historical and cultural contexts where they will work.
3) Making judgements
Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during the course and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points, as well as make judgments even with incomplete data.
4) Communication skills
During the lessons, it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered, as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination in order to ameliorate the future communication skills of the students towards specialist and non-specialist interlocutors in relation to the approaches used and the results obtained.
5) Learning skills
Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices will develop those skills.

Teacher's Profile


Pathology basics, isolation and propagation of pathogens, Identification methods, pathogenicity test, control strategies


oral, written tests and/or project evaluation


Fondamenti di Patologia Vegetale – Alberto Matta
Plant Pathology – G.N. Agrios
Patologia Vegetale – Giuseppe Belli
Materiale su piattaforma MOODLE


in presence


lessons in class and at laboratories


Fondamenti di Patologia Vegetale – Alberto Matta
Plant Pathology – G.N. Agrios
Patologia Vegetale – Giuseppe Belli
Materiale su piattaforma MOODLE

Learning objectives

Conduct basic field analyzes of forest and agricultural soils, including description of soil profiles and soil shapes, classification and basic description of the study site. Understand the basic properties and processes of forest and agricultural soils and their relationships with tree growth / site productivity.
Know the effects of forest management practices on forest soil properties and processes and how to use silvicultural techniques to influence soil properties and processes to improve productivity and sustainability.
Ability to recognize the correct type of management to be applied in relation to the type of ecosystem. Pedological investigation to establish the connection between the different types of soil, vegetation and management. Application of pedological survey methodologies: identification of homogeneous areas for pedogenesis factors and analysis and description of a soil profile. Ability to recognize the main types of environmental management.
Being able to interpret the processes that occur in a forest and agricultural ecosystem. Ability to evaluate the characteristics of the environment. Ability to evaluate forest and agricultural lands in relation to the type of management.
Being able to expose scientific topics with clarity and synthesis.
Being able to describe topics related to the management of forest and agroforestry soils in written and / or oral form. This skill will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral class and field discussions on specific topics related to the course.

Teacher's Profile


1. History and management of forest and agroforest soils (4 hours)
2. Composition of soils: Soil Formation and minerals (4 hours)
3. Composition of soils: Soil organic matter (4 hours)
4. Composition of soils: Soil structure, water and pores (4 hours)
5. Life in soils: the microorganism (4 hours)
6. Forest and agroforest Biogeochemistry (4 hours)
7. Sampling forest and agroforest soils across space and time (4 hours)
8. Influence of tree species, fire and site preparation on forest and agroforest soils (4 hours)
9. Forest and agroforest soils nutrition management (2 hours)
10. Managing forest and agroforest soils for carbon sequestration (2 hours)
11. Field practice in a forest in the Viterbo area: soil description and site evaluation (8 hours)


Intermediate written examination and final written exam
The intermediate test, lasting a maximum of 1 hour, will consist of a test with 30 multiple-choice questions designed to ascertain the student's knowledge of the concepts presented during the course.
Minimum threshold for a pass: 18 correct answers.
Final oral examination.


Recommended texts for exam preparation:
- ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST SOILS. FOURTH EDITION. Dan Binkley, Richard F. FisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (2013)
- Fahad, S.; Chavan, S.B.; Chichaghare, A.R.; Uthappa, A.R.; Kumar, M.; Kakade, V.; Pradhan, A.; Jinger, D.; Rawale, G.; Yadav, D.K.; Kumar, V.; Farooq, T.H.; Ali, B.; Sawant, A.V.; Saud, S.; Chen, S.; Poczai, P. Agroforestry Systems for Soil Health Improvement and Maintenance. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142214877

Supplementary teaching materials provided by the lecturer:
Presentations of individual lectures will be made available on MOODLE at the course page. Additional materials such as handouts and/or videos will also be made available on MOODLE.


The course is organized with the following distribution of hours between frontal teaching and practical exercises:
- 40 hours of Frontal lessons in the classroom with video support for proposals and viewing of the material.
- 8 hours of practical exercise in the field for forest and agro-forest soils evaluation


Attendance at the course is not mandatory. Attendance is recommended for farm and forest exercises.


- ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT OF FOREST SOILS. FOURTH EDITION. Dan Binkley, Richard F. FisherJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd (2013)
- Fahad, S.; Chavan, S.B.; Chichaghare, A.R.; Uthappa, A.R.; Kumar, M.; Kakade, V.; Pradhan, A.; Jinger, D.; Rawale, G.; Yadav, D.K.; Kumar, V.; Farooq, T.H.; Ali, B.; Sawant, A.V.; Saud, S.; Chen, S.; Poczai, P. Agroforestry Systems for Soil Health Improvement and Maintenance. Sustainability 2022, 14, 14877. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142214877

Learning objectives

The aim of the course is to present the soil as a proper ecosystem, and to make students capable of understanding and predicting: i) the behaviour and fate of natural and xenobiotic compounds (contaminants/pollutants) in soils after accidental or deliberate additions; ii) the possible effects of these compounds on soil ecosystems; iii) the possible resilience of soils upon pollution. To achieve this objective, information will be provided on soil abiotic and biotic components, the relative physical, chemical and biochemical properties, and the mutual interactions and relationships (minerals-microbes-plants) to achieve the targets mentioned. Information will also be supplied on the nature and features of main soil contaminants/pollutants. Various approaches in monitoring natural and polluted soil ecosystems will also be illustrated together with some remediation technologies.

Students should demonstrate:
- The knowledge of the various components of natural soils and the interactions between these components. 
- The knowledge of the physical, chemical and physicochemical principles affecting the interactions between natural and anthropic compounds (e.g. contaminants/pollutants) with the diverse soil components. 
- The knowledge of the natural and polluted soil monitoring approaches and systems (traditional vs innovative) and soil remediation technologies.

Students should demonstrate integration and application of the information assimilated in the course in specific contexts such as:
- Identification of natural vs contaminated/polluted soil ecosystems.
- Analysis of perturbed soil ecosystems to understand the dynamics and fate of contaminants/pollutants and the effects on biota.
- Identification of suitable monitoring systems to assess the presence of contaminants/pollutants in soil ecosystems.
- Identification of appropriate remediation technologies to recover distinctly contaminated/polluted soils.

Students should demonstrate the capacity of evaluating information resulting from observations and measurements (monitoring) to assess the extent of soil perturbation and possible actions to make.

Students should show:
- Active listening during the course.
- Situation analysis of different ecosystems, catching the main features characterising natural vs perturbed soils.
- Synthetic but persuasive argumentation of concepts, dynamics and processes in soil ecosystems as described in the course, demonstrating technological competency.
- Public speaking with respect.

- Analytical-thinking and text interpretation of the various materials provided in the course to achieve suitable knowledge of natural and polluted soil ecosystems
- Curiosity in understanding the causes of events occurring in perturbed soils, relative to the natural ones
- Open-mindedness towards other opinions, with critical thinking and without prejudices.

Teacher's Profile



• Info about the course
- Operative information

• What do we know about the Earth?
- Earth organisation: the four “spheres” and their interactions in ecosystems and biomes
- Present and future threats for humans: population, food, cultivable lands, water, urban areas, pollution, biodiversity

• What do we know about pollutants?
- Pollution as “ecosystem perturbation”
- Different types of pollution classification
- Contamination vs pollution

• Which types of pollution?
- Natural vs anthropic pollution
- Point source vs non-point source pollution

• Which types of pollutants?
- Physical, chemical and biological pollution
- Nature, toxicity, features, sources and different classifications of pollutants

• What do we know about soil?
- Definitions, functions and importance

• What does soil come from?
- Factors and processes driving to soil formation

• What is soil composed of?
- Abiotic vs biotic components
- Inorganic fraction: description and properties of solid inorganic components - Minerals (silicates and non-silicates). Origin and formation of the inorganic fraction
- Water: chemistry, properties and importance of water. Soil-water interactions and dynamics; water movements in soil. Soil water content: concepts, types, measurements, and management
- Air: composition and importance of air in soil; air dynamics in soil. Soil volatiles (VOCs)
- Organic fraction: description, composition and properties of solid organic matter. Origin, formation (humification) and decomposition of the soil organic fraction
- Biota: Soil ecosystems and components of soil biota, their classification, distribution, and functions. Soil-plant-microorganism relationships - The rhizosphere

• Which are the properties of soils?
- Physical
- Chemical
- Physicochemical
- Biological/biochemical

• Soil health, quality and resilience: definitions and differences

• Which are the causes of soil pollution?
- Land uses and activities - industrial, agricultural, and urban areas

• Which types of pollutants can be found in soils?
- Inorganic pollutants in soil: interactions, processes (adsorption/fixation, absorption, solubilisation, mobility, leaching) and persistence
- Organic pollutants in soil: interactions, processes (partitioning, adsorption/fixation, absorption, solubilisation, mobility, volatilisation, degradation, leaching) and persistence

• Which are the interactions between pollutants and soil?
- Soil components and soil properties affecting the interactions with pollutants
- Fate of contaminants/pollutants in soil (adsorption/fixation, absorption, volatilisation, degradation, leaching) and persistence

• Which are the effects of soil pollutants?
- Toxicity of pollutants in soil ecosystems: effects on soil organisms
- Effects on soil properties

• How to detect and monitor pollutants in soils?
- Monitoring soil quality (indicators, indices, etc.)
- Monitoring soil pollutants (metals, organics, nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, etc.)
- Traditional approaches in soil monitoring (sampling and lab analyses)
- Innovative approaches in soil monitoring (sensors, biosensors, nano(bio)sensors, probes and (hybrid) sensing systems).

• How to manage soil pollution?
- Limitation, prevention and treatment of soil pollution.

• How to remediate polluted soils?
- Traditional technologies for soil remediation (physical and chemical)
- Bioremediation approaches for soil cleaning and recovery
- Innovative approaches in soil (bio)remediation.



Presentations of individual or group activities on specific issues of the course will be required for students based on scientific publications provided.

It consists of an oral interview with students, where questions are asked on various issues based on the course program to assess the following parameters (with ratings):
• The knowledge of the course subjects (sufficient, medium, complete, deep).
• The student’s problem-solving abilities based on analytical thinking, the capacity to relate soil features and processes, to the presence of contaminants/pollutants to address suitable actions of monitoring activities and remediation treatments (sufficient, good, excellent).
• The capacity to integrate information and relating events and processes at the microscale with effects at the ecosystem level (sufficient, good, excellent). 
• The synthetic but persuasive argumentation of concepts with general and detailed information and technological competency (simple, clear and correct, confident and correct).
• Mastery of scientific expression and terminology (sufficient, good, excellent).
• Ability to make interdisciplinary connections (sufficient, good, excellent).



• R.R. Weil, N.C. Brady (2016). The nature and properties of soils (15th Edition). Pearson.
OR: R.R. Weil, N.C. Brady (2019). Elements of the nature and properties of soils (4th Edition). Pearson.
• E.A. Paul (2015). Soil microbiology, ecology, and biochemistry (4th Edition). Academic Press.
• M.L. Brusseau, I.L. Pepper, C.P. Gerba, (2019). Environmental and Pollution Science (3rd Edition). Academic Press.



Lectures based on slide presentations. Discussion of scientific articles, videos and documents from magazines and websites. Student presentations of individual or group activities on specific issues. Practical activities consisting in 1 or 2 visits to laboratories in other sites (e.g. CNR, for soil monitoring).



The course attendance is not mandatory. However, students are strongly recommended to participate in classes because of the difficulty of some concepts and the interconnections and interdependence of several topics presented in the course that could make their comprehension difficult for students with limited basic knowledge (check the "Prerequisites"/"Prerequisiti" tab). Additionally, since multiple textbooks are necessary to cover all the course topics, class attendance can facilitate the following studying and learning.

Lessons will be provided in classrooms. The streaming connection will be allowed ONLY due to the impossibility of a student being present in person in the class and upon specific request in advance. Recorded SPM course 2023-2024 lessons will not be provided at all.


Any other texts (articles, reports, theses or other types of documents) will be indicated during the course through the Moodle platform

Learning objectives

Understand the role of vegetation in the urban environment in improving air quality.
Provide tools for selecting the best tree species to improve environmental quality with a focus on air quality.
Assessment of air pollution and carbon sequestration by urban vegetation.
Use of tools in urban green planning and management

Teacher's Profile


The urban environment and green infrastructure for sustainable and resilient cities
Interactions of trees with atmospheric pollutants and their absorption (O₃, PM)
Effects of main atmospheric pollutants on plants
Role of BVOC emissions in urban air quality
Carbon sequestration of urban trees
Models for estimating air quality improvement and ecosystem services
Selection of the best species to improve air quality and ecosystem services
Biomonitoring of atmospheric pollution
The urban environment as a simulation of climate change
Urban Plant Physiology: plant adaptation and mitigation


The evaluation will be based on a final oral exam with open questions about the course content.


Raymond, C.M., Berry, P., Breil, M., Nita, M.R., Kabisch, N., de Bel, M., Enzi, V., Frantzeskaki, N., Geneletti, D., Cardinaletti, M., Lovinger, L., Basnou, C., Monteiro, A., Robrecht, H., Sgrigna, G., Muhari, L., Calfapietra, C., 2017. An Impact Evaluation Framework to Support Planning and Evaluation of Nature-based Solutions Projects. Report prepared by the EKLIPSE Expert Working Group on Nature-based Solutions to Promote Climate Resilience in Urban Areas. Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Wallington, United Kingdom.


Course attendance is strongly recommended.


- Calfapietra, C., Niinemets, Ü., Peñuelas, J., 2015. Urban Plant Physiology: adaptation-mitigation strategies under permanent stress. Trends Plant Sci. 20, 72–75.
- Nowak, D.J., D.E. Crane, and J.C. Stevens. 2006. Air pollution removal by urban trees and shrubs in the United States. Urban For. Urban Gree. 4:115 – 123.
- Pearlmutter, D., Calfapietra, C., Samson, R., O'Brien, L., Krajter Ostoić, S., Sanesi, G., Alonso del Amo, R. (Eds.) 2017. The Urban Forest Cultivating Green Infrastructure for People and the Environment. Springer.

Learning objectives

Bioindustry in forest-wood chain. Knowledge of wood cascade use and exploitation of biomass to produce traditional and innovative wood-based composites. Wood improvements chracateristics by eco-frIendly and susitainable modification. All the topic will be related to regulations and to European technical standards (EN).New wood polymer composites

Teacher's Profile


Background of wood science and technology: Wood chemistry: cellulose, hemicellulose, extractives (terpens, tannins, quinones, lignans).
Wood durability. Biotic agents of degradation, hazard classes, permeability, weathering.
National bodies and European Committee for standardization (CEN): types of technical standards
Solid wood. Standards for log and load bearing structures grading. Strength classes in structural timber EN technical standards. Structures in historical buildings, classification. Classification of quality in logs: EN technical standards. Marking CE.
Use of wood extractives, cork, gums, other non wood products.
Wood Preservants and consolidants.
Wood modification: Heat treatments (thermowood, Plato-wood, Moldrup), Chemical modification (acetylation, furfural alchol, isocyanates), properties of chemically modified wood.
Wood adhesion and wood adhesives. Liquified wood, welding wood, natural glues (proteins, starch, tannins…)
Laminated timber and solid wood panels: plywoods, X-LAMS, gluelams, KVH, LVL, PVL etc. EN technical standards
Particle wood biocomposites: particleboards (waferboard, flakeboards, OSB, LVL, etc.)
Fiber-wood composites (MDF, HDF, LDF), wood-plastic composites (WPC),
Cellulose nanopapers, cellulose nanocomposites, cellulose biofoams and aerogels. Plasma treatment of wood
Biorafinery, recycled wood.
Lignin nanoparticles and cellulose nanofibrils.
Applications to bio-coatings, bio-vernishes, biomedical products
Advances in wood composites: Wood polymers composite. Biocomposite materials inspired to wood.
Forest-wood new value chains: organization


Project work and oral test


Rowell. 2013. Handbook of wood chemistry and wood composites. CRC Press
Ansell 2015, Wood Composites. Elsevier publishing.
Slides of the teacher.
Tsoumis 1991. Wood Science and Technology
APA Engineered wood handbook
Suggested Review Articles by the teacher


Lectures in the room and didactic visites. Practical work


by person in the classrom. For specific request write to the President of the course

Learning objectives

Acquire the theoretical and practical bases for the propagation of woody plants belonging to species used in the green infrastructures.
1) Knowledge and understanding
Students will be encouraged to take advantage of the knowledge acquired during the course and during laboratory practice in order to apply them (also in unfamiliar areas) to specific issues such as, for example, the propagation of productive tree plants for short rotation forestry (SFR) or ornamental woody plants, as well as historical trees. Students will be encouraged to work in interdisciplinary contexts in order to detect and solve problems related with the production of healthy plants for green infrastructures (landscape architectures, city planners, etc..).
2) Applying knowledge and understanding
At the end of the course, students will have a thorough knowledge of the principles of woody plant propagation to the obtainment of healthy plant material for SRF and green infrastructures. The students will be able to develop protocols for the propagation of woody species not included in the course on the base of the acquired knowledge in order to obtain woody plants suitable for the productive, environmental, historical and cultural contexts where they will work.
3) Making judgements
Students will be able to interpret and discuss scientific papers presented during the course and be able to identify in them the highlights and key points, as well as make judgments even with incomplete data.
4) Communication skills
During the lessons, it will be stimulated students' ability to think and discuss about the topics covered, as well as the comparison of opinions to develop their communication skills. These skills will then be tested in the examination in order to ameliorate the future communication skills of the students towards specialist and non-specialist interlocutors in relation to the approaches used and the results obtained.
5) Learning skills
Students will be able to expose and develop scientific issues related to the course. The active involvement of students through oral classroom discussions and experiences in the laboratory practices will develop those skills.

Teacher's Profile


The class and lab. activities lectures will be focused on the following groups of topics/abilities: methods available for in vitro propagation, variation in cultures and plants, the control of contaminants and diseases, genetic, environmental and tissue dependent factors affecting growth and morphogenesis in cultures, the nature and uses of plant growth regulators, and the components, preparation and uses of culture media. Special problems encountered in initiating and maintaining cultures, how shoots and plantlets are converted into plants and established in the external environment, how performance in greenhouse and field can be altered, commercial aspects and economics of production, a tabulation of recent patents, and tables of published work on plant micropropagation of a large variety of trees and plants.

1) Plant Tissue Culture Techniques.
2) Woody Plant Propagation and Micropropagation.
3) Variation in Cultures and Regenerated Plants.
4) Equipment and Procedures.
5) Controlling Persistent Contaminants and Plant Diseases.
6) Storing and Distributing Clonal Material.
7) Factors Affecting Growth and Morphogenesis of woody plants (I. Genotype and the Physical Environment, II. Tissue Dependent Factors.
8) The Components of Culture Media.
9) The Derivation, Preparation and Use of Plant Tissue Culture Media.
10) Plant Growth Regulators
11) Appropriate Growth Factors and Media for woody plants.
12) Problems in Initiating and Maintaining Cultures, especially in woody plants.
13) Rooting and Establishment.
14) The Phenotype of micropropagated material.
15) Commercial Micropropagation.
16) Micropropagation in Practice


Oral exam on the course program to verify the ability to know and link the contents of the course.
The exam consists of an oral exam. We would like to remind students that, in order to take the exam, they must register for the exam session in question at the “Portale dello studente”. The exam is the same for both attending students and non-attenders.
The exam takes place according to the University Teaching Regulations. The exam is scored out of a maximum of 30 points (minimum mark 18/30), which will go into the calculation of your grade point average, and evaluates your:
1. knowledge of course contents (superficial, appropriate, accurate and complete, complete and in-depth),
2. ability to integrate and critically discuss course contents (sufficient, good, very good),
3. skill in planning a monitoring activity starting from a case study (sufficient, good, very good),
4. level of clarity in exposition (lack of exposure, simple, clear and correct, safe and correct).


1. Plant Cell Culture, essential methods (2010). Edited by M.R. Davey and P. Anthony. Wiley-Blackwell.


Classroom lecture sessions with PowerPoint presentations with figures and process diagrams for a total of 38 hours followed by 10 hours of teaching labs in which the students will hold micropropation, callus culture and regeneration process, protoplast isolation and use.


Strongly recommended, especially for lab practices, but not mandatory.


See textbooks.

Learning objectives

The course will introduce students to the principles and experimental approaches of the forestry discipline applied in an urban environment. This course aims to strengthen the basic knowledge of classical forestry and demonstrate how various techniques can be applied to an urban environment, offering a framework to address and solve current scientific problems (e.g. extreme events related to extreme climate change) and provide a basis for specialized studies in soil science and ecology. In particular, the course aims to provide the necessary skills to operate in the urban green sector.


KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Have developed knowledge of classical forestry principles adapted to an urban environment, principles of ecology, soil science, and hydrology, so as to be able to examine and solve complex planning and management problems in an urban forest environment.

APPLIED KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING: Have an understanding of experimental approaches and know how to apply them to specific problems of urban forestry. In particular, knowing how to apply methodologies for the analysis, monitoring, and management planning of forest systems and green areas in an urban environment.

MAKING JUDGMENTS: Being able to interpret the various problems encountered by vegetation in urban and peri-urban areas and to be able to identify the advantages deriving from correct management of urban green areas.

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Learn the rigor of reasoning with the use of formulas and graphs. In particular, the student learns to present his arguments and the results of his study or work in written, verbal or multimedia form, with particular reference to the elaboration and presentation of projects and plans concerning the management of urban green areas.

LEARNING SKILLS: Being able to describe scientific topics concerning vegetation and soil in an urban environment, both in written and oral form. This ability will be developed through the active involvement of students through oral discussions in the classroom, written exercises, tutorials and seminars on specific topics related to the course.

Teacher's Profile



• What is urban forestry: limitations and reference areas. Historical and geographical notes on the development of urban forestry.
• Benefits of urban and peri-urban forests
• Ecological characteristics and main tree species of Italian forests, with particular attention to the Mediterranean environment.
• Adaptation of plants to the main environmental factors: light, water, nutrients, air pollution and CO2.
• Urban soils. Characteristics, main problems related to pollution and their management in an urban context
• Forestry treatments applied to urban and peri-urban forests
• Management of natural forests in urban areas and protected areas
• Effect of environmental stress on plant functionality: frost, dryness, radiation, air pollution.
• Ecological-environmental analysis. Assessment of disturbances and degradation (analysis and forms) relating to road conditions, urban settlements, industrial areas, mining, and landfill activity,
• Hydrogeological instability of the slopes, coastal erosion, recovery, traditional hydraulic systems, fragmentation of the natural environment, tourism and mass demonstrations, localized and widespread pollution.
• Forms of requalification and recovery: objectives and methodologies. Plants as main material in recovery forms: reproduction, multiplication and improvement for recovery purposes. Biotechnical characteristics of plants. use of different herbaceous, shrubby and forest species for single interventions. Species selection and use of nursery material.
• Methods and techniques for ecological rehabilitation and recovery
• Design and supervision of the recovery works of degraded urban areas
• Practical exercises in Urban Parks of the Lazio Region
• Design of urban and peri-urban parks and related issues.


Learning will be assessed through a final oral exam which will focus on the principles of forestry, the main advantages offered by urban and peri-urban green areas, soil formation and the different issues in an urban and peri-urban environment, the design of an urban or peri-urban green area, the management and monitoring of urban parks.

Learning is normally verified through an oral exam. The final exam covers all the topics introduced during the course and will have a maximum duration of 1 hour, with 4 questions in which students will have to argue and describe the different aspects of urban forestry covered in the course (e.g. benefits of urban green areas, different management practices possibly applicable in an urban environment, etc).
The final exam will be evaluated out of thirty.
The calendar and registration will be available on the University website.


Recommended books for exam preparation:

FAO. 2016. Guidelines on urban and peri-urban forestry, by F. Salbitano, S. Borelli, M. Conigliaro and Y. Chen. FAO Forestry Paper No.¬178. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Freely Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6210e.pdf

Konijnendijk CC, Nilsson K, Randrup TB, Schipperijn J (2005). Urban Forests and Trees. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Additional teaching material provided by the teacher:
The presentations of the individual lessons will be made available on MOODLE on the course page. Further material such as handouts and/or videos will always be made available on MOODLE.


The course is organized with the following distribution of hours between frontal teaching and practical exercises:

- 40 hours of lectures in the classroom with video support for presentations and viewing of the material.
- 8 hours of exercise in urban parks of the Lazio region.


Lecture attendance is not compulsory


FAO. 2016. Guidelines on urban and peri-urban forestry, by F. Salbitano, S. Borelli, M. Conigliaro and Y. Chen. FAO Forestry Paper No.¬178. Rome, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Freely Available at: http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6210e.pdf

Konijnendijk CC, Nilsson K, Randrup TB, Schipperijn J (2005). Urban Forests and Trees. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Learning objectives

The course aims to provide the student with the basics to understand the structure and complexity of vertebrates with particular regard to forest ecosystems, making reference to an Italian, European and Mediterranean framework. For each group, general notions will be provided regarding the body's organizational plan, biology, ecological role, evolutionary aspects, highlighting the most significant species and conservation problems.

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